Minnesota State University Moorhead RED: a Repository of Digital Collections The Western Mistic Student Newspapers 12-9-1932 The Western Mistic, December 9, 1932 Moorhead State Teachers College Follow this and additional works at: https://red.mnstate.edu/western-mistic Recommended Citation Moorhead State Teachers College, "The Western Mistic, December 9, 1932" (1932). The Western Mistic. 37. https://red.mnstate.edu/western-mistic/37 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Western Mistic by an authorized administrator of RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 111E WESTERN MINNESOTA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE VOL. 25 NO. 2 Moorhead, Minnesota, Dec. 9, 1932 t) V 'i'' DRAGONS, WOLVES ENROLLMENT FOR ® ATTENTION, STUDENTS! T o Leaci Dragons FAMOUS READER COMING WILL TANGLE IN • WINTER QUARTER 3 To secure admission to the Making his second appear­ basketball games during the ance in the College within the TUESDAY'S GAME < urrent season, students must last four years, Henry Lawrence SHOWS INCREASE present their activity tickets to Southwick, president of the Em­ LACROSSE PEDS WILL FURNISH attendants at the entrance to erson College of Oratory, Bos­ TOTAL NUMBER REACHES 684 TO OPPOSITION THE FOLLOW­ the Physical Education budding. ton, and noted as a lecturer and SET AN ALL-TIME M. S. ING SATURDAY ® They will receive admission dramatic reader, will read T. C. RECORD ® tickets to the games which they Shakespeare's "King Richard (By Ed. Eastman) Enrollment for the winter quarter • will presennt, together with the X III" on January 9, as the third Faced with the problem of encoun­ activity ticket, to the attendant number of the lyceum series, totals 684, the largest number of stu­ tering two powerful teams in the next •'Jim" Blaine of Frazee, who was dents ever enrolled on the campus, ac­ • at the door of the gymnasium. elected captain of the 1933 Dragon grid according to announcement made week, following a strenuous game with ® The activity card will then be today by Miss Hayes, chairman cording to Miss Owens, registrar. The the University of North Dakota Sioux machine. A steady, hard-fighting end roll by classes now is: Freshmen, 278; • returned to the student by the Blaine succeeds "Hank" Booher of the of the lyceum committee. last night. Dragon basketeers will en- attendant. Sophomores; 260; Juniors, 66, and Sen­ S '. 2 team, also an end. , gage in a busy weekend of polishing ®®®®®®®®®®®®® iors, 68. Of the total enrollment there off the rough spots in their offensive ®®®®®®®®®®S<9®® are 502 women attending, with a mas­ and defensive play. The Dragons will culine element of 183, according to meet the Northern Wolves of Aberdeen 136 STUDENTS Rachel Stowe Presents Miss Owen's report. Teachers College next Tuesday night Weekly Social Hour Praeceptor With Gift An increase of 21 over the fall term and the LaCrosse Peds on the follow­ To Beg-in Next Week TAKE TEACHER total of 663 indicates the increase in ing Saturday, both games to Ije played A unique wall hanging worked out the number of women enrolled from in the College gymnasium at 8:00 p. m. TRAINING POSTS 484 in the fall term to 502 at the pres­ Due to the postponement of the All- by Rachel Stowe, B. E. *32, editor of Lineup Undecided ent time, and an increase in the male College party until the resumption of the 1930 Praeceptor, has been presented With a group of capable men to COLLEGE HIGH DEPARTMENT IS IN enrollment from 177 to 183. school after Christmas, the first of a to the Praeceptor and is hung in the choose from, Coach Nemzek is unde­ THE LEAD WITH 62 MEMBERS,. series of weekly hops will be held next yearbook office, room 208. Worked Going down the line from the Sen­ cided as to which combinations he ON TEACHING STAFF Tuesday from 4:30 to 5:45 in the newly with crayons on cloth, the oriental iors, who show a substantial increase, will use, but the starting quint will be redecorated room in the west end of scene depicted is entirely original in 68 this term to 59 during the fall term. selected from the following men: For­ According to Miss Lommen, Direc­ the top floor of Weld Hall. design and has worked out in bright the Junior class shows a slight drop wards, Bill and Buzz Robinson, Herb tor of the Training School, 136 students from 73 to 66, the Sophomores have This room has the floor sanded and i colors a very attractive picture. Moberg, and Harold Matson, all let- are included on the teaching staff for finished for dancing, it will be the swelled their numbers from 234 to 260, termen, and Herb Lange, Willard An­ the winter term. Of these, 62 are teach­ locale for a short dance every week while the Freshmen also show a slight derson, and Helmer Langlie. Freshmen. ing in the College High School, under of school until the spring term. CHRISTMAS WILL drop to 278 from 287. 'Centers, Cliff Rasmussen and Wally Er- the supervision of Miss Hawkinson, Registration is practically complete ickson; Guards, Hank Booher, the only Principal of the High School depart­ FEATURE CHAPEL at this time. A supplement to the fall letterman available, Matty Knauf, Carl ment. 45 students comprise the in­ term student directory will be com­ ,Fridlund, Maynard Thompson, Dave STAFF COMPLETE termediate staff unnder the supervision pleted soon and distributed to the stu­ DuVall, and Howard Ruegamer. of Miss Loudon, while Miss Rainey has ASSEMBLY TO MEET ON THURS­ dent body. Wolves Powerful FOR PRAECEPTOR supervision over 19 in the primary DAY EVENING INSTEAD Comparative strength of the Wolves department. In the kinndergarten OF ON FRIDAY can be gained only by matching their APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANTS IS group under Miss Durboraw are six MUSICAL GROUTS 38-37 victory over Jamestown college CONFINED TO THE students. Rev. Ralph Conard, pastor of the' with the Dragon 42-32 victory over the FRESHMEN Those teaching in the College High Flymouth Congregational Church, Far­ 10 STAGE FAK'11 Jimmies last year. Although an un- j School are: Edith Alexander, Lancaster; go, will give a Christmas message to satisfactory method of securing a com­ With the staff finally complete Lucia Askegaard; Moorhead; Donald the student body in chapel next Wed­ parison, nevertheless this would seem after the naming of the assistants in the Bird, Detroit Lakes; Henry Booher, nesday. ORCHESTRA WILL PLAY AT THE to indicate that the Aberdeen cagers Album section yesterday, plans for the Manhattan, Montana; Lyman Bringgold. Student assemblies will be held next PRODUCTION OF "PIGS" TO jplay a classy brand of basketball, fea­ 1933 Praeceptor are definitely under­ Pine Island; Sarah Chaffee, Moorhead: Thursday evening at 8:00 p. m. instead j BE GIVEN TONIGHT Edna Connelly, Sabin; Annabell Criser, turing a powerful attack. way before the Christmas holidays. A of Friday at the fourth hour. This has Fargo; Hazel Deal, Wheaton; Jeanne In the Jamestown game, the two Ab­ general meeting on Wednesday took up been arranged to give the students the The musical organizations of the col­ DeMars, Ada; Alice DuBois, Fargo; erdeen forwards. Gregerson and Wil­ the book as whole, while sectional benefit of the extra hour, vacation be­ lege will conclude the week end at a Eugene Eininger, Detroit Lakes; Mrs. liams, scored 27 of the team's 38 points. meetings begun this week and to be ginning at 11:00 instead of at noon. party to be given tomorrow night at Winnifred Gottenborg, Detroit Lakes. These two men with Wolvington at continued next week will consider plans The program on Thursday evening will 8:00 in the rehearsal room -of Weld Clare Hallack, Fargo; Ruth Hallen- center and Willard and Leland at for the various departments. be composed of Christmas carols pre­ Hall. Games, stunts, and dancing are berg, Moorhead; Patrick Hewitt, John­ (Continued nn Page Four) sented by the choir. Between numbers, on the evening program. The musical lone Larson, Moorhead, has been se­ son; Olive Hoganson, Perley; Florence one of Miss Tainter's pupils will give a groups have been busy the past week lected as Art editor, and Donald Bird. Hyatt, Thief River Falls; Kenneth Detroit Lakes, Athletic editor, to com­ reading. preparing for coming events. FORMAL RUSHING Johnson, Underwood; James Krajeck, The orchestra, under the direction plete the major staff positions. With Wheaton; lone Larson, Moorhead; Her­ Talking about criminal law and pro­ the exception of the naming of Bere­ cedure in last Wednesday's chapel pro­ of Mr. Preston, will play a number of bert Moberg, Moorhead; Eugenia Paine, selections at the Dramatic Club's play. BROUGHT TO CLOSE nice Cox, Moorhead, as album assistant, Pelican Rapids; Florence Powell, Far­ gram, Mr. James Garrity, Clay county the remainder of the appointments attorney, showed the part the states at­ "Pigs", to be given tonight at 8 o'clock. go; William Robinson, Manhattan, Mon­ Among them are "Uspania", a Spanish SORORITIES ANNOUNCE PLEDGES were confined to freshman assistants torney had in dealing with persons tana; Elmer Stanghelle, Argyle; Walter rapsody by Chabrien; "Coronation AFTER SERIES OF WEEK­ Irene Wiedeman, Moorhead, is the charged with violating a criminal law. Stanghelle, Argyle, Gorman Thompson, March ', Meyerbier; and "Around the END FUNCTIONS freshman aide in the album department; Thief River Falls; Helen Walker, Fargo. Dwelling with the part a county attor­ Veronica McCarthy, Fargo, in the fea­ Country Church" by Jean Begham. The two-year upper grade student ney played in criminal procedure, Mr.
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