Palaeontologia Electronica EARLY EOCENE DISPERSED CUTICLES AND MANGROVE TO RAINFOREST VEGETATION AT STRAHAN-REGATTA POINT, TASMANIA Mike Pole Mike Pole. Queensland Herbarium, Toowong, Qld 4066, Australia. [email protected] ABSTRACT Early Eocene plant-fossil assemblages (mostly of dispersed cuticle) from Strahan- Regatta Point, Tasmania, Australia, record evidence of mesothermal rainforest (mean annual temperatures between 12 and 20ºC) and mangrove vegetation surrounding an estuary, which grew close to the polar circle. Plant taxa represented by cuticle include: Bowenia (Cycadales), conifers, including Acmopyle, Agathis, Araucaria, Dacrycarpus, Libocedrus, Prumnopitys, and a gnetalean. Fifty- five taxa of angiosperms are recogn- ised from cuticle, including Winteraceae, 11 Lauraceae (including an unusual toothed species) and seven Proteaceae as well as Gymnostoma, Aquifoliaceae, and Rhipogo- naceae. There is also a Rhizophoraceae, which is interpreted as another mangrove, in addition to the mangrove palm Nypa, which has been described previously. In an Aus- tralasian context the absence of Myrtaceae is notable. Multivariate analysis of the fossil distribution suggests that a significant amount of the variation can be attributed to whether they accumulated in the mangrove mud (or associated tidal sand flat) or in a freshwater facies. KEY WORDS: Early Eocene, cuticle, stomata, mangrove, biodiversity, paleoclimate INTRODUCTION al. 1999; Zachos et al. 2001, 2005). Today the world is also undergoing profound warming due to The Early Eocene includes two periods of glo- anthropogenic greenhouse gases (Intergovern- bally warm temperatures where thermophilic vege- mental Panel on Climate Change 2007) and under- tation (among other biota) extended its range standing the effects this will have on the biota and significantly towards the poles; these were the local climates has become a key research goal. To Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (sometimes test the accuracy of global climate models for known as the Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum) future terrestrial climates in a high-greenhouse and the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (Katz et state, we must identify an analogous period in the PE Article Number: 10.3.16A Copyright: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology December 2007 Submission: 30 January 2007. Acceptance: 8 November 2007 Pole, Mike, 2007. Early Eocene Dispersed Cuticles and Mangrove to Rainforest Vegetation at Strahan-Regatta Point, Tasmania. Palaeontologia Electronica Vol. 10, Issue 3; 15A:66p; POLE: EOCENE CUTICLE OF TASMANIA STRAHAN AUSTRALIA 30°S ve Cool Store Risby Co 130°E Tasmania Yolla Point Regatta Tavern Railway Cutting TASMANIA MACQUARIE HARBOUR Strahan Regatta Point Hobart Quarry Macquarie 0 500 m Harbour 100 km Figure 1. Locality map. past and analyse its plant fossils. With a few basin, which probably resulted from extensional exceptions, most of the terrestrial climate data for forces during separation of the Australian and East the early Eocene come from the northern hemi- Antarctic plates (Colhoun 1989). Strahan, and the sphere and from mid-latitudes. This paper attempts study area, lie at the seaward end of the basin. a detailed documentation of the vegetation from a Sediments exposed around the edges of the high-latitude Southern Hemisphere Early Eocene harbour in road cuts and in quarries are placed in locality. It mostly uses the evidence of leaf cuticle the Malvacipollis diversus Zone of Stover and Par- as a taxonomic tool. While this technique has been tridge (1973) with a most likely age of late Early used for more than 50 years in parts of Europe, Eocene (54.9-48.5 Ma; A.D. Partridge personal and has become standard in Australasia (e.g., Hill commun. in Pole and Macphail 1996). The first and Carpenter 1991; Jordan et al. 1998; Pole paleontological work on the site was by Cookson 2007a), its use in the Cenozoic of North and South and Eisenack (1967), who described the pollen America is still almost non-existent. Part of the Monosulcites prominatus, which was later recogn- problem may be the lack of broad, critical treat- ised as representing Nypa by Churchill (1973). ments of cuticle morphology, which give a Today Nypa is the only mangrove palm, with a sin- researcher a basic framework to start within. This gle, tropical species, N. fruticans. Previously paper contributes toward filling this knowledge gap. described macrofossils include the conifers Arau- The township of Strahan lies on the edge of carioides linearis and A. sinuosa (Bigwood and Hill Macquarie Harbour on the wet, western side of 1985); Araucaria readiae (Hill and Bigwood 1987; Tasmania at 42 ºS (Figure 1) and a variety of plate Hill 1990); Acmopyle glabra, Dacrycarpus linifolius tectonic reconstructions (e.g., Veevers et al. 1991; and D. mucronatus (Hill and Carpenter 1991), a Li and Powell 2001) place it near the Polar Circle possible cycad Pterostoma (Hill and Pole 1994), (66º) in the Early Eocene. The natural vegetation is and the angiosperm Eucryphia (Hill 1991). There a mixture of cool rainforest (the mean annual tem- are also overlying fossiliferous Pleistocene sedi- perature is about 12ºC; Australian Bureau of Mete- ments (Hill and Macphail 1985; Jordan 1997). orology 2007 [Mike: should this be in the reference Nypa macrofossils, including fronds, cuticle, section?]) dominated by Nothofagus, and conifers and fruits at Regatta Point were described by Pole of the Podocarpaceae family, wet sclerophyll forest and Macphail (1996). These are thought to be the and shrub land. highest latitude Nypa known, as the Early Eocene The fossils described in this paper come from paleolatitude of Tasmania was close to the polar sediments, which accumulated within the Macqua- circle (66 ºS; Lawver and Gahagan 2003). The rie Harbour Graben. This is a NW-SE trending study was then extended to the broader stratigra- 2 PALAEO-ELECTRONICA.ORG 26 KEY Regatta Point R-16 Homogenous buff sand 25 Tidal bedding R-9, 33 24 R-15 Homogenous, carbonaceous mud R-8, 28, 32 23 R-7, 31 Very carbonaceous silty mud 22 Lignite/dewatered peat 21 R-50 - Gymnostoma-dominated Brown clay R-13 20 Grey clay R-12 19 Cool Store MANGROVES Grey clay with plant roots R-68 R-6 18 R-23 Well-sorted, cross bedded sand R-11 17 R-105 R-47 (Gymnostoma) R-104 R-75 (out of place sample from bridge foundations about here) R-46 (Gymnostoma) 16 R-70 R-24, 71 R-29, 42, 43, 44 R-4 R-39 15 Regatta Tavern R-3, 38 R-30, 37 composed mostly of conifer leaves R-1, 2, 35, 36 14 R-76 in road-cut 13 Meters FRESH WATER SWAMPS + Correlation along crest MANGROVES of road 12 Railway Cutting 11 Yolla Point MIXED FLAT 10 fluvial foresets R-22, 25 (lag material) 9 R-20 R-21 (fallen block from about here) 8 7 R-61 6 SAND FLAT 5 4 MIXED FLAT 3 R-79 R-26 R-27 MANGROVES R-56 2 R-63 R-74 Nypa macrofossil sample of Pole & channel incised into Macphail (1996) 1 Beds Regatta Point rooted grey clay FRESH WATER SWAMP R-102 0 Dead ESTUARY MOUTH BAR Horse Sand Figure 2. Stratigraphic section showing location of samples. Based on Pole (1998a) with the addition of the Cool Store Section, modifications to the Strahan Point Section, and removal of non-fossiliferous samples. Facies correlation between sections indicated by horizontal/diagonal lines. 3 POLE: EOCENE CUTICLE OF TASMANIA phy and sedimentology. Based on sedimentary mounted in thymol glycerine jelly on microscope features and the presence or absence of Nypa pol- slides for transmitted light microscopy (TLM) or on len or dinoflagellates, it was concluded that the aluminium stubs and either gold or (more recent Early Eocene environment was a tidal estuary and years) platinum coated for scanning electron that basic elements of such a system, a tidal bar, microscope (SEM) viewing. mixed flats, sand flats, mangrove swamps and Catalogue numbers for material mounted on freshwater swamps, could be identified (Figure 2; microscope slides is prefixed with “SB” or “SL” and Pole 1998a). This was important in confirming that SEM stubs are prefixed with “S-”. Cuticle prepara- the fossils identified as Nypa really did occur in a tions of extant herbarium material cite the original mangrove environment. herbarium sheet number (“AQ” refers to catalogue Subsequent to the sedimentological study, numbers of specimens in the Queensland Herbar- research has focussed on the fossil cuticle and ium, Brisbane, “CANB” of specimens in the Austra- developing a reference database of extant leaf lian National Herbarium, Canberra), and material in cuticle to help identify the fossils. This study aims my own reference herbarium is prefixed with to build on the environmental interpretation of Pole “OPH”. All other material is stored in the State Her- (1998a), by documenting the dispersed cuticle barium of Queensland, Brisbane. from the samples and then to see if discrete taxo- The taxonomic philosophy is to place fossils in nomic assemblages can be recognised and related the Linnean hierarchy to the level where it is possi- to their spatial/ecological distribution within the ble. This is routine with conifer and cycad frag- framework provided by Pole (1998a). The discov- ments where epidermal details are often sufficient ery of Nypa strongly suggests that other mangrove to either place a fossil into an extant genus, or rec- species will also be present (Duke et al. 2002), so ognise that it must be an extinct taxon. For the the search for other mangrove fossils was a further much more diverse angiosperms, a different goal of this study. approach is used; each different morphology is assigned a parataxon code consisting of the prefix METHODS “CUT-” followed by a string of letters. Nomenclatur- aly these are like species without a genus, for pur- Outcrop is visible in five places, termed ‘sec- poses of biodiversity they can be regarded as tions’; the Railway Cutting, Regatta Point, Regatta species.
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