Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2009 Indexed and prepared by Kit Zerbe of the Special Collections Division, Akron-Summit County Public Library The first column lists the name of the deceased and the second lists the date on which an obituary appeared. Please note that it is quite common for an individual’s obituary to appear in two or three consecutive issues of the newspaper, with an abbreviated version appearing on at least one day. If the obituary that appears on the date given is not as detailed as you had hoped, check the issue for the previous and/or following day. Notes and Abbreviations: Names in quotation marks indicate nicknames, for example: Adams, Doris J. "Janie." (nee) indicates a woman’s maiden name. Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2009 – page 1 Abbott, Emma 12/15/2009 Abels, Frederick N. 2/5/2009 Aberegg, Sr., Garland Harvey 5/26/2009 Abicht, Richard John Paul 1/24/2009 Abraham, George 11/22/2009 Abraham, Vivian Monica 11/5/2009 Absalom, William J., Rev. 11/1/2009 Acela, Clara Mattlie (nee Denny) 4/28/2009 Acken, Caroline Wilson (Banks) 1/1/2009 Ackerman, Russell E. 1/16/2009 Acklin, Adele 11/13/2009 Acklin, Tony M. "The Mailman" 8/7/2009 Adair, Pamela S. 11/3/2009 Adam, Elizabeth A. 11/9/2009 Adamek, Jacob Mallon 4/24/2009 Adamov, Mary 8/21/2009 Adams, Doris J. "Janie" 7/26/2009 Adams, George Howk 9/11/2009 Adams, Geraldine L. (nee Smith, Rittenour) 9/14/2009 Adams, Harold E. 7/8/2009 Adams, John V. 12/14/2009 Adams, Lenora F. (Bowers) 12/28/2009 Adams, M. Loretta 9/6/2009 Adams, Paul C. 10/5/2009 Adams, Paul G. 5/8/2009 Adams, Violet W. 7/22/2009 Adams, W. June 5/30/2009 Adams, William "Randy" 11/19/2009 Adamson, Don Terry 7/8/2009 Adamson, Robert Paul 1/31/2009 Adante, Gloria L. 12/28/2009 Addessi, Bess (Giampetro) 10/31/2009 Addy, Matthew 4/18/2009 Adgate, Barbara J. 5/19/2009 Adkins, Patricia A. 4/8/2009 Adkins, Sariah L. 1/29/2009 Adkins, Warren S. 2/19/2009 Adler, Kenneth E. 8/21/2009 Adlon, Thomas F. 8/22/2009 Adniskey, Verda R. 4/5/2009 Ahern, Gertrude Cahill 9/23/2009 Ahlborn, Velma L. 11/1/2009 Aiken, Nancy H. (nee Horn) 10/7/2009 Aikman, David 1/18/2009 Ajamie, Evelyn S. 1/22/2009 Ake, Irene (nee Sprague) 1/7/2009 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2009 – page 2 Ake, Leslie C. (Chuck) 11/22/2009 Ake, Russell E. 1/30/2009 Akins, Theodore P. 1/5/2009 Albaugh, Carl E. 4/2/2009 Albaugh, Doris A. 7/7/2009 Albertoni, George M. 2/18/2009 Albertson, Fred 8/17/2009 Albright, Betty Jane 3/8/2009 Albright, James Cornet 7/26/2009 Albright, John W. 6/18/2009 Albright, Mildred B. 3/9/2009 Albright, Patricia A. (nee Hornbeck) 8/4/2009 Albright, Richard P. 10/17/2009 Albright, Tressie Eleanor 12/28/2009 Alchier, Steve 7/18/2009 Alderson, Patsy "Pat" Louise (Burgess) 3/3/2009 Alesci, Angelo J. 9/12/2009 Alessio, Etta May 6/17/2009 Alexander, Dennis 4/21/2009 Alexander, Larry T. 12/18/2009 Alexander, Layalnee Louise 9/5/2009 Alexander, Lenora 6/29/2009 Alexander, Louise 3/18/2009 Alexander, Samuel 2/18/2009 Alexander, Wilma E. 2/12/2009 Alexander, Winnie L. 1/19/2009 Alexis, Esther M. 4/25/2009 Alford, Bertha M. 4/1/2009 Allan, Robert B. 2/7/2009 Allbritton, Viola M. 4/14/2009 Allen, Ann 2/8/2009 Allen, Audie 6/11/2009 Allen, Euretta D. 4/16/2009 Allen, Jimmy Lee 2/4/2009 Allen, Mildred, Mrs. 12/10/2009 Allen, Philip B. 6/9/2009 Aller II, Gary Neil 7/14/2009 Allgood, Howard L. 5/27/2009 Allio, Dennis Anthony 7/3/2009 Allison, Gene Edward George 1/30/2009 Allison, James "Mike" 1/28/2009 Allman, Kristy Danielle 3/3/2009 Allred, Shirley 8/30/2009 Allshouse, Lawrence C. 6/23/2009 Alspach, H. Stuart "Stu" 3/10/2009 Alspach, Helen A. 4/12/2009 Ambrose, Sr., John 6/12/2009 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2009 – page 3 Ambrosic, Ann M. SEE: Ambrosic, Anna L. N/A Ambrosic, Anna L. 5/19/2009 Amerson, Dorothy L. 1/3/2009 Amerson, Iriven L. 9/29/2009 Amonett, LouAnn 7/14/2009 Anders, Aloma Mae 11/19/2009 Anders, Thomas W. 10/6/2009 Anderson, Antoine 3/12/2009 Anderson, Bernice J. 12/20/2009 Anderson, Brenda A. 10/22/2009 Anderson, Dorothy J. 8/11/2009 Anderson, Gary A. 12/4/2009 Anderson, George E. 8/9/2009 Anderson, Jeannette E. Wright 1/18/2009 Anderson, Oreta Mae Bennington 7/29/2009 Anderson, Patsy "Pat" Louise (Burgess) 3/2/2009 Anderson, Richard C. 5/15/2009 Anderson, Robert 2/25/2009 Anderson, Samuel Allen 8/12/2009 Anderson, Virginia Ruth (Bishop) 2/4/2009 Anderson, William Fred 4/12/2009 Andraka, Bette Speck 9/25/2009 Andraka, Joseph Thomas 12/28/2009 Andreef, Nickolas P. 6/21/2009 Andrews, David F. 10/2/2009 Andrews, Dorothy M. 12/1/2009 Andrews, Larry J. 10/14/2009 Andrews, Percy A. 8/13/2009 Andrews, Roger I. 4/2/2009 Anello, Josephine "Adele" (Caniglia) 3/10/2009 Angeletti, Gerald "Jerry" 5/31/2009 Angelo, Mike R. 11/22/2009 Angerstien, Erma 2/25/2009 Anich, Frances M. (Forello) 9/17/2009 Ankeny, Jean 2/26/2009 Anshutz, Norma M. (nee Benefit) 9/6/2009 Anthony, Virginia 11/13/2009 Antibus, Corey 5/27/2009 Antonino, Della M. 10/4/2009 Antonuk, Theodore Eugene 2/1/2009 Antos, Angeline (Piporo) 5/15/2009 Apati, Jon L. 3/30/2009 Apazeller, Jr., Michael J. 9/20/2009 Apitz, Carol Lynn (Ayers) 8/4/2009 Aplebaum, Jacob 7/17/2009 Appleman, Doris Virginia (nee McAfee) 3/19/2009 Appleton, Janet C. 12/29/2009 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2009 – page 4 Aragon, Lynn Ruth Daugherty, Dr. 4/3/2009 Aramouni, Jacqueline (nee Sleiman) 1/9/2008 Archer, Anna "Tina" 12/20/2009 Archer, James "Jim" 9/6/2009 Archer, Louise C. 8/6/2009 Archie, Corliss 7/12/2009 Archie, Gene H. 1/27/2009 Archie, Gene H. 3/5/2009 Argabrite, Kenneth 8/15/2009 Argenio, Arnold J. 7/9/2009 Armantrout, Norma Parfitt 1/4/2009 Armbruster, August "Gus" J. 9/28/2009 Armstron, Lawrence Joseph 7/24/2009 Armstrong, Daniel James "Danny" 7/1/2009 Armstrong, Lawrence Joseph 7/25/2009 Armstrong, May F. 1/6/2009 Armstrong, Richard E. "Dick" 5/9/2009 Armstrong, William Michael "Bill" 9/6/2009 Arner, Marie Kully 8/4/2009 Arnold, Allen Dean 3/13/2009 Arnold, Anne M. 5/6/2009 Arnold, Everett 1/29/2009 Arnold, Leora Kay 12/17/2009 Arnold, Michael 9/5/2009 Arnold, Richard W. "Buddy" 5/7/2009 Arnott, David H. 8/9/2009 Aronica-Saffles, Josephine C., M.D. 9/22/2009 Arthur, Wilfred 7/2/2009 Arthurs, Clifford L. 11/8/2009 Artino, Herbert John 8/23/2009 Arvay, Andrew "Andy" 3/28/2009 Asad, George C. 5/9/2009 Asbury, James E. "Butch" 7/27/2009 Ash II, John R. 7/17/2009 Ashbaugh, Jr., Edward M. 9/13/2009 Ashcraft, Eileen 4/17/2009 Ashworth, Vera Mae 1/1/2009 Asklin, Tony 8/6/2009 Astle, Betty J. 9/13/2009 Asturi, Caterina (nee Lazzaro) 6/3/2009 Ater, Jr., Glenn 3/23/2009 Atkins, Claude C. 2/12/2009 Atwood, Margaret "Nan" 8/20/2009 Atzenhofer, Marcene H. 12/18/2009 Auburn, David Bruce 5/3/2009 Aue, Marie R. 2/26/2009 Augustine, Sr., Arthur G. "Augie" 2/18/2009 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2009 – page 5 Augustus, Richard E. 6/12/2009 Austin, Barbara L. 3/17/2009 Austin, Ernestine 10/11/2009 Austin, James R. 9/18/2009 Austin, Joe Ike 12/29/2009 Autry, Robert 1/17/2009 Avedisian, Mary 1/16/2009 Avedisian, Zaven 2/15/2009 Averett, Antoinette 6/9/2009 Averiette, Sr., Anthony Lee 11/1/2009 Averill, Ruth M. 12/3/2009 Awadalla, Sabry, MD 10/6/2009 Ayers, Andrew Walter "Andy" 4/2/2009 Azar, Brenda J. (nee Pruitt) 3/11/2009 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2009 – page 6 Babb, Richard Gale 1/18/2009 Babcock, Anne Obenour 4/9/2009 Babcox, Marilyn S. (nee Sumner) 11/7/2009 Bach, Mildred R. 11/29/2009 Bacher, Rosemary 8/29/2009 Bachmann, Agnes (Gerhart) 10/21/2009 Bachmann, Matilda 11/28/2009 Bachus, Naomi "Ruth" 3/10/2009 Backner, Richard C. 9/18/2009 Backus, Donald C. 11/7/2009 Bacon, William E. "Bill" 4/21/2009 Bader, Nancy F. 12/21/2009 Badger, Edward Rhoades 3/7/2009 Badger, Gertrude 9/30/2009 Baechel, Vicki L. 10/2/2009 Bael, Ethel L. 12/4/2009 Bagozzi, Anna I. 11/11/2009 Baile, Ross 7/11/2009 Bailey, Annie L. 8/16/2009 Bailey, Dallas Eugene 2/22/2009 Bailey, Evelyn E. 3/29/2009 Bailey, Frances Mae (Berish) 11/5/2009 Bailey, Jr., Joseph 3/23/2009 Bailey, Jr., Robert Lee (Bob) 2/15/2009 Bailey, Paul Blaine 4/27/2009 Bailey, Robert L. 5/27/2009 Bain, Thomas J., Rev., S.J.
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