Introduction to Python Wei Feinstein HPC User Services LSU HPC & LONI [email protected] Louisiana State University MAY, 2017 Introduction to Python Overview • What is Python • Python programming basics • Control structures and functions • Python modules and classes • Plotting with Python? Introduction to Python What is Python? • A general-purpose programming language (1980) by Guido van Rossum • Intuitive and minimal coding • Dynamically typed • Automatic memory management • Interpreted not compiled Introduction to Python 3 Why Python? Advantages • Ease of programming • Minimal time to develop and maintain codes • Modular and object-oriented • Large standard and user-contributed libraries • Large user community Disadvantages • Interpreted and therefore slower than compiled languages • Not great for 3D graphic applications requiring intensive computations Introduction to Python 4 IPython • Python: a general-purpose programming language (1980) • IPython: an interactive command shell for Python (2001) by Fernando Perez • Enhanced Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) environment • Command tab-completion, color-highlighted error messages.. • Basic Linux shell integration (cp, ls, rm…) • Great for plotting! http://ipython.org Introduction to Python 5 Jupyter Notebook IPython introduced a new tool Notebook (2011) • Web interface to Python • Rich text, improved graphical capabilities • Integrate many existing web libraries for data visualization • Allow to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text. Jupyter Notebook (2015) • Interface with over 40 languages, such as R, Julia and Scala Introduction to Python 6 Python Installed on HPC/LONI clusters soft add key module load key Introduction to Python 7 Notaons >>> IPython command shell $ Linux command shell # Comments => Results from Python statements/programs Introduction to Python 8 How to Use Python Run commands directly within a Python interpreter Example $ python >>> print(‘hello’) >>> hello To run a program named ‘hello.py’ on the command line Example $ cat hello.py print(‘hello’) $ python hello.py Introduction to Python 9 Python Programming BasiC • Variable • Build-in data types • File I/O Introduction to Python 10 Variables • Variable names can contain alphanumerical characters and some special characters • It is common to have variable names start with a lower-case letter and class names start with a capital letter • Some keywords are reserved such as ‘and’, ‘assert’, ‘break’, ‘lambda’. • A variable is assigned using the ‘=’ operator • Variable type is dynamically determined from the value it is assigned. https://docs.python.org/2.5/ref/keywords.html Introduction to Python 11 Variable Types Example >>> x = 3.3 >>> type(x) <type ‘float’> >>> y=int(x) >>> type(y) <type ‘int’> >>> my_file=open(“syslog”,”r”) >>> type(my_file) <type ‘file’> Introduction to Python 12 Operators • Arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, // (integer division for floating point numbers), ’**’ power • Boolean operators and, or and not • Comparison operators >, <, >= (greater or equal), <= (less or equal), == equality Introduction to Python 13 Build-in Data Types • Number • String • List • Tuple • Dictionary • File Introduction to Python 14 Numbers Example >>> int(3.3) => 3 >>> complex(3) => (3+0j) >>> float(3) => 3.0 >>> sqrt(9) => 3.0 >>> sin(30) => -0.9880316240928618 >>> abs(-3.3) => 3.3 Introduction to Python 15 Strings Example >>> my_str = “ Hello World” >>> len ( my_str) => 12 >>> my_str >>> print( my_str) => Hello World >>> my_str[0] # string indexing #string slicing >>>my_str[1:4], my_str[1:],my_str[:-1] => (‘ello’,‘ello World’,‘Hello Worl’ >>> my_str.upper() =>”HELLO WORLD” >>> my_str.find(‘world’) =>6 #return index >>> my_str + ‘!!’ =>" Hello World!!” >>> s1,s2=my_str.split() >>> s1 => Hello >>> s2 => World Introduction to Python 16 Mulple line spanning ””” Example >>> lines=“””This is ...a multi-line block ...of text””” >>> lines this is\na multi-line block\nof text’ >>>print(lines) This is a multi-line block of text Introduction to Python 17 String Prinng Example >>> print(“hello”+” World”) => Hello World >>> print(“33.9 after formatting = %.3f” %33.9) =>33.9 after formatting = 33.900 >>> total=“my share=%.2f tip=%d”%(24.5,5.3) >>> print(total) => 'my share=24.50 tip=5’ >>> total="my share={:.2f} tip={:.0f}”.format(24.5,5.3) => 'my share=24.50 tip=5’ Introduction to Python 18 Lists • Collection of data [ ] • Often used to store homogeneous values e.g., Numbers, names with one data type • Members are accessed as strings • Mutable: modify in place without creating a new object Introduction to Python 19 List Example >>> my_list=[1,2,9,4] >>> my_list => [1,2,9,4] >>> my_list[0] #indexing => 1 #slicing [start:end] [start to (end-1)] >>> my_list[0:4] or my_list[:] => [1,2,9,4] >>> type(my_list) => <type, ‘list’> >>> my_list+my_list #concatenate => [1,2,9,4,1,2,9,4] >>> my_list*2 #repeat => [1,2,9,4,1,2,9,4] >>> friends = ['john', 'pat', 'gary', 'michael'] >>> for index, name in enumerate(friends): print index, name => 0 john 1 pat 2 gary 3 michael Introduction to Python 20 Lists lists are mutable Example >>> my_list=[1,2,9,4] >>> my_list.append(0) => [1,2,9,4,0] >>> my_list.insert(0,22) => [22,1,2,9,4,0] >>> del my_list[0] => [1,2,9,4,0] >>> my_list.remove(9) => [1,2,4,0] >>> my_list.sort() => [0,1,2,4] >>> my_list.reverse() => [4,2,1,0] >>> len(my_list) => 4 >>> my_list[0]=100 >>> print(my_list) => [100,2,1,0] Introduction to Python 21 Tuples • Collection of data () • Not immutable • Why Tuple? • Processed faster than lists • Sequence of a Tuple is protected • Sequence unpacking Introduction to Python 22 Tuples Example >>> my_tuple=(1,2,9,4) >>> print(my_tuple) => (1,2,9,4) >>> print(my_tuple[0]) => 1 >>> my_tuple[0] = 10 TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment >>> x,y,z,t = my_tuple #Unpacking >>> print(x) => 1 >>> print(y) => 2 Switching btw list and tuple >>> my_l=[1,2] >>> type(my_l) => <type ‘list’> >>> my_t=tuple(my_l) >>> type(my_t) =><type ‘tuple’> Introduction to Python 23 Diconary • List of key-value pairs { } • Unordered collections of objects, not indexed • Store objects in a random order to provide faster lookup • Data type are heterogeneous, unlike list • Element are accessed by a keyword, not index • Elements are mutable Introduction to Python 24 Diconaries dictionary = {"key1”: value1, “key2”: value2} Example >>> my_dict={“new”:1,”old”:2} >>> my_dict[‘new’] #indexing by keys => 1 >>> my_dict.has_key(‘new’) => True >>> my_dict[‘new’] = 9 >>> my_dict[‘new’] => 9 >>> del my_dict[‘new’] >>> my_dict => {'old': 2} >>> my_dict[“young”] = 4 #add new entry => {“old”:2,”young”:4} >>> table={“python”:’red’, “linux”: ‘blue’} >>> for key in table.keys(): print(key, table[key]) =>(‘python’,’red’) (‘linux’,‘blue’) Introduction to Python 25 File • file_handle = open(“file_name”, ‘mode’) • Modes: • a:append • r: read only (error if not existing) • w: write only • r+: read/write (error if not existing) • w+: read/write • b: binary Introduction to Python 26 File Operaons Example >>> input =open(“data”,‘r’) >>> content=input.read() >>> line=input.readline() >>> lines=input.readlines() >>> input.close() >>> output = open(“result”,‘w’) >>> output.write(content) >>> output.close() • Python has a built-in garbage collector • Object memory space is auto reclaimed once a file is no longer in use Introduction to Python 27 Control Structures • if-else • while loops, for loops • break: jump out of the current loop • continue: jump to the top of next cycle within the loop • pass: do nothing Introduction to Python 28 Indentaon • Indentation: signify code blocks (very important) Example (loop.py) n=2 while n < 10: prime = True for x in range(2,n): if n % x == 0: prime = False break $ python loop.py if prime: 2 is a prime # print n, 'is a prime #' pass 3 is a prime # else: 5 is a prime # n=n+1 7 is a prime # continue n=n+1 Introduction to Python 29 Excepons • Events to alter program flow either intentionally or due to errors, such as: • open a non-existing file • zero division • Catch the fault to allow the program to continue Introduction to Python 30 Without ExcepEon Handling exception_absent.py Example f_num = raw_input("Enter the 1st number:" ) s_num = raw_input("Enter the 2nd number:") num1,num2 = float(f_num), float(s_num) result = num1/num2 print str(num1) + "/" + str(num2) + "=" + str(result) $ python exception_absent.py Enter the 1st number:3 Enter the 2nd number:0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "exception_absent.py", line 4, in <module> result = num1/num2 ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero Introduction to Python 31 Excepon Handling exception.py Example f_num = raw_input("Enter the 1st number:" ) s_num = raw_input("Enter the 2nd number:") try: num1,num2 = float(f_num), float(s_num) result = num1/num2 except ValueError: #not enough numbers entered print "Two numbers are required." except ZeroDivisionError: #divide by 0 print "Zero can’t be a denominator . " else: print str(num1) + "/" + str(num2) + "=" + str(result) $ python exception.py $ python exception.py Enter the 1st number:3 Enter the 1st number:3 Enter the 2nd number:0 Enter the 2nd number: Zero can't be a denominator. Two numbers are required. Introduction to Python 32 Define a Funcon def func_name(param1,param2, ..): body Example >>> def my_func(a,b): return a*b >>> x, y = (2,3) >>> my_func(x,y) => 6 >>> def greet(name): print 'Hello', name >>> greet('Jack') => Hello Jack >>> greet('Jill') => Hello Jill Introduction to Python 33 Return mulple values Example >>> def power(number):
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