Towards a sustainable bio-based economy 50 Sébastien Haye * To ensure that the expanding production and processing of biomass is sustainable and delivers on its promises, the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) has created a global standard for sustainable production of biomass and biofuels. It is implemented through a voluntary certification system, recognized as a means to demonstrate compliance with the sustainability provisions of the European Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC). But what if biomass-derived fuels and materials were no better or even worse than petroleum-derived products? What if greenhouse gas reductions of bio-based products were illusory? What if increased energy access were offset by important Photo credit environmental and social damages, such as deforestation, water exhaustion or hu- man rights infringement caused by these emerging supply chains? A large range of products derived from petroleum With the ever-growing global hunger for In the early 90s, the global awareness of energy and goods consumption, the un- environmental issues culminated with (e.g. plastics, chemicals, controlled and unregulated boom in bio- the United Nations Conference on Envi- mass-derived products might add to the ronment and Development in Rio (1992), building materials) existing conflicts over land and pressure also called the Earth Summit, which trig- can be substituted on natural resources to a point where the gered the adoption of major internation- potential benefits of using biomass would al conventions such as the Convention by biomass-derived be offset by negative effects on the planet on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the equivalents and the people. This threat is perfectly UN Framework Convention on Climate illustrated by the retreat that followed Change (UNFCCC). These international the initial enthusiasm for biofuels at the conventions played an important role in beginning of the 21st century. Indirect creating a consistent framework for en- Thus, much is still needed in order to pro- and direct consequences of some biofuel vironmental protection and remediation. tect our environment, decrease the green- projects can include unfair land deals, But more than twenty years after the Rio house gas intensity of our economies and competition for land and resources with Earth Summit and Rio+20 last year, in avoid the worst climate change scenarios food production, increased deforestation spite of strenuous efforts from scientists, depicted by experts. A significant compo- and limited greenhouse gas benefits due industries and the civil society to raise nent of the solution, besides energy ef- to land-use change and massive use of awareness on climate and environment ficiency, is to decrease the relative share fertilizers. These possible consequences issues, the expectations have fallen short of products derived from petroleum in contributed to the suspicion and some- regarding the necessary pivot towards a goods and services. While the substitu- times hostility of the civil society against sustainable mode of economic growth – tion of fossil energy by biomass-derived biofuels. the sustainable development of mankind energy is now being actively promoted is still to come. With the emergence of new in most countries as an immediate step In reaction to this threat, the Roundtable economic powers, and overall consump- towards a more sustainable energy mix, on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB – for- tion of fossil resources continuing to rise, a much larger range of products derived merly the Roundtable on Sustainable the modest results achieved through the from petroleum (e.g. plastics, chemicals, Biofuels) was initiated in 2007 by the Kyoto protocol (1997), the action plan building materials) can also be substitut- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in adopted after Johannesburg’s Summit ed by biomass-derived equivalents, thus Lausanne (EPFL) on the model of suc- (2002) or the EU’s Climate-Energy Package bringing the society closer to a bio-based cessful initiatives such as the Forest Stew- (2012)1 have been swamped. economy. ardship Council and Fairtrade Standards. Sustainability standards are being in- economic development and food security creasingly used by economic operators to where needed; conserve biodiversity and Biomass and the renewable demonstrate in a credible and objective ecosystem services; protect and maintain way that their production chains bring soil, water and air quality; and make a re- nature of its bio-based about real benefits to the environment sponsible use of technologies. In March derivatives represent a and to people. Thus, the RSB set out to 2013, RSB Members also agreed to imple- create the global standard for sustain- ment the Low Indirect Impact Biofuels significant opportunity able production of biomass and biofuels, (LIIB) 3 approach in the RSB certification based on a multi-stakeholder consensus- process, in order to address indirect im- to bring our society closer building process. In 2013, it decided to pacts of biofuels and biomaterials. to the sustainable expand the scope of its standard to all 51 products derived from biomass, includ- The RSB sustainability requirements are funtioning of the planet ing bio-chemicals and intermediaries meant to achieve concrete and measur- used to manufacture cosmetics, textiles able impacts on supply chains and ensure or plastics. From its early years, the RSB that biomass-derived products deliver on strengthened its governance structure their promises. Thus, the RSB sustain- Holding Global Clean Energy and is now counting more than 100 mem- ability standard is being implemented bers, including leading industry players, through a voluntary certification system, non-governmental organisations, gov- which gives economic operators a chance ernmental agencies and UN bodies such to differentiate themselves in the market as UNCTAD, UNEP and the UN FAO. As place by demonstrating sustainable prac- an official recognition of the openness tices in a credible and globally recognized and transparency of the RSB process, the fashion. The RSB certification system was ISEAL Alliance 2 accepted the RSB as Full recognized by the European Commission Member in 2011. in July 2011, as a means to demonstrate Jatropha plants in Mexico (courtesy of Global Clean Energy compliance with the sustainability provi- Holding) As technologies and industries change, sions of the Renewable Energy Directive the RSB works to keep improving the def- (2009/28/EC). inition and description of what sustain- decades. But building upon initial mis- able biomass production and processing In parallel, several governments are con- takes, the civil society, the private sec- into bioenergy and biomaterials should sulting the RSB to develop national tor and decision-makers need to set the look like, covering the entire supply regulations or build and implement necessary safeguards in place to ensure chain from the farm/plantation/producer national/regional roadmaps aiming at that the potential benefits provided by down to the final user. The RSB Standard an increased use of sustainable bio-fuels, biomass-derived products to mitigate cli- therefore covers all direct environmental in particular in the aviation sector. mate change and reduce our dependence and social impacts of biomass production on petrol are not offset by environmental and processing, in particular the need to Biomass and the infinity of its bio-based and social damages. Credible standards consult local stakeholders and obtain derivatives undoubtedly represent a and certification systems such as the RSB their free prior and informed consent; significant opportunity to bring our so- are an efficient and valuable tool to make significantly reduce life-cycle greenhouse ciety closer to the sustainable function- sure that the expanding production and gas emissions; respect human rights ing of the world which the Earth Summit processing of biomass is sustainable and (land, water and labor); enhance socio- and Rio+20 have aimed at for these last delivers on its promises Δ End Notes 1 http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/package/index_en.htm 2 www.isealalliance.org 3 www.liib.org About the authors Sébastien Haye, is the Standards Director of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB). He joined the RSB in 2007 as Manager for Environmental Affairs and has been working on environmental affairs and social impacts of biomass and bioenergy production since 2006. * Additional contributions: Barbara J. Bramble, heads the International Climate and Energy Programme at the United States National Wildlife Federation. Over two decades at NWF, she has led strategic advocacy programmes to improve US policy regarding climate change, and to place sustainable development in the centre of economic decision-making. She is the Chair of the RSB since 2009. Helena Kennedy has 15 years of experience and manages RSB Services Foundation’s marketing and communications activities, including advertising, business development strategy, content manage- ment, communications, events and website. Rolf Hogan is the Executive Secretary of the RSB. With and academic background in both natural and social sciences, he has been working at the international level for more than 15 years in policy, project management, fundraising and communications. He held various positions with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) including the coordination of technical and policy work on the UNESCO World Heritage Convention from 1995 to 2002. Copyright © Tom Reese/FotoDocument Tom Rooted and Flowing: Like branching roots, the mechanical heating system carries fluid though a series of tubes. Left: The plastic tubes are now sealed within cement floors andtransport heat through a water and glycol mixture. Right: Tree roots transport what they need from within the soil in a water and nutrient mixture. http://www.tomreesephoto.com Copyright ©Tom Reese/FotoDocument.
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