F I N E LIVIN G “INVESTING” Bom Sucesso, Belém, Lisboa ...is applying capital with the intention of gaining a p r o f i t The economy also says Paulo Duque, Algés “ I s any expenditure or application of “INVESTING” resources that produces a future return ” We d e v e l o p our b u s i n e s s m a x i m i z i n g i n v e s t m e n t i n a c o n t e x t of f i n e l i v i n g Bom Sucesso, Belém, Lisboa C r e a t i v e s o l u t i o n s I n n o v a t i v e a p p r o a c h S o l i d investments Bom Sucesso, Belém, Lisboa We have been investing in the real estate market since 2001 and despite the major evidence for rehabilitation and historic city centres Taipas 18, Lisboa we also develop new construction projects, always within the concept of FINE LIVING Taipas 18, Lisboa FINE LIVING MGC 720, Foz, Porto Vogue Homes was born O n e of the b e s t e u r o p e a n destinations in 2001, in the city of t o i n v e s t i n in the r e a l e s t a t e m a r k e t LisbonTaipas 18, Lisboa Porto and Lisbon are amongst the most sought after cities Mild weather Affordable living cost Cities with great m2/euros ratio PORTUGAL IS CONSIDERED THE BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN T H E W O R L D Wallpaper Magazine Timeout Conde Nasté Traveller Magazine Público Paris Match Observador Essencial Business Expresso Telegraph Jornal de Negócios We operate in two business areas São Carlos, Chiado, Lisboa Dafundo, Oeiras Buildings in historic city centres and New construction projects rehabilitation When we develop new projects we highlight MGC 720, Foz, Porto P o t e n t i a l of the i n v e s t m e n t P r i v i l e g e d l o c a t i o n Technlogy and architecture in h a r m o n y , a c h i e v i n g t h e “fine living” concept MGC 720, Foz, Porto Some of our previous investments 2010 2012 2014 2016 | Padre António Vieira 3 | Santana à Lapa | Miguel Bombarda 141 | João das Regras 3 Amoreiras, Lisboa 105 Lapa, Lisboa Avenidas Novas, Lisboa Baixa, Lisboa | Luz Soriano 15 | Cabo 36 Campo | Augusto José Vieira | Madalena 88 Bairro Alto, Lisboa de Ourique, Lisboa 23 Graça, Lisboa Baixa, Lisboa | Francisco Metrass 75 Campo de Ourique, Lisboa 2011 2013 2015 | Gomes Pereira 21 | Rua Nova do | Sacramento 28 Benfica, Lisboa Loureiro 24 Chiado, Lisboa | Telhal 12 Av. Bairro Alto, Lisboa | Ivens 50 Liberdade, Lisboa | Rua Nova do Chiado, Lisboa | Largo do Mastro 1 Loureiro 26 | Ferreira Borges Campo Mártires Bairro Alto, Lisboa Campo de Da Pátria, Lisboa Ourique, Lisboa Some of our previous investments 2018 | Crisóstomo 20 Avenidas Novas, Lisboa | Intendente 48 Largo do Intendente, Lisboa | Madrid 6 Av. de Madrid, Lisboa | Atheneu Baixa, Lisboa | Luís de Camões Algés, Oeiras 2017 2019 | Bom Sucesso | Vila Sanches | Páscoa 43st. | Taipas 18 | Portas do Sol 1 Belém, Lisboa Campo de Ourique, Isabel, Lisboa Principe Real, Lisboa Setúbal | S. Carlos Lisboa | Emenda 5 | Valbom | Ávila 193 Chiado, Lisboa | Casa do Cedro Chiado, Lisboa Avenidas Novas, Lisboa Avenidas Novas, Lisboa | Paulo Duque Algés, Oeiras | Fanqueiros 218 | Crisóstomo | Maria Pia Dafundo, Algés | Rua da Bombarda Baixa, Lisboa Av. João Crisóstomo, 20 St. Isabel, Lisboa | Dafundo Anjos, Lisboa Dafundo, Oeiras Profitability The right place for investing BomTaipasDafundo, Sucesso, 18, Oeiras Lisboa Belém,Belém, Lisboa Lisboa OUR PHILOSOPHY IS BUILT ON TOP OF 3 PILLARS MGC 720, Foz, Porto Taipas 18, Lisboa Taipas 18, Lisboa INOVATION PROFITABILITY LOCALIZATION Creative and technological | We preserve and value the | Betting on privileged locations solutions. Use of high quality traditional architecture’s | Buildings in noteworthy places, materials to provide a elegance which add value to the project product that is | Excellent finishes | Singular | Differentiating | High level Vogue Projects Elegance, sofistification and contemporaneity MGCBomPaulo Sucesso,720, Duque, Foz, Algés,Belém,Porto Lisboa Lisboa In each investment we bring together the necessary components Guaranteeing the project’s viability Maximizing the investment’s potential Building homes of which we are proud of Bom Sucesso, Belém, Lisboa Every detail is t a k e n i n t o consideration Bom Sucesso, Belém, Lisboa Bom Sucesso, Belém, Lisboa Bom Sucesso, Belém, Lisboa High quality materials Inovative interiors and Solutions which design guarentee comfort and elegance Set made up of four housing buildings, each one with a varied offer of space and environment, with two buildings dedicated to housing units and two other buildings of apartments L o c a t i o n A r c h i t e c t s B e l é m - L i s b o a Saraiva + Associados Set made up of fourteen housing units with different typologies in a closed condo with pools and garden L o c a t i o n A r c h i t e c t s F o z - P o r t o C o r r e i a - R a g a z z i Rehabilitaition of pombaline building in Largo de São Carlos in Chiado meant for commerce and housing, with one apartment per floor. L o c a t i o n A r c h i t e c t s C h i a d o - L i s b o a O p e n b o o k Housing development with typologies ranging from T 1 to T 4 and 2 duplex, in a closed condo philosophy, private swimming pools on the roof terrace, and others exclusive and innovative infrastructures. L o c a t i o n A r c h i t e c t s Da f un do - Oeira s Saraiva + Associados We challenge ourselves , every day, to be more than an investment company We challenge ourselves at being a company where trust, experience and opportunity meet together and g i v e live into your investment F I N E LIV ING MGC 720, Foz, Porto Lisboa São Paulo FINE LIVING V o g u e H o m e s c o m m i t s i t s e l f s e r i o u s l y in r e d u c i n g i t s c a r b o n f o o t p r i n t A l l of o u r p r o j e c t s a r e d e v e l o p e d w i t h BREEAM®certification E f f i c i e n c y a n d sustainability a r e fundamental p r i n c i p a l s at o u r c o m p a n y w h e n we s t a r t e d a n d d e v e l o p o u r p r o j e c t s.
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