_jJJ __......., ........ u- __UJJUIL I I Ill I I.JII II I ii.llllllllllli!JLlllillilllllwlllcLI_,_i !!LJIIIILLI-l--'--'llW.IIIIW.'d~t___- .. , . .. 3 ~ebruary 1972 ~.-.... ·. , SITUATION lNFORMATlON REPOR'T • Leaders of'the various left-wing organizations ha\•e tur.nc-d their· attention to the Republican National Convention scheduled for~ San Diego next Attgust. There crre meetings being held to discuss . plans .ro~ the convention, but the. res~~ts of~~ese discussions and plans being developed ·may not be known for some time. The San Diego Convention Coalition, a self-proclaimed g:roup organized to coordinate demonstrations during the GOR Convention. is proposing 3 days of demonstrations; The first 2 days will b~ de­ vot~d to peaceful picketing and atteraptin~ to place issuP.s before the .convention. The third day was referred to as ''Kamikaze Day." an obvious re!eren.cc to a day of violence. George. I<r~.tsiaficas (formf"r - SDS'er) a leader of the San Diego Convention Coalition reportedly ha~ contacted William Kittredge to oht~in his asRistancC' in working with the Co<dition. Kittredge is a past coorr:lin.~tor, of the New York chapter of the May Day Collective, the militant antiwar group respon­ sible for disruptin~ Washing:ton last sprin~. He also is closely asso- ctated wi.+h several other g.roups on the eastern seaboard. · ,~/:;I I/..· .''It; !7(' ~ I .9'-·-~ I • 7.) In December 1971 a series of mcetings·wcrc held at thC' Prtcr Stuyvesant Farm at Allamuchy. New Jersey out of which the "Alla­ muc-hy Tribe" was formed.· The tribe was .oq~anizc;d to direct movl"·· mcnt activities dnring the election year, culminatinJ! with demonstra­ tion~ at the Republican National Convention. The oq?;ani?.ation has now movl~cl intn office space in New York City and has changcd its . name to the- Election Year Slrategylnformation Center. Leaders of the organization arc Renni~ Davis. former member· of SDS ;uv:i nne of the ddenclants in tlw Chic:ago 7 trials; Jl"rry Rubin, n sr.lf-pro- fc·ssc-d Communist, Chkago 7 clefcnclant and former leader r>f the Youth International Party: and Stcwart·Aibcrt ano Jay Cravl"n, both of whr>m Wl'rc nc:tivists in M:1y Drey Cnllcctivc•s <lnrl who p<ll'tirip;ltr.rl in t.hc ilclivi­ tics of the CPUSA influcnttcd Peoples Coalition for Pt·~cc and Juslict• . • Reportedly, a largc sum of money has been given to this orga.ni!-ation rw:--:"' by former Bee~tle singer John Lennon. -{-6..1- ;k •/·) ').7. .i,f .~:I ..- · .) 7 )"~-, 7 ..).... -. 1-.... .r ... • .. .. • ~ t• • '"~~~~~~:XJi~<~·,.;._·· ·~~ 1'11-~""F'l'~=1'1'Mffi1,...,;;';i¥:F;,T;~~l.:t111Htti1Jifiiltllntii'!lllliimtHJ;;r.· .tRTiHII".!tJ1:r::H%'llliill.,.,fi""'li"""Pii1JIIfik1!!1'1!irittW~I""MIRinllmiliiiiii,..Oiflnhili""Ha-I<IIJQI111111h""""'"""""'""""''"""uL""·*"""'""' '"""'""""111'*'"1'1 =··;:z::::='lln"":"'""""':"".. -r:,~::m====,....,.·-=·=•-=· .. ·=--=- =--=--=--~-~--~_;_,.~~~--- _u,.____ ~_ A group of t~risoncr of war rdalivcs has opened a political lwaclquar~crs in Washington, D. C. t.o campaic.n against President Nixon in all lhe states which hold primary clcc:tions. The Capitol Hill headquarters is sponsored a group called Families for Imme- b~· ',..,..·~~-· diate Release wh\ch claims it repr.csents some 500 familieS" of servic-e­ men either captu-red or missing ~n Snut.heast Asia. Miss Sheila Cronin recently announced"that the group '¥iP send a d<i-lc... ~atiori to New Hamp­ shire where the nation's first.Presidential primary is scheduled March 7. President Nixon is be_ing opposed in th.c ~ew Hamp'shire Republican pri­ mary by Rep. Paul•M. McCloskey, an antiwar Rl:!publican from <;_alifornia and by Rep. John M. Ashbrook an Ohio conse rvati vc. ),. (•. -/..... .~_::'.~~ • CALENDAR OF""'tENTATIVE'LY SCHEDULED EVENTS-:l. "'.?(~ ?-~ .. .:· Aste"risl((•d ite1ns. arC' either reported for the first time, or con­ tain additions or changes to previously reported activities . • :::Date unknown, San Jose. California The trial of Ang~la Davis nr.Ji(inally schcduh•ri for January 24 was .postponed on a day-to-day basis until Judge Arnason rules on dcfP.nsc­ motions. Chic( defense counsel Howard ?vloore, ·Jr. has filed another· changE" of venue motion. contending Miss bnvis can not receive a fair hearing in San Jose. Th~ California app<"als court incidentally upheld I recently an injunction forbidding thC' r·cgcnts of tiH•, University of CalifC'lr- nia r.~om firing An~da Davis for being ~ Comr~.unist. h .r~/ -~f..-~ ~ ~flt_, !.-' \. (,{ . ~~C...."\.. ~' ·.).t ~ \ 7 •O A- y I •) (.:;f.:._..,, "7 :.t._ ,;7 ':'Present,to end of t.ri~l. Harrisburg. Pa. ' The scheduled trial of the Rev. Philip Bc-rrigan and 6 othc-r anti­ war activists beg:tn on 24 January with the expC'CtC'd. prolon.cr-d struggle to choose unprejudiced jurors. Once a jnry is scledr.d, Judge Herman f'stimates the trial may ru11 3 months. The eis;:hth .defendant, John "Ted" Glick was granted a separate trial because he was given permission to serve as his own attorney. 1..: · y. f ,·).:f)-r'·~· .. :::: -.).. • The Harrisburg Df'fensc Committee has sc:hr-dulcd dC'monstrations rlm·ing thC' trial. Vi~ils will be organized every Sunday at 7:30p.m. at l.hc Dnuphin Count.y Pl"ison. The r:ommitt~c will prodttCC' a l_f'l('visinn pt·ngrarn ovr!""r _a lor<tl TV twtwnrk each wc:c-1< nn Friday at 9:30p.m. <·ntitlcrl "T'he !SSI\C' is Peace. II -Governor Shapp r)( Pennsylvania has dirc•clccl lhC' Sla-tr:- S11pply OC'partmcnt· lo f11rnish port<thlf' public arlclt·f'SS equipment to cr~·monstrat61·s <~.t the Dnuphin C''''ntv Jail and at another location to .be designated by the Harrisburg Defense Committee. .... ... ..... r-/::·L.. I ,-{: :_;- I Q /7 7- .;,) li:}".·'VI. 7 ..:2 :~.~ ...- :..-· ,j:;. t.?'J: tf_) ·_~· .,)//( t/ .) >;)·~, . ' ,..,_·~ Jjj, ___~_ Committ~e ~haptcrs havr. arlviserl that a "Pilgrimage Cor Freedom'.'. will be hE>Id during the 40 rJays of Lent as. part of future clenionstrations in support of the "Harrisburg A." The first 30 days of the J•Pilgrimage" .will be characterized by activities sponsored by local organizations in ~ities throughout the northeast section of the U.S. Puring the final io ciilys caravans from Boston, .New York City, Philadel­ phia, Baltimore, Washington, D. c·. ;··Pittsburgh, "'and Milwaukee ·will ·proceed to Harrisburg to gai.,.publicity for the de{endants and to obtain funds for their dc!eps ~. -;-.t..•..:'l:· ~~ /· ?r:- .j ., • :- 0 ........ .1. - . r:~~... ;:,£_;. ...1 .. ;2,_, (/ 4February, New York City The trial is....a.cheduled to begin on the above date for Leslie • • Bacon who is charger!· with conspiring with si:-c other persons to bomb a Man·hattan bank. Miss Bacon was atrestctt· in Washingt.on, D.C. last April ilS a matr..rial witness in a~~alir.ged plol to bomb the U.S. Capitol Building; howev'e"r, a federal appeals court later ruled she was illegally arrested in that case. /;,··'··I ·~·~· .(- "' .. )"' ··. ; ~;· • ~'7 February. College Park.· Maryland On 19 January approximately. 20 demonstriltors marched to the .r.~......... •'J. 'main arlministration building at the University of_Maryland to confront Chancellor Bis·hop. The group demanded that a scheduler! visit of a - Defense lntclligc:-ncr. Agt-ncy reCTlliter be canccllC'd. R~sults of this confronlation arc unknown but it is bclieven lha_t the visit js still schcd uled. If so, there is a high potential for campus disruption on 7 Febru- at·y. t -'.'1-~ ·' ,f: j /~~ ·~'1.~ -' 1 .)· •..•• / -:'1 .. _- (.... ' ~:"·,. :::u Februa rv -August, Nationwide ,.~-., The Peoples Coalition {or Peace a nrl J~1s t icc which is uncle r the influence of the Communist Party USA held a press confercnc~ in Nf!w York City on 27 January an~ announced the following activities as part of its continuing efforts in the "peace struggle:'' •· February 11-13--Four cJr.lcgatcs from the midw<'sl rc1;.ion will be part of the delegation being sent to the Stockholm- Paris Pcacr Conference. Two known mcmh~rs of this gr_nup arc Jo.hn G'ilman a CPUSA leader from Wisconisn and Marcca NcaJ!~l :t CPUSA lcacll"r from lnclianC\, The rir'l<'J!alinn il' 5chC'd­ ,,i<'cJ tn dC'p<trl from Mon~rcal, Canada on Ft•bnJary 9-10 vi~ Ae ;oClnt. F'c-hruar, 20--A tkmonstralinn will he· held;,( the airport when . .. President Nixon departs.. forPcking . April lS--Local'demonstrations will be held throughout lhc U.S. C"' •• to protest th~ use of taxpay-ers dollars to continue the war. ... ..;......: 1 · ,"j'=·t 7• /- I ./1.' ') .; Y "; / I ··>!.,.. :J~.. -;J .J. ·- ~t...... ~---. ...... ---- ·- -·------·-·--· .. -·--· ------:------ !.':.i.i~:··ll~::·-..:; ... ,.,-~::i"~.-~;f:.:··~·:.-5~~~.;;-...~~·::--':·: .. ·.~~!.::.~-~~~,:...... ~·~.:-~.~t..;:-..;,~.~~ .. ~.::·~:.. ~~:;::::.~~:..-::;.. ·-:7:·"':._';!'::,~r.-:.:·:-~~}~:: _! __.:__ _ _...._________________ --. ... May--A lcrics o( demonstrations aJ::ainst U.S. corporations -· prorlucing weapCJnS for war culminating in acts o! civil disob('­ dience. ~--Demonshations ~t the Democratic Convention in Miami, , FloridA. · · . " · · - August- -.§.cheduled .demonstrations a~ the Republican Convention in San Diego. • "'·· ·~: /~~- ,.wt· ·.:· ;> i';, 'II ..; \ .,:1, ... ?· . .J~ 1 . /;/ .. • 14 February, B~Jtimorc, Maryland. • The ret~ial of:Arthur. F •.. Turco, Jr. , 'a white lawyer who repre-.. sentcd the Black Panther~ and accused of ordering the murder of Eugene Leroy Anderson, was po.stponed until the above date. T'urco's • first.trial ended in·a mis-trial• July 3 when the jury was unable to agree on·a (ferdict. \•·tt...... ... t.__. ,::.€).,.{- ·1 F.~{. 7~ ... >::!8-2l.Fcbrnary, NE!w York City The CPUSA has issnerl a pamphlet which presents in preliminary form the major social· anrl politi'cal issues to he cotfsidC'red ;tt the 20th. National Convention to be held at Town Hall (43rd St.
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