TTeexxaass DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff AAggrriiccuullttuurree CChhiilldd aanndd AAdduulltt CCaarree FFoooodd PPrrooggrraamm –– DDaayy CCaarree HHoommeess HHaannddbbooookk Child and Adult Care Food Program – Day Care Homes Handbook Table of Contents 1000 Introduction 2000 Eligibility and Application Requirements 3000 Program Agreement 4000 Managing the Program 5000 Visits, Reviews, and Audits 6000 Civil Rights 7000 Financial Management 8000 Denials, Terminations and Appeals 9000 Terms, Definitions and Acronyms 10000 Serious Deficiency 11000 Resources 12000 Frequently Asked Questions Section 1000 Introduction Table of Contents 1100 Program Description 1200 Administration 1300 Other Programs 1400 Funding 1500 Appeals Texas Department of Agriculture – December 2015 Introduction – 1 Child and Adult Food Program – Day Care Homes Handbook This page intentionally left blank. Texas Department of Agriculture – December 2015 Introduction – 2 Child and Adult Food Program – Day Care Homes Handbook 1000 Introduction 1100 Program Description The U.S. Congress originally established the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) in 1968 as the Child Care Food Program. The purpose of the CACFP is to provide aid to child and adult care institutions and family or group day care homes for the provision of nutritious foods that contribute to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of young children, and the health and wellness of older adults and chronically impaired disabled persons. Initially, the CACFP provided reimbursement for meals served to children in day care centers, settlement homes, and recreational centers in low-income areas where large numbers of working mothers resided. The program was later extended to day care provided in: • Nonprofit child care and adult day care centers • For-profit child care and adult day care centers • Day care homes for children The National School Lunch Act, as amended, authorizes federal assistance to states that administer the CACFP. States may use the assistance to help start, maintain, and expand nonprofit food services for children enrolled for child care in nonresidential institutions. This handbook explains program requirements and protocols that a contracting entity (CE) must follow while sponsoring the participation of day care homes in the CACFP. 1200 Administration The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) has an agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to administer the CACFP in Texas, and does so in accordance with federal and state requirements. These requirements can be found in the: • Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 7 CFR Part 226 • Texas Administrative Code (TAC) at Title 4, Part 1, Chapter 25 • CACFP Handbooks TDA administers the CACFP through several Food and Nutrition Community Operations Field offices statewide. TDA views its relationship with CEs as a partnership. Texas Department of Agriculture – December 2015 Introduction – 3 Child and Adult Food Program – Day Care Homes Handbook A Community Operations Field office is assigned to each CE and potential CE based on the geographic area in which its primary business office is located, and provides oversight to ensure CEs comply with Program requirements. Additionally, each CE is assigned to an Education Service Center (ESC) office, which provides technical assistance to CEs and offers Program trainings which CEs can attend to understand and ensure compliance with Program requirements. CEs must comply with federal and state requirements in their operation of the Program and must ensure their sites do so as well (if a sponsoring organization). Together TDA and CEs ensure efficient and effective use of taxpayer dollars in providing nutritious meals to participants and assisting Texans in living a healthy lifestyle. 1300 Other Programs In addition to the CACFP, TDA administers the following USDA nutrition programs: • National School Lunch Program • School Breakfast Program • Special Milk Program • Summer Food Service Program • Food Distribution Program • The Emergency Food Assistance Program • Commodity Supplemental Food Program (in limited areas only) • Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (in limited areas only) • Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program • Farmers Market Nutrition Program If an organization is approved to participate in more than one program at the same time, it must ensure that it: • Does not claim the same meal(s) for a participant in multiple programs. • Does not serve the same meal(s) to a participant in multiple programs. • Maintains separate records for each program. • Attributes costs to the appropriate program. Texas Department of Agriculture – December 2015 Introduction – 4 Child and Adult Food Program – Day Care Homes Handbook 1400 Funding USDA monies are used to fund certain costs associated with food services provided to children. USDA monies may be used to: • Reimburse CEs for part of the cost of serving meals and snacks to children at eligible day care homes. • Reimburse CEs for approved administrative costs associated with sponsoring day care homes. • Reimburse CEs for the expense associated with obtaining an approved audit. • Fund advance payments, start-up funds and expansion funds. 1500 Appeals A CE has the right to appeal certain actions TDA take that adversely affects its claims or participation in the CACFP. Refer to Section 8000, Denials, Terminations and Appeals , for additional information regarding your appeal rights. Texas Department of Agriculture – December 2015 Introduction – 5 Child and Adult Food Program – Day Care Homes Handbook Section 2000 Eligibility and Application Requirements Table of Contents 2100 Eligibility 2200 Application 2210 Getting Started 2220 Management Plan 2221 Publicly Funded Programs 2222 Performance Standards 2222.1 Financial Viability and Financial Management 2222.2 Administrative Capability 2222.3 Program Accountability 2223 Free and Reduced Price Policy Statement 2230 Budget 2240 Contracting Entity/Day Care Home Operations 2241 Licensing and Registration 2241.1 Weekend Care 2241.2 Minimum Standards 2242 Tax Exemption 2250 Pre-Award Civil Rights Compliance Review 2260 Advance Payments 2270 Audit Compliance 2300 Performance Bond 2310 Amount of a Performance Bond 2320 Relief from the Bonding Requirement 2330 Cost of Obtaining a Performance Bond Texas Department of Agriculture – October 2019 Eligibility and Application Requirements – 1 Child and Adult Care Food Program – Day Care Homes Handbook 2400 Provider Appeal Procedures 2500 Additional Information 2510 Disqualification 2520 Background Checks 2530 Government Issued Identification 2540 Amendments 2540.1 Universal Amendments 2540.2 Contracting Entity-Specific Amendments 2540.3 Application/Management Plan Changes 2600 Training 2700 Visit Prior to Approval 2800 Application Renewal 2900 Forms Texas Department of Agriculture – October 2019 Eligibility and Application Requirements – 2 Child and Adult Care Food Program – Day Care Homes Handbook 2000 Eligibility and Application Requirements Organizations participating in the CACFP (Program) are known as Contracting Entities (CEs). CEs participating in the Day Care Home component of the CACFP are also referred to as sponsoring organizations (sponsors). Reference Section 9000, Terms, Definitions and Acronyms , for the definition of a sponsoring organization. Day care homes, also known as Providers, can only participate in the Program under the auspices of a sponsor. As a sponsor, the CE accepts final administrative and financial responsibility for all day care homes under its sponsorship. Potential CEs must submit an application for the Program Year (PY) in which they intend to begin their participation. Each year CEs will be required to submit a renewal application (also known as a continuing application). CEs that withdraw or terminate their participation in the Program at any time and later want to resume participation must complete a new application. 2100 Eligibility Organizations which want to sponsor day care homes must: • Be a public institution (governmental) or have tax-exemption under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. • Ensure that the day care homes they sponsor provide organized, nonresidential child care. • Maintain required records and documents. • Accept final administrative and financial responsibility for the Program operations. • Attend all required TDA training. • Operate a nonprofit food service. • Personally manage Program operations, in other words, they may not subcontract the management of Program operations (refer to Section 3000, Item 3140, Program Management , for additional information related to subcontracting). • Provide adequate supervisory and operational personnel to effectively manage and monitor Program operations. Texas Department of Agriculture – October 2019 Eligibility and Application Requirements – 3 Child and Adult Care Food Program – Day Care Homes Handbook • Restrict their employees from securing additional employment that interferes with their Program responsibilities and duties, i.e., scheduling or conflict-of-interest issues. • Complete an application for participation, submit all required application documentation and enter into an Agreement with the Texas Department of Agriculture. • Unmet Need – an organization applying to participate in the Program as a new sponsor, or reapplying to participate after a break in service, must document that its participation will help ensure the delivery of meal benefits to previously un-served day care homes. A “break in service” is defined as
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