prince of Wales Famous Artists Draw for Victory Ball Souvenir Cuyler Services the firm of Garner & Co., importer«, of DEATHS Guest at Whippet Racing To-day this city, and a large part of her father's estate was held in trust for gonor at Special Train to Associ¬ her the firm. «AIRE.-On Thursday, Kov>mbff 2, !S2Î, Popular Sport ates Carry by Micha«!, beloved husband at Nenie From Nc.y York Lady Gordon-Cumming left her es¬ <n:!re (MM Poody), native of Du»*h. House A tate here to her Sir William '>!in»y Kerry, Ireland. Fanerai front Hilton Morristown gpeclal train leaving here at 11:80 htuband, hla ¡ate residence. 4$« Weat î&th ¦«.. Club and her a. m. to-day will carry local rail¬ Gordon-Cumming, three eons Monday. N'ovcmbir *\ Solemn requiem many and two daughters. One of the sons is ruas* ut 8t. Iflch-el'a Church at 3 0 :i. m. road executives, hanker» and others Captain Alexander P. «£& Throne at Ball Given Mr. Harvey Ladew's to Philadelphia to attend the funeral Gordon-Cumming. «RKK'VR.On N'ovmbir 4. 1922, Harriet High services of Thomas M. (Aunt Hattle), in her 92d year, be¬ Couatess Pembroke at and Mr. to-day Bo Witt loved aunt Of Mrs. George H. É*t_| ¡L Flyer William Cuyler, chairman of the Association of Birth, Engagement, Marriage, Edith A Cook» and Air*. Wlllnrd C. of Her Ross Railway Executives, who died Thurs¬ Death and In Memoriam Notices Nell»«. Funeral »t her reeldenc». 1* Debut Daughter, Proctor's Marcus day. Arlington Pince. Brook.yn. Monday, No- may be telephoned to The Tribune vember 6, »t 8 p. m. Interment Albany, ijyjy Patricia Herbert Winners of Chief Events The party will include Ralph Petera, N. V President of the Island «njj time up t» midnight fer in. who is Long Railroad, HARRISON.-Cornell», wlfa of Oeore* That making the local arrangements, teriion in the next Tuchar Harrlaon. on November 2 whippet races arc proving pop¬ and L. day's paper* fit 1Í22. Visits Earl ular in F. Loree, Georgo W. Young, J. Telephone h*r home, University of Virginia. Fu¬ j^jjjg Iveagb society circles was proved yet- W. Platten, Mr. and Mr«. William Bcckman 3000. neral services University, .Sunday at 'S terday at the River Church Osborn. H. C. II. U. o'< lock. Whippany Club, Lakin, IIKSOERSON- He Morristown, N. J., where a race meet Winthrop, W. M. Barrett, F. D. Under¬ marriages""" On November 2. Il«, J>»- Hears May Make wood, Julius L. t*r H, Henderson, aged »7 vanra. serv¬ ytion was held. The races were run Kruttschnitt, Ivy Lee, HOLT.. CROCKER. EHwibeth Crocker, ices at st*phi-n Merrltt ?Î.1 ith a prior W. 8. Rathbun and J. G. Drew. av., r.aar 2ist s!. CbajMl, Henry Duke; to the hunt meet and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long- Sunday evening. Ä prince large gathering The honorary pallbearers will in¬ fellow Crocker, to Mr. Henry Gilbert o'clock. Anxious forTitle of prominent peisons turned out to clude the following business associates Holt at the home of her parents. 123 Scotland East 73d St., New York Novem¬ HOPKINS.On November 4. 1ÎÏS, Florence watch the events. and close personal friends of Mr. Cuy¬ ber City. 'l'fxld, wife of th« lata ler: 4, 192?. Funeral servie?* wr¡ Richard Hopkins. CaK« to The Tribune There were two William W. Atterbury B. Gordon b«. hclu «t her latí gpiHnl large feature races H. C. residence, Short ill 1k. N. J on Mon- Î9**' ^'*w' ^"rk Tribune fur». divided into Bromley, Deming, Howard El¬ dny, November C, at 2.30 j-tst ten heats, each heat con¬ liott, Allen Evans, Francis I. Gowen, DEATHS p. n 4- Tne a j I»rXTTIVO.Oti t£&ON, ^*ov' "u'st ta,k{'^ stituting race in Itself. The first race Bayard Henry, Charles E. Ingersoll, Friday, November ». Mftrtba VV., aged »4 - here this fall was was won by Mr. Harvey Ladew'a Sidney W. Keith, J. H. Mason, Efflng- BANBACH.-On November î. IMt, I-ouls | oftill,CA.j-.taih James year«, widow jjBÍtrtainmír.t' High ham B. W., age 42 years, husband of EllEeboth »c-rvlce fhiiH.lr.g. Kunerai a few Flyer, which won Morris, Clement B. Newbold, (no« and «t her inte residence in Irfl g».* nichts ago by the silver trophy for Mack) father of l*ou!s Han- hampton, at Urldjc the Ralph Peters. Samuel Rea, Edward P. bach. Funeral services Sunday after- ! Sunday 2:30 p m. Csontei» of Pembroke at Wilton November Plate event, which was Arthur P. Thorn Alex- noon at 2 o'clook at tho of Jacob JONP.8-. a Stotesbury, and Chapel Departed th.:« We November * -. '«»l^burv. for the debut of her handicap race for 200 In the ander Van Rcnsselaer. Herrisch, ISS East 86th »f. 1122, Mary F.. beloved wife of yards. .¦- ¡not!.er of Charlea first heat Madford -_- L. November Virginia and fad" Patricia Herbert, the Full Flight, owned by BASLES.At Oyster Jlay. I.. sister et Albart Murray and Dorothy, lj^>*»- Mrs. G. S, Captain Charles H. llnvin, In his Hat Hoora, Funeral from Angela of »he Prince of Wales a, Charles West jr., finished Diplomats Pay Honor as year. Funeral service» on No- her ¡at-" residence. ^3« first, Page Monday. b«J We«; tilth «t., than«« to St. Rose '.."^r Higher Flight second and third went Is Laid to Rest in vembir 6, at hia »ato residence, at 2 <f T.tm.i a 1 ««.'<( i,f setting the final to p. m. f'hirch, We« íír.th «t. Re- Hands tho Washington oulem ma»« Monday. November «. at 19 on the Up, Canadian dog owned Nov. 4. a. m. ^ijf distinción affair. by WASHINGTON^ Thomas BRADY.Suddenly, on November 2, John Interment Calvary Cemetery. Mr. Gourd, of Toronto. Nelson J. beloved ' «V countess was a hos- Page, author and former Am- Brady, husband of Ellzn. JOM;s~On November 2. a charming The second heat to j Rlelty. Funeral from his lato rest- beloved II«, mtam J. wore a wonderful brought out the bassador Italy, who died suddenly 409 Wont husband of Julia F. Jon»» (naa Ä She dress favorite of the Ask at his ounce, 14.1th st.. on Momia), ..: irpf; s fir. : formerly of Went race, Him, owned Tuesday boyhood home in Vir¬ November 6, at 3 a. in. ; thence to the Manhattan. 40th st , j mU and silver (.»rocade with a by Mr. E. D. Morgan ginia, was buried in Church of Our of Funeral from hla late resi- jr., which finished to-day Rock Creek I Lady Lourdes. 142d d.'ncv. 116 Ivlntta thence from the an first. Second was won Mr. Cemetery here beside the grave of his st. and Convent av.. where a mass wi'.l Church of B«. SimonHighway; to Mj3 suspended shoulders, G. S.easy by be offered for thn happy repose of hi»! and Judo, Van Ward'i Prince. Fair owned second wife, whoso death occurred last Kleinen it., Xîonday, November at rijl« Lsdy Patricia wore a frock of Play, j soul. Interment St. Raymond'a Cerne- «. m. 4), 10 by Mr. Daingerfield was year. Please vmtt flowers. j Interment Calvary Cemetery. lace fied Lewis, disquali¬ tery. Autcmcblla < ortege. Take »tit*¿i*m*nte with girdle of bril¬ for jumping the tape. Brief funeral services were held in Una He« Beach Mr. A. St. BROOKE.On Friday. November S, Kate to Kins« Highway station. las» aai emeralds. A d nner party Lowenstein had his Resolute ] John's Episcopal Church. Ambas- Vandewatcr Brooke, brloved wife' of entered, but arrived too sador Jusserand of KANE.-On November 1. Florenco, !n her the ball. The tables were late for the France and Signor Charles W. Brooke. Funeral services C0<h veer, beloved wife of ¡¡?ettdei weighing in and the stewards refused Augusto Rosso, d'Affaires of at her late residence, corner Franklin and loving David Kane with to let his chargé and Jarkson L. Sun- mother of Julia. Michael, ¿¿cunt«! lilies-of-the-valiey and dog run. The final heat the Italian Embassy, attended the sts., Hempstead. I.. j Beatrice, David, Blanche and Robert. the Fox brought out Full service. day, November 6. at S o'clock. Washing-! Funeral from her late hitter being one of the Hunt, Flight, High Flyer, Under-Sccrctary Phillips, of ton. and Boston papers resldenoa, lift gclâfisis, Racing Ask Him and Prince. the Philadelphia, 18th at., Brooklyn, on at 2 treasures of Wilton House. j High Flyer came State Department, was one of'the please copy. Tr.termenr Greenwood Sunday, p.m. pas/ across the line Cemetery. lie dancing took in the And first in thirteen sec- pall-bearet*. BYRON.On Thursday, November Ï. place fa- Costume Ball onds flat. A close second was » Charles In his slut Funeral KF.M.EHKR.On October 2. .Tamea. be¬ jS«i "double cube" room Madford Byron, year. loved hi-tband of Martha designed by Full Flight, Prince finished third and ALFRED services at his Into homo. 661 48th st.. Funeral (neo Ornatein), ;¡j$o Jone« and there were between Ask Him stumbled ROMER Brooklyn, Sunday moraine, 10 o'clock. from hla ¡ate residence. 311 -400 At Mee and got away to a Alfred Please omit flowers. Kttut i-4th st., on Sunday, November 8, M $ »nd guests. Among them were Whippany bad start and could not get his leaders Romer, vice-president of the 2 p. m. ¡k Margáis and Marchioness Dufferln in time.
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