St\.-UKlllt:t ANut tJ{l.tiANut \,;,utMMI:i:sh.J'N i1mw~ IDU~~~~ ~brief summary of financial proposals filed with and actions by the S.E.C. Washington 25, D.C. (In .,tI.rln, .... t.xt .f R.I ••••• fro.. Pullllc.t' ••• Unit, cit•• ".It.r) (Issue No. 64-10-20) FOR RELEASE .--:0:,;:c:.,:to.;,:b:.,:e;o;.,r...;:2:.:;,9.....-=1~964-.:- _ MISSISSIPPI P6L SEIlS ORDER. Mi.si •• ippi Power & Lisbt eo.pany, a public-utility .ub.idiary of Middle South Utilities. Inc.. baa applied to the SEC for an order under the Holding Company Act with re.pect to a propo.ed transfer of a portion of it. earned .urp1us to it. capital .tock account; and the eo..1a.ion has i••ued an order (Release 35-15142) givins intere.ted per.oDS until November 23 to reque.t a bearing thereon. According to the application, Mi •• i•• ippi propo.e. to tran.fer $2,850,000 from it. earned .urplu. account, which &aOunted to $9,010,108 On August 31, 1964, to it. common capital .tock account, thereby increasing the latter to $45,600,000. 'lEL-A-SIGH FILlS FOR SECONDAllY. Te1-A-Sip. Inc •• 3401 W. 47th se ,; Chicago, filed a reiistration .tat... nt (Ftle 2-22880) with the SEC on October 28 .eekins regi.tration of 89,635 out.tanding .hares of CoaaDn .tock.' The .hares are to be offered for public sale by the pre.ent holder. thereof from time to time on the Aaerican Stock Exchanl8 or in the over-the-counter market, at price. current at the time of .ale ($5.50 p.r share .axta.*). The ca.pany is engaged in the manufacture and sale of il1uminsted and non-illuminated .ign. and other )oint-of-purchase advertising material for use prtmarily by manufacture. of nationally adverti.ed and distri- buted product.. In addition to indebtedne •• , it has out.tanding 2,286,362 com.on .hare., of which Alvin 1. Maloik (vice president) owns 211. 'rhe prospectus Usts 20 selling stockholders, including A. Cohen. offer- ing 9,000 abarea; Melvin M. Des.er, 14.585; H. 1. Fischbach, Richard H. Maidman, Robert P. Marcus, and Robert L. Viner. each offerins 10,000 shares; and Robert ~l.un, 10,800. With the exception of De •• er , Fischbach and Marcu., the selling .tockholder. are offering their entire common stock holdings. A. A. Steiger is ca.pany president. xnox rILlS FOR SICONDAR.Y. Xerox Corporation. 700 Midtown Tower. Rochester. R. Y., fUed a reghtra- tion atat_nt (rUe 2-22881) with the SEC on October 28 seeking registration of 55.000 outstanding shares of ca..oa .tock. !be shares are to be offered for public sale by the present holders thereof tbrough faciliti.s of the Hew York Stock Exchange or in over-the-counter .. rket. at price. prevailing at the tt.e of sal. ($109 per share maxiaDl*). Th. company i. engaged principally in the manufacture and marketing of products for xerographic and )hotocopy reproduction and for photographic u.e. In addition to indebtednes., it baa outstanding 20.516,554 coa.on shares. of which ..nagement officials as a group own 3.51. The selling stockholder. are listed a. Abe M. Zer .. and two trustees (Oscar Wiseman and Victor Moss) of a trust established by Zer .. for his children. The shares being offered constitute a portion of the .tock acquired by Zer .. and the trustees in De~r 1963 in exchange for their respective Ca.BOn sbares of Ilectro-Optical Sy.tems. Inc •• which is now a .ubsidiary of the company. The propo.ed sale will reduce Zer .. 's ca.mon bo1dings to 102.215 share. and the tru.tees' to 17.840 .hares. Sol M. Linowita is board chai~n and Joaeph C. Wilson is preaident. IICBNT FOlK 8-~ FILINGS. The companies listed below have filed Fora 8-~ report. for the month indicated and responding to the it_ of the Fora specified. Copies thereof may be ordered frOll the Coiai .. ion'. Public Reference Section (plea.e give Hews Dige.t's "Is.ue No." in ordering). Invoice will b. included with photo- copy material when maUed. An index of the caption of the .everal ite.. of the fona waa included in the October 2 Rewa Dige.t. 8-E for Sept. 1964 Greyhound Corp (July 1964) (7.13) Philippine Long Distance Tel Co (7.13) kroaex Corp (2) Lanl1ng StAilping ~~ (7) Alco Products. Inc (Oct. 1964) ( 12,11) ~tbewa Conveyer Co (April 1964) (11.13) rotochro.e, Inc (1',13) Stathaa Instruments, Inc ( 8) Inter-Island Resorta. Ltd (11) paraal. Inc (7) Denver National Life Insurance Co (June 1964) (4.11,13) ( Sept. 1964) ( 1,4,7) A. S. Reck Shoe Corp (6,13) New Jereey Life Insurance Co (7,9,13) Pacific Lighting Cas Supply ~~ (li,13) Aaerlean Safety Table Co, Inc (7.13) Pacific A8bestoa Corp (6,9) Evan. Product. Co (12,13) Iodney Metal., Inc (3.11,13) Th. tto.n Controller Co (August 1964) ( 1" Metropolitan DeYelopaent Corp (7.12) Dunlap & ."ociate., Inc (9,l~) loyal A.erlcan Industrie., Inc (11,13) Holiday Inn. Of _erica. Inc (12) Co Southern ....lty & Utilities Cora (quat 1964) Howe Sound (Del) (1?) ( 11) Ka.anau Corp (Sept. 1962) (2.7,13) kirby Petro1eu. Co (Mevada) (July 1964) ( 7,13) sse II&WS DICBS'l, OC'fOBD 29. 1964 Pase 2 8-~ for Sept. 1964 (COn't) lACnard Refineries, Inc (7,13) Doughboy Ind, Inc (7,13) ThTiftt.art, Inc (12) Investment Life & Tru8t Co (Mlly 1964) ( 11) H1.. is.tppi River Tran_tss10n Coro ~pecial Metals, laC (9,13) ( 2.7.13) Redick's Stores, Inc (July & August 1964) Richard D. Brew & Co. tnc (12.13) ( 4,11,13) International Recreation Corp (3) 1644 :nttttier. Inc (12) Adld.ral Corp (4,7,13) Yale Express Syst_, Inc (4,1,13) Gulf & Western Industries, Inc (3,13) He~ & App1ey, Inc (2,S) Lily-Tulip Cup Coq> (13) Pint V11:8inta Coro (12,13) Town & Country Securities Corp (3,9,11,13) Knapp-Monarch Co (Del) (Oct. 1964) ( 7) Jonker Business Machines. Inc (Dee. 1963) Hiss Pat (2,13) ( 9,ll> Sunair ElectroniCS, Inc (1?) Dodge Mfg. Corp (August 1964) ( 1?13) We1bt1t Coro (4,7,P,13) Delhi-Taylor Oil Corp (Del) (2.8) Western Reserve Life AasuTance Co of Ohio Airlift International, Inc (7.12,1~) ( 2.13) Altaa11 Corp (Del) (2.13) Popular (8) Library, Inc Richmond Homes, Inc (2,13) ( April 1964) ( 11) Atlas Sewing Centers, Inc (6,13) Mfg. roo "arr1ftgton (4,7,12,13) Eastern Lime Corp (August 1964) ( 1?,13) ~ent washington, Inc (Feb. 1964) ( 3) Oil Recovery Corp (June 1964) ( 1') ( August 1964) ( 7) ~ehring Co (4,7,13) Fapire Life Insurance Co (cattf.) (7,9) Sunset International Petrolewa Corp (2,13' Investors Funding Corp of N.Y. Detroit Steel Corp ( Oct. 1964) ( 2,13) Aaend #1 to 81C for June 1964 ( 4) Swanee Paper Corp (July 1964) ( 7.13\ ICavaaau Corp _end #1 to SIC for May 1963 ( 2,7) Hanover EqUities Corp (1?) Capital Cities Broadca8ting Corp Amem'l to SICfor Sept. 1964 ( 13\ All American Life & Casualty Co ( April 1962) eresblont 011 & Gas Co Amend #1 to 81C for ( 7,11,13) Jun. 1964 ( 13) ChIcago Aertal lnd, Inc (Feb. 1960) ( 7.1;: ICnapp-MonarchCo ( Del) _end 11 to 81C for (~~y1962) ( 4,13) (April 1963) (11.13) .June 1964 ( 13) (June 1964) ( 8) (April 1964) ( 11) E. W. B1is. Co Aaend 11 to SK for July 1964 (Sept. 1964) ( 8) ( 3) Applied T~chnology. Inc (11) Western Publishing Co. Inc (11..13) !a.tern Properties lIIlprov_ent Corp ( 12) Fir.t Surety Corp ( Del) .. end #1 to 8K for 4-1-63 to 3-31-64) Hyatt Corp of _enca (Jan. 1964) 2,7,8.13) ( 4,7.13) Leving.ton Shipbuilding Co ( 7,8) International Seaway Trading Corp Amend 41 tc MohaWk Co lubber (March 1963) ( 11) 8K for May 1964 ( 4) ( MaTch 1964 ( 11) Joslvn Mfa & Supply Co Amend #1 to 8K for Sept. 1964 ( 7,11) Crown .,inance Co. Inc (July 1964) ( 1,12) - Brite Universal. Inc (Oct. 1964) ( 12,13) SBCUaI'fIlS Ac:t aaGlS'lIlAU<*S. Effective October 27: United Trust Ufe Insurance Co. (Flle 2-22786) Effective October 28: First .. tiona1 Life Insurance Co. (File 2-22762). Effective October 29: ebanoa-Carsan Corp. (P11e 2-22793); larae1 DevelopMQt Corp. (pUe 2-22706). Mcb.son" Ilobblna.lac. (pila 2-22836); Stop" Shop, Inc. (File 2-22810) • • As •• tw.ted for purpo ... of CC*pUtilll the reg1atration fee. ---0000000---.
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