TT^n™rrncr THE LOWELL LEDGER. j A PROGRESSIVE PAPER FOR PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE • rnvu W** LOWELL, MICHIGAN, Mar. i3, iqi3 No- 40 Mil 11 i I i I If ! Made Him Hot... Tht tteer that Jones bought by weight anountod to Greenville Farmer Victimized Death of Former Lowell Girl at Newsy Notes About People Jlre you Jill Run Down j $49.72. Ho didn't havo tho exact change, to hit by Bottle Troater Greenville You Know. # neighbor laid, " oh, just make H even money;" so Jonee OnTuesdav, Justice Andrews Rexall Wine of Cod Liver Extract will build you handed over two twenties and a ton. Ho had paid Miss Ora B. Johns, a former Emerson Clark is visiting in sent James Oilghman of Green- Lowell girl, died Saturday even- Lansing this week. up and keep you up. We have the utmost faith in it 28 cents too much because he didn't have tho exact ville to the county iail to await amount. ing at her home at Greenville. New Easter cards and booklets and do not hesitate to offer it to you with our promise examination here l- riday on the Funeral services were held at the at Henry's drug store. T1it> next tiny liis iit>ig:}ilinr came (iwr and bought HOIIIU hogH. When charge of robbery. to give you back the money you paid for it, if it does weighwl they vamu to exactly ^4U.72, and the neighbor pulled out a check M. E. church there Tuesday New Edison and Victor records book and wrote a check for the exact amount. Said Jones afterward : The case tame to light at the afternoon and the body was just received at Stocking's. not satisfy you by assisting in putting your blood into * "By gosh, that made me hot, but 1 guetw the only way out w to quit car- trial of Joseph Wilson, an elderly brought to Lowell for burial in rying around my money and begin tu pay by check." farmer living three miles west Oakwood cemetery. Mrs. 11. A. Peckham visited in condition, by putting more color into your cheeks and J of Greenville, for being drunk. Grand Rapids yesterday and to- Ora B. Johns was born in day. by making you feel stronger, more vigorous and $ He charged Gilghman with hav- Lowell July 2, 1H8H, aud lived in better in every way. j CITY STATE BANK ing gone throiiKh his pockets this village during h§r girlhood, Mrs. A. G. Peckham left yester- and robbed him of $90 and a attending the Lowell "schools. day for a few days' visit in Chi- In Rexall Wine of Cod Liver Extract you have }* Lowell Mich. Greenville bank check for $22. Four years ago the family moved cago. It is alleged that there were to Grand Kapids where Ora took Quarter, half or all wool in- the medicinal qualities of the extract of the freshest t THE BANK THAT PAYS 4 PER CENT witnsses to the act, not realizing a course at McLachlans busi- grains carried in stock. A. W. and best Norwegian cod livers in combination with * that robbery wan being commit- ness college. After a year's Weekes iV: Son. ted. And further, it is charged residence there they moved to Our 191."• wall papers are now other tonics that add greatly to the beneficial result* J that Wilson, who had just sold Greenville and she accepted a po- ready for your inspection. Let to be obtained from cod liver oil. Try it on our * some produce at Greenville, was sition as chief o|»erator for the us show you. M. X. Henry's guarantee. *• plied with liquor by Gilghman ('it izens telephone company which drug store. WATCHES until he was willing'to come to she held until about a year ago Born—in Lowell. March 13th., Large Bottles, $1.00 £ Lowell ou a spree and where he when ill health compelled her to to Mr. and Mrs. George l/ee, a could be gotten into condition give up the work. Site leaves her Sold only at our store. $ for the contemplated act. nine-pound daughter, Bernice mother, Mrs. Josephine Johns Augusta. * Gilghman claimed that bail and one brother. Deliner, botli of would be forthcoming from Greenville. Mrs. Stocking wishes to an- Going H nounce her Millinery Opening for Ill[ RtXALL BOOK Greenville, but after allowing all Those who came with the body Thursday, Friday and Saturday, n reasonable delay. Justice An- besides the mother, brother and D. 0. Look, of next week, everyone invited." 0 drews held him for examination sister-in-law were Mrs. Bingham, ak above stated. Messrs. C. P. Smith, Henry 1.1- Mrs. E. O. Wadsworth went to • ?• Lansing today to meet her rich, K. S. Smith and Philo b Smith, all of Greenville; also Mr. mother Mrs. C. ( '. Winegar who and Mrs. John Gramer and is returning from her winter's Then take a Kodak with you sclyis family who went from here to visit in Akron and Cleveland. 0. attend the funeral. Golden Greene wasoneof about flNE WATCH REPA/KIHG\ ami register your trip for WATCHES ,SILVERWARE That... Weekly Notee of Studies, Sports a dozen wireless operators wlio future reference and HO double your METHODIST CHURCH. left New York City yesterday CLOCKS DIAMONDS and Sundries. JEWELRY CUT GLASS Delicate little second pleasure. 10.30, a. m. rreaching—I'alm morning bound for Sa n Francisco The Girls* Glee club sang at under orders from the Marconi ENGRfW/l NO hand on vour the Farmers, institute in the City Sunday — "The Svmpathv of Call and see us; we will l)e pleased to talk Christ.*' company, not knowing where hall Wednesday afternoon. they will be stationed. Watch Kodak with you. Will also be »lad to /I Noon. Sunday school. Fine 05 talk with you eoneeruing any line of The fast Carson City uuintet school last. Make larger next. Kent Pomona Grange will will play here Friday night and travels about 13 miles in goods we sell and which may be of inter- 0 3.30, p. m.. Junior League. meet with Whitneyville Grange the course of a year that Hi as they are fighting for state Wednesday, March' 19. Theme, est to you. Yours for business, (>, p. m. Epworth league. you may know the right championship honors a good Leader, Hazel Lang worthy. Sub- Rural Progress. Sessions at 10.- b game will result. time, and yet, perhaps, S ject, "The Social Material: My 30, 1.30 and 8 30. Atternoon you never give its The Athletic association will Neighbor." Vocal duet. Misses and evening, open grange. An furnish uniforms for the base ball Scott and Langworthy. interesting and instructive uro- Needs A. D. Oliver team this year, which was decid- 7 p. m. Subject. David Living- gram has been prepared. Con- w ed at a meeting Monday. The ston, Missionary, Traveler, Phil- veyances meet all trains. Send a second thought. Don't Jeweler and Optometrist CD High school has a very hard anthropist. A thrilling story of delegates. you think it about time schedule the first game iu the I. adventure, peril and achieve- Visitors at the home of Mrs. A. for a H C. A. A. being April 19 at Sara- ment. One hundredth birth an- W. Knee in Keene during the vsa nac. Cleaning CHINA WARE niversary. Don't miss it. past week were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Hutchinson will represent Cottage meetings Monday 2.80 Ed. Dodds of Saranac. Anson the High school in the sub-dis- m. With Mrs. Shear/ Mrs. Dodds of Canada, Mr. and Mrs trict oratorical contest in the Roag leader. With Mrs. Flana- Walter Higgins of North Keene. near future, he having won this gan. Mrs. Morriman leader. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Knee and place of honor last Friday when Passion week will be observed daughter Evelyn of Lowell, Mr. with two other contestants their in the. M*thoiJ*st church every and Mrs. I>aniel Anderson and Farmers, Your Capital... orations were given before the night next week except Saturday mother Mrs. Lavina Lucas and STOCKING High school. Miss Willette gave commencing at 7.30.' Mrs. Sadie Davidson of Ver- consists of your land, buildings, stock, machinery, and a very strong argument airainst Mon., Rev. Russell H. Bready. gennes. ''Child Labor," followed by Miss perhaps a surplus in the bank. Wed., Dr. M. M. ('alien. Ionia. The Alpha Delta Mu girls were Whitlow on the "Sweat Shop Thurs., G. W. Maxwell, Belding. entertained at the home of Miss *9* fta rta r9* f9p fj* fjh fip Successful farming requires that not only your capital, System," and lastly Mr. Hutch- Speakers for Tuesday and Fri- Ina O'Harrow in South Lowell *4* vf* *7* •4* *7* v *4* *4* *4* *4* *4* *4* *1* *4* *4* V V V but often your credit shall be used to the fullest possible inson, the subject of his oration day not definite. The people of Saturday evening. The decora- & 4* being "Woman Suffrage," which Lowell without distinction, cor- extent. tions were carnations and ferns. & • showed skill in handling this na- dially invited. The place cards were hand-paint- BUY YOUR FENCE BY The Lowell State Bank has helped many farmers to tional question of such great im- ed shamrocks and everything & & buy machinery for cash for the purpose of increasing portance. CONGREGATIONAL was carried out appropriate to & * their profits, and has extended countless aids to them The Boys' Basket Ball team CHURCH. St. Patrick's day. A three & * journied to Grand Rapids Satur- course luncheon was served.
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