Jio MAMI 17th MUMBAI FILM FESTIVAL with 29 OCTOBER–5 NOVEMBER 2015 1 2 3 4 5 12 October 2015 MESSAGE I am pleased to know that the 17th Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival is being organised by the Mumbai Academy of Moving Image (MAMI) in Mumbai from 29th October to 5th November 2015. Mumbai is the undisputed capital of Indian cinema. This festival celebrates Mumbai’s long and fruitful relationship with cinema. For the past sixteen years, the festival has continued promoting cultural and MRXIPPIGXYEP I\GLERKI FIX[IIR ½PQ MRHYWXV]QIHME TVSJIWWMSREPW ERH GMRIQE IRXLYWMEWXW%W E QYGL awaited annual culktural event, this festival directs international focus to Mumbai and its continued success highlights the prominence of the city as a global cultural capital. I am also happy to note that the 5th Mumbai Film Mart will also be held as part of the 17th Mumbai Film Festival, ensuring wider distribution for our cinema. I congratulate the Mumbai Academy of Moving Image for its continued good work and renewed vision and wish the 17th Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival and Mumbai Film Mart grand success. (CH Vidyasagar Rao) 6 MESSAGE Mumbai, with its legacy, vibrancy and cultural milieu, is globally recognised as a Financial, Commercial and Cultural hub. Driven by spirited Mumbaikars with an indomitable spirit and great affection for the city, it has always promoted inclusion and progress whilst maintaining its social fabric. ,SQIXSXLI,MRHMERH1EVEXLM½PQMRHYWXV]1YQFEMMWXLIYRHMWTYXIH*MPQ'ETMXEPSJXLIGSYRXV] +MZIRXLEX&SPP][SSHMWXLIQSWXTVSPM½GMRHYWXV]MRXLI[SVPHMXMWSRP]FI½XXMRKXLEXE*MPQ*IWXMZEP that celebrates world cinema in its various genres is hosted in Mumbai. The 17th Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival, organised by the Mumbai Academy of the Moving Image (MAMI), from the 29th October to 5th November is truly worth looking forward to. 'MRIQE[LIRXIEQIH[MXLEWXVSRKWSGMEPQIWWEKIMWEP[E]WMRWTMVEXMSREP%½PQQEOIV´WGVIEXMZMX]MWTYX XSXLIXIWX[LIRLILEWXSMRRSZEXIXSWMQTP]GSQQYRMGEXIERSXLIV[MWIHMJ½GYPXQIWWEKI¯MRJEGXXS me it is nothing short of genius. With the selection of World cinema being laid out to the audience over the course of the Festival, I am certain it will it will be an exhilarating experience for Mumbaikars as also delegates from across the world. MAMI has been a torchbearer in putting together the best of world cinema for almost 2 decades. With their legacy and creative acumen, they have over the years managed to keep audiences engaged and excited about the Festival’s showcase movies. This year should be no different. I once again congratulate MAMI for their efforts in bringing world cinema to Mumbai, and India, through this Festival. A weeklong visual treat awaits and my wishes for the grand success of the 17th Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival. (Devendra Fadnavis) 7 MESSAGE It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to Jio MAMI – the 17th Mumbai Film Festival. 1YQFEMTVMHIWMXWIPJEWFIMRKXLIGYPXYVEPQSWEMGSJXLIREXMSR¯IQFVEGMRKEHMZIVWIQM\SJEVXMWXMG traditions and identities from around the world. A city that is the cradle of Indian cinema, Mumbai has always been in the vanguard of exploring new realms of creative excellence through the wonderful medium of celluloid. 8LMWTVIWXMKMSYW½PQJIWXMZEP[EWGSRGIMZIH]IEVWEKSF]WSQISJ-RHME´WQSWXIQMRIRX½PQTIVWSREPMXMIW Over the years, The Mumbai Academy of Moving Image has built upon its rich legacy and is today entering a new vibrant phase with the enthusiastic participation of a galaxy of contemporary icons from XLI½PQMRHYWXV]ERHXLIWYTTSVXSJQER][IPP[MWLIVW We have always celebrated the unique power of cinema to evoke and experience emotions and see the worlds within, around and beyond us in ecstatic and entertaining ways. The emergence of a digital life and XLIWIEQPIWWSTTSVXYRMXMIWJSVGVIEXMZII\TVIWWMSREVIVIHI½RMRKXLIGVEJXSJ½PQQEOMRKI\XIRHMRKMXW reach to audiences all over the world. 8SHE].MS1%1-IRHIEZSYVWXSWLS[GEWIXLIFIWXSJ[SVPHGMRIQEERH-RHMERGMRIQE;IEVIWYVI½PQ lovers will embrace this momentous event on the cultural calendar of Mumbai, with open arms. I am GSR½HIRXXLEXXLIJIWXMZEPMW[IPPTSMWIHXSRYVXYVIXEPIRXERHTVSNIGXSYVZMWMSRSRXLI[SVPHWGVIIR NITA M. AMBANI Co-Chairperson Jio MAMI 8 MESSAGE %X7XEV-RHME[IFIPMIZIMRXLIXVERWJSVQEXMSREPTS[IVSJGSRXIRXERHMXWTSXIRXMEPXSMR¾YIRGITSWMXMZI change and move the nation forward. We call it ‘Inspiring a Billion Imaginations’ and through our platforms and our stories, we constantly strive to deliver on this promise. Our association with the Mumbai Film Festival is also borne out of this belief. From the beginning, cinema has held a very special place in our society. Tightly woven in its fabric, the WMPZIVWGVIIRLEWWIVZIHEWXLIGERZEWSR[LMGLXLIEWTMVEXMSRWSJEGLERKMRK-RHMELEZIFIIRTVSNIGXIH It is in this milieu that Mumbai Academy of Moving Images (MAMI) plays a very important role, that SJLSPHMRKLMKLXLIPMKLXSJGMRIQEXMGI\GIPPIRGIERHOIITMRKXLI½VIWSJMQEKMREXMSREPMZI7MRGIMXW establishment in 1997, one of the key aims of MAMI has been to nurture and ignite a passion for cinema ERHXSGIPIFVEXIXLIWLIIVNS]XLEXMXFVMRKW3VKERMWMRKXLI1YQFEM*MPQ*IWXMZal is one of the means to realising this goal. 1YQFEMMWW]RSR]QSYW[MXLXLI-RHMER½PQMRHYWXV]%QIXVSTSPMWXLEXLEWFIIRXLIHI½RMXMZILSQI XS-RHMERGMRIQEMXMWSRP]½XXMRKXLEX1YQFEMLSWXWXLIGSYRXV]´WPEVKIWXERHKVERHIWX½PQJIWXMZEP ;IFIPMIZIXLEXXLI1YQFEM*MPQ*IWXMZEPMWWTIGMEPERHE½XXMRKXVMFYXIXSXLMWGMX]SJHVIEQWERHMXMW without hesitation, therefore, that Star India has chosen to support MAMI for the second year in a row. We wish the organisers the very best in their endeavour and look forward to a very successful Mumbai Film Festival 2015! UDAY SHANKAR CEO, Star India 9 Welcome to Jio MAMI 17th Mumbai Film Festival with Star India! -XLEWFIIR]IEVWWMRGI,7&LEXEZHIOEVQEHI-RHME´W½VWXHSGYQIRXEV]½PQThe Wrestlers, which, incidentally, he shot at the Hanging Gardens of Mumbai in November 1899. He could scarcely have MQEKMRIHXLEXQSVIXLEREGIRXYV]PEXIV[I[SYPHFIEQSZMIQEHREXMSRQEOMRKXLIPEVKIWXRYQFIV SJ½PQWMRQSVIPERKYEKIWXLERER]SXLIVGSYRXV]MRXLI[SVPH7SLIVIMRXLIGMX]SJ&LEXEZHIOEVERH 4LEPOIMWERSTTSVXYRMX]XSHMZIMRXSE[IIOPSRKJIEWXSJXLI[SVPH´WFIWXGMRIQE%RHQSVIMQTSVXERXP] EX.MS1%1-]SY[MPPRS[EPWSKIXXSHMWGSZIVERHGIPIFVEXIXLI½RIWX-RHMER½PQWJVSQGPEWWMGERHGYPX XSGYXXMRKIHKIGSRXIQTSVEV]3YVZMWMSRMWXSQEOIXLMWJIWXMZEPEWTVMRKFSEVHERHFVIIHMRKKVSYRH JSVXEPIRXEWTEGIJSVEJVIII\GLERKISJMHIEWEFSYX[LIVIMQEKIQEOMRKMWLIEHIHERH[LEX[ILSTI the cinema landscape will be in the future. Collectively, perhaps, we could make this vision come true. 8LMWJIWXMZEPMWEXVMFYXIXS1YQFEM´WPSRKEWWSGMEXMSR[MXLGIPPYPSMHERH[IEWTMVIXSMRJYWIMXW½PQPSZMRK denizens with renewed energy! So we invite you into a world of images and conversations that could MRWTMVIERHTVSZSOI%RH[ILSTIXLEX]SYNSMRSYVPSRKXIVQIRHIEZSYVXSQEOIXLMWJIWXMZEPEKEXI[E] to exploring new voices and directions in Indian cinema. KIRAN RAO 10 ;L]HS[IRIIHE½PQJIWXMZEP#&IGEYWIEWXLI%QIVMGER4YPMX^IVTVM^I[MRRMRK½PQGVMXMG6SKIV)FIVXTYX it: of all the arts, movies are the most powerful aid to empathy, and good ones make us into better people. %KSSH½PQMWEXVEZIPPIWWNSYVRI]-XXEOIW]SYMRXSSXLIVLIEVXWQMRHWERHKISKVETLMIW-XEPPS[W ]SYXS½RHRI[LSVM^SRWERH[E]WSJWIIMRK%VIEPP]KSSH½PQWLMJXW]SYVWIRWMFMPMXMIWWSXLEX]SY leave the darkened theatre with an altered understanding of the human experience. Both literally and metaphorically, you step into the light. At the Jio MAMI 17th1YQFEM*MPQ*IWXMZEP[MXL7XEV-RHMESYVIRHIEZSYVMWXSFVMRK]SYKSSH½PQW From October 29th to November 5thSZIV½PQW[MPPTPE]MRWM\PSGEXMSRWEGVSWWXLIGMX]*VSQXLMW year’s Palme d’Or winner Dheepan to Deewar[VMXXIRF]SYV)\GIPPIRGIMR'MRIQEE[EVH[MRRIVW7EPMQ /LERERH.EZIH%OLXEV¯MX´WEPPXLIVI;LEXIZIVFI]SYVXEWXI[I[MPPLEZIE½PQJSV]SY3YVEMQMW to reveal, engage, enlighten and provoke. And of course, be an ‘aid to empathy.’ Mumbai is a maniacal, magical city. To live here, you need courage, resilience, ambition and above EPPIQTEXL])EGLHE]ETTVS\MQEXIP]QMPPMSRSJYWRIKSXMEXISYV[E]EVSYRHIEGLSXLIVEGVSWW this narrow peninsula. According to the last Census of India, there are more than 20,000 people in IZIV]WUYEVIOMPSQIXVISJXLIGMX]8LIFVYXEPPSKMWXMGWHSR´XEPPS[JSVPY\YVMIWSJHMZMWMSR)ZIRXLI QSWXMRXSPIVERXERHREVVS[QMRHIHEQSRKYWEVIIZIRXYEPP]JSVGIHXSIRKEKI[MXLTISTPISJSXLIV communities, ethnic groups, languages, political beliefs, sexual orientations, dietary preferences. )QTEXL]MWETVIVIUYMWMXIJSVPMZMRKMR1YQFEM%RH]IXMXWIIQWXSFIWPS[P]JEHMRKJVSQXLIWSGMEP JEFVMGSJSYVGMX])EGLHE][I[EOIYTXSRI[LSVVSVW)EGLHE]XLIWYRWIXWSREWPMKLXP]QSVI LEVHIRIH[SVPH%½PQJIWXMZEPGERRSX½\XLMW&YXTIVLETWXLIZMWMSRSJKVIEX½PQEVXMWXWJVSQ-RHME and around the globe will teach us to have a little more grace. We need it now, more than ever. ANUPAMA CHOPRA 11 If someone asked me right now what it is that I most desire, my answer would be to sleep for six straight hours, to lose the 13 kilos I have gained over the last few months, and smash my phone to JVEKQIRXIHLIPP8LMWJIWXMZEPMWXLILEVHIWXXLMRK-LEZIHSRI-EQEXIPIZMWMSRNSYVREPMWXERHGVIEXMZI HMVIGXSV-LEZIEP[E]WFIIRSRXLISXLIVWMHISJXLIVIHGEVTIX³GSZIVMRK´½PQJIWXMZEPWRSXSVKERMWMRK XLIQ1]TEVXRIVWMRGVMQI%RYTEQE'LSTVEERH/MVER6ESEVIRSXJIWXMZEPZIXIVERWIMXLIVFYXF] WSQIX[MWXSJJEXILIVI[I[IVI[MXLXLIQEQQSXLNSFSJFVMRKMRKXLI1YQFEM*MPQ*IWXMZEPXSPMJI MRSYVLERHW%RHNYWXPMOIXLEX[I[IVIGSRWXVYGXMRKEREPMIRREVVEXMZIFYMPHMRKEFVSOIRWLMTEWOMRK IZIV]SRI[LS[SYPHGEVIXSPMWXIR¯ERHIWTIGMEPP]XLISRIW[LS[SYPHR´XGEVIXSPMWXIR¯XSLEZI JEMXLMRYW[LMPI[IWXVYKKPIHXSOIITSYVS[RMRXEGX8LMWPEWX]IEVLEWFIIRENSYVRI]SJHSKKIH TYVWYMXERHLEVHPIWWSRW&YXJSVIZIV]WXYQFPMRKFPSGOETEXL[E]STIRIHJSVIZIV]HMJ½GYPXTIVWSR three reached out to help, and for every demand made, there was a wish granted. It is a rare opportunity in life to be inspired.
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