Hinduism IndianReligions The ·Ramavana(con,.) Hearingthis, S ita said she would join her husband. Thed angers of the forest, she proclaimed, would benothing compared to living without herhusband. The loyalty of Laksbmanaalso compelled� to join his brother. So, withoutmalice or regret, Rama clothedhimself i n thero beof an ascetic,.blessed thethrone for Bharata, and leftfor the forest with Sita and Lakshmana. Deep into the foresttraveled the threecompanions. But it wasnot long before they received a visitor, Bharatahimself. Having learnedof Rama's exile, Bharatacame to his brother in distress, asking Ramato return to Ayodyaand assume his roleas king. But again Rama stood firm:it was most importantthat their father's pledge to Kaikeyi remainunbroken. He would remain inexile. Bharataunderstood, proclaiming thathe would ruleon Rama's behalf. As a symbolof his elder brother's true authority, Bharata placed Rama's sandalson the throne. AfterBharata R�departed, Sita,and Lakshmanafound a peaceful spotby a river. Therethey built a cottage. Living"in harmony, the trio wasesteemed by the sages of the fqrest. These ascetics were also thankfulfor the protection which Ramaprovided. Sincehis arrival,many Rakshasas were slain. As news of Rama's might spread, thedemons became angrier. Infury, theygathered an anny of fourteenthousand andattacked, swearing to defeattheir nemesis. At once, Rama orde�Lakshmana and Sitato take refuge in a nearby cave. Then, single-handedly, hedefeated the massive demon army. However,the evil Akampana escapedRama's arrow and flewin his carriageback to his ruler,Ravana . • King of theRakshasas, the demon Ravanahad ten heads and twenty arms, standing giantand powerful. Learning thatRama had slain histwo brothers andthousands of otherdemons, Ravana swore vengeance. Aware of Rama'sphysical prowess, he plottedthe kidnapingof Sita, forwithout his belovedwife, his sourceof love anddevotion, the Prince would surelydie of a broken heart. And so it was thatRavana, disguised as anascetic, arrivedat the forest home theof royal family. There he managed to lureRama away inpursuit of a demon appearing as abeautiful deer .. As thedeer led Ramadeeper into the woods, Sitaworried andpleaded with Lakshmanato find her husband. It was then thatRavana appearedat the cottage. Althoughshe did not recogni7.eRavana, Sita sensed danger. At once, Ravanaassumed his true fonn andabducted Sita. As theyflew southwardto the land of Lanka, he promisedher riches andpower if she would be his queen. Sita scoffed at hisoffer, warning tbathe would be destroyed by Rama. Meanwhile, Ramaand Lakshmana despaired. Afterdiscovering the deer's true identity, theyreturned to find Sitamissing. Ramaplunged into s orrow, vowing to destroy the world unless thegods restored Sita to his side. Just then, Jatayu, anaged vultureloyal to King Dasharatha, spoketo the brothers. Wounded and breathing hislast breaths, the faithfulbird hadtried but failed to rescue Sita. Now the vulturetold Rama thathis wife was not � but kidnapedby Ravana. As the brothersburied Jatayu, they vowed torescue Sita. @1995 TeacherCreated Materials,Inc. 143 #624Interdisciplinary Unit-WorldReligion.s Hinduism IndianReligions ( The Raaayana (cont.) Hearing this, Sita said she would join her husband. Thedangers of the forest,she proclaimed, would be nothing compared to living without her husband. The loyalty of Lakshmanaalso compelled him to join his brother. So, withoutmalice or regret,Rama clothed himselfin the robeof an ascetic, blessed the throne forBharata, and left forthe forest with Sita andLakshmana. Deepinto the forest traveled thethree companions. But it was not long beforethey received a visitor, Bharata himself. Having learnedof Rama'sexile, Bharata came to his brotherin distress, asking Rama to returnto Ay odya and assume his role asking. But againRama stood firm: it was most important thattheir father's pledge toKaikeyi remainun broken. He wouldremain in exile. Bharataunderstood, proclaiming thathe would rule onRama's behalf. As a symbol of his elder brother'strue authority, Bharataplaced Rama's sandals on thethrone. AfterBharata departed, Rama, Sita, andLakshmana found a peacefulspot by a river. There they builta cottage. Living in hannony, the triowas esteemed by the sages of theforest. Theseascetics werealso thankfulfor the protection which Rama provided. Sincehis arrival, many Rakshasas wereslain. As news of Rama's might spread,the demons becameangrier. In fury, they gathered an armyof fourteenthousand and attacked,swearing to defeat their nemesis. Atonce, Rama orderedLakshmana and Sita to take refuge in a nearby cave. Then, single-handedly, hedefeated the massive demon army. However,the evil Akampana escaped Rama's arrow and flewin his carriage back to hisruler, Ravana. King of theRakshasas, the demon Ravana hadten headsand tw enty arms, standing giant andpowerful. Learningthat Rama had slain his two brothersand thousands of other demons, Ravanasw ore vengeance. Aware of Rama's physical prowess, he plotted the kidnaping of Sita, forwithout his beloved wife,his sourceof love anddevotion, the Prince would surely dieof a brokenheart. And so it was that·Ravana, disguised as an ascetic, arrived at the foresthome of theroyal family. There he managed to lureRama away in pursuit of a demon appearingas a beautifuldeer. As thedeer led Rama deeper into the woods,Sita worriedand pleaded with Lakshmana to findher husband. It was thenthat Ravanaappeared at the cottage. Although she did not recognizeRavana, Sita sensed danger. At once, Ravana assumedhis true form and abducted Sita. As they flew southwardto the land of Lanka,promised he her richesand power if she would be his queen. Sita scoffedat his offer, warningthat he would be destroyed by Rama. Meanwhile, Rama and Lakshmana despaired. After discovering the deer's true identity, theyreturned to find Sita missing. Rama plunged into sorrow, vowing to destroy the world unless the gods restored Sita tohis side. Just then, Jatayu. an agedvulture loyal to King Dasharatha, spoke to the brothers. Woundedand breathing his last breaths, the faithfulbird had tried but failedto rescue Sita. Now the vulture told Ramathat his wife was not dead, butkidnaped by Ravana. As the brothers buried Jatayu, they vowed to rescue Sita. @1995 Teacher Created Materials, Inc. 143 #6241nterdisciplinary Unit-WorldReligions Hinduism Indian Religions ( The Ra11a1ana(con,.) It was not long, however, before the demon King returnedfully anned for war. Now he raged and took deadly aimat Lakshmana. Ravana's arrow piercedthe young man'sheart. Rama,stricken with grief, lay by his dying brother'sside. But a voice consoled him. The wise monkey, Sushena, knewof an herb fromthe distant mountain, Mahodaya. This herb would heal Lakshmana's wounds. At once, Hanurnan flewto the Himalayas. But when he reached the mountain, he did not know which herb to bring. So he.gatheredhis strength and liftedthe entire mountain back to Lanka! Themonkeys watched in awe as Hanuman deliveredthe mountain. They foundthe correct herb and celebrated as Lakshmana was healed. Just then, a warcry rent the air. Aboarda new chariot, Ravan.aattacked. Rama mountedhis chariot and charged. The Princeof Ayodyaand the king of therak:shasas battledfiercely. For a long time, the clanging of steel was all wasthat heard. Finally, Rama, invokinghelp fromthe gods, fired anarrow into Ravana'sheart. The demonfell dead. Lanka was capturedand Sitaset free. But as Ramaapproached her, he looked forlorn. Hetold Sita that they must part,that a husband cannot talceback a wife who has lived in anotherman's ho use. But Sita had thought only of Ramaduring her captivity. How, she wondered tearfully, could he doubt her purity? Boldly, she proclaimed thatshe would prove her purity. Sita orderedthe monkeys to build a funeral pyre. When the wood was piled and set aflame,she walkedthree times aroundthe pyre. Proudly, she bid farewellto the world and leapt into the fire. But no harm came to Queen of Ayodya. Agni, the fire god, appearedbefore her and,leading her safely out of the flames, announced to Ramathat she was indeed virtuous. Rama, deeply moved, accepted hisQueen. Indeed, in truthhe had never doubtedher. If they were to rule the people of Ayodya,he knew,all suspicion must be removed. Together, the royalpair returned totheir kingdom, wherethey ruled formany years. V:utuous and wise, they broughtorder and happiness to the people of Ayodya and beyond. f � � 145 Hinduism Name______________ �---- The RIIIIYIII: CdUcal Rinking TheRamayana is anadventure rich in meaning. Although thereis a great deal of action, this epic is meantto beinstructive as well as· entertaining. In the sectionbelow, write about each topic listed. Review the story and give detailed examples to support yourfindings. I. Writeabout the role of virtue, or honor, in thestory . 2. Whatrole do thegods play in thestory? 3. Whatrole do anjma1s play in the story? . -· 147 #624Interdisciplinary Unit-WorldReligions .
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