4 Vol. 16, No. 26 Serving MCAS Kaneohe Bay, 1st MAB, Camp H.M. Smith and Marine Barracks, Hawaii June 25, 1987 Navy Relief Infantry Training School drive ends; changes name, mission 4th Recon By Cpl. Mark W. Polifka viding effective and highly Infantry Training course at professional training for our SOI. The course trains top donors Camp Pendleton, Calif. enlisted combat leaders, can- Marines as riflemen, - The name of the Infantry not be overstressed.' As a machinegunners, mortar- By Sgt. Stephen Frank Training School was result of the commandant's men, anti-tank assaultmen, The 1987 Navy Relief fund changed to the School of concern and guidance the ani-tank guided missile Drive for Oahu had a success- Infantry, as well as the program was tasked to assaultmen, and 0313 LAV ful ending. This year's drive school's overall mission, in a MCDEC to develop an infan- crewmen. Those courses are brought in $141,035 in dona- redesignation ceremony held try leaders training program. 28 training days except for tions, 12 percent more than April 28 on the 52 Area The training department at the LAV crewmen course, the last year. Parade Deck. HQMC developed the master which is 40 training days. All The new heraldry, plan for an infantry leaders of the Marines in these MOSs The Inspector/Instructor mounted on a Light Armored training program, which receive 10 days of basic Staff from 4th Force Recon- Vehicle, was unveiled by resulted in the School of infantry training. naissance in Honolulu had MajGen. Robert E. Haebel, Infantry." ' As part of the basic pack- the best participation rate, base commanding general age, the training includes almost 300 In years past, the mission donating $397, and Col. James L. Williams, of the 2nd Infantry Training land navigation, battlesight percent of their projected SOI commanding officer. Regiment, and then ITS, has zero on the nightsight, and goal. The impact of the redesig- been to teach infantry entry- observation of a weapons Other units with outstand- nation, said LtCol. Richard level skills to Marines shoot. Roughly, two-thirds of ing participation included Everhart, SOI executive offi- recently graduated from the students train to be rifle- Marine Barracks Hawaii a', cer, will have a significant recruit training. men. with donations totalling 8 impact on training effi- Though the basic part of "The first ten training more than $9,000, or 160 ciency. the mission will stay the days, they receive what you percent of their goal. "The burden is now off the same, the scope is now could call the essential skills Kaneohe Bay exceeded its division commander to main- widened to include advanced of infantry," ' said Everhart. goal by 105 percent, donating tain these courses," said infantry training courses. "After that, we're developing almost $14,000. `Middies' train here Everhart. "We now provide a "As good as basic training their specialized infantry A formal centralized program is," Williams said, "Marine skills." The 1st MAB also stood out Lieutenant Colonel B. F. Luby, commanding officer of of instruction. leaders have come to recog- In addition to the basic with its Marines and sailors HMM-165, gives a few pointers to the midshipmen from "In July 1984, the comman- nize a critical need for course, is the Advanced donating more than $98,000. the U.S. Naval Academy before the midshipmen go on dant identified the need for advanced training for the Infantry Training section, in The Navy Relief Society a familiarization run on one of the squadron's helicop- a program such as SOI and Corps' enlisted infantry lead- which there are two will use these funds to main- ters. The "middies" recently left the Air Station after summed the reason for SOI ers." advanced courses. The infan- tain its relief programs in several weeks of rigorous training here. See B-1 for well," Williams said. "He Six entry level courses are try squad leaders course is 7 support of Marine and sailors the story. said, 'The importance of pro- offered under the Basic around the world. See ITS A-3 MWSS-173 hosts unit Texas reservists arrive for training By Cpl. La Donna Moore many billets open for the the Punchbowl National USMCR, MABS-41 reservists to fill," he said. Cemetery of the Pacific Active duty and reserve MABS-41 has approxi- where they paid tribute to Marines from Marine Air mately 100 Marines, which their fallen countrymen. Base Squadron-41 home- includes, military police, "They hear all about Marine based in Dallas, Texas, communications, launch and Corps history in boot camp," arrived at Kaneohe Bay, recovery, crash, fire and said LtCol. Gresslin, "here, June 13, for two weeks of rescue, operations, weather, they can actually see and ground tactical training. supply, motor transport, food relate to it." "These two weeks of active service, administration, Several reservists also duty allow our reservists to career planning and medical. decided to try snorkeling, get more extensive training Each section has specific scuba diving and body surf- in their jobs, and to work duties to accomplish, but the ing. Many felt a trip to Ha- alongside active duty Ma- main goal of each is to work waii would not be complete rines," said LtCol. William with active duty Marines, as without a luau. "Hawaii is Gress lin, commanding offi- would be in a combat situa- non-stop sun, on the job or cer of MABS-41. tion. For some reservists, this off," said Sgt. Scot Bren- Marine Wing Support meant familiarizing them- necke, MP with MABS-41. Squadron-173, commanded selves with the .45 pistol, by LtCol. William C. Peoples, going on a forced march and "Hawaii is a nice training is the host unit for MABS-41, having duty in the field. environment," said LtCol. 3 added LtCol. Gress lin. "The Hawaii isn't all work for Gresslin, "but I also feel that unit's response to the reserv- the reservist, however. One of the taxpayers should get Corporal John Clary, Jr., aircraft recoveryman, with MABS-41 homebased in Dallas, ists' training was over- their first stops was at the their money's worth. Our Texas, guides the pilot while working point in launch and recovery. whelmingly positive, with USS Arizona memorial and Marines earn every bit of it!" News in Brief LCACs hit beach in Wernal Usher III" By LCpl. Craig Larson in an exercise. craft. to lift the craft. "During the last exercise it garrison and tactical, have to Camp Pendleton, Calif. Lifting force for the LCAC "The LCAC allows us to Lost and Found was employed in, it was is provided by fans which land on four times the enter and exit the Air Station - The wave of the future hit launched from Assault Craft The Military Police Depart- Gate deliver air under pressure amount of beaches that we through the Mokapu the beach here last week as 5 here was simu- ment has unclaimed items to Unit and through a series of ducts to were able to with present from 5:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. the new Landing Craft Air lated launched from a ship. be identified and picked up daily. Operators of govern- Cushion hovered onto White a cushion chamber under the amphibious craft," said Vice by the owners. During this exercise, it was craft. This chamber is sur- Adm. Duke Hernandez, com- ment vehicles are also Beach during "Kernal Usher actually launched from the reminded that during these 87-3," a 13th Marine Amphib- rounded by flexible skirts mander, U.S. Third Fleet. 27 bicycles; ship USS Germantown." There are three the portion of ious Unit exercise which took which trap the pressurized "We have moved from sets of keys; three golf bags; hours, The LCAC is designed pri- land- Drive from air and lift the craft a few feet ing on 17 a skate board; three wallets; Kaneohe Bay place here April 21 through marily for amphibious percent of the Aikahi Shopping Cen- 4. above the surface. The skirts worlds beachheads to 70 per- two radios and a pair of Park May assault and rapid movement ter to the junction of Mokapu According to MGen. J.J. are flexible enough to deflect cent." glasses. There are also sev- of combat forces ashore. Its when they encounter waves of Saddle Road is off-limits. McMonagle, commanding During the exercise, the eral abandoned vehicles high speed, multi-surface or obstacles ashore. various types. general, 1st Marine Amphib- mobility and large payload LCACs were used to trans- Military vehicles must use ious Force /1st Marine Divi- Items in the lost and found Mokapu Blvd., which leads to area make the LCAC a multi- About one-third of the port tanks and other trans- and abandoned vehicles are sion, this is the second time purpose, amphibious assault port vehicles ashore. Kaneohe Bay Drive at a point the LCAC has been employed craft's total power is required held for 120 days, then are past the closed H-3 Junction. turned over to the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Military vehicles will be Office for disposal. allowed to enter or exit If any of these items are through the H-3 Gate from 10 and p.m. to 5:30 a.m. daily, when tops safety record Lost '232 yours, contact the Found NCO at 257-2103. the Mokapu Gate is closed. Civilian visitors are still By Sgt. Stephen Frank torn II at approximately 8:35 Scott Banks, the squadron's H-3 closure required to enter the Air The "Red Devils" of a.m. on June 11, capping an unit information officer.
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