Media. Memory. Meme. Colin Bennett. Prime Time. ! !" #" $" #" %" &" '" ( =5#'5/# ">00# .56')# !"#$%#&'#$#($)*+(# ,+-+(+#.(&,&,#/&)*# )*+#$0&+',1#"#/&00# 8(5%# 2+#)$03&'4#)5#)*+%# )5'&4*)#$256)#%7# 86)6(+#$'9#/*$)# ?-+#)5# )*+7#/&00#5(#/&00# '5)#95#)5#%+1: 5'+# ;$-&9#<$.52, $'9# 2(&'4# 756# 56)#58# )*&,1 ")*("+,-(#."+/ 0!!#"1++-2 !"#$$%&'()*+ Vol. 24 No. 1 Issue # 154 !"#"$%&'()*+(,-./01** UFO Volume 24 • Number 1 columnists 6 Publisher’s Note: William J. Birnes 7 Saucers, Slips & Cigarettes: Dierdre O’Lavery 8 Rocket Scientist: Stanton T. Friedman 10 Outside the Box: Mike Good 12 Opinionated Oregonian: George W. Earley 14 Alien in the Attic: Farah Yurdözü 16 Coast to Coast AM: George Noory 17 An Alien View: Alfred Lehmberg 18 The Randle Report: Kevin D. Randle 20 21st Century News: Dr. Bob & Zohara Hieronimus 22 Truthseeking: Dennis Balthaser 24 Inner Space: Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa 26 View From A Brit: Nick Redfern 27 Bryant’s UFO View: Larry W. Bryant 28 The Orange Orb: Regan Lee 29 Beyond the Dial: Lesley Gunter 30 Mirror Images: Micah A. Hanks bits & bobs 32 Arlan’s Arcanae: Arlan Andrews, Sr. Say hello to Dierdre! She is a 74 Rick’s UFO Picks: Rick Troppman new columnist, she is on page 7, and she is sassy. To Alfred Lehmberg: A belated thank you for the great cover artwork of Richard toon Dolan in Issue #153. Thanks also must go to our 63 Bradley Peterson very very very patient readers. This issue has been a long time coming. Next one should be just a bit more prompt. UFO Issue 154 features 34 Aliens vs. Predator: The Incredible Visitations at Emma Woods by Jeremy Vaeni 46 Torches and Pitchforks • Babes and Bathwater by Alfred Lehmberg 48 Holden Caulfield, J. D. Salinger, The Egg, John Lennon 49 J. D. Salinger and the Spy Who Met Him by Jon Augustine 50 Invasion of the Doll Folk: The Investigation Talks Back; The Mothman Prophecies in Retrospect by Colin Bennett 56 Patty Greer: The Not So Accidental Filmmaker Finds Herself in the Crop Circles by Sean Casteel Next issue: It’s all about the crop circles! What’s going on out there in the dead of night when the quiet sky is watching? Art is by Valenya! UFO! MAGAZINE EDITORIAL PUBLISHER !"##"$%&'(&)"*+,-& ."##/012%$3(42% FOUNDER 5"46"&746,* 8,46,*9/4$(**(42% !"#"$%!&"'()$ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF :$+4;&)"*+,- <,.%$-=,*/012%$3(42% Jerry Pippin’s Adventures ART DIRECTOR >;?&7%,*3,+= -;?/012%$3(42% in Internet Broadcasting CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Featuring Guest Personalities, Elvis, >,$+&@$-=,,#A&B,2*3,&7$*#,; Memories of the 20th Century, Old Time Radio COLUMNISTS Shows, the Esoteric, C.28,D2E>,4*,=(42%A&>6;#$"*,&C#18,3*,+A&C*#$+&C+?*,<-&>*(A&F,++"-&B(&)$#=G$-,*A the Paranormal, and the :$+4;&)"*+,-A&H$**;&!(&)*;$+=A&B,2*3,&7$*#,;A&>=$+=2+&I*",?%$+A&J"6,&B22?A& H,-#,;&B0+=,*A&J"4$G&K$+6-A&F*(&)2.&$+?&L2G$*$&K",*2+"%0-A&>*"&M$%&N$$A& Internet’s number one source for M,3$+&H,,A&C#1*,?&H,G%.,*3A&F",*?*,&OPH$8,*;A&B,2*3,&:22*;A&',**;&Q"EE"+A&N,8"+&M$+?#,A& current UFO information, :"46&M,?1,*+A&M"46&D*2EE%$+A&',*,%;&5$,+"A&N"*$&M$$A&I$*$G&R0*?STU the UFO-Files Show. CONTRIBUTING WRITERS '2+&C030-="+,A&@2#"+&),++,==A&>,$+&@$-=,,#A&C#1*,?&H,G%.,*3A&',*,%;&5$,+" DIRECTORS Radio for the !"##"$%&'(&)"*+,-A&:$+4;&)"*+,- 5"46"&746,* twenty-first century! CIRCULATION Listen when you want, not just B,+,*$#&@"*40#$="2+ when we broadcast it! M"?,*&@"*40#$="2+&>,*8"4,- ADVERTISING '$;&7"-,+.,*3& 9VWXY&Q$4"1"4&@2$-=&K"3G<$;A&J$#".0A&@C&VYZW[ tune in: www.jerrypippin.com D2##&I*,,\&]YY&^[W_V9V^ ^9Y&^9`_]`9W&a&ICb&^9Y&[`9_Y^Y`& c,E0./$==(+,= DISTRIBUTION M"?,*&@"*40#$="2+&>,*8"4,- 9^ZX&@;E*,--&C8,+0,A&H2-&C+3,#,-A&@C&VYYXW ^Z^&^XX_9ZYY&a&^Z^&Z[]_YWZW&I$d ISSUE 154, VOL. 24, NO. 1 OCTOBER 2010 UFO [ ISSN # 1043-1233 ] USPS # 007-068 UFO Magazine is published monthly: 8055 West Manchester Ave., Suite 310, Playa del Rey, CA 90293 • Printed in U.S.A. • Periodicals postage paid at Venice, CA 90291 and additional mailing offices. Send information, submissions, and art to UFO Editorial, 27-A Clinton Street, Lambertville, NJ 08530. Advertising: Jay Eisenberg, 800 356-9193. Questions regarding your subscription call 310 306-5667 or write UFO Magazine, Subscription Department, 27-A Clinton Street, Lambertville, NJ 08530 or email: [email protected] Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of authors and are not necessarily endorsed or verified by this magazine; advertise- ments do not constitute endorsement by the magazine or its publishers. UFO Magazine regrets that no responsibility can be accepted for unsolicited material, which cannot be returned unless a stamped, addressed envelope is included, and will become the property of the magazine. POSTMASTER Send address changes to UFO Magazine, 27-A Clinton Street, Lambertville, NJ 08530 or call 310 306-5667 Printed at Rodgers & McDonald, 1020 E 230th St., Carson, California 90745 Copyright © 2004–2010 UFO Global Media Inc., All rights reserved. The UFO name is a registered trademark of UFO Magazine, Inc. 444 Issue #153 UFO The Heat is On by William J. Birnes I’m sure we’re going to be taking a lot of heat for this issue. must get the OK from one of the many self-described experts. We’re publishing Jeremy Vaeni’s article on the controversy How about alien abduction? Unless you get the nod from one between pseudonymous Emma Woods and Associate Profes- of researchers, many of whom are completely unqualified, sor David Jacobs of Temple University. In UFO circles, Ja- unlicensed, and uncertified to conduct any therapy what- cobs is best known for his research into alien-human hybrids soever, you’re out of line. Thus, in this issue, because we and the alien abduction of human beings. dare to question the nature of the controversy between David Professor Jacobs uses hypnotic regression as a part of his Jacobs and Emma Woods, we are out of line. research into the experiences of the alien abductees he works Having heard Emma’s side of the story as well as David’s with. This is a very touchy subject for us because on her web- own appearance on the Paracast podcast where he dis- site www.ufoalienabductee.com and on Jeremy Vaeni and missed Emma’s charges, I called David Jacobs, whom I know Jeff Ritzmann’s Paratopia and Lan Lamphere’s Overnight AM personally, for an interview. However, it was Jacobs himself radio shows, Emma woods has publicly accused Professor Ja- who questioned why we were even covering the story. cobs of, among other things, conditioning her to believe that He said that to give Emma Woods any space was to give her she is suffering from multiple personality disorder. a legitimacy she did not deserve because she was trying to Jacobs has said that he did this with her full consent be- ruin his life, and we, by covering the story, were also out to cause he and Woods were in an agreement to throw off the ruin his life. Needless to say, I was pretty surprised. alien hybrids who were using her to get to him. David’s re- Instead of information, we got our first threat. Jacobs said buttal to Emma’s charges and his own explanation of the that on advice of his attorney he is not making any statement. controversy can be found at www.ufoabduction.com/defa- However, if he believes that we are repeating what he referred mationcampaign.htm. to as Emma’s defamation of his reputation, he will sue. Jeremy tries to unravel the intricacies of this relationship Interesting logic here. He claimed that Emma had been de- in his article in this issue. As a magazine, we take no official faming him for over two years, but he has taken no action position on who is right and who is wrong. But, inasmuch against her. However, if a magazine covers the story in such a as this is a news story concerning a woman who says she way that he interprets it to be damaging to his reputation, he is a victim of a UFO researcher and a UFO researcher who will sue. In other words, he has no response to what he calls says he is a victim of a woman he has worked with, we are defamation but rather a response to news coverage of what covering it. he calls defamation. The illogic is stunning. We have been warned not to cover it by various folks in the In subsequent conversations, David and I did get into a UFO community who, much to their discredit, have dictated discussion of some of the substance of Emma Woods’s com- to us that we must conform to the party line. David Jacobs plaints against him, complaints that Jacobs says are not only is a respected alien-abduction researcher who has devoted unwarranted but untrue. He admitted that he suggested to his life to the field, and therefore, he is beyond criticism. Emma that she was suffering from multiple personality dis- Emma Woods, they say, is simply a venomous and vindic- order—we heard Paratopia’s broadcast and the tape of him tive woman who is suffering from a mental disease and is suggesting it to her over the phone—but Jacobs says that out to defame poor Professor Jacobs. But we don’t buy the Emma took that snippet of conversation out of context.
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