Are you psychologically healthy enough to stock Royal golf balls? I If you're not an emotion- through until the West- going to stand out in your ally mature individual, chester Golf Classic. showcase. <you'd better not stock Royal There'll also be an im- What all this boils down golf balls. pressive campaign in Read- to is this: if you stock Royal You see, this year, forthe er's Digest, Golf, Golf Digest golf balls and you find first time, we'll be advertis- and Golf World. they're not selling as fast as ing on T.V. Our color com- But that's just half our you thought, you may just i mercialswill be seen by mil- story. We've redesigned have to accept the blame -iions of golf nuts on Sports all our packages. They look yourself. Network Television. Start- totally different from any Which takes a certain de- ling with the Los Angeles golf packageever.And we're gree of emotional maturity, Open and continuing convinced they're really don't you agree? If you think you're psychologically healthy enough to stock Royal golf balls, here's where you can order them. T. A. Frechette G. B. Osborne J. E. LaCount 57 Virginia Road 440 Columbia Road 1500 Valley Drive Waltham, Mass. 02154 Winnsboro, S. C. 29180 Savage, Minn. 55378 617/894-7432 803/635-4801 612/890-3673 R. D. Marchetti J. E. Condo E. A. Roepke 170 Sunnydale Road 3650 Saybrook Avenue 17430-24th Avenue Trumbull, Conn. 06611 Cincinnati, Ohio 45208 Wayzata, Minn. 55391 203/374-6467 513/321-3091 612/473-2862 C. J. Krieger J. A. Popp D. L. Caldwell 1115 Kirkham 81 Tall Oak Lane 5918 27th Terrace N. St. Louis, Mo. 63122 Pittsford, N.Y. 14534 St. Petersburg, Fla. 33710 314/962-5802 716/334-9646 813/343-1805 F. M. Merritt J. S. Rubins R. H. Schwab 634 Stardust Lane 2365 18th Street 2100 NE 60th Street Richardson, Tex. 75080 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33308 214/235-6814 216/923-7063 305/933-3656 J. C. Stubbs J. W. Lack 4831 Knotty Oaks Trail J. W. Pope Mail: P.O. Box 118 Houston, Texas 77045 Penthouse Apartments Hauppauge, L.I., N.Y. 11788 713/433-6505 Apt. 227 516/265-7383 1925 N. 3rd Avenue Pkgs: 678 Town Line Road E. C. Bowser Baton Rouge, La. 70802 Hauppauge, L.I., N.Y. 11788 454-129th Place NE 504/344-4010 Bellevue, Wash. 98004 J. E. Cahill 206/454-4256 4003 Reynolds Road K. G. Muller 234 Ridge Avenue K. K. Jackson Chester, Penna. 19015 1518 E. 3rd Street 215/876-4784 Evanston, III. 60202 312/864-7572 Long Beach, Calif. 90812 213/437-1057 T. C. Paroline 1811 Berkwood Drive R. W. Halstead J. J. Knell Pittsburgh, Penna. 15216 1903 Clifton Avenue 3127 Bryant Street 412/279-7436 Royal Oak, Michigan 48073 Palo Alto, Calif. 94306 313/548-2772 415/326-0722 E. M. Brown 154 Courtney Drive, D. J. Jefferson E. D. Kearns Apt. L-12 2611 North 96th Dr. 3317 Wilson Street Forest Park, Ga. 30050 Omaha, Nebraska 68134 Long Beach, California 404/361-7527 402/393-8433 213/439-6254 Royal Golf Equipment UNlROYAl The need for driver safety With ever-increasing golf car traffic, drivers must be made to heed the "rules of the road." by Harold K. Howe Executive Secretary, American Golf Car Manufacturers Association Certainly no one wants accidents, neither the course management, nor the golf car manufacturers and not even the users themselves. With over 135,000 golf cars currently in use on golf courses in the United States and Canada, the first and most important facet of the safer operation of golf cars is "User Education." The golfer has his mind on his game and it is not easy to get through to him with a safety message. So the message must be brief— for almost instant comprehension. And it must be placed before him so he sees and absorbs the message almost without knowing it. The best places for such messages are: • On the golf car itself. • At significant points on the course. • In the pro shop. Above, Toro's electric golf car. The Golfmaster measures 92" x 44V2" and weighs 937 pounds. It • In locker rooms. features adjustable seats and 4-wheel suspension. • At point of delivery of golf cars. • At the "19th hole." The rules for safer use of golf cars are generally turns, your passenger may not be expecting them based on common sense—things we all know but and be thrown out of the car. forget to practice. Here are some of the most 7. Always drive slowly and carefully, on hills and significant rules. You might call them the "Ten slopes, and especially when going down inclines. Commandments" of safer golf car operations: More accidents happen from fast careless driving on 1. Be sure you know the controls and operation inclines than from any other careless act. of the car before you take it out on the course. All 8. Be sure to set the brake before leaving car, cars are not the same. Improvements are constantly especially if parking on slopes. Actually, cars should being made by the manufacturers. If in doubt, check be parked on as level a place as possible, so there with the man in charge of the cars. is no chance of them rolling onto greens or into 2. Try the brakes before leaving the first tee. traps or water hazards. All cars should be in good safe condition before 9. Do not allow children to operate cars on the being turned over to the golfer, but mistakes some- course. Club management should set minimum age times happen. It only takes a minute to check the limits for teenagers to operate cars. brake action. 10. The Golden Rule—Be Courteous, Considerate, 3. Do not carry more than two passengers in a and Careful! Always observe the etiquette of the two passenger car, nor more than one passenger in wonderful game of golf. Be as careful of the course a single passenger car. The golf car is designed with as if it were your own. Be as considerate of the the proper stability and center of gravity for one or other golfer as if you yourself were playing his two passengers. More than two passengers will shot. Drive carefully and follow the routes marked change the center of gravity and crowding may for golf cars. make it difficult to operate the car properly. There are many other factors, of course, that are 4. Keep both feet inside the car. A dragging foot important in the safe operation of golf cars—proper with spiked shoes can catch the turf and result in maintenance of the cars, careful routing on the painful and serious injuries. course to avoid potential danger areas, landscaping 5. Put golf clubs in golf bags when riding in golf by course superintendents and golf course architects cars. Some places on every course are rough and to eliminate hazards of terrain and, of course, the bumpy to golf car riders and loose clubs can give design of the golf cars themselves. But above all you some pretty bad jabs. else, it is the golfer who drives the golf car who is 6. When driving always avoid sharp quick turns. the single most important factor in the safe opera- While golf cars are designed to make sharp short tion of golf cars. • Supers declare on weevi When the hyp erodes weevi I struck at New York courses, superintendents in the metropolitan area banded together to sponsor the research needed. A little known member of the weevil family, Hy- Thus, the Long Island Golf Course Superintendents perodes maculiollis, infested many clubs in the New Association and the Metropolitan Golf Course Su- York metropolitan area last season causing con- perintendents Association decided to make a joint siderable damage. The damage extended from Long effort to establish a research fund. This fund was Island to Westchester County and up into southern named the "Golf course superintendents research Connecticut. and turfgrass fund." The seriousness of the problem prompted several Clubs in the area were asked to contribute $300 golf course superintendents from Long Island and or less than one dollar per member. Contributions Westchester to meet with entomologists from New of an equal amount were requested from commer- York, Connecticut and New Jersey to discuss the cial concerns, golf associations and individuals in- mounting problem. terested in this problem. Letters were written to Dean Charles Palm, Col- The Long Island Golf Course Superintendents lege of Agriculture, Cornell University, Ithaca, New made a donation of $20,000 to push this fund over York requesting research on this insect; and also its intended goal from its annual research and indicating that superintendents would be willing to scholarship dinner dance. The efforts of all clubs, discuss the possibility of donations to speed the associations, firms, and individuals made this fund process of obtaining research. a reality. Periodic progress reports and an annual On July 21, 1967, a field meeting was held on auditing of funds will be sent to all contributors. Long Island, attended by several interested persons The insect apparently does its damage during including Dr. David Pimentel, head of the ento- April through July, chewing on the roots or crowns mology department at Cornell, and assisted by of the grass plants. It can completely destroy large Dr. James Brann and Dr. George Gyrisko. areas of turf or weaken it to the extent that it is Cornell was willing to undertake this research, easily susceptible to disease or death during periods but in order to come to a solution in as short a of stress.
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