MBJJk",y' ..,ev i ij ML. : ITlNIirO WOILD, MONDAY, ,MAOM IB, If If.' rr "til ft UP-TO-DA- TE EDITED BY BEST SPORTING PAGE IN NEW YORK ROBERT EDGREN AND NEWSYNMWWWMMMi i Jf ' I al HARD TO TELL HOW WILLARD JOHNSON MATCH STANDS IN CUBA MAY INOCULATE Copyright, lilt, by The Ireae Publishing Co. (New Tork EveatBg World). couumn T!HE GIANTS WITH V A a. Tmb,U V. n. JXi a .bbbbbbbv x I "ifc v TYPHOID f I F ammmmmal U .tftftl m- 1 frr ettttl Entire Squad at Martin. Camp; Afraid They May Get Fever aaJLawawawLai With Which Recruit Pitchet atmr 1 r 'i a 'Wife feMft Think That Wll. Ritter Was Stricken.' LTlii I aa - 1L. 7 1 MARLTN, Tex March 16. the nouncement that the recruit pitcher, Bill Ritter, has typhoid fever haa alarmed tho entire squad of Giants. with whom he has been In contact since the training season herav started' Ritter Is 111 In a local hospital. & :V1D ets wMl know bow the pro-- Manager McOraw Is thlnktotr41' n tMN JoBston-wiuar- a ma-tc- having all his playors lnoculated'witai -- r Miui in cum until wmara is the typhoid germ. They are ''all Im ground and training; par : scared that they .may catch It, Inas- : , iTEMSty '''I 'ktf until the fleets have been sold VZL much aa Ritter has been hobnobblag mA-'U- open - with them all the time they have been ; gate thrown for the Scout Kelley Yankees a of vwwi-(.oo- it, r?- la., MaeDuffs Beat Celtics here, and many of them even visited , 'Aeeordiag to latest advloM, the pro-- him when he waa first stricken. eay everything la running Ritter came to the Giants near th maim that Going Hunting This Week end of last season and twirled oaa MiMtfcty. There la, however, aoma Owing to Absence of game In which he defeated the Phil- JUkv'aC'Ml' Interference by the lies, holding them down to three hits, Manager McGraw got . eManer ef the iro vines. Whan In For a Southpaw Pitcher Into commu- nication with aeveral physicians .oa OKawjiaw weak ago I waa told by i vsjgaaaaa i- - Latter' Star Player his return from Waco, and It la be- Miabaraf people Interested In aport Board of Strategy Decides to figured llko the man who always car' lieved that he will follow their adrlear , that Johneon would ba allowed rles an umbrella to scare off rain In and have all hla men inoculated. 5ataerhtariy black man, and Wlllard Only $9,75' Taken In at Qatt of lam. Flannasan. McElrov. Ellis. bringing hla players to a place for By making several "bone" plays iBC ' - McQueen, Lonle, O'Halloran, King, Make an Immediate Effort to critical stages the. Giants' Regular' aClwlta- ua. but that Cuba didn't McOreevey, SDrlmr training where they could not away game Only bo forced Into, idleness by wet or cold tossed a to the Dallas wat4 "aiueu, beuts." a abort Soooer Football Matoh at uetnienem uuncan, Fiatcner, team by the scoro of 3 to 2 In ten la; copulation CamDbell. Secure a Lefthanded Twirler weather. At any rate, his eviaonce tkw ao tka 'black of Toole. Clark. Morrison. of precaution has worked out that nlngs, yesterday. Thero was plenty LOita auuiauiiead. It Intention of tak-- l Olynvpro Fiold, Showing That Ford. Peppar, Millar. Graham, Fletn-tnln- g. way. of trouble In the deciding halt of the of at Least Some Known manager last Inning over n close decision made saaTi eosnroi or1 tu iraverame&t by The success of a baseball against area over 6.000 negroaa Puttlo Takes Interest in ao well a good the visitors on a second base of numbers, tittle. Ability. has to do with luck play. Fletcher waa finally ordered out 4,otBaaaar.Baatwgo generalship. Donovan Is showing - weap-e4- Ho Is of the game by Uranlro In Chief Pon- arm themselves with This Sport. , both of these qualifications. - . in- having drur- although Groundkeeper Kor-- emaamt.i Data niMeatror trie nartlcularlv luckv nelected gan. employed by the home oIubk to drill and oranlsa 'a IScwdtl to Tin XTtntoc World.) Savannah for a training camp thla caused, y. Tha Cuban whlte.traona Boston Red Sox Pitching Problem spring, whatever the place may have made the decision that the l Savannah, Ga., March 15. tiresome aeiay Dy reason 01 senseless. arelnet them and absolutely been to other managers In past kicking. ,tkaav out, vary few escaping. HE. aoaear teama1 of tha Clan E new Yankee board of strat may prove in the ruturc, as - springs or The No. 2 troupe of Giants was torn' iih mnrrseiion. n MaeDuK'Club- tad tha New egy, consisting of Capt. Hus and ho Is also particularly lucky In bled Into the whitewash at Waco yea Baa bean uuita aaacaful. play. May Kelley players report to him In teraay. Tne waco navigatora out Tork Caltto Club did not Be by Youngster Bill Donovan, Joe having nil his - Solved ton, I ..- . Star are every Mialr, wniaanu.- xne wnnar ...........o; v.; good condition. played them In detail aad Mkthla- that mlrht Bttr un I " aina rooioan yeaieraay and Duke Farrell, met In conference game uniucny jm won by 6 to 0. Thn young Giants 1Mr Would aot allow I at Olymato Field. The afacDuffa won night and decided to make Kven the dth poorly and chiefly so at the bat. lato last Wnrhrin av ho feels much encour Stayed was only one ot tha Inhnarm TaffriM flcktl k a mU a a A kHuu K. l Manager Carrigan. Believes He Has Best Balanced Staff in an to secure a left-hand- by way things aro breaking the their yeara ago. I BIQ LEAGUE PENNANT effort aged the number vho mado a base hit. Jim wa'thara Aad nM ,v -- k. .. least some known ror me xnnira unucr culled a single and a two bagger and aara to rtak I - pitcher of at uvi""" ata't aasttiu rr.r V"" Scout-In-Chi- with a comrade on base. The r li I ae cnaay man or American League, but He Is Expecting Sensational Work HOPES AS SIZED UP to have ef smooth guiding hand. each time n aaaaleai nlil m. taai at taa oaai ina ability. It was voted would be much use to ether Giants were helpless before 'Mgbt ba Jefeaaoali Celttea war Brooklyn watching Kelley start on a tour of the No general th' atartdad If In,, BY BULGER ON TOUR. training camps hla colors without the confidence of Waco pitching. i I MAtei thla, elub From "Long Shore," Who Was Onoe Tried Out by Giants various major league DonOV.in IS niuui w. ui LtlMinut that middle of 'this week him man hrhlnit 'him. not later than .the already making progress aa that aort Bozeman Bulger, The Evening In search of surplus southpaw talent. a'taaaaihii7 WhathM-- T I aarftlait the alayn MaeDuSa, . and for Whom Owner Lahnin Says He Wouldn't Take pleased to bear about of a general. 11 is quo bik"u"-v- Title h. World's basebal expert. La on an Kelley seemed Yankee players are express- Fight for ,;WlpiB 'oc act, ha eartaialy I Tha gaod polnU ofv aoccer have extended tour of the training starting on 'hla regular Job. He said that the success 1 Now. he had boen ing the utmost faith In Bill's . laftaM aJad - raaily $15,000 camps big league this spring umpiring MPmiw hW.wrttUi'aJbauttT. - , lt ot all the clubs. 11 new They show this Definitely . I norves. h their leader. rt' li. He will watch the various tearna doing was getting on his too, their Set 'XLBti may ba ragardad "taraaUng came when you The Yankee players had a grand desirable confidence, in u 'u In practice and also up in a criti- recre- glngersomo work : lightwalght ahamploa now " fUD" "l o and waa Immediately way pen- Sunday for al- v4 riBgf of tha y dubbed cal, unprejudiced their g, look Bozeman Bulfer. iong waa nshlng, hutomobll-In- Aye, verily. It begins to For April f Prim PuhtahW Oo. Shore" tbev will remamtmr this nant hopes and chances. Baseball ation. There will make good ComJIht,.- sending private though Bill Donovan o. wonw nshlng line twirler. will also be stago In- receiving and of But km ahewlag agalaat lUtehla aiuai-- eawrp--y Krounf It has reached the where telling and re- this summer In tho task In which II Bigit.Leaguejiin Hapee Sarlea. remembered that MrH raw aant him In terest extends to teama outalde the correspondence and 15. waak waa mich a complete a tne.gata raeaipu" wera ai.T. Tnaaar Pennant against telling of fact and fancy. Ray many others, more or less distin- HAVANA, March Promoter the Boston Braves one after- home cities, ao with the desire to of tales to-da- vtwenty-nv- a OT 8PRIN0S, March 15. guished In hla line, havo failed. Jack Curley y announced that Cilha mathote.that muat have iaaiou was cents, so noon and. that the said Braves elam- - give the fans an expert's view of Caldwell and Carroll Brown, athletes Marty McIIalo I many to a win- men, having their domestic managers with No wonder holdout the date for the Jack Johnson-Jes-s ifcaa m tn th. nu that. there weren't on haad Attempting to pretlct mauled and generally manhan- the entire baseball outlook. The as expressed n willingness to sign up k I dled htm went automobile route 'Saw eft.no oaa will tako him cheer tha play era. If aoccer waa a H ner o the American League for ten runs in ono Inning, Evening World originated the them, the i,v, !, Ynnks after his trip to tho Wlllard battle for the heavyweight - aeriaueJy ;aa a- that being enough for McOraw and novel series which proved bo Inter- guests of Copt.
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