DISTRICT13-6A SUMMER FOOTBALL TOUR Vandegrift brings its high hopes Vipers optimistic their Where we left off: 111e Vipers experience will fare have \\00 at least one playoffgame DISTRICT13-<6A in six ofthe program'S eight sea­ Vandegrift well in new district. sons of existence, and last year Vista Ridge t was another successful campaign. Leanoer By Chris Dukes Vandegrift compiled an overall HenG1ckson Conttibutiog wnter record of7-5 and finished third in llouldlloc:k its district behind Westlake and McNeil In February'S biennial realign­ , ,.,. '"S. TheVipersbeatSan Stony Point ment, longtime dis1rict compet· Antonio Johnson in the bi-district Westwood itor Pflugerville dropped down round of the playoffs before fall­ Cedarllidse 10 Class SA, and the three larg­ ing to Cibolo Steele 36·18. The est Leander school disrrict pro­ Vipers now move north to a new grams joined Hendrickson and district centered in Williamson the Round Rock schools. Each County to take on a new set of trier title in 2018. week this summer, we will take district opponents. With plenty Who's gone? QuarterbackJus· a peek at the nine football pro­ of returning athleticism and an tin Moore took the reigns of the grams that will compete in District experience head coach in Drew Viper offense last year and drew Vandegrift running back lsalah Smallwood runs for a touchdown t3-6A. We continue the series this Sanders, don't be surprised to durtng the Vipers' mat ch up versus Vista Ridge In 2017. Smallwood week by looking at Vandegrift. see this team challenge for a dis- VIIHN"S continued on A 7 will anchor t he Vipers' offense this fall. NK:KW~NER/AMERICAN STATESMAN wood, a physical runner who of the top prospects in the Vipers excels betwe-en the tackles, country. Tight end Jackson continued from A6 racked up 1,207 yards and 19 Oliver was an unsung hero touchdowns last year. Bren­ ofthe offense last year. He's rave reviews. He was effi­ dan Bennetl is the perfect a stout blocker who might cient at getting the ball into complement to Smallwood. find more of a role in the the hands or his playmak­ He carried the ball just 38 passing game with the loss ers. His top target is also times last year. but made ofseveral playmakers. Mat· gone in Peyton Ausley. Aus· the best or every oppor­ thew Sanders will be a leader ley ca1.1ght 74 passes for 956 runiry and averaged eight on the offensive line. yards and II touchdowns yards per carry. Davis Beal Breakout player: Ryan last year. Lineman Wesley seems 10 be lhe best candi­ Merrifield was a luxury for Holmes was another all-dis­ date to step into the start­ the Vipers last year but will trict selection. On derense, ing quarterback role. He likely be an essential cog in Myles Hammon and Osora· saw duty as a backup for the any offensive success we chukwu lfesmachukwu were Moore last year. Interest­ see from Vandegrift in 2018. leaders on the line. Cole Wal­ ingly enougll, Seal's colle­ He makes the most or every ther andJonathan Rom were giate furure appears to be at touch and has the sure hands standouts in the secondary. the long-snapper position, that the Vipers will look for Who's bad,'? Isaiah Small- where he is considered one on must-have third downs. Liberty Hill wins 2nd straight We~ L ke Chaps take plooshlp golf teams were the dlf. second place with ference between the Chaparrals and rival 1-, '""· several championships. Scoring: BOys basketball, IS; football, 13; girls basketball. 9; By Thomas Jones boys golf. 8;glrls golf, 8; girls soc· [email protected] cer, 6; volleyball, 6; swimming. 6; tennis, 3; boys soccer, 2; girls THE BREAZEALE CUP: cross country, 2; baseball, 2. OURTOP10 Lasl season: second. 65 points 3. Lake Tr avis (79): With a I. Uberty Hlll.105 points: Tile third consecullve appearance defending Breazeale cup cham­ In a state championship game, pion enjoyed another spectacu­ football remains the barometer lar season, especially In the tradl· of the ;..,.,~ ttJ\ 1s athledc pro­ tlonal team spores. 'lbe Class 4A gram. However, a resurgence Panthers won at least one playolf In girls sports boosted Lhe Class game In each team spore and had 6A school's score by 20 points teams reach a1 leas1 lhe regional OrtpplngSprlngs High Scllool'SJayel Gold smith survllled a three­ and bumped the cavaliers up a tournament In rnoe of lhose spons. set matell against Corpus Christi Flour Bluff's Femke TJon-A-Joe spot In the standings. Girls soc­ Llberty Hill's soccer 1eanis com­ towlntheGlrlsClassSAstatetltleat the UIL Texas Tennis State cer, softball and girls basketball bined for 28 points. Championships In College Station at the George P. Mltcllell Tennis combined for 2l points; last sea­ Scoring: Girls soccer, 15; vol· Center on the Texas A&M University campus on May 18.R.ALPHBAAl!ERA son. those teams combined for leyball, 13; boys soccer, 13; girts I AMERICAN-STA.TESMMISTA.TESMAN Just six points. basketball. U; boys baskelbaJJ. 11; Scoring: Footbal~ 12; girls soc­ football, 8; softball, 6; boys cross cer, 10; boys basketball. 10; base­ country, 6;glrlscrosscountry, 6, 2. wes1 lake (80): District finlshastherunner-upforlhesec­ ball, 9; boys soccer, 9; softball, boysgolf2,girlsgolf6, 1enniS4; championships in football. vol­ ond consecutive season. Sixteen 7; tennis, 6; boys cross coumry, baseball, 4. leyball and both boys and girls total points -lhe maximum possi­ Last season: first, 85 points basketball help lheQass 6A school ble - from Wes :e'ssrate cbam- Cup continued on A7 Lake Travis Cavaliers run out Into the football field before the game at the UIL 6A Dlvl playoff between the Lake Travis cavaliers and the Allen EagJes at AT&T Stadium In Arlington on Dec. 23. JOHNCUTIERllll / FOR AMUAICAH-STAfESMAN 17; baseball, 13; girls basket• leyball, 2; baseball, 2; swin1· Cup ball, 9; soltball, 9; boys cross ming, 2; tennis, 2. continued from A6 country, 4; volleyball, 4;girls Last season: 12th, 46points cross country, 4; football, 4; 8. Wlmberley(53): Boys 6; girls baskC'lball, 4; girls girls golf, 2; tennis, I. sports carried the d ay for golf, 4; volleyball, 2. Last season: Uth, 49 poinlS Class 4A Wimberley, win• Last season : four th, 65 6 . AustiJ1 Hfgb (61): The ning district titles in foot· poin LS Maroons · who will again ball, basketball and base­ 4. DrippingS prings (72): compete in Class 6A begin· ball. The girls teams may While volleyball was the only nlngwith the2018·19school not have made long playoff team sport to advance past year madethemostoftbelr runs, but they secured post· the third round, every other final Class SA campaign. Aus· season spots in every 1ean1 team made the playoffs. Drip, tin High'sgirls were particu­ sport except basketball. pingSpr ings also benefited larly dominan1; the Maroons scoring: FOOlball, 13; boys from a strong season bycm; won dislrict ti lies in girls bas· basketball, 9; baseball, 9; SA girls state tennis cham· ketball, girls soccer, softball, softball, 4· girls soccer 4· \'OJ· pion Jayci Goldsmith and volleyball and girls golf. leyball, 2; girls cross coun· a tennis team that neu ed scoring: Girls basketball, try, 2; boys cross country, seven poinLS, the most of 9; girls soccer, 9; softball, 9; 2; girls golf, 2; boys golf, 2; any school in Central TeXas. boys soccer, 8; boys golf, 6; tennis, 4. Scoring: Volleyball, 10; tennis, 4; voUcyball,4; boys Last season: s ixth, S8 fOOLball, 7; Lennis, 7; boys SOC· golf, 4; girls golf, 4; baseball, points cer, 6; girls soccer, 6; swim· 2; boys cross country, 2; girls 9. (tie) Georgetown (45): ming, 6; sollball, 4; boys bas· cross country, 2; football, 2; Traditionally one or the top ketball, 4; baseball, 4; girls boys baskelba!J, 2. aLbletlc programs In the Aus· basketball, 4; boys golf, 4; Last season: seventh, 55 Un area, Class SA George­ boys cross country, 4; girls points town had an uncharacter1stl· cross country, 4; girls golf, 2. 7. Cedar Par k (58): The cally down year lo girls ath· Last season: third, 74 Class SA school's best girls leUcs but won district d Ues polnLS basketball season ever spear· in baseball and team tennis. 5. Thorndale (67): This headed Cedar Park's 101a), Scoring: Baseball, U; ten­ Class 2A school finishes In and the Timberwotves· foot· nis, 6; football, 4; softball, 4: the top fil'e despite not even ball team enjoyed another boys cross country, 4; boys competing In sports such as district uue and muJUgame golf, 4; swimming, 4; girls boys and girls soccer, wres­ playoff run. The school's soccer, 2; boys soccer, 2; girls Wngand swimmlng. Lengthy cross-country teams both golf, 2; girls basketball, 2. playoff runs ofa t least three reached state. Last season: 14111, 42 polots rounds by baseball, softball SCOl1ng: Girls basketball, 9. (tie) Rouse (45): Tbe and both basketball teams U; football, 9; girls soccer, 8; Raiders' state linallst volley­ high lighted the Bulldogs• girls cross country, 6; boys ball 1eam accounted for more school year. cross country, 6; boys golf, Scoring: Boys basketball, 6; boys basketball, 4; vol· Cup continued on A8 Cup HOW WE SCORED IT actMtiesbeyond bonuspoint. continued from A7 The Austin American­ athletics. Points were Playoff berths counted Statesman's annual awarded f0< each sport, fortwo points.and each than a Lhird ofthe Class SA George Breazeale Cup based ona team's finish in team victory or series school's poinis, but Rouse hon0<s the newspaper's district,regional and state victory in the playoffs was also enjoyed lengthy play­ late sports writer, who tournaments, as well as Its WO<th two points.
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