RESEARCH PAPER Management Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | April 2013 | ISSN - 2249-555X An Overview of Geographical Indication in Jammu & Kashmir Geographical Indication (GI), Jammu and Kashmir, Handicrafts, and The Craft KEYWORDS Development Institute. Natasha Saqib Abid Sultan Assistant Professor, Department of Management Ph. D Scholar, College of Management Studies, South Campus, University of Kashmir, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu & Anantnag, Jammu & Kashmir, India-192101 Kashmir, India-182320 ABSTRACT Geographical Indication (G.I) has emerged as one of the imperative instrument of intellectual property protec- tion. Geographical Indication (G.I) is used worldwide as an instrument for marketing, branding and diversify- ing product portfolios. India is blessed to have states like Jammu & Kashmir – blessed with rich climate, soil and natural endowments. The state of Jammu and Kashmir is known throughout the world for its products like Kashmiri Handicrafts, Kashmiri Saffron, Kashmiri Shawls, Scenic beauty and bracing climate. However, in present business environment of competi- tion, globalization and technological developments such ethnic and region specific products are finding hard to compete in the market. Geographical indications have provided respite to such ethnic and region specific products. Geographical indications are little known or poorly exploited in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The State has made little efforts to protect its ethnic and region specific products through Geographical Indication. The paper aims to illustrate the prevailing practices of Jammu and Kashmir with respect to geographical indication. The paper also sheds light on the potential of Geographical indications in Jammu & Kashmir, particularly in Kashmir region. Introduction portant instrument in intellectual property protection. The The state of Jammu and Kashmir is located in the northern term “Geographical Indication” has been around for many most part of the India. The state is famous all over the world decades, but it is actually since the WTO Agreement on for its ethnic and region specific products like Kashmiri car- Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) pets, Kashmiri shawls, Kashmiri walnut, Kashmiri apple, Kash- entered into force in the mid-1990s, that it has come into miri saffron etc. These ethnic and region specific products of widespread use. According to the 1994 WTO Trade Related Jammu and Kashmir have contributed greatly towards the Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement, economy of state as well as towards the development of the Article 22, paragraph 1: state. The ethnic and regional products of Jammu and Kash- mir have earned a distinction in the international as well as “Geographical indications are, for the purposes of this in the domestic markets. However, the markets around the Agreement, indications which identify a good as originating globe are changing rapidly with each passing day. The vibrant in the territory of a Member, or a region or locality in that ter- marketing environment is creating an almost equal pressure ritory, where a given quality, reputation, or other characteris- on both multinational organizations, having diverse product tic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical portfolio, as well as on indigenous organizations, dealing origin” (World Trade Organization, 1994). with ethnic and regional products. The changing business and marketing environment has jeopardized the survival of According to Addor and Grazioli (2002), Geographical indi- the ethnic and regional products. The indigenous organiza- cations (G.Is) are distinctive signs which permit the identifica- tions are facing a lot of challenges to market their products tion of products on the market. If they are used in the proper in the vibrant international and domestic markets. The man- way and are well protected, they can become an effective tra for success in this vibrant business environment is to fo- marketing tool of great economic value. GIs indeed con- cus upon the factors, areas and practices that improve the vey the cultural identity of a nation, region or specific area. profitability as well as towards strategically fitting the value They make it possible to add value to the natural riches of creation activities and marketing strategies. Indigenous or- a country and to the skills of its population, and they give ganizations because of their resource constraints and nature local products a distinguishable identity. GIs can be applied of products are finding it hard to focus on diverse marketing to every sort of product. Moran (1993) states, “Geographical functions and areas so as to improve their profitability and indications are much more than the identification of a prod- survival. For their survival and growth they need a govern- uct with a place, they are a means for the social and indus- mental support along with a strategic marketing intervention trial groups with rights to them to protect and distinguish or tool that can improve their presence in the market (both their products. Small local producers are able to use them national and international) as well as their survival and prof- to enhance their reputations, and to sell directly to final de- itability. Geographical Indication (G.I.) is being recognized mand, thus competing more effectively against large corpo- as an effective marketing tool of great economic value that rations”. can give local products a distinguishable identity (Addor & The Objectives of the protection of geographical indications Grazioli, 2002). The ethnic and regional products of Jammu are to protect product names from misuse and imitation, to and Kashmir have recognition all over the world but the pre- help consumers, by giving them information concerning the sent business environment and globalization demands such specific character and the origin of the products and to en- products to be robust and protected so as to sustain in the courage diverse agricultural production and rural sustainabil- market as well as uproot the imitated products. And accord- ity (Soeiro, 2005). Further geographical indications: ingly the state can capitalize on its ethnic and regional prod- ucts through Geographical indication. • are an excellent means to promote rural development, • an effective market-access tool Literature Review Geographical Indication (G.I) • a tool to preserve local know-how and natural resources Geographical Indication (G.I.) is a relatively novel but im- • an important part of our culture (O’Connor,2005). INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH X 299 RESEARCH PAPER Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | April 2013 | ISSN - 2249-555X The Indian G.I. Act Geographical Indication (G.I) Registrations in Jammu Consequent upon India joining as a member state of &Kashmir the TRIPS Agreement a Sui –generis legislation for the Jammu & Kashmir has a rich history of ethnic and regional protection of Geographical Indications was enacted .The products that has evolved over the centuries. The legacy Indian parliament passed the Geographical Indications of Jammu and Kashmir ethnic and regional products prom- Act (Registration and Protection) Act 1999 in December ises traditional characters, beauty, dignity, different forms 1999. The act has come into force with effect from 15th to styles etc. The magnetic appeal lies in its exclusivity and September 2003. Under this act, the Central Government mystical value. The handicrafts industry occupies an impor- has established a “Geographical Indications Registry” tant place in the economy of J & K. It provides direct and with all India jurisdictions at Chennai, where the right- gainful employment to more than 3 lakh people and has holders can register their respective GIs. The GI Act is the potential to generate more employment in future. The to be administered by the Controller General of Patents, handicraft products have won worldwide acclaim for their Designs and Trade Marks, who is the Registrar of Geo- exquisite designs, craftsmanship and functional utility. The graphical Indications. The Object of the Geographical woollen and silken carpets of the state remain unparalleled Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, on the national scene for quality and design. The crewel, 1999 is three fold, firstly by specific law governing the embroidered pashmina, and embroidered raffal shawls, geographical indications of goods in the country which pattern of Kani shawls, intricate wood carving, production could adequately protect the interest of producers of of flora design in paper machie goods, etc., are some of such goods, secondly, to exclude unauthorized persons the world famous traditional crafts of the state. In fact, the from misusing geographical indications and to protect Kashmiri craftsman possessing a unique talent for intricate consumers from deception and thirdly, to promote goods workmanship is one of the state’s most important resources. bearing Indian geographical indications in the export This industry has a tremendous potential and has to be per- market.” The Indian G.I. Act, defines geographical indi- ceived with concern and with a precise understanding of its cation as follows: values. As an export oriented industry, it has contributed considerably towards foreign exchange earnings worth “Geographical Indication in relation to goods, means an in- crores of rupees annually. But the industry is beleaguered dication which identifies such goods as agricultural goods, with problems like natural
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