Index Titles of publications are shown in italics. Aaron, H. 175 Atkinson, G. 25, 27, 45, 85, 337, 342, 408, 409 abrupt climate change 95 Atrostic, B.K. 180 accounting 336, 337 Australia Experimental Ecosystem Accounts (SEEA) experimental land accounts 329–31 320–21, 329 social discount rates 150 experimental land accounts, Australia axiology and welfarism 161–2 329–31 Aylward, B. 457 wealth accounting 25–38 Azar, C. 152 see also environmental accounting Acemoglu, D. 257, 273 Babiker, M.H. 247 Acid Rain Program, US 455 Baker, M.B. 468 adaptation to climate change 463–73 Baldwin, R.E. 271, 402 adaptive cycle 93–4 Banzhaf, S. 74, 75 adaptive expectations and increasing returns Barrett, S. 424 306 Barro, R.J. 35 adaptive management 49–50, 98–100, 108–19, Basic Needs movement 222 169 Basu, K. 126, 127 and human excellence 119–21 Baudrillard, J. 288 Adger, W.N. 96, 193, 465 Baumgärtner, S. 42 Adriaanse, A. 63 Beckerman, W. 43, 254 ageing population 300 Benarroch, M. 407 Agenda 21 280, 436, 437, 551, 552, 553 benign problems 115 Aghion, P. 257 Bennett, J. 176 agriculture 517–29 Bentham, Jeremy 218 and biodiversity conservation 523–4 Bergman, L. 182 GM crops 525–7 Bernanke, B.S. 241 organic versus non-organic 521–3 Berrens, R.P. 167, 172 traditional versus modern 519–21 Berry, J. 554 water usage 506, 509–10, 511–13 Bethel New Life, Inc. 200 Agyeman, J. 189, 190, 193, 194–5, 200 Betsill, M. 561 aid 451 Biggs, D. 99 Allen, M.R. 468, 533 biocapacity 371–2 Alston, D. 189 and Ecological Footprint 380 Altieri, M.A. 519 impact of Fukushima nuclear accident 385 Anand, S. 224 measurement 380–82 anthropocentricity and environmental ethics biodiversity conservation and agriculture 105–6 523–4 Antweiler, W. 406 Bishop, R.C. 164, 165, 167 Appadurai, A. 560 Bithas, K. 167 Aristotelian virtue ethic 119 Black, J. 422 Aronsson, T. 177–8 Bloch, F. 421 Arrow, K. 25, 39, 96, 131, 144, 259, 368, 405 blue water 502, 507–9 Arthur, W.B. 305–6 Boardman, A.E. 150 Asheim, G.B. 127, 134, 136, 144, 337, 338, 404, Bockstael, N.E. 75 407 Bogmans, C. 403 asset accounts 322–4 Bohle, H.G. 214 577 Giles Atkinson, Simon Dietz, Eric Neumayer and Matthew Agarwala - 9781782544708 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/29/2021 02:26:39AM via free access 578 Handbook of sustainable development Böhringer, C. 181, 182 Chambers, Robert 218 Bollen, J. 490 Changing Wealth of Nations, The (World Bank) Bongaarts, J. 298 25 Botswana, asset accounts 323–4 Chatterjee, K. 421 Boulding, K.E. 41, 253 Chavis, Benjamin 189 Bowen, A. 241, 245 Chen, Y. 168 Bowen, H. 565 Chesapeake Bay 113–14, 116, 120–21 Boyce, J.K. 176, 196 Chichilnisky, G. 133, 136, 149, 403 Boyd, J. 74, 75 China Brand, F. 64, 65 energy policy 540–42 Brännlund, R. 182 one-child policy 295 Brenkert, A. 465 social discount rates 150 Brenton, T. 436 Chomitz, K. 457 Brock, W. 257 Christen, O. 518 Brooks, N. 465 Ciriacy-Wantrup, S. von 164 Broome, J. 144 cities, sustainable 551–62 Brown, D.J. 175 Clarke, M. 360 Brulle, R. 193 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) 455 Brundtland process and local action 553 Clemens, M. 25, 337, 338, 399 Brundtland Report 1, 221–2, 238, 253, 436, climate change 94–5 532, 551 business response 568–73 definition of sustainable development 2, 192 and Ecological Footprint 374–5 Buchholz, W. 144 local government action 552 Buhrs, T. 193 and market failure 240–42 Bulkeley, H. 561 climate change adaptation 463–73 Bulte, E.H. 172, 386 New York 468–73 business, governance of 566–8 Climate Change Adaptation Task Force, New business-as-usual and welfarism 160–63 York City 471 precautionary constraints 164–6, 168–9 climate change mitigation research 476–94 IAMs 483–92 Cai, D. 410 climate policy and social discounting 151 Callicott, J. Baird 109–10 Clinton, President, Executive Order 12898 cap and trade schemes 455–6 190–91 capital 55 co-benefits, climate change mitigation 481–2 capital approach 2–3 coalitions capital stock 254 expansion 423–6 critical natural capital 63–8 formation 420–23 ecological capital 72 non-cooperative coalition theory 420–21 intangible capital 31, 35–6 Coase theorem 447–50 natural capital 30–33, 72 Cobb, J. 46, 61, 350, 357, 367, 413 total capital estimates 31–5 Cocoyoc Declaration 435 carbon and Ecological Footprints 384 Cohen, J. 294 carbon emissions, see emissions Cole, L. 195 carbon offsets 454–5 Cole, M.A. 257, 261, 406, 407 carbon taxes 327–8 Collier, P. 451 Carbone, J.C. 182 Commission on Sustainable Development Carlsson, B. 305 (CSD) 438, 441, 444 Carraro, C. 420, 422, 423, 424, 424–5, 426 commitment and environmental cooperation Carroll, A.B. 565, 566 424 carrying capacity of the Earth 294 Common, M.S. 257, 258 Carson, Rachel 252–3 common pool resources 50 catastrophic risk and social discounting 151–2 communities, resilience 96 Catton, W. 194 comparative advantage and environmental CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) 455 concerns 400–401 Cesar, H. 426 comprehensive wealth accounting 25–38 Giles Atkinson, Simon Dietz, Eric Neumayer and Matthew Agarwala - 9781782544708 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/29/2021 02:26:39AM via free access Index ­579 conservation constraints and welfarism 164 descriptive approach to social discounting consumer behaviour and sustainable 142–3 consumption 283–6 descriptive norms 285–6 consumer durables and GPI calculation 351–3 developing economies and energy policies consumption, sustainable 279–88 536–40 Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) 436 development aid 451 Conway, G.R. 519 Dewees, D.N. 180 cooperation, international 418–28 Dewey, John 110 coordination effects and increasing returns 306 Diamond, J. 298 Copeland, B.R. 402, 406, 413 Diamond, P. 126, 127 Corden, M. 270 Diamond–Basu–Mitra Impossibility Result Corey-Luse, C.M. 172 127 corporate governance 566–8 Dietz, S. 61, 136, 142, 151 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 564–74 dignity line 192–3 definitions 565–6 Dijkgraaf, E. 257, 258 cost–benefit analysis 140 Dinda, S. 406 climate change mitigation 484–5 disaster recovery and adaptive management limitations 151–2 99 social discounting 141–50 discount rates, see social discounting Costanza, R. 48, 49 Dismal Theorem (Weitzman) 152 Cox, J. 557 distributional analysis 175–85 Coyle, M. 189 intergenerational equity 177–8 Crafts, N. 243 intragenerational equity 178–82 crayfish fishery, adaptive management 98 Dixit, A. 343 crises, environmental, and resilience 99 Dobson, A. 81, 559 critical natural capital 63–8 Dollar, D. 451 CRITINC framework 66–8 double dividend in sustainable consumption CSD (Commission on Sustainable 287–8 Development) 438, 441, 444 Drèze, J. 141 Csikszentmihalyi, M. 219 Drucker, A.G. 172 CSR, see Corporate Social Responsibility Dubourg, R. 506 Cutter, S. 190, 214 Dugmore, A.J. 98 Duncan, R.O. 269 Dahlsrud, A. 565–6 Dunlap, R. 194 Daily, G.C. 72 Dutch disease 270 Daly, H. 41, 46, 59, 61, 239, 350, 357, 367, 399, 411, 413 Earth Summit, see United Nations Conference Dasgupta, P. 27, 72, 145, 177, 185, 294, 337, on Environment and Development 338, 340, 342, 344 Eckaus, R.S. 247 David, P. 305, 306 ecoagriculture 524 De Groot, R. 56, 64, 167 ecological capital 72 de Soysa, I. 342 ecological collapse 81–5 De Zeeuw, A. 426 ecological economics 41–51 Death of Environmentalism (Shellenberger and Ecological Footprint Atlas 375 Nordhaus) 195 Ecological Footprint 46, 371–88 debt-for-nature swaps 451–2 cities 558–9 decomposition of emissions 261–3 measurement 372–5, 380–83 decoupling of economic and resource and sustainable development 376–9 consumption 283–4 ecological resilience 92–5 defensive expenditures and GPI calculation 355 ecological thresholds 338–9 Denmark, social discount rate 150 economic consumption and resource deontological approaches to cost–benefit consumption 283 analyses 154 Economic Description of the North Sea for the depletion adjusted Net Saving 336 Netherlands, The (Statistics Netherlands) deprivation and vulnerability 212–14 329 Giles Atkinson, Simon Dietz, Eric Neumayer and Matthew Agarwala - 9781782544708 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/29/2021 02:26:39AM via free access 580 Handbook of sustainable development economic growth and IAM analyses 491–2 and the environment 252–64 worldwide 534–6 green growth 237–48 energy efficiency policies long term 242–4 China 541 role of population and resources 292–4 OECD countries 546 economic modeling with environmental energy policies 532–46 accounts 326–7 aims 532–3 economic policy China 540–42 green growth 237–48 developing economies 536–40 and resource curse 271–6 Netherlands, transition management 310–11 economic welfare, see welfare OECD countries 542–6 Economics of Climate Change: The Stern energy security and IAMs 490–91 Review 6, 140, 143, 239, 532, 571 Engels, F. 517 ‘Economics of the coming spaceship earth, Engerman, S.L. 271 The’ (Boulding) 253 Enkvist, P.-A. 242 ecosystem accounts 328–31, 333–4 Enterprise for the Americas Initiative (EfAI) ecosystem functions 73 451 Ecosystem Health Index (EHI) 356–7 entitlements and vulnerability 210–11 ecosystem services 73–4 environment and economic growth 252–64 ecosystems 72–86 environmental accounting 319–34 collapse 81–5 asset accounts 322–4 competing uses, valuation 77–80 environmentally related transactions 327–31 valuation 74–7 flow accounts 324–7 Ederington, J. 407 macroeconomic indicators 331–3 EEIO (environmentally extended input– environmental bonds 49 output) accounting 67 environmental change and vulnerability 208 EfAI (Enterprise for the Americas Initiative) environmental costs and GPI calculation 356–7 451 environmental ethics 105–7 efficiency and equity separation 175 and adaptive management 108–21 and social discounting 141 environmental externalities 42–3 EHI (Environmental Health Index) 356–7 environmental functions 56–8 Ehrlich, P.
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