watercorporation.com.au A' Office oi the Environmental Your Ref: Protection Authority Our Ref AQUA Doc 'H 0402056 Enquiries: Natalie Jackson File: 66^ WATER Telephone: 6,30 6741 H 5 1 I (I N 1 4 MAR 2014 UI A: Information For 10 March 2014 ía: III Discussion Officer: For Action Dr Paul Vogel D Rrl)OflSC please: Chairman Environmental Protection Authority Dir. Bus Ops GMSnature Locked Bag 33 Dr. SPPD L'] Dir for GM CLOISTERS SQUARE WA 6850 0 (Copy to GM) LII 0 r, El '' Dear Dr Vogel El L] o GM) RE: ELLENDROOK WATER SUPPLY TANKS GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REFERRAL UNDER S38 OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT 1986 The Water Corporation is pleased to submit the Environmental Protection Authority's (EPA) Referral Form and supporting documentation in relation to the Water Corporation's proposal to undertake a geotechnical investigation for the development of a new water supply reservoir to be located in Ellenhrook, approximately 20 kilometers (km) north east of Perth. Please note this letter is to be read in conjunction with the attached EPA Referral Form and associated supporting information. Background The geotechnical investigation is proposed to be undertaken within a 14.5 hectare (ha) site which will ultimately be used for the location of three 80 Mcga Liter (ML) tanks and associated infrastructure. It is proposed that the future tanks and associated infrastructure will be referred to the EPA under a separate submission. The total area of ground disturbance of the proposed geotechnical investigation work is approximately 2721 m2. The proposal involves the clearing of native vegetation for a four metre wide track and turning circles to allow access for Cone Penetration Testings (CPT) and seismic CPTs/ Dilatometer Testings (DMT). Commencement of the clearing work is proposed for May 2014 and is proposed to take less than four weeks to complete. Basis for Referral The proposed project falls within the Environmental Protection Gnangara Mound Crown Land Policy 1992 area. Part 15 of the Environmental Protection Gnangara Mound Crown Land Policy 1992 states that 'a person shall not clear, destroy or remove any native vegetation on or from the policy area unless (a) the person is authorised under the Act to do so and is acting in accordance with that authorisation...', where Part 10 of the Environmental Protection Gnangcera Mound Crown Land Policy 1992 states 'authorised under the Act means - (a) Authorised tinder a works approval, a licence, a requirement contained in a pollution abatement notice, a condition tinder Section 45 of the Act, a direction under 73 of the Act or an exemption under 75 of the Act; or (h) lii relation to a proposal, informed by the Authority under Section 40 (1 )(a) of the Act that the proposal does not need to he assessment under Part IV of the Act.' The Office of the Environmental Protection Authority's (OEPA) Environmental Planning Branch Manager, Ms Liesl Rohl. has advised, oil basis. the Water Corporation should refer the proposal to the EPA under section 38(5) of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act). Further to this. Ms Rohl has communicated that the determination of whether the Water Corporation's internal Clearing Permit (CPS 185) would be considered to be an authorisation under the El' Act for the purposes of the Environmental Protection Gnangara Mound Crown Land Policy 1992 is a matter for the Department of' Environment and Regulation's (DER) Native Vegetation Conservation Branch. The Native Vegetation Conservation Branch A/Manager, Ms Jane Clarkson, response concurs with the OEPA's advice to refer the project (Appendix 2 of the attached S38 Referral Form). The Proposal The Water Corporation believes that the proposed geotechnical investigation work does not require formal assessment under Part IV of the El' Act and call appropriately managed in accordance with the management plans to be developed specifically for this proposal and in accordance with a clearin g permit issued under Part V of the EP Act. Other Matters The proposed clearing also falls within Bush Forever Site 399 and a letter inviting the Department of Planning to provide comment on the proposal will be sent following the EPA's decision. The Water Corporation considers that a referral under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversitv Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) is not warranted as it is considered that that the geotechnical works proposal does not have a significant impact on Black Cockatoos or any other Matters of National Environmental Significance (NINES). If you have any queries regarding this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact Natalie Jackson ([email protected] ) or 6330 6741. Yours sincerely Julia Krsnik A/Manager, EJA & Approvals Section. Environment and Aboriginal Affairs Branch Water Corporation Enclosed: EPA Retrral Form (I-lard Copy) 01-ID (2012) Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Report -- Ellenbrook Tank Site (I-lard Copy) EPA Retrral Form (Electronic Copy - CD) GHI) (2012) Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Report Fllenbrook Tank Site (Electronic Copy - CD) Electronic Shapeliles FORM REFERRAL Referral of a Proposal by the Proponent to the Environmental Protection Authority under PROPONENT Section 38(1) of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. EPA PURPOSE OF THIS FORM Section 38(1) of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act) provides that where a development proposal is likely to have a significant effect on the environment, a proponent may refer the proposal to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for a decision on whether or not it requires assessment under the EP Act. This form sets out the information requirements for the referral of a proposal by a proponent. Proponents are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the EPA’s General Guide on Referral of Proposals [see Environmental Impact Assessment/Referral of Proposals and Schemes] before completing this form. A referral under section 38(1) of the EP Act by a proponent to the EPA must be made on this form. A request to the EPA for a declaration under section 39B (derived proposal) must be made on this form. This form will be treated as a referral provided all information required by Part A has been included and all information requested by Part B has been provided to the extent that it is pertinent to the proposal being referred. Referral documents are to be submitted in two formats – hard copy and electronic copy. The electronic copy of the referral will be provided for public comment for a period of 7 days, prior to the EPA making its decision on whether or not to assess the proposal. CHECKLIST Before you submit this form, please check that you have: Yes No Completed all the questions in Part A (essential). X Completed all applicable questions in Part B. X Included Attachment 1 – location maps. Included Attachment 2 – additional document(s) the proponent X wishes to provide (if applicable). Included Attachment 3 – confidential information (if applicable). N/A Enclosed an electronic copy of all referral information, including X spatial data and contextual mapping but excluding confidential information. 1 Following a review of the information presented in this form, please consider the following question (a response is optional). Do you consider the proposal requires formal environmental impact assessment? Yes X No Not sure If yes, what level of assessment? Assessment on Proponent Information Public Environmental Review PROPONENT DECLARATION (to be completed by the proponent) I, Julia Krsnik, declare that I am authorised on behalf of the Water Corporation (being the person responsible for the proposal) to submit this form and further declare that the information contained in this form is true and not misleading. Signature Name (print) Julia Krsnik Position Company Environmental Impact Assessment Water Corporation & Approvals Manager Date 2 PART A - PROPONENT AND PROPOSAL INFORMATION (All fields of Part A must be completed for this document to be treated as a referral) 1 PROPONENT AND PROPOSAL INFORMATION 1.1 Proponent Name Water Corporation Joint Venture parties (if applicable) N/A Australian Company Number (if applicable) 28 003 434 917 Postal Address 629 Newcastle Street (where the proponent is a corporation or an Leederville association of persons, whether incorporated or not, Western Australia 6007 the postal address is that of the principal place of business or of the principal office in the State) Key proponent contact for the proposal: Julia Krsnik name Environmental Approvals Manager address Environment and Aboriginal Affairs phone Water Corporation email 629 Newcastle Street Leederville WA 6007 (08) 9420 2823 [email protected] Consultant for the proposal (if applicable): N/A name address phone email 1.2 Proposal Title Ellenbrook Water Supply Tanks Geotechnical Survey Description The Water Corporation proposes to undertake a geotechnical investigation to provide information on the foundation and land capability for the development of a new water supply reservoir to be located in Ellenbrook, approximately 20 kilometers (km) north east of Perth (See Figure 1 in Attachment 1). The geotechnical investigation will be conducted within a 14.5 hectare (ha) site that will ultimately be used for the location of three 80 Mega Litre (ML) tanks. The proposal for the tank construction will be referred to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) under a separate submission. 3 The proposal for the tank construction and associated works is divided into three stages. Stage 1 of the proposed development includes the provision of the following assets: One 80 ML Ellenbrook Tank (and associated site works such as a sump, hardstand, etc); A 4.3 kilometre (km) DN900 inlet main and a 2.35 km DN1200 outlet main; Chlorination of the tank inlet; An extension of Gaskell Avenue to allow access to the tank site; A control valve on the tank inlet; and Electrical, instrumental and SCADA works associated with the above.
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