Proudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE ORWOODQ EWSQ NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 ORWOODQ EWSQ Vol 34, No 2 • PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION COR P ORATION • JANUARY 21-FEBRUARY 3, 2021 NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 FREE CHAOS FOLLOWS SePÚLVEDA ArreST Perry Ave. Tenants Forced to Leave Homes | pg 2 Why Biaggi Backs Stringer’s Run for Mayor | pg 12 Photo by David Greene STATE SEN. LUIS Sepúlveda leaves reporters high and dry as he exits a toy giveaway in the South Bronx on Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021. They said they understood he would comment, at the event, about his Jan. 12 arrest but the senator refused to answer any questions. by DAVID GREENE domestic dispute during which precinct responded to a 911 call male and a 56-year-old male State Sen. Luis Sepúlveda he is alleged to have attempted regarding a domestic incident who both stated the other party has been stripped of his title to choke his estranged wife. at 5:45 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. assaulted them,” Mason said. New Elevator at as Chair of the Senate Commit- According to NYPD detec- 9, at Sepúlveda’s Daily Avenue The New York Times re- Gun Hill Road tee on Crimes, Crime Victims tive and spokeswoman, Sophia home in West Farms. “Police ported on Tuesday, Jan. 12, that Station | pg 13 and Corrections following a Mason, officers from the 48th were met by a 40-year-old fe- (continued on page 17) DOWNLOAD No Fee Unless You Win THE FREE APP Hablamos Español KRAMER& Free Consultation POLLACKLLP (212) ANSWERS INJURY ATTORNEYS Larry J. Kramer Joshua Pollack Keep us with you wherever you go (212) 267-9377 VIST OUR WEB SITE AND VIEW OUR TESTMONIALS WWW.212ANSWERS.COM 2 • January 21-February 3, 2021 • Norwood News Vol. 34, No. 2 New Landlord to Tenants: Happy Vol. 27, No. 10 NorwoodVol. News 27, No.is published 10 bi-weekly on Thursdays by MosholuNorwood Preservation News Corporationis published (MPC) Holidays, Now Get Out Norwood3400 Reservoir News isOval published East bi-weekly on Thursdays by bi-weeklyBronx, New on ThursdaysYork 10467 by MosholuPhone: Preservation 718 324 4998Corporation by DAVID GREENE Mosholu Preservation Corporation 3400Fax: Reservoir 718 324 Oval2917 East E-mail: [email protected] Reservoir Oval East Just days before Christmas, some Bronx, New York 10467 Web.:Bronx, www.norwoodnews.org New York 10467 15 families renting apartments in one Norwood residential building re- Publisher Phone: 718 324 4998 Phone: 718 324 4998 ceived a letter from One Vesta Prop- Mosholu PreservationFax: 718 324 Corporation 2917 erty Management, on behalf of the new E-mail: [email protected]: 718 324 2917 ExecutiveE-mail: [email protected] Director of MPC landlord, advising them they had to JenniferWeb: Tausig www.norwoodnews.org Web: www.norwoodnews.org move out on or before Mar. 31, 2021, as Editor-In-Chief, Norwood News their apartments are being sold. Síle Moloney [email protected] CEO, Mosholu According to Real Estate Weekly, Publisher CEO, Mosholu MosholuInterns Preservation 3UHVHUYDWLRQ the impacted rental cooperative apart- Mosholu Preservation CorporationDawn Clancy, Rachel DallooCorporation3UHVHUYDWLRQ ments, located at 3245 Perry Avenue Corporation Corporation Regular Contributors Roberto S. Garcia in Norwood, are among 255 units lo- Editor-in-Chief Roberto S. Garcia DavidEditor-in-Chief Cruz Greene, José A. Giralt, cated in nine different buildings in MiriamDavid Cruz Quiñones, Adi Talwar the Bronx and Manhattan, which were Contributors purchased in November 2020 as part &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJLynn Williams, Dr. Seth Condon Dawn&ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ McEvoy of a $23 million deal by Glacier Equi- Dawn McEvoy ties, a real estate investment firm led $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOHFor Display Advertising Dawn$FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH McEvoy by Myles Horn. Alex Horn is a partner CallDawn McEvoy Janet Geller at at the firm. Proofreader The other Bronx-based buildings Judy(646)Proofreader Noy 581-0399 Judy Noy are located in Bedford Park, Con- 3URGXFWLRQ Support Your course, Fordham/University Heights Neil3URGXFWLRQ deMause CommunityNeil deMause Newspaper! and Spuyten Duyvil, while two oth- 5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUVThe Norwood News is a not-for-profit ers are based in the Inwood section Davidpublication5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV Greene, and Adi relies Talwar upon the support of itsDavid advertisers Greene, andAdi Talwarreaders to produce a of Manhattan. A two-bedroom apart- Interns qualityInterns community newspaper. To support ment at Perry Avenue currently rents Shaylayour paper, Love, become Paolo Mossetti, a member Justin and McCallum,receive a for $1,300. andsubscriptionShayla Chelsea Love, Georgefor Paolo one Mossetti, year. Justin McCallum, and Chelsea George Joseph Conzo, Jr., a recently re- Simply mail check or money order for $40 to: tired FDNY EMT and former vice pres- For display advertising, call (718) 324-4998. NorwoodFor display News, advertising, 3400 Reservoir call (718) Oval 324-4998. East, ident of the FDNY union, lives at the Bronx, NY 10467. Photo by David Greene Perry Avenue building and had just Support Your Standing OUtside His home at 3245 Perry Avenue in Norwood on Sunday, Jan. 17, Norwood News is not responsible for finished a round of chemotherapy for Support Your 2021, Joseph Conzo, Jr., displays a letter he received just days before Christmas from Communitytypographical errors. Newspaper! Opinions expressed in a 9/11-related pancreatic and liver can- ThesignedCommunity Norwood letters Newsand Newspaper! bylinedLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE columns represent- the building’s property manager informing him he had just 90 days to move out of the licationtheThe sole Norwood and opinion relies News of upon theLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE authorthe support and areof its not - cer days before he received the unoffi- rental apartment he has lived in for the last 25 years. advertisersnecessarilylication and and thoserelies readers uponof Mosholu theto produce support Preservation aof quality its cial letter of eviction. communityCorporationadvertisers newspaper.and or Montefiore readers To to supportproduce Medical your a Center.quality paper, In the letter dated Dec. 1 but post- enal.” who is overseeing Cohen’s former con- Editorialscommunity represent newspaper. the Toviews support of the your editor paper, become a member and receive a subscription marked Dec. 21, tenants were told, Conzo added, “To get a letter two stituency office until such time as a re- only.become The a newspaper member and reserves receive the a subscription right forto limitone year.or refuse advertising it deems “Please be advised that your lease days before Christmas saying that placement is found. for one year. objectionable. Advertisements appearing agreement expires on 1/31/21. We are your lease is not going to be renewed, Cohen resigned on Dec. 31, before Simplyin this papermail check cannot or bemoney used order without for $40 writing to inform you that BRX Perry you have 90 days to vacate, was shock- the end of his final term, which would to:theSimply Norwood written mail permission checkNews, or3400 money of Reservoir the order Norwood forOval $40 East, News. Letters to the editor are subject to Apartments, LLC will not be continu- ing.. shocking news.” normally have ended in June, to take Bronx,to: Norwood NY 10467. News, 3400 Reservoir Oval East, condensationBronx, NY 10467. and editing. Writers should ing your tenancy, and this will serve Conzo confirmed that he, person- up a judicial position on the Supreme include their affiliation or special interest if Norwoodany. Anonymous News is lettersnot responsible are not published for typo- as a 90-day notice to vacate.” The letter ally, has been renting two apartments Court based in the Bronx. graphicalbutNorwood your name errors.News can isOpinions not be responsible withheld expressed upon for in typo signed- was signed by Michael Lago on behalf in the 41-unit building for the last On the advice of Assemblyman Jef- graphical errors. Opinions expressed in signed lettersrequest. and bylined columns represent the sole of the property manager. 24 years. Describing the warm and frey Dinowitz, who represents the 81st letters and bylined columns represent the sole opinion of the author and are not necessarily Multiple attempts by Norwood News friendly bond that exists among the Assembly District, residents of the opinion of the author and are not necessarily those of Mosholu Preservation Corporations to reach both Horn and Lago in an ef- building’s residents, he said they would Perry Avenue building are now work- RU0RQWHÀRUH0HGLFDO&HQWHU(GLWRULDOVUHSthose of Mosholu Preservation Corporations- fort to clarify the exact relationship often knock on each other’s doors and ing with the West Bronx Housing and resentRU0RQWHÀRUH0HGLFDO&HQWHU(GLWRULDOVUHS the views of the editor and/or publisher- between Glacier Equities and BRX gather in the lobby during the holidays Neighborhood Resource Center, which only.resent The the newspaper views of the reserves editor and/or the right publisher to limit oronly. refuse The advertisingnewspaper it reserves deems objectionable. the right to limit Perry Apartments LLC proved unsuc- to put up festive lights and ornaments. provides eviction prevention assis- Advertisementsor refuse advertising appearing it deems in this objectionable. paper cannot cessful. “It’s hard. It’s frustrating. It’s tance, mediation, and housing preser- beMosholuAdvertisements used without Preservation theappearing written Corporation inpermission this paper is a of non-cannot Nor- Standing outside his home on Sun- stressful,” Conzo said, confirming vation services in the western Bronx, profitbe used support without corporation the written permissionof Montefiore of Nor- wood News. Letters to the editor are subject day, Jan. 17, Conzo told the Norwood he has written to most if not all local, and a complaint has been filed with Medicalwood News. Center. Letters to the editor are subject to condensation and editing. Writers should News, “My family has been living Bronx elected officials on the matter.
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