Logic and Set Theory

Logic and Set Theory

University of Cambridge Mathematics Tripos Part II Logic and Set Theory Lent, 2018 Lectures by I. B. Leader Notes by Qiangru Kuang Contents Contents 1 Propositional Logic 2 1.1 Semantic Entailment ......................... 2 1.2 Syntactic Implication ......................... 4 2 Well-orderings and Ordinals 9 2.1 Definitions ............................... 9 2.2 Constructing well-orderings ..................... 13 2.3 Ordinals ................................ 13 2.4 Some ordinals ............................. 15 2.5 Successors and Limits ........................ 16 2.6 Ordinal arithmetics .......................... 17 3 Posets and Zorn’s Lemma 20 3.1 Partial Orders ............................. 20 3.2 Zorn’s Lemma ............................. 23 3.3 Zorn’s Lemma and Axiom of Choice ................ 25 3.4 Bourbaki-Witt Theorem* ...................... 26 4 Predicate Logic 28 4.1 Definitions ............................... 28 4.2 Semantic Entailment ......................... 30 4.3 Syntactic Implication ......................... 32 4.4 Gödel Completeness Theorem* ................... 34 4.5 Peano Arithmetic ........................... 38 5 Set Theory 40 5.1 Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory .................... 40 5.2 Properties of ZF ........................... 44 5.3 Picture of the Universe ........................ 48 6 Cardinals 50 6.1 Definitions ............................... 50 6.2 Cardinal Arithmetics ......................... 51 7 Gödel Incompleteness Theorem* 54 A Classes 57 Index 58 1 1 Propositional Logic 1 Propositional Logic Let 푃 be a set of primitive propositions. Unless otherwise stated, 푃 = {푝1, 푝2,…}. Definition (Language). The language or set of propositions 퐿 = 퐿(푃 ) is defined inductively by 1. for every 푝 ∈ 푃, 푝 ∈ 퐿, 2. ⊥ ∈ 퐿 (reads “false”), 3. if 푝, 푞 ∈ 퐿 then (푝 ⟹ 푞) ∈ 퐿. Example. (푝1 ⟹ ⊥), ((푝1 ⟹ 푝2) ⟹ (푝1 ⟹ 푝3)), ((푝1 ⟹ ⊥) ⟹ ⊥) are elements of 퐿. Note. 1. Each proposition is a finite string of symbols from the alphabet (, ), ⟹ , 푝1, 푝2,…. 2. “Inductively defined” means more precisely that we set 퐿1 = 푃 ∪ {⊥} 퐿푛+1 = 퐿푛 ∪ {(푝 ⟹ 푞) ∶ 푝, 푞 ∈ 퐿푛} and then set 퐿 = 퐿1 ∪ 퐿2 ∪ …. 퐿푛 can be seen as “things born by time 푛”. 3. Each proposition is built up uniquely from (1), (2) and (3). For example, ((푝1 ⟹ 푝2) ⟹ (푝1 ⟹ 푝3)) came from (푝1 ⟹ 푝2) and (푝1 ⟹ 푝3). Note that we often omit outer brackets or use different brackets for clarity. We can now define for example, ¬푝 (reads “not 푝”) as an abbreviation for 푝 ⟹ ⊥, 푝 ∨ 푞 (reads “푝 or 푞”) for (¬푝) ⟹ 푞, 푝 ∧ 푞 (reads “푝 and 푞”) for ¬(푝 ⟹ (¬푞)). 1.1 Semantic Entailment Definition (Valuation). A valuation is a function 푣 ∶ 퐿 → {0, 1} such that 1. 푣(⊥) = 0, 0 if 푣(푝) = 1, 푣(푞) = 0 2. 푣(푝 ⟹ 푞) = { for all 푝, 푞 ∈ 퐿. 1 otherwise Remark. On {0, 1}, we could define a constant ⊥ by ⊥ = 0 and an operation ⟹ by 0 if 푎 = 1, 푏 = 0 (푎 ⟹ 푏) = { 1 otherwise Then a valuation is a function 퐿 → {0, 1} that preserves the structure (⊥ and ⟹ ), i.e. it is a homomorphism. 2 1 Propositional Logic Proposition 1.1. 1. If 푣 and 푣′ are valuations with 푣(푝) = 푣′(푝) for all 푝 ∈ 푃, then 푣 = 푣′. 2. For any 푤 ∶ 푃 → {0, 1}, there exists a valuation 푣 with 푣(푝) = 푤(푝) for all 푝 ∈ 푃. In other words, a valuation is determined by its values on 푃 and any values will do. Proof. ′ ′ ′ 1. We have for all 푝 ∈ 퐿1, 푣(푝) = 푣 (푝). But if 푣(푝) = 푣 (푝) and 푣(푞) = 푣 (푞) ′ ′ then 푣(푝 ⟹ 푞) = 푣 (푝 ⟹ 푞) so 푣 = 푣 on 퐿2. Continue inductively, we ′ have 푣 = 푣 on 퐿푛 for all 푛. 2. Set 푣(푝) = 푤(푝) for all 푝 ∈ 푃 and 푣(⊥) = 0. This defines 푣 on 퐿1. Having 0 if 푣(푝) = 1, 푣(푞) = 0 defined 푣 on 퐿2, use 푣(푝 ⟹ 푞) = { to define 푣 1 otherwise on 퐿푛+1. Example. In a valuation given by 푣(푝1) = 1 푣(푝2) = 1 푣(푝푛) = 0 for all 푛 ≥ 3 we have 푣((푝⏟⏟⏟⏟⏟1 ⟹ 푝2) ⟹ 푝⏟3) = 0. 1 0 Definition (Tautology). 푝 is a tautology, written ⊨ 푝 if 푣(푝) = 1 for all valuations 푣. Example. 1. 푝 ⟹ (푞 ⟹ 푝). “A true statement is implied by anything”. To show this we could write donw a truth table 푣(푝) 푣(푞) 푣(푞 ⟹ 푝) 푣(푝 ⟹ (푞 ⟹ 푝)) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 2. (¬¬푝) ⟹ 푝, i.e. ((푝 ⟹ ⊥) ⟹ ⊥) ⟹ 푝. “Law of excluded middle”. 3 1 Propositional Logic 3. (푝 ⟹ (푞 ⟹ 푟)) ⟹ ((푝 ⟹ 푞) ⟹ (푝 ⟹ 푟)). This is an example where writing down a truth table is not so desirable. Instead, this is not a tautology only if we have 푣 with 푣(푝 ⟹ (푞 ⟹ 푟)) = 1 푣((푝 ⟹ 푞) ⟹ (푝 ⟹ 푟)) = 0 so 푣(푝 ⟹ 푞) = 1, 푣(푝 ⟹ 푟) = 0 whence 푣(푝) = 1, 푣(푟) = 0, so also 푣(푞) = 1. But then 푣(푞 ⟹ 푟) = 0 so 푣(푝 ⟹ (푞 ⟹ 푟)) = 0. Absurd. Definition (Semantic entailment). For 푆 ⊆ 퐿, 푡 ∈ 퐿, we say 푆 entails or semantically implies 푡, written 푆 ⊨ 푡, if 푣(푠) = 1 for all 푠 ∈ 푆 then 푣(푡) = 1 for each valuation 푣. This says whenever all of 푆 is true, 푡 is true as well. Example. {푝 ⟹ 푞, 푞 ⟹ 푟} ⊨ (푝 ⟹ 푟). Indeed, suppose not. So have 푣 with 푣(푝 ⟹ 푞) = 푣(푞 ⟹ 푟) = 1, 푣(푝 ⟹ 푟) = 0. Then 푣(푝) = 1, 푣(푟) = 0, whence 푣(푞) = 0 (from 푣(푞 ⟹ 푟) = 1), so 푣(푝 ⟹ 푞) = 0. Absurd. Definition (Model). If 푣(푡) = 1, we say 푡 is true in 푣 or that 푣 is a model of 푡. For 푆 ⊆ 퐿, 푣 is a model of 푆 if 푣(푠) = 1 for all 푠 ∈ 푆. Using this terminology, 푆 ⊨ 푡 says that every model of 푆 is a model of 푡. Note. ⊨ 푡 is equivalent to ∅ ⊨ 푡. 1.2 Syntactic Implication For a notion of “proof”, we’ll need axioms and deduction rules. As axioms, we’ll take 1. 푝 ⟹ (푞 ⟹ 푝) for all 푝, 푞 ∈ 퐿. 2. (푝 ⟹ (푞 ⟹ 푟)) ⟹ ((푝 ⟹ 푞) ⟹ (푝 ⟹ 푟)) for all 푝, 푞, 푟 ∈ 퐿. 3. (¬¬푝) ⟹ 푝 for all 푝 ∈ 퐿. Note. We have already checked that these are all tautologies. Sometimes we say 3 axiom schemes to mean 3 infinite sets of axioms. As deduction rules, we’ll take just modus ponens: from 푝 and (푝 ⟹ 푞) we can deduce 푞. Definition (Proof). For 푆 ⊆ 퐿 and 푡 ∈ 퐿, a proof of 푡 from 푆 consists of a finite sequence 푡1, … , 푡푛 of propositions, with 푡푛 = 푡 such that for every 푖, the proposition 푡푖 is an axiom, or a member of 푆, or there exists 푗, 푘 < 푖 with 푡푗 = (푡푘 ⟹ 푡푖). We say 푆 is the hypotheses or premises and 푡 is the conclusion. 4 1 Propositional Logic Definition (Syntactical implication). If there is a proof of 푡 from 푆, say 푆 proves or syntactically implies 푡, written 푆 ⊢ 푡. Definition (Theorem). 푡 is a theorem if ∅ ⊢ 푡, written ⊢ 푡. Example. {푝 ⟹ 푞, 푞 ⟹ 푟} ⊢ 푝 ⟹ 푟 1. (푞 ⟹ 푟) ⟹ (푝 ⟹ (푞 ⟹ 푟)), A1 2. 푞 ⟹ 푟, hypothesis 3. 푝 ⟹ (푞 ⟹ 푟), MP 4. (푝 ⟹ (푞 ⟹ 푟)) ⟹ ((푝 ⟹ 푞) ⟹ (푝 ⟹ 푟)), A2 5. (푝 ⟹ 푞) ⟹ (푝 ⟹ 푟), MP 6. 푝 ⟹ 푞, hypothesis 7. 푝 ⟹ 푟, MP Example. ⊢ 푝 ⟹ 푝 1. 푝 ⟹ ((푝 ⟹ 푝) ⟹ 푝), A1 2. (푝 ⟹ ((푝 ⟹ 푝) ⟹ 푝)) ⟹ ((푝 ⟹ (푝 ⟹ 푝)) ⟹ (푝 ⟹ 푝)), A2 3. (푝 ⟹ (푝 ⟹ 푝)) ⟹ (푝 ⟹ 푝), MP 4. 푝 ⟹ (푝 ⟹ 푝), A1 5. 푝 ⟹ 푝, MP The following theorem allows us to prove things much more easily: Theorem 1.2 (Deduction theorem). Let 푆 ⊆ 퐿 and 푝, 푞 ∈ 퐿. Then 푆 ⊢ 푝 ⟹ 푞 if and only if 푆 ∪ {푝} ⊢ 푞. Proof. • ⟸ : Given a proof of 푝 ⟹ 푞 from 푆, append the lines 1. 푝, hypothesis 2. 푞, MP to obtain a proof of 푞 from 푆 ∪ {푝}. • ⟹ : Let 푡1, … , 푡푛 = 푞 be a proof of 푞 from 푆 ∪ {푝}. We’ll show that 푆 ⊢ 푝 ⟹ 푡푖 for all 푖. Split into cases – 푡푖 is an axiom: write down 1. 푡푖 ⟹ (푝 ⟹ 푡푖), A1 2. 푡푖, axiom 3. 푝 ⟹ 푡푖, MP 5 1 Propositional Logic – 푡푖 ∈ 푆: identical as above. – 푡푖 = 푝: write down the proof 푝 ⟹ 푝. – 푡푖 is obtained by MP: there exist 푗, 푘 < 푖 such that 푡푘 = (푡푗 ⟹ 푡푖). By induction 푆 ⊢ 푝 ⟹ 푡푗 and 푆 ⊢ 푝 ⟹ 푡푘. Now write down 1. (푝 ⟹ (푡푗 ⟹ 푡푖)) ⟹ ((푝 ⟹ 푡푗) ⟹ (푡 ⟹ 푡푖)), A1 2. 푝 ⟹ (푡푗 ⟹ 푡푖), known 3. (푝 ⟹ 푡푗) ⟹ (푝 ⟹ 푡푖), MP 4. 푝 ⟹ 푡푗, known 5. 푝 ⟹ 푡푖, MP and we can conclude 푆 ⊢ 푝 ⟹ 푡푖 for all 푖. Example. In order to show {푝 ⟹ 푞, 푞 ⟹ 푟} ⊢ 푝 ⟹ 푟, it suffices to show {푝 ⟹ 푞, 푞 ⟹ 푟, 푝} ⊢ 푟 by deduction theorem, which is easy by using MP twice. Now we have two turnstiles ⊨ and ⊢, how are they related? The aim of the rest of the chapter is to prove Theorem 1.3 (Completeness theorem). 푆 ⊨ 푡 if and only if 푆 ⊢ 푡. We break this down into two directions: • ⟹ : adequacy • ⟸ : soundness The easy part is Proposition 1.4 (Soundness). If 푆 ⊢ 푡 then 푆 ⊨ 푡. Proof. Given 푣 that models 푆 and a proof 푡1, … , 푡푛 = 푡 of 푆 ⊢ 푡, we will show that 푣(푡푖) = 1 for all 푖. If 푡푖 is an axiom then 푣(푡푖) = 1 since it is tautology. If 푡푖 is a hypothesis then 푣(푡푖) = 1 by assumption. Finally, if 푡푖 is obtained by MP, say from 푡푗 ⟹ 푡푖, since 푣(푡푗) = 1 and 푣(푡푗 ⟹ 푡푖) = 1 by induction, 푣(푡푖) = 1. Note that soundness holds whenever our axioms are tautologies. To prove adequacy, which is a bit harder, we need a few lemmas. Definition (Consistency). 푆 is inconsistent if 푆 ⊢ ⊥.

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