DIRECTORY.] TRADES DIRECTORY. MED WolstenholIne Richo.rd Hanson, 15 Eccles New rd. ~alloTd and 1 West Wright George Arthur,16 St.John st.Dea.nsgate; res.Westbrook,Bowdon Clowes st. Eccles New rd. S-M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P. Edin. -M.B. Oxon., F.R.C.S. Eng.; Professor of systematic surgery, Wood James, Spring bank, 4 Sandy I&. P-M.R.C.S. Eug. Victoria Univer6ity; Surgeon to Manchester lwyal Infirmary, Wood John William Atkinsou, 53 Gr08venor st. C on M-M.R.C.S.Eng., and consulting surgeon to the Children's Hospital, Pendlebury; hon.. L.R.C.P. Edin., L.M. & S.S.A. Lond. surgoon, Oflncer Hospital Woorlcock Harold Brookfleld, 474 Stretford rd. 0 T; 215 Chester Wright Reginald Harcourt, Broadleas. Fourth avenue. Trafford park­ rd. H-M.B., Oh.B. Vict.; Medical Officer and PublicVaccinator, L.R.C.P. &; S. Edin., L.F.P.S. Glas No. 1 District Ohorlton Union Wrillley Philip Roscoe, 11 St. John st. Deansgate; res. 126 High Woodcock Oswald Hampson, 10 Talbot rd. 0 T and 216 Chester st. 0 on M - 1o'.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P. Land.: Uesident Medical rd. H-M.B., Oh.B. Vict.; Hon. Physician Hulme Dispensary Tutor, Hulme hall; Hon. Surgeon for Children Manchester Northern 'Voolley Fred Duke, 148 Alexandra rd. M Sand 179 Withington rd. Hospital for 'Women and Children; Hon. Assistant Surgeon Salford Wballey range - M.R.C.S. Eng'., L. R.C.P. Lond., L. M. & S.S.A. Royal Hospital: Visiting Surgeon Chorlton Union Infirmary; Hon. Lond. ; Hon. Surgeon, Hulme Dispensary Assistant Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary Worley Philip, 15 Eccles Old rd. P-M.R.C.S. Rng., L.R.C.P. Lond. Yates Thomas Preston, 313 Abbey Hey la. Gorton - M.R.O.S. Rug., Worswick Frederic Henry, 1 Chorlton rd.H-M.R.O.P.& L.R.C.S.Edin., L.R.O.P. Lond. L.S.A. Lond., M.RC.P.I., & L.M. Dub. Yearnshaw Herbert, 305 Eccles New rd. Weaste M.B. & C."'d. Glas. Wright Gamett, 14 tst. John st. Deansgate; res. 108 High st. 0 on M Yong-e Eugene Stepllen, 14 tst. Peter's sq; res. 118 Stamford st. 0 '1'­ -M.B., Oh.B. Edln. ; Hon. Surgeon to the Ancoats Hospital M.D., O.M. Edin.; Assist. Physician, Hospital for Oonsumption Young John Stirling, 82 Butler st. Ancoats-M.B., Ch.B.Viet. Young Thomas, 83 High st. Con M-M.D. &: C.M. Glas DENTISTS. Alien Arthur Raymond Burnett, L.D.S.R.O.S. Eng. 196 Princess rd. M 8 Mason Edioiar, L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. 136 Alexandra rd. M S Allin John, L.D.S.R.C.S.I. 428 Stretford rd. 0 '1', hon. dental Masters Frederick WilIiam, L.D.S.R.C.S.Edin. Wilmslow rd. R surgeon to Hulme Dispensary, Dale st. Hulma and the Women's Masters John, L.D.S.R.C.S.I., F.P. & S.Glas., R.O.S.Ed., 258 Oxford Home, Embden ~treet, Greenheys rd. C on M; dentist to the Orphanage and Training School for Allison Oswald Roy. B.D.S.Vict. 471 Stretford rd. 0 '1' Girls. Whalley range Ashworth Alfred Liiled, 294 Oxford rd. C on M Meek George Herbert, L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. 17 Palatine rd. iV BeH JOBeph, 2 Buxton st. London rd. and 9] Upper Brook st. C on M Metcalfe Jamcs, 229 Oldfield rd. S Besford Harry Newton, L.D.RR.O.S.Eng. 422 Stoekport rd. 0 on M Metcalfe Thomas Jolmson, 23 Trafford rd. S Betts Philip, 3 Lime grove, Oxford st. C on M Minshall Frederic 'Villiam, L.D.S.R.C.S.I. (Rodway & Minshall), fj Beyer Ernst Fritz Bertmm, L.D. S.R.C. S. Bng. 31 Ardwick green Nth Hulme pI. Crescent, Sallord I dental surgeon, Victoria Dental HOB· Bushby Thomas & Son, 30g Upper Brook st. C on M pital and Ohetham Hospital' Campion Geo. Goring, L.D.S.B.C.S.Eng. dental surgeon,Victoria Dental Morley Charles Reginald, L.D.S.R.C.S. Eng. 14 St. Peter's square; res. Hospital; lecturer on orthodontea, Victona University; denta.! Hopeville, Victoria park; dental snrgeon to the SllJe Industrial surgeon to the Victoria Dental Hospital and the Manchester Certi- Schools lied Industria.! Schools Westminster tel'. 264 Oxford rd. C on M Morley Evelyn, M.S.B. D. 6 Langwllrthy rd. Seeuley Clay Abrabam, 134 Broad st. P ~orman Harry William, L.D.S.R.O.S.Eng. 264 Oxfortl rd. 0 on M Clements William Alexander, L.D.S.R.O.S.Eng. 17 St. Ann's sq res. 36 Brunswick rd. Withington-Lecturer on Dental Surgery Clubb Charles Henry, 30 Moss la. West, MS and Pathology at the Manchester University; dental surgeon, Cocker James Doctor, 159 Butler st. Oldbam rd Victoria Dental HospItal Collett Edward Pyemont, L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. 8 St. John st. Deansgate; Patterson Alexamler Pell, 160 Eccles New nI. 'Veaste &: 760 Rochdale rd res. Newcroft, Hale, Cheshire Peace Alfred, 56 Broad st. P Cotton Edward Charles, L.D.S.Vict. 1 Raby st. M S Pearse Arthur Samuel, L. D.S.R.C.S. Eng. 19 St. John st. Deansgate; Dalby Charles Burkitt, L.D.S.Eng. (Houghton &: Dalby), 242 Oxford 1'88. Wychenford, Dunham rd. Altrincham rd. C on M Phillips Frederick John, 60 Chorlton rd. H Derwent Arthur Holmes, L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. Grosvenor House, Station Planck Henry, L.D.S.R.C.S.I. 14 St. Ann sq bridge, Wilbraham rd. and 1 Oavendish rd. 0 cum H Pratt George William, 44 Stretford rd. H; hon. dentist to Day Nursery,. Doran Samuel Sydney, L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. 53 Wilmslow rd. W Bloomsbury Dougan Thomas, L.D.S.F.P.S.Glas. 216 Oxford rd. 0 on M Ramsay Alexander Rohertson. 91B Cit)· rd. H Dougan WilIiam, L.D.S.R.().~.I. 216 Oxford rd. 0 on M Rawsthorne Felix:, L.D.S.R.C.S. Eng. 62 King st Drcschfeld Henry Theodore. L.D.S.R.C.S.Edin., hon. dentist to Dental Renshaw John Peter, 1 Stockport rd. A Hospital of Manchester and dental surgeon to the Manchester and Reynolds John T..eonard, L. D.S. Vict. 104 Wilmslow rd. D Salford Reformatories, 25 St. Ann st.; res. Ormidale lodge, Riley John, L.D.S.Vict. 807 Ashton Old rd. 0 Broom la. HB Rollway 13arron John, L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. 6 Hulme plo Orescent, S; hon. Dunkerley John Whiteley, L.D.S.I., F.R.M.S. Hon. dental surgeon to dental surlleon, :\-Ianchester Cilildren's Hospital Victoria Dental Hospital, Westbourne ter. 26:! Oxford rd. C on M Rodway & Minshall, 6 Hulme pI. Crescent, S Dnnlop James Kairn, L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. 88 King st Sherratt Albert Edwin, L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng". 2 Cavemlish rd. C cum H Edward John Hutchison, L.D.S.R.C.S.Dub., Honorary dental surgeon S"eTrRtt Thomas Edward, L.D.S.R.C.S. Eng. (Whittaker &: Sherratt), Nicholls Hospital and dental surgeon to the Manchester \Yare- 26 King st; Hony. Deut. Surgeon, l\1allchester Dental H03pital housemen and Clerks' Provident Association and St. JOSE"ph's Simrns Harold, M.D. (Vict.), L.D.S. EUIl. 38 Deansgate; lecturer in Industrial Schools, Longsight, 117 Stockport rd dental materia medica, Manchester University; Hon. Dental Sur- Gilbert Joseph Anthony, 104 Droylcsllen rd. N H . Ileon, Boys' Refuge and Ron. Assistant Dental Surgeon, Denta.l Hargrea.ves Edward Morris, 14 Shakespeare st. A Hospitll.l of Manchester Hargreaves Joseph Knowles, L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. 14 Shakespeare st. A j SilIllIls William,L.D.S.R.C.S.I.38 Deansg"ate; res. Southlan<1s, Ellesmere Harlock Sidney, L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. 32 Lapwing la. WD Park, Eccles-Lecturer on Dental Prosthetics, ManchC>lter Univer- Headridge David, L.D.S.R.C.S. Eng. 323 Oxford rd. C on M; hon. sity; HOll. Den. Surgeon Victoria Dental Hospital, & Hon. Dent. dental surgeon Ardwick Industrial Schools; hon. dental surgeon Surg. Boys' Refuge Victoria Dental Hospital and lecturer on dental histology, Victoria Smale Cllarles Henry, L.D.S.R. C.S. Eng. 118 Oxford rd. & 1 Rosamond University st. West, C on M; dental surgeon, Victoria Dental Hospital Headridge John Parsons, 25 St. Ann st.; res. Hale n.sc. Lond., Smale Henry Charles, L.D.S.R.O.S.jllng.1l8 Oxford nl. and 1 Rosamond L.D.S.R.C.l:l. Eng'.• D.D.S. Univ. of Penns.-Lecturer on Dental st. West, C on .\1; hon. Llental surgeon, Royal Schools for the Deaf Metallurgy, Victoria Universil y and Dumb Ribbert John Edwin, 44 Broad st. P Smith Charles William, r,.D.S.R.C.K.Enl'[. 737 and 739 Rochr1ale rd Hindle John WilIiam, L.D.S.H.O.S.Eng. 13" Great rJlowes st. LB Smith 'Thomas Bernard, L.D.S.:Man. 38 Deansgate Hindle Thomas Robert, 17 Camp st. LB Smithard 'Yalter,L.D.S.R.C.S.I., Regent chambers,100 Deansgate; res. Hinson Harolil, L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. 6 Withington Id. WhalIey range Galloway houoe, 46 Alexandra rd. South, 'Vhalley range-hon. Hooton & Long, 6 Aytonn at dental surgeon to Hemmaw's Blind Asylum, Chester rd. 0 T and Hooton William Arthur, M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., L.D.S.R.C.S. ciental surgeon to H.M.
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