December 16-31, 2013 Volume 2, Issue 15 `100 Volume 2, Issue 15 n annual issue is an editor’s dream and an editor’s nightmare. It is EDITOR Sreekant Khandekar Ainvariably fired by the ambition to make it the best one yet; and, of course, it is held back by the minutiae of professional life that get in the way. That’s PUBLISHER December 16-31, 2013 Volume 2, Issue 15 `100 Prasanna Singh why I have looked to each year-end – whether as a junior or as an editor – with SENIOR LAYOUT ARTIST anticipation and trepidation. Vinay Dominic An annual issue is the sum of everything that has happened in the 365 days PRODUCTION EXECUTIVE Andrias Kisku before. It is also a reflection what the magazine – and website, in our case – ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES has been through in the months gone. Media brands grow and change each Naveen Arora, (0120) 4077803, 4077866 year in response to the space that they specialise in. So it has been with us. Noida Arunima Bhattacharya, (022) 40429702-5 Over the past year, afaqs! and afaqs! Reporter have both changed Mumbai substantially. We have introduced many new sections: weekly interviews, a [email protected] section on presentations, another on viral videos, Dummy’s Guide, and case MARKETING OFFICE studies, among other things. And the big change since a year ago is our B-3, First Floor, Sector-4, Noida-201301. emphasis on marketing. Tel: (0120) 4077800. MUMBAI It’s been coming for some time but 2013 was the year in which we made that 501-502, Makani Center, 5th Floor, change. While we continued with our coverage of advertising and media, we Off Linking Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400050 also introduced a healthy dose of marketing. We used brand communication as Tel: +91-22-40429 709 - 712 the prism through which we observed a brand or a product category. The change in emphasis has gone down well with BENGALURU our readers: marketing oriented stories or interviews often figuring high in our list of the most read articles. S-1, New Bridge Corporate Centre, 777 D, 100 ft Road, Indira Nagar, This change is also reflected in the annual issue. Marketers from across the spectrum of product categories have a Bengaluru - 560038, India strong presence. SUBSCRIPTION ENQUIRIES Akhilesh Singh, (0120) 4077837 We have tracked down the brands, people, campaigns and TV programmes that made news over the year. [email protected] Additionally, we have a collection of 12 Hot Trends that we spotted in 2013. Owned by Banyan Netfaqs Pvt Ltd and Printed and published by The issue is full of variety and some surprises. Nothing would please us more as a team than if it engrossed you. Prasanna Singh, at 7-A/13, Ch. Ratan Singh Complex, Jawala Heri Market, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110 063. Printed at Cirrus Graphics Private Limited Sreekant Khandekar B-61, Sector 67, [email protected] Noida (U.P.), 201301 Cover Illustration past issues Tiffin Box December 16-31, 2013 Volume 2, Issue 15 `100 afaqs! Reporter ¦ Annual Issue 5 PEOPLE 08 LQWKHQHZV The men and women in the limelight on the ups and downs of 2013 and their hopes for 2014. CAMPAIGNS 50 LQWKHQHZV A round-up of the ad campaigns in various media that made a big noise - and impact - in 2013. BRANDS 64 LQWKHQHZV The brands that hit the headlines in 2013. An analysis across categories. TV SHOWS 72 LQWKHQHZV A look at the hits and misses of 2013 across languages and genre. 1HZVDERXW 80 HOT TRENDS The buzz-making categories of the year. VOICES 88 LQWKHQHZV Opinions and statements from the who’s who of the industry. 6 afaqs! Reporter ¦ Annual Issue The men and women in the limelight talk about the ups and downs in 2013 and the hopes for the year ahead. By Ashwini Gangal, Devesh Gupta, Prachi Srivastava, Rashmi Menon, Raushni Bhagia and Satrajit Sen MARKETERS AMARJIT SINGH BATRA CEO, 2/;LQ MARKETERS 'HVFULEHWKH\HDUJRQHE\LQRQHZRUG ‘OLX KAR DO’ AMIT In the news because: 5HYROXWLRQ AGARWAL OLX created a lot of buzz Ê (GXFDWHXVHUVRQWKH VICE PRESIDENT AND with its campaigns and film LPSRUWDQFHRIXQFOXWWHULQJ COUNTRY MANAGER association. Ê &RQWLQXHWRDGGYDOXHWRWKH $PD]RQ,QGLD OLYHVRIRXUXVHUVE\PDNLQJ WKHPUHDOLVHWKHYDOXHRIWKHLU In the news because: WREXLOG,QGLDÃVPRVWFXVWRPHU ‘Ups’ of 2013 SRVVHVVLRQV Oversaw the launch of Amazon FHQWULFGHVWLQDWLRQZKHUH Ê %HFRPLQJWKHODUJHVWDQG in India. FXVWRPHUVFDQILQGGLVFRYHUDQG WKHPRVWSRSXODURQOLQH&& EX\YLUWXDOO\DQ\WKLQJRQOLQH PDUNHWSODFHLQ,QGLDIRUVHFRQGRQG KDQGJRRGV Ê &UHDWLQJ2/;DVDEUDQG ‘Ups’‘ of 2013 Â'RZQVÃRI ,WZDVWKHODXQFKRI$PD]RQLQ,W 7KHWHDPGRHVIHHOGLVDSSRLQWHG WKDWSHRSOHORYHDQGUHVSHFW LLQ-XQHDQGRXUMRXUQH\VLQFHQ HYHU\WLPHZHOHWDQ\FXVWRPHU ZLWK2/;KDYLQJEHFRPH 77KHODXQFKZDVDFXOPLQDWLRQRI GRZQ,WUHPLQGVXVWKDW V\QRQ\PRXVZLWKÂVHOOLQJÃ VRPHYHU\KDUGDQGVWUDWHJLFWHDPV FXVWRPHUVZLOOVKRSRQ$PD]RQLQ Â'RZQVÃRI ZZRUNDQGZHKDYHQRWORRNHGEDFN RQO\XQWLOWKHPRPHQWWKH\ILQGD VVLQFH,QWKHVKRUWVSDQRIXQGHU EHWWHUH[SHULHQFHHOVHZKHUH ,ORRNDWHYHU\WKLQJSRVLWLYHO\6RR VVL[PRQWKVZHDOUHDG\KDYHRYHU WKHGRZQV,DPKDSS\DERXWDUH PLOOLRQSURGXFWVDFURVV Ê 7KHQXPEHURISHRSOHZKR $JHQGDIRU FFDWHJRULHVUDQJLQJIURPERRNV 7RUDLVHWKHEDUIRURQOLQH GRQÃWNQRZDERXW2/;LVQRZZ PRYLHVHOHFWURQLFVWR\VEDE\ VKRSSLQJLQ,QGLDE\JLYLQJ GRZQWRQHJOLJLEOH SURGXFWVKRPHDQGNLWFKHQ FXVWRPHUVPRUHRIZKDWWKH\ Ê 7KHWLPHWDNHQIRUDQ2/; SHUVRQDOFDUHDQGKHDOWKFDUH ZDQWÀYDVWVHOHFWLRQORZSULFHV XVHUWRPDNHDVDOHKDVJRQHH SURGXFWVWRIDVKLRQMHZHOOHU\DQG IDVWDQGUHOLDEOHGHOLYHU\DWUXVWHG GRZQIURPDFRXSOHRIGD\V EHDXW\SURGXFWVIURPKXQGUHGV DQGFRQYHQLHQWH[SHULHQFHDQG WRDFRXSOHRIKRXUVRUHYHQ RIEUDQGVDQGWKRXVDQGVRI WRSURYLGHVHOOHUVRIDOOVL]HV PLQXWHV UHWDLOHUVRIDOOVL]HV,WLVVWLOO ZLWKDZRUOGFODVVHFRPPHUFH Ê 7KH2/;ERXQFHUDWHKDV Â'D\2QHÃDQGPDUNVWKH SODWIRUP JRQHGRZQE\PRUHWKDQRQHH EHJLQQLQJRIRXUHQGHDYRXU WKLUGWKLV\HDU SUSHIL KUMAR $JHQGDIRU 'HVFULEHWKH\HDUJRQHE\LQRQHZRUG Ê 6SUHDGWKHÂ%HFK'HÃ ‘EXCITING!’ 8 afaqs! Reporter ¦ Annual Issuee DEOHWRGRDQH[FHOOHQWPHGLDWLH AMIT XSWRWDNHWKLVSURSHUW\IRUZDUG SYNGLE Â'RZQVÃRI VICE-PRESIDENT 3ULFLQJFDPHXQGHUSUHVVXUHGXH 6DOHV 0DUNHWLQJ WRWKHXQH[SHFWHGGHYDOXDWLRQ $VLDQ3DLQWV RIWKHUXSHHDJDLQVWWKHGROODU IRUFLQJXVWRUDLVHSULFHVWKULFH MARKETERS LQWKHILUVWWZRTXDUWHUV7KLV LPSDFWHGFRQVXPHUVSHQGLQJ In the news because: LQWKHFDWHJRU\7KHORZHUWKDQ Launched an advertiser-funded H[SHFWHG*'3JURZWKIRUWKH\HDU programme on Colors for brand DQGWKHH[WHQGHGPRQVRRQVGLG promotion. WDNHDWROORQSDLQWGHPDQGLQWKH 7LHUFLWLHVZKHUHZHFRXOGKDYH GRQHEHWWHU ‘Ups’ of 2013 7KHILUVWKDOIRIWKH\HDUZDV $JHQGDIRU EH\RQGH[SHFWDWLRQV$VSHUWKH 'HFRUDWLYHVEXVLQHVVDQGKDYH VXUJHGZLWKRXUÂ+DU*KDU+XFK 7RNHHSWKHFXVWRPHUDWWKH UHVXOWVIRUWKHILUVWKDOIRI GRQHZHOOLQWKH7LHUDQG7LHU .HKWD+DLÃFRUSRUDWHFDPSDLJQ FHQWUHRIRXUVWUDWHJ\DQGEHD ZHJUHZDWSHUFHQWLQYDOXH FLWLHV:HKDYHODXQFKHGQHZ GRLQJH[WUHPHO\ZHOODQGZHZHUH UHVSRQVLEOHDQGFDULQJEUDQG VDOHVDQGSHUFHQWLQWHUPV SURGXFWVOLNH$VSLUDDQG8OWLPD RISURILWDIWHUWD[:HUHJLVWHUHG 3URWHNDQGKDYHJRWDQH[FHOOHQW GRXEOHGLJLWYROXPHJURZWKVLQWKH UHVSRQVH2YHUDOOWKHEUDQGHTXLW\ 'HVFULEHWKH\HDUJRQHE\LQRQHZRUG ‘UNPRECEDENTED’ MARKETERS DEBABRATA MUKHERJEE VP - MARKETING & COMMERCIAL, &RFD&ROD,QGLD In the news because: Sprite overtook Thums Up as Â'RZQVÃRI the largest soft-drink brand in 7KHKHDGZLQGVLQWKHJOREDODQG India. ,QGLDQHFRQRPLFHQYLURQPHQW 7KDWVDLGZHFRQWLQXHWREHOLHYH LQWKHORQJWHUPJURZWKSURVSHFWV ‘Ups’ of 2013 RIWKHFRXQWU\DQGKDYHFRPPLWWHG 7KXPV8SDQG6SULWHERWKHQWHUHG WRLQYHVWLQJELOOLRQWLOOWKH\HDU WKHÂPRUHWKDQSHUFHQW HQG PDUNHWVKDUHÃOHDJXHZLWK6SULWH RYHUWDNLQJ7KXPV8SE\DVPDOO $JHQGDIRU PDUJLQ7KXPV8SÃVFRQVLVWHQF\ ,QFUHDVHWKHSHUFDSLWD DVWKHODUJHVWFRODGULQNIRUPDQ\ FRQVXPSWLRQRISDFNDJHG \HDUVDQG6SULWHÃVDVFHQGDQFH EHYHUDJHVLQ,QGLD2XUEHYHUDJHV DVWKHFRXQWU\ÃVIDYRXULWHFOHDU DUHVDIHFRQYHQLHQWDQGJUHDW OLPHGULQNLQDVKRUWWLPHVSHDNV WDVWLQJUHIUHVKPHQWRSWLRQVWKDW YROXPHVRIWKHHQFRXUDJHPHQW QHHGWREHDFFHVVLEOHWRDORWPRUH WKDWFRQVXPHUVKDYHJLYHQXV SHRSOH 'HVFULEHWKH\HDUJRQHE\LQRQHZRUG ‘CHALLENGING’ 10 afaqs! Reporter ¦ Annual Issue IN TAMIL NADU, PONGAL IS AS BIG AS DIWALI. MAKE SURE YOUR BRAND IS A PART OF THE CELEBRATIONS. Every January, the whole of Tamil Nadu looks forward to the beginning of the harvest season. From urban city centres to the most remote villages, all of Tamil Nadu gets ready to welcome prosperity into their lives during the celebration that lasts 4 days. Make sure your brand joins in the festivities as well. Visit www.vikatan.com/mediakit for ad rates. To advertise, contact us at [email protected] MARKETERS In the news because: DEEPIKA The Tanishq wedding ad created buzz by showcasing a S TEWARI progressive society. GENERAL MANAGER +($'0$5.(7,1* -(:(//(5<',9,6,21 ‘Ups’ of 2013 7,7$1 7KHVXFFHVVRIWKH7DQLVKT ZHGGLQJFROOHFWLRQ79&KDVEHHQ WKHKLJKSRLQWIRUXVWKLV\HDU7KH ZRQDWRDQGIURWULSWR RYHUZKHOPLQJDSSUHFLDWLRQIURP 6ZLW]HUODQGDQGVHYHUDORWKHU WKHJHQHUDOSXEOLFDVZHOODVWKH SUL]HV PHGLDRQWKHZHGGLQJ79&KDV EHHQYHU\HQFRXUDJLQJ Â'RZQVÃRI 7KH\HDUZDVWRXJKDVWKH 7KH\HDUDOVRVDZVHYHUDO 5%,WLJKWHQHGLWVQRUPVRQJROG RWKHUKLJKOLJKWVOLNHWKH LPSRUWVDQGWKHRYHUDOOJROG Ê *UDQGVXFFHVVRI,QDUDDQHZ PDUNHWZDVYRODWLOH DJHGLDPRQGFROOHFWLRQ Ê /DXQFKRI0LDZKLFK $JHQGDIRU LQFRUSRUDWHGWKHZLQQLQJ $VDEUDQGLWLVRXUFRQWLQXRXV GHVLJQVIURPRXUGLJLWDO HQGHDYRXUWRVXUSULVHFRQVXPHUV FDPSDLJQFDOOHG0\ ZLWKLQWHUHVWLQJMHZHOOHU\ MARKETERS ([SUHVVLRQ FROOHFWLRQVDQGFRPPXQLFDWLRQ Ê /DXQFKRIDRQHRIDNLQG DURXQGWKHP:HDUHZRUNLQJ FDPSDLJQFDOOHG7DQLVKT6ZLVV RQH[FLWLQJFROOHFWLRQVIRUWKH (VFDSHZKHUHWKHZLQQHUV XSFRPLQJVHDVRQV LK GUPTA CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER, 5HGEXVLQ 'HVFULEHWKH\HDUJRQHE\LQRQHZRUG ‘PROGRESSIVE’ In the news because: Left LG to join a new e-com Â'RZQVÃRI brand, redBus, the flagship 7KHZHHNO\WUDYHOEHWZHHQ brand of Bengaluru-based %DQJDORUHDQG'HOKLIRUILYH bus ticketing company, Pilani PRQWKV)RUWKHILUVWILYHPRQWKV, Soft Labs, as chief
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