WEEK'S COMPLETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS THE UNDAY NOR H JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL.. MAGAZINE News Hicjhlicjhtsof Clifton East Paterson Fair Lawn arfield Haledon Hawthorn Lcdi Little Falls . Mountain View •3orth Haledon Paterson Passaic Fornpton Lakes Prospect Park S•ncja½ ;.Totowa Wayne ¾ est Paterson FEBRUARY 7 1960 VOL. XXXII, No. 6 WHITE and SHAUGER, Inc. A Good Name to Remember for FURNITURE Dining Room RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY Quality and Low Price 39 Years Serving the Public 435 STRAIGHT STREET (Donmr 20th Ave•) PATIC.I•ON, •. J. "ThePlace-with the Clock" -- MUlberry4-788• Headquarters for En•g• Couples THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE ITALIAN'AMER ICAIt - • •'•"v• ß . SEAA SPECIALTyFOOD •-. ••• q • BROILED LOBSTER .-• --DAILY FROGS' I,EGS- S•!."F SHELL CIIAb.•- BLUEPISH . RAINBOW MISSILERACE -- A Matadormissile blasts off from its mobile TROUT - HAL!IIUT- SALMON - SHHIMPS- SCALLOPS- launcher. A comprehensiveprogress report on America's achieve. ments and shortcomings in missile development will be color. 168 BELMONTAVE. [Cor. Burhans).HALEDON' - . ' LAmbe,t cast in "The Missile Race: Time for Decision" on the NBC-TV OYSTI'•HS- CLAM- COD FIS•}! - SWORD FISH- DAILY DINNERS J Network'snew publicaffairs series,"World Wide 60," Saturday, Feb. 13. The full-hour program will investigate charges that America's missile development is lagging-behind'the Soviet 'Union's becauseresponsibility is divided among four' different aovernment agencies_ I. PARRILLO TheMan from Equitable asks- in MusicalComedy Special, Feb. 10 '• Youwa•t your child to havea better pla'c'e inthe sun, don't you? OFCOURSE YOU 'DO. But like some parents you fig- tire,"there's still plenty of time." .Then,bdore' Fou knowit, they'reall grown up mtd need your. help to givethem that' mip(wtant start toward.a p•ion, careeror business,(win settingup a.. home..Make surenow that Ira= "e]ping hand"will be there whenit isneeded. F.xjuitable oJTers you a variety.of policies[or youryoungster at low rates.]:or more in[ormation call... I. PARRILLO 200 EAST R/DG•OOD AVENUE EIDGEWOOD, N.. J. GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 Iians Conricd and Carol Burnett co-star in the musical comedy special. "The American Cowboy," Wednesday, Feb. 10, on the CBS Television Network. Above, they sing a •tuet in a sequence Letthe manfrom Equitable bring you peace of mind called "The Forgotten Songs of the West." Fred l•acMurray, Edie %darns and Wally Cox also co-star in the Max ][.,•.ebmanproduc- tio_n• hich_.paints_a _hu•or0us • portrait o! the Old West. Page Two The CHRONICLE ..•..:•/- THE & Published Weekly by .{ THE CHItONICLE COMPANY 170-172 Butler Street Paterson, N.J. LAmbert 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARRILLO, Publisher VINCENT N. PARRILLO, Managing Editor Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1926, at the Post Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. FEBRUARY 7, 1960 -- VOL. XXXII, No. 6 Siagle Copy 10 Cents $4.00 • Ye•r-by Mail CONTENTS MICE AHOYI -- As John Bondurant holds the string on the helium charged weather ballon, Fred Fritz inspects one of the FEATURES two mice that the boys .sent up in the balloon this past week. The two Ridgewood boys had to first get their .experiment approved by the Board of Health and the ASPCA., before Alhtaha Council Serves Passaic County and sending the mice over 100 feet aloft. East Paterson The Roller Derby Comes Back To Paterson .. • .' Focus Crossword Puzzle 10 :.: •, .. •. ... :-::. • TeleVisionHighlights 12 • ß 'Triumph Of The Flesh, by Stewart Robertsvn A Complete Short Story 14 American History .... 2• ........................... 15 : . ; DEPARTMENTS,- Social World 7 Editorials .......................... Editor Speaks 8 Complete Television _11-12-13 COVER PICTU 'E: •i.•Whetherhe's gettingready to cooka meal or to bangin the .< eginningof Boy Scout Week (February 7-13), this happy oungsteris typicalof themore than five million boy scouts M. AYORALTY CANDIDATE State Senator Anthony J. vho will observe their fiftieth anniversary this week. We of Grossi, Democratic county chairman, congratulates Freehol- Chroniclestaff wish all the members ofthe Scouting ram- der Director Frank X. Graves, Jr., following his unanimous ourheartlest congratulations, andhope that the next fifty selection as the organization Democratic mayoralty candi- .•'izearswillbe even .greater. (Seestory onpage four) date by the leaders of the city's eleven wards. Page Three Scouts Celebrate Boy Scout Week ,41htaha(ouncil Serves BOy Population In PassaicCounty and East-Paterson .. sunday,February 7, marksthe be- secondgreatest be: ;ellerin thiscoun- An active summer camp program, ginning of Boy Scout Week, during try, the first Bible. And the which is one of the best offered, is avail- which more than five million boys and Scoutalumni 28,500,- able to i•0ys at Camp Alhtaha. Here the leadersof the Boy Scoutsof America 000, many of g ci- Council has 100 acres of .land .on .Fair- will begin the observance of their 50th tizens and view Lake in Stillwater Township. With anniversary. The golden anniversary 900 feet of waterfront and almost all will be observedin every city and town the area serviceable for camping facili- and most villages in the United States to ties, many improvements have been and territories. cil ch made with the assistance of volm•teers Everyone has heard of the B•y troo and through donations. There. is a din- Scouts, and at one time or another has Counci ghout ing hall, two Adirondack shelter vil- had.some direct connection with this Passaic lages, an administration building, na- worthwhile movement,whether it be' four ture den, a Ranger's house and a new throughpaper drives, get-out-the-vote boy, s permanent waterfront activity dock. campaigns,good turns, or any one of • $0, The largest group from Alhtaha the innumerable activities of the Scouts. Council ever to attend a jamboree160 The purposeof the BoyScout pro- boys and leaders--will attend the Na- gram is to build in boys -- character,• tional Jubilee Jamboree at Colorado health and strength, handicraft and Springs, Colorado, next July 22 to 28, skills, and a desire for service to others. Those remaining at home will partici- Furthermore, it preparesthe boys pate in Cub Scout Jubilees, Boy Scout their adult life by giving them Jubilee Camporees, and Explorer Jubi- leadership training, using the effe, lee Field Days. method of learning by doing. men in the Scouting family are Undoubtedly,this programhas been bur' 'g a monumental job in offering very successful,for it has not changed area .gs,except for a la- these youngstersa program of charac- basicallyin its fifty years of existence.trine. There is a welland pump for wa- -terdevelopment and citizenship train- The scout oath and law remain the ter. Here the units come on day hikes ing through fun, adventure, and con- same.The boy scouthandbook is the and "overnighters". •"• structiveactivity. (Con'ton Page 5) •:. o . ß r . %... .,+•,-"' . , . R:'•I•G-- Th•s patrol o• scoutsengages •n one o• the •avorRe INGENUITY--These,ihree scouts, camping overnight, take full pastimes o• boys, o•er•ng them adventure and excitement. advantage of 'the table that they hav• lashed together. ::'PageFour Boys Scouts ß ß(Continued from Page 4) .... • :The executive board of Alhtaha Cøuneilconsists of' JosephJ. Glatz•l, president; Edward B. YIaine.s,Hon. Hugh C. Spernow, .Murray L. Cole, vice-presidents; Eugene Eeklund, commissioner; James L. MeNcall, treasurer; Ro- bert M. Fee, scout executive. Throughout the year you'll be -hearing plenty about the Boy Scouts through their Philmont 'Expeditionto New Mexico, Scout ...•W-.ee•.,window displays, Toys for ß . TOTS'Good Turn, military en- .-. campments community good t:urns, and their third non-parti- •.an Get-Out-The-Votecampaign, e•0nduetedin cooperationwith the Freedoms Foundation of Valley •0rge. ""iA•I reputable institutionsand OrganizatiOns interested in serv- ing boys through the Boy Scout program are cordially invited to contact the Council office located at 456 Chamberlain Avenue, (oft 'phon'eWest Broadway),number is Paterson.SHerwood The2- 2918. All boys and all units are • asked to please register early for ßcamp. 'Hold Card Party Benefif For Sf. 3oseph'sHome -'- .The Ladies Auxiliary of St. Jo- ..seph's Rest Home for the Aged 'will sponsor a benefit card party A MAN AND A WAR -- The Civil War 18 of TV's biggest popular and critical successes -on Friday, February 12, in St. •weught to life by means of unusual still-picture uponits first presentationlast February.Flank- -"Michael'sChurch Hall. The entire animation technique in the "Project 20" produc- Ing AbrahamLincoln here are an infantryman tion of "Meet Mr. Llnooln," to be repeated on and a drummer boy. At top is a gun crew at ß:Proceeds will be givento the new the NBC.TV Network Thursday, Feb. 11. The Petersburg,Va., in action; at bottom, a 'Camp 'building fund through which an pregram, which give• movement and flow to in CumberlandLanding, W. Va., in repose.The -.•_•:•ddi•ionto the homewill be eentury-old photograph. and prin•, scored one scot, featuressongs and marchesof the time. :•reeted. at PreaknessAvenue and ......... Front Street. " Further plans /or the. affair •were made at the recent monthly ' meeting of the auxiliary at which Mrs. Frank De Maria, president, ".presided. ...- Mrs. Carmine Pellosi is chair- ._ ß man of the benefit with Mrs. Jamessistant G.chairman.Lacava Theyserving are asbeingas- •.;?assistedby the following commit- •?tees- •..;•Mrs. Frank Allegra, Mrs. Ha- •-•zelCorica; decorations, MissEva •Gorga, Mrs. Marino Corsetto, .:Mrs.Robert Brauch, Miss Anto• •.nia Aumenta; prizes; Mrs. James 'iSantoro, Mrs. Sylvia Poidomari, •.!•s•. HenryMcCabe, Mrs. Ottilio .......... :::::2 •._•.PepYS"Table prizes, Mrs. Philip De :::::•:. .Crosta,Mrs. Philip Federico, Mrs. i:i:i:!:•i:i:i:•:• •Mary Masi;refreshments, Mrs. '•. rank Creco,Mrs. A. Filipelli, .•.•-,• rs. Vincent Trancone, Mrs. •-•,;;•hris Tolemeo. •..•:-Information onthe card party •_•;,-aybe had from Mrs. De Maria, IN CLASSIC STORY--David Wayne (left) will Daniel Webster in a colorcast adaptation of be seen as Mr.
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