m - ■ kS:.:'-: • ^attrtfpatfr £««nUtg lirraUt WEDNESDAY. MAftCH 19, 1991 1 p a g e t ^ e k t y -fctor ATcntt JMIf-Nft Prgw Bm Ik f Mw Week » a$lag the U jf conferencas thia year. HhlW- # i l l Attend UN There Are many adueatlonal toura, About Town radia and telavlaian ' programs planned for the bene^t «>f the 10,506 The Robertson PTA U planning group. Meuiher e ( Ike AteHt ^ ' Announcing to hold a rummage sale in the Miss Dunlap ia a Junior at Man- B«m m eCi school auditorium next Monday ehester High School and an ac­ H^e’s Mardi Value Days M tm eheBter^A City o f VUUlge Charm night at • o'clock, followed by an tive member o f the band, Liteary k.- ' A auction at 7 o’clock. Raymond Club and French Club. She ia Reid will be the auctioneer. Con­ f!- WITH CASH The Opening of a member of the South Methodist Advetttekig «■ Fage M) MANCJIESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1952 tributions will be accepted at the Church and the Youth Fellowship. •OWU SiH MEEII STUK SALES ALL DAT THURSIAY TOL. LXXL NO. 145 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS school after 3 o’clock Monday af­ Althea is the daughter-of Mr, and ternoon. The public ia inyit^ to Mrs. Glenden J. Dunlap of IM attend both the rummage sale and South Main street. the auction. Sunset Rebekah Lodge C H A tM H O U H Undergoes Operation 'Miss-Dunlap to speah Alfred R. Rogers of 11«3 Mkjdla any civic, church or fraternal turnpike east, a junior in the Col­ group about her trip to the Unit­ MAIN FLOOR lege of Arts and Sciem:ea..at„tllC ed Nations. The lodge committee ' CARPET SWEEPER University of Connecticut, Is a for this pilgrimage is Mrs. Leroy Primary in HATS FOR TEEN-AGERS AND pledge of Scabbard and Blade, the Aapinwall, Mrs. Fred 'M anning Our ewa htaad Mght gteea rahher haa^^r. ROTC officers organisation at and Mrs. E m e^ Cox. Our N. Y. aSlee epeelal purchaee. Our In Steel Row the university. YOUNG MATRONS epedal a * ____________________ New Jersey „ p r i c e s f r o m , Walter 8. Kuezynski, seaman Washington, March 20—(/P)—President Truman summoned apprentice, U8N, formerly of 7 A Regder $7.4S VdM Defense Mobilizer Charles E. Wilson to Key West, Fla., today Newark, N. J„ March 20— Cottage street, has returned to the (Ah— Gov. Alfred E. Driscoll to discuss the steel wage- dispute, after wage board delibera- United States after a tour of duty said today withdrawal of Sen. aboard the aircraft carrier US8' tiona were halted by the physical collapse of Nathan P. Fein- Saipan with the Navy's sixth fleet ginger, chairman o f the govern-v T Taft from New Jersey’s n.98 10 «3.98 in the Mediterranean. mant’a Wage Stabiliution Board | preferential p riifi^ was the ALL BTVLES AND COLORS m nonriusHi ntssnE cooin <WSB), who hat been working! I ' % “result of successive setbacks The Tyler Circle of the North night and day on the case, in a n ' in New Hampshire and Min­ Methodist Church will hold a meet­ MODEL 4M effort to avert a strike act for mid- { Grunewald Ike’s Grin Hia Only Reaction on Minnesotn J Takes Note fresh as iSprlng ing open to members of the church * Eallut Studili Preeaute, fry, eodk, braise hr eteam feed. SPECIAL ...................... night Sunday, keeled over about' nesota.” The governor added A ir Force on Wednesday. March 26 at 8 p. Althea L. Dunlap $ 1 A . 9 5 6:30 o’clock this morning. j that the Ohio Senator’s an­ m. The speaker will be Rev. B. MissbAlthea L Dunlap has been REGULAR IU.9S Serioiyi Problem i $233,000 Is nouncement in Washington Raymond Luthy of Middletown, R. chosen by Sunset Rebekah Lodge, ANNUM. CHECK W A physician said Feinainger c o l-, was "obviously the words of Told to End Of ‘Call’ in flow er top t . whose aubject will be "Seeing No. 39, to attend the United Na­ lapsed from fatigue, and the board ' Roor losers.” the New Japan.” tions Pilgrimage in New York, niVENTS GRISWOLD recessed until 2 p. m. The unex-1 New Puzzle March 23-28, which is sponsored nected delay posed a aerioua prote i Bases Aless by the Independent Order of Odd COSTLY lEPAItS SKILLET iem, in view of the imminence of I Washington, March 20— 2 Contests Wish Bon Voyage Fellows. She is In the second the strike deadline. | Washington , March 20— (A*)— Sen. Robert A. Taft an­ g^oup frohi Connecticut to attend Wilson's office told- a reporter, nounced today ■ he is with­ itMJWHAU.eo, Cast Iron there was a "goi>d chance” that I (/P)—^An accountant testified Washington, March 20— Supreme Headquarters, Al­ DEWEY-RIGHMAN drawing from the contest in <A*)—Sen. Lyndon Johnson To Mrs. Oawforcl ju «, 1.1,19 p y c the defense mobillsatlan chief i today that Henry (the Dutch- lied Powers in Europe, March would fly to thelittle White' House liiaii) Xsfuneivald, mysterious New-. Jersey’s ■^• Republican (D., Tex.) threatened today 20^ (A^ --Gen. Eisenhower........ *2.98 24 H o u r at Key West late this afternoon. Presidential primary.__In an A bon voyage-party, with 30 man about-W ashlngton, luut -to “ clean out some-people!’ 4in> said today he is re-examini^ -------- Andrew Befding. Wilson's public Kenaetb Royall, fomer angrliy word^ statement, th^i less the military high com­ guests present from West Hart­ A m b u l a n c e relations chief, said Wilaon had more than |2.T.T,000 of “ unex­ his political position—an in­ Delightful hiilf'hat made ford, Hartford. East Hartford and plained income" in 1949 and tary of war, was toported la erit- Ohio Senator said he had beet( mand does a housecleaning been called by President Truman Ical raadltlM /at New York Hoa- dication he may soon go home, Manchester, was given Mrs. Adam done political dirt by Gov. Al­ of leaves and bedecke<l Service to go over all the Isaues bearing 1950, pltal In New York City after ua- job of its own on “ waste, inef­ to campaign actively for the Crawford of 181 McKee street last on the threatened strike by 690,- ‘ Joseph Steams, who said he had fred E. Driscoll of New Jer­ with forget-me-nots. All Monday night. March 10. at the dergolag aa operatioa for aa ab- ficiency and downright graft’’ Republican nomination for 000 CIO United Steelworkers. handled Gmnewald’a tax returns ■emo la tbo ataus area. sey, who has announced for in the North Africa Air Base home of Mrs. Ethel Jones, 123 At Key West today. Truman President. * colors. Cooper Hill street. for the last 10 years, told House Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. projects, t told a news conference he did not tax Investigators that Grunewald Taft aaid Driscoll whited until The general took note of The guest of honor was pre­ want to comment since the matter Johnson spbke as chairman of sented with' a gardenia corsage in 1049 had approximately $116,- after the deaidline for formal with­ the “mounting numbers of ia still in the hands of the wage the Senate Armed Services sub­ and many personal gifts. A de­ 000 In income from aourcea not drawal from the April 15 primary committee on Defense Prepared­ my fellow citizens who are " licious buffet luncheon was served board. idenUfie^, and in 1950 had $117,- U. S. Grain to abandon a position of neutrality voting to thake me the Re­ DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS Philip Murray, union chief and 781. ___ ness. He told the committee, and by the hostes.. a.sylsted by Mrs. and then had thrown the weight of an Air Force liaison officer: GIVEN WITH CASH SALES president of the dO, met .this The accountant ssJd this money publican nominee.” He said. Delbert Reynolds, FOKYOUITROTEaiON the New Jersey State Republican "We're either going to clean Up In effect, the voters of New ALL DAY THURSDAY Mrs. CrawfoM and her husband, V fully iviipped morning with his 36-man execu­ waa listed as "brokerage fees and organization against Taft and to tive board in What Murray de­ commissions” for tax return pur­ Agents Air the conditions, or we're going to whp is general foreman of the * Camplutely M adera- Eisenhower. Since the deadline haa clean out pome people.'* Hampshire and Minnesota East Hartford division of the New scribed as a purely informal ses- poses, but that Grunewald' told passed, Taft’s name will remain “are forcing me to re-examitfe V __ * Iwaiadlataiy Availafcia y alon. Asked by a reporter at close of York, New Haven and Hartford him It came from gambling—"It on the ballot. my personal position and past Railroad, are sailing on the Em­ Will Study Request could be horaeractng, betting on ‘Gratuities’ the committee hearing whether special eventa, and poker.” But, Taft said; this meant he waa thinking of de­ decision (not to campaign for press of Scotland on March 28 fop Wm. P.Quish Murray's 170-man wage policy ”I am Instructing my national a two months tour of Europe. The M. committee was here for a sched­ CougeaNve Heart FaUure manding the scalps' of men '^n the nomination).” TheJWHALCeo. Washington, March, 20-- committee to withdraw from all higher levels at the Pentagon,” Eisenhower issued his state­ latter part of the trip they wdll uled afternoon meeting to act on a- Steams testified before the activity in my behalf in the atate .MANCHBrm CONII-i visit with realtlvea in Scotland.
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