volume 53 numBer 10 To Advertise Call: (800) 462-8283 octoBer 2018 timber FAllerS iSSue Browning TimBer Falling, llC Knappa, oregon Schroeder cutting troy Foglio Andrew wAll l p C o . H o g e g H . e A B r l o s i s x W , 1 W 6 o 3 r A 1 l d 9 8 l 5 l 3 C 2 - 8 4 2 5 AmericAn loggers council 24 tH AnnuAl Meeting sHilo inn suites & H otel Oct. 11-13 seAside , o regon p l u e e p . s r W r . M s p i P s r i o A t t st t s I nnuAl 61 A o D n t s n o A AlAskA Forestry AssociAtion t , d g . i 7 e onvention Oct. 17-19 d c 2 Hotel CAptiAn Cook • A nCHorAge , A lAskA 2 8 1 0 2 r e B o t c o d l r o W s r e g g o l A Waratah built to perfectly match the 25-ton carrier class? It’s here. The new HTH623C matches robust brute power with the speed, agility, and skill required to process larger wood. With its high-torque feed motors and the latest hydraulic valve design, the 623C pours on the feed force and delimbing power while striking a precise balance of feed speed. And like all our heads, the HTH623C is backed by the best support team in the business. Get the perfect match between head and harvester, and get a ton of work out of your 25-ton carrier. www.Waratah.com 3 8 1 558/558 LL FOREST MACHINE 0 2 r e B o t c o d l r o W s r e g g o l WITH SWING TORQUE AND HORSEPOWER TO SPARE POWERFUL LOGGING SOLUTIONS KNUCKLEBOOM FOREST WHEEL FELLER TRACK TRACK FELLER SKIDDERS LOADERS MACHINES BUNCHERS HARVESTERS BUNCHERS Our goal is to helphelp you move more loads at a lower cost. The all new 558/5588/558 LL is redefining forestryy machine performance, throughthroough improved power,poweerr,, efficiency,efficiency, operator comfortcomfoort and an optimized work toolol system. 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All Rights Reserved.R CAT,CATT,, CATERPILLAR,CAATERPILLAR,TERPILLAR, BUILTBUILLTT FOR IT,ITT,, their respectiveresspective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow,”Yellow,” the “Power Edge”ge” trade dress as well as 800-452-7676452-7676 800-852-22870-852-2287 corporate and product identityy used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and mayy not be used without permission. www.cat.comwww.cat.com www.caterpillar.comwwww.caterpillarr.com.com 4 in an automobile i doubt very strongly again. this is true --- i doubt the title of that book very strongly that any - 8 one could take any 1 might be, “seattle to 0 2 san Francisco --- more statement over these r Rigging e years and project it as B dangerous than all the o t anything but an esti - c wars we have ever o Shack fought.” mation. d He is talking of a pe - l “Classic” the thing we must r FINLEY HAYS o remember is to do riod of time covering W 71 years in the 1800’s s things safely continually yet r e and 81 years in the 1900’s. g Finley Hays was well known for his ability to tell a good give people all the freedom and g Which means he is covering a o power to choose that we can un - l story. His unique perspective was gained by growing up in a period of 152 years. logging family, and after starting Loggers World, talking to der the acts of safety. taken on loggers all over the country. Finley went on to his Heavenly a day by day basis neither driv - You know and i know of sev - Reward in 2008 but we have almost 40 years of his writing ing or any physical occupation eral cases, maybe more, that and storytelling to enjoy. Finley’s Rigging Shack remains seems to be that dangerous. in people got hurt doing something one of the most popular features of Loggers World and we fact it didn’t seem to bother else and got on state industrial prouty that he was continually insurance. As a for instance think that is appropriate for the man that put so much of his driving over road that hurt and when i was working out of life into his vision of a “Loggers Magazine”. killed thousands of people as Bellingham a man came to me time after time. it is a one sided they built it. and explained that another fel - Originally Printed in look at the dangers of logging. low got his leg broke on sunday October 1982 You see an uncle of his was these one sided looks are hurt and later died while work - while clearing land. What he AnotHer Book on simple to do, handy to get at ing as a log scaler. if he was wanted was to give me $50.00 dAnger in tHe Woods and very effective to startle and hurt and died as the result of and i’d enter that man as an employee so he would be cov - sometime ago Andrew M. to worry people with. working in the wheat fields, building bridges, constructing ered with industrial insurance. prouty came to my office and we You can take almost any ob - We did no business. Another talked about logging in general ject or subject or activity; in fact buildings, driving school bus or any one of dozens of any other time a fellow i knew got a great and some things specifically; you can take any activity; and and good settlement when he such as safety, and taking pic - look at it from the angle of harm occupation. then this book, or document, may have been about hurt his wrist getting out a tures of loggers. it seems that and the danger and record all deer. for 9 years he has been working the facts. All the facts that is bridge building, wheat farming, on a document that is 503 pages that fit in with the point you power line construction or any the figures that are projected long and i believe the title is started out to prove. of the above. to us are not accurate today. i ‘More deadly than War, pacific am not blaming anyone for this if, for instance, prouty had of Ah Well, it is probably a great Coast logging 1827-1981’. work, it kept prouty busy for 9 but reports involving so many decided he was going to prove people in the reporting are not, i haven’t read it, probably just how deadly it was to drive years and it may have the effect of making us all aware of safety or should not be, allowed as evi - won’t, probably won’t get the north and south on that stretch dence in court. now if that is chance to, but it is hardly objec - of road between seattle and san and of how to do logging safer and safer. true today let us just move back tive reporting. the emphasis is Francisco he could come out to in the 18 hundreds. What can upon getting hurt, upon acci - with such startling statements Mr. prouty says that from dents and death and many terse that we would tend to hang up 1827 to 1981, 17,627 people reports of such is brought out the keys and never drive or ride were killed in the logging trade. (continued on Page 7) See “Rigging Shack” IN THIS ISSUE 2. RIGGING SHACK “Classic” From October 1982 by Finley Hays loggers World Published by loggers World llc Founded in 1964 by Finley Hays 8. BORN TO CUT phone (360) 262-3376 BROWNING TIMBER FALLING - KNAPPA, ORE.. by Brandon Hansen Member and Supporter of the American Loggers Council Since 1994 14. FAMILY TIES TO CUTTING puBlisHers...................................... kevin & nancy core SCHROEDER CUTTING - MOLALLA, ORE.. by Brandon Hansen editors eMeriti.................. Finley Hays, mike crouse editor/Writer...................................... Brandon Hansen 20. AS WE SEE IT AdVertising.................................................... kevin core FORMER FLORIDA CONGRESSMAN TO REPRESENT AMERICAN LOGGERS oFFiCe MAnAger........................................... nancy core PostmAster: send address changes to: 21. SUMMARY JUDGEMENT loggers World llc , ENVIROMENTAL GROUPS DEMONSTRATE DISREGARD FOR HUMANS P. o. Box 1631, chehalis, WA 98532-8425 e-mail: [email protected] by William Perry Pendley suBscriPtion rAte (in u.s.A.): $25.00 per year; two years for $50.00 24. IRONMART loggers World llC cannot and does not assume responsibility for ON THE cOvER : Jesse Browning takes the contents of any adver tising in loggers World.
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