Waveney Local Plan Interim May 2004 Waveney Local Plan Interim May 2004 (Waveney District Council approved this Interim Waveney Local Plan at its meeting in February 2004. It will be used for development control purposes, as representing the council’s emerging policies, alongside the existing Waveney Local Plan, adopted November 1996). Louise Jordan-Hall Corporate Director (Regeneration and Environment) Waveney District Council Town Hall High Street LOWESTOFT Suffolk NR32 1HS Contents 1. Function and Context 9 2. Local Plan Vision and Land Use Strategy 15 3. Regeneration and Renaissance 26 4. Development Control 37 5. Providing Homes for All 47 6. Revitalising the Economy 73 7. Providing For Sustainable Transport 111 8. Protecting and Improving Our Environment 129 9. Community Facilities, Recreation and Open Space 151 Appendices (1) Local Plan Policy – Monitoring Framework (2) Housing Guidelines for allocated sites (3) Parking Standards (4) List of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (5) County Wildlife Sites (6) Ancient Woodland (7) Scheduled Ancient Monuments (8) Glossary of terms and Abbreviations Proposals Maps (separate folder) Waveney District Towns:- Lowestoft Lowestoft – Lake Lothing Beccles/Worlingham Halesworth/Holton Bungay Southwold/Reydon Larger Villages: Kessingland Barnby/North Cove Wangford Wrentham Other – (Defining Conservation Areas):- Homersfield Somerleyton Wissett The Ordnance Survey map data included within this publication is provided by Waveney District Council under licence from the Ordnance Survey in order to fulfil its public function as a Local Planning Authority. Persons viewing this map data should contact Ordnance Survey copyright for advice where they wish to licence as map data for their own use. All plans reproduced from Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of her Majesty’s Stationery Office and Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Waveney District Council LA 079936, 1997. Page 3 Background Papers A series of Background Papers have also been prepared to accompany the Interim Local Plan. These will be available for inspection at the deposit points and in local libraries. They are also available on request. (1) Whole Town Approaches (2) Urban Capacity Study (3) Topic Papers: Housing, July 2000 Open Space, July 2000 Environment, September 2000 Transport, September 2000 Shopping and Town Centres, September 2000 Villages and Rural Areas, September 2000 Economic Regeneration, October 2000 (4) Sustainability Appraisal Page 4 Interim Waveney Local Plan: Index of Policies by Chapter Page Number Local Plan Vision and Land Use Strategy LP1. Physical limits* 23 Regeneration and Renaissance R1. Mixed use development 30 R2. Mixed use allocations* 30 R3. Lake Lothing area Action Plan * 35 Development Control DC1. Neighbour amenity 38 DC2. Design 39 DC3. Community safety 40 DC4. Access for all 40 DC5. Efficient use of resources 41 DC6. Conversion and re-use of buildings 41 DC7. Landscaping scheme with new developments 41 DC8. Protection of existing natural and semi-natural features on development sites 41 DC9. Protection and creation of new habitats identified in Biodiversity Action Plans 42 DC10. Pollution control 42 DC11. Contaminated land 43 DC12. Hazardous Substances 43 DC13. Water supply and drainage provision to new developments 43 DC14. Surface water drainage 44 DC15. Pollution of groundwater 44 DC16. Flood risk 45 DC17. Planning Obligations 45 DC18. Access to new development 46 DC19. Accessibility to new development by non-car modes 46 DC20. Parking Standards 46 Providing Homes for All H1. Sites for future housing development * 57 H2. Woods Meadow housing allocation 60 H3. Density of new residential development 62 H4. Types of housing 62 H5. Development of affordable housing 64 H6. Housing within towns and larger villages 65 H7. Redevelopment of larger properties and gardens 65 H8. Backland development 66 H9. Flats above shops 66 H10. Conversion of properties to residential use 67 H11. Conversion of accommodation to self-contained flats (existing saturation levels) * 67 H12. Nursing and residential care homes 68 H13. Infill development in the countryside 69 H14. New housing in the countryside 69 H15. Replacement dwellings in the countryside 69 Page 5 Page Number H16. Provision of affordable housing in the countryside 70 H17. Extensions to dwellings 71 H18. Mobile homes 71 H19. Stopping places for travellers and travelling showpeople 72 H20. Travellers sites 72 Revitalising the Economy Industry & Employment E1. Industrial Land Allocations * 76 E2. Existing Industrial Areas * 76 E3. Existing and new businesses outside Existing Industrial Areas 78 E4. Safeguarding employment uses in residential areas 78 E5. Working from home 79 E6. Farm diversification 79 E7. Re-use of existing buildings in the countryside 80 E8. Agricultural development 81 E9. Intensive livestock production units 81 Shopping S1. Allocation of South Quay site for mixed use development * 89 S2. Allocation of land at Clifton Road/ Economy Road, Lowestoft * 90 S3. Major retail and leisure development 91 S4. Lowestoft town centre: main shopping streets * 92 S5. Lowestoft town centre: Core Shopping Area * 92 S6. Conversions of buildings within the Office Areas * 92 S7. Conversions of buildings within the Lowestoft central area * 92 S8. Protection of retail use in the Market Town centres * 93 S9. Changes of use within Market Town centres 93 S10. Land between the Thoroughfare and Saxon’s Way, Halesworth 93 S11. Changes of use within the Kirkley District Shopping Centre * 95 S12. Change of use outside Kirkley District Shopping Centre 95 S13. Changes of use within Oulton Broad District Shopping Centre * 96 S14. Ground floor changes of use in local shopping centres * 96 S15. Village and neighbourhood shops 97 S16. Farm shops 97 S17. Garden centres 98 Tourism TM1. Tourism allocation of North Denes area * 103 TM2. Tourism allocation of Lowestoft harbour * 103 TM3. Tourism allocation of western end of Lake Lothing * 104 TM4. Conversions and extensions to guest houses in Lowestoft 105 TM5. Replacement moorings, Southwold harbour * 106 TM6. Extensions to landing stages or pontoons, Southwold harbour * 106 TM7. Replacement huts and additional buildings, Southwold harbour * 107 TM8. Extensions to huts and other buildings, Southwold harbour * 107 TM9. Existing tourism areas 108 TM10. Caravans and camping 108 TM11. Permanent holiday accommodation 109 Page 6 Providing for Sustainable Transport Page Number T1. Safeguard land for the South Lowestoft Relief Road * 118 T2. Safeguard land for Phase 5 of the Northern Spine Road 119 T3. Improvements to Lowestoft town centre * 119 T4. Improvements in Beccles * 121 T5. Transport Assessment 123 T6. Cycle routes * 125 T7. Land allocated for transport interchange facilities * 127 T8. Green Travel Plan 127 T9. Car parking in the central area of Lowestoft 128 T10. Land safeguarded for Hungate car park extension, Beccles * 128 T11. Roadside Facilities 128 Protecting and Improving Our Environment ENV1. National need for development in AONB and Heritage Coast * 132 ENV2. National need for development along AONB boundary, Kessingland * 133 ENV3. Protection of Special Landscape Area * 133 ENV4. Protection of Broads landscape * 134 ENV5. Strategic Gaps and Open Breaks * 134 ENV6. Historic Parks and Gardens * 135 ENV7. Common land and village greens * 135 ENV8. Conservation of nationally and internationally designated wildlife areas * 136 ENV9. Conservation of locally designated wildlife areas * 136 ENV10. Protection of high quality agricultural land 137 ENV11. Protection of trees with Tree Preservation Order 137 ENV12. Coastal defence schemes 139 ENV13. Control of development along coastal zone * 142 ENV14. Network of Greenways 142 ENV15. Development in Conservation Areas * 143 ENV16. Demolition in a Conservation Area 144 ENV17. Replacement windows in Conservation Areas 145 ENV18. Alterations and additions to a Listed Building 146 ENV19. Protection of character and setting of Listed Buildings 146 ENV20. Demolition of Listed Buildings 146 ENV21. Conversion of a Listed Building 146 ENV22. Shopfronts in Conservation Areas 147 ENV23. Design and appearance of advertisement in Conservation Areas 147 ENV24. Design and appearance of signs and shopfronts 147 ENV25. Protection of Scheduled Ancient Monuments * 148 ENV26. Sites of Regional and Local Archaeological importance * 148 ENV27. Combustion-based renewable energy developments 148 Community Facilities, Recreation and Open Space CF1. New Primary School * 153 CF2. Community Centres 157 CF3. Allocation of land for new community centre * 158 CF4. Allotments * 158 CF5. Electricity overhead lines 158 CF6. Telecommunication installations 160 CF7. Satellite dishes 161 Page 7 Community Facilities, Recreation and Open Space (cont) Page Number OS1. Protection of existing open spaces * 164 OS2. Provision of public open space 166 OS3. Control of large scale recreation facilities 166 OS4. Development of equestrian facilities 167 * Policies with an asterisk relate to land identified on the Proposals Map Supplementary Planning Guidance Implementation of polices and proposals in the Local Plan can be assisted by reference to more detailed Supplementary Planning Guidance. The list below identifies current and proposed guidance. Existing Open Space Standard October 1991 (to be updated) Suffolk Advisory Parking Standards March 2002 (included in Appendix 3) Suffolk Design Guide 1993 (to be
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