R E P O R T S scope access. We also thank J. Fountain and K. Padian National Wildlife Refuge. The research was funded by DC1 for editorial advice. The ground section of MOR 1125 NCSU as well as by grants from N. Myhrvold (J.R.H.) Materials and Methods was provided by Quality Thin Sections, and the and NSF (M.H.S.). Figs. S1 to S3 laying hen demineralized thin sections were provided by J. Barnes (NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine). Supporting Online Material 11 March 2005; accepted 21 April 2005 Site access was provided by the Charles M. Russell www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/308/5727/1456/ 10.1126/science.1112158 Arkansas, G. Sparling spotted an unusually Ivory-billed Woodpecker large red-crested woodpecker flying toward him and landing near the base of a tree about (Campephilus principalis) Persists 20 m away. Several field marks suggested that the bird was a male ivory-billed wood- pecker (SOM text), and Sparling hinted at his in Continental North America sighting on a Web site. T. Gallagher and B. John W. Fitzpatrick,1* Martjan Lammertink,1,2 Harrison were struck by the apparent au- M. David Luneau Jr.,3 Tim W. Gallagher,1 Bobby R. Harrison,4 thenticity of this sighting and arranged to be guided through the region by Sparling. At Gene M. Sparling,5 Kenneth V. Rosenberg,1 1 1 1 13:15 CST on 27 February 2004, within 0.5 Ronald W. Rohrbaugh, Elliott C. H. Swarthout, Peter H. Wrege, km of the original sighting, an ivory-billed 1 1 1 Sara Barker Swarthout, Marc S. Dantzker, Russell A. Charif, woodpecker (sex unknown) flew directly in Timothy R. Barksdale,6 J. V. Remsen Jr.,7 Scott D. Simon,8 front of their canoe with the apparent intention Douglas Zollner8 of landing on a tree near the canoe, thereby fully revealing its dorsal wing pattern. The The ivory-billed woodpecker (Campephilus principalis), long suspected to be bird instead veered into the forest, apparently extinct, has been rediscovered in the Big Woods region of eastern Arkansas. landed briefly several times (each time blocked Visual encounters during 2004 and 2005, and analysis of a video clip from from the observers_ sight by trees), and then April 2004, confirm the existence of at least one male. Acoustic signatures flew off (SOM text and fig. S1). Efforts to consistent with Campephilus display drums also have been heard from the locate the bird over the next several days region. Extensive efforts to find birds away from the primary encounter site failed, but subsequent surveys by teams of remain unsuccessful, but potential habitat for a thinly distributed source pop- experienced observers yielded a minimum ulation is vast (over 220,000 hectares). of five additional visual encounters between 5 April 2004 and 15 February 2005 (SOM The ivory-billed woodpecker is one of seven Singer Tract) during the late 1930s (3–6). text). All seven convincing sightings were North American bird species that are sus- That population disappeared as the Singer within 3 km of one another. pected or known to have become extinct since Tract was logged amid cries for protection At 15:42 Central Daylight Time on 25 1880 (1). One of the world_s largest wood- of both forest and bird. The final individual April 2004, M. D. Luneau secured a brief peckers, this species of considerable beauty in the Singer Tract, an unpaired female, but crucial video of a very large woodpecker and lore was uncommon but widespread across was last seen in cut-over forest remnants in perched on the trunk of a water tupelo (Nyssa lowland primary forest of the southeastern 1944 (7). aquatica), then fleeing from the approaching United States until midway through the 19th A resident subspecies of ivory-billed wood- canoe (fig. S2 and movie S1). The woodpecker century (2, 3). Its disappearance coincided pecker (Campephilus principalis bairdii) oc- remains in the video frame for a total of 4 s with the systematic annihilation of virgin tall cupied tall forests throughout Cuba, and a as it flies rapidly away. Even at its closest forests across the southeastern United States small population was mapped and photo- point, the woodpecker occupies only a small between 1880 and the 1940s. Relentless pur- graphed in eastern Cuba as late as 1956 (8). fraction of the video. Its images are blurred suit by professional collectors accelerated the Fleeting observations of at least two individ- and pixilated owing to rapid motion, slow species_ decline from 1890 to the early 1920s. uals in 1986 and 1987 by several experts are shutter speed, video interlacing artifacts, and The last well-documented population occu- widely accepted as valid (9), but repeated ef- the bird_s distance beyond the video camera_s pied a stand of old-growth bottomland hard- forts to confirm the continued existence of that focal plane. Despite these imperfections, cru- wood forest in northeastern Louisiana (the population have failed (10). cial field marks are evident both on the orig- Anecdotal reports of ivory-billed wood- inal and on deinterlaced and magnified video peckers in the southern United States con- fields (11) (fig. S3). At least five diagnostic 1Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, Cornell Universi- tinue to this day. Such reports are suspect features allow us to identify the subject as an ty, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, NY 14850, because of the existence and relative abun- ivory-billed woodpecker. USA. 2Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Mauritskade dance throughout this region of the superfi- 1) Size. When the woodpecker first be- 61, 1092 AD Amsterdam, Netherlands. 3Department cially similar pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus gins to take flight from the left side of a of Engineering Technology and Department of pileatus). Three reports were accompanied tupelo trunk, two video fields reveal the dor- Information Technology, University of Arkansas at by physical evidence, but their veracity con- sal surface of the right wing and a large Little Rock, Little Rock, AR 72204, USA. 4Department of Communications, Oakwood College, Huntsville, AL tinues to be questioned Esupporting online black tail (Fig. 1). The minimum distances 35896, USA. 5107 Stillmeadow Lane, Hot Springs, AR material (SOM) text^. Thus, no living ivory- between the Bwrist[ and the tip of its tail— 71913, USA. 6Birdman Productions, Post Office Box billed woodpecker has been conclusively doc- measured independently on each of the two 1124, 65 Mountain View Drive, Choteau, MT 59422, 7 umented in continental North America since video fields and compared to known scales USA. Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana State 1944. (the diameter of the tupelo trunk at two University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA. 8The Nature Conservancy, Arkansas Chapter, 601 North University At approximately 13:30 Central Standard places)—are 34 to 38 cm. These values ex- Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72205, USA. Time (CST) on 11 February 2004, while kay- ceed comparable values for the pileated wood- *To whom correspondence should be addressed. aking alone on a bayou in the Cache River pecker and correspond to the upper range for E-mail: [email protected] National Wildlife Refuge, Monroe County, the ivory-billed woodpecker (fig. S4). 1460 3 JUNE 2005 VOL 308 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org R E P O R T S 2) Wing pattern at rest. These same two that is visible on a dorsal view of a fleeing the water, on a tree located 3 m from the video fields (Fig. 1) reveal an extensive bird. Pileated woodpeckers have lateral white trunk from which the woodpecker flew 21 s posterior white region on the opening wing, marks on the sides of the head and neck but later. We interpret the object to be a large sharply bordered by an anterior black patch lack any trace of white on the dorsum. perched woodpecker. Among candidate spe- that corresponds to upper wing coverts and 5) Black-white-black pattern of the cies, the observed pattern fits only that of the wrist area. Such extensive white on the sec- perched bird. In the Luneau video (26 to ivory-billed woodpecker. Placing a life-sized ondary flight feathers is consistent with both 21 s before the zero point in fig. S3), a blurry model on the same tree trunk produced a sim- sexes of ivory-billed woodpecker. The only white object bordered above and below by ilar image (fig. S5). comparably large white patch anywhere on a black is visible on a distant tupelo trunk (fig. Two other features suggesting the ivory- pileated woodpecker is the underwing lining, S5). The object was not present during sub- billed woodpecker are evident on the Luneau which would be obscured at this early stage sequent inspections of the site, when we de- video, but we do not currently regard them of wing extension, and any barely visible por- termined that it had been situated 4 m above as diagnostic, in part because we lack suf- tion of the white underwing should appear anteriorly, not posteriorly, on the wing. 3) Wing pattern in flight. During the first 1.2 s of flight, the fleeing woodpecker completes 10 full wingbeats before being ob- scured temporarily by a tupelo trunk (fig. S3). All visible wingbeats reveal extensive white patches on the posterior dorsal and ventral wing surfaces, representing entirely white sec- ondary and innermost primary flight feathers. Body and wing tips are black. Video images of flying pileated woodpeckers, including our model during reenactment (11), consistently re- veal a different pattern: Ventrally, white wing- linings are bordered by a dark trailing edge. Dorsally, a white band (proximally narrow, distally broadening into a wide spot along the base of the inner primaries) is surrounded by an otherwise all-dark upper wing surface (Fig.
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