YOUR HOSPITAL NEVER FAILS YOU~GIVE CENKROIKI V I I I ■ , r AVEKAGE OAILT dBCULATION for the Mouth of AprU, 1BS8 WEATHER Foreeaat of ti. ». Weather Bufeau. Hertford 6,124 ^ Member et the Audit FWr and continued cool with light froet tonight; 8aturda,v fair Bureeu of Otrcnlutioiis weeks. and wanner; shower* . 8aturda.y MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAG E CHA night or Sunday. NAZI CHIEFTAIN Bossy Munches in Style at Chicago Hotel Orange, N. J., May 18.—(AP) —The sixteenth name was sidded IN LONDON FOR today to the Ust of fatallUes among women workers who WELFARE CONFERENCE painted luminous numerals on watch dials some 16 years ago. CZFCH_PARLEYS Mra. Margaret Laudato, 36- year-old mother of three chil- dren, died yesterday and an Konrad Henlein Wko Repre- autopsy by Dr. Harrison 8. CALLED BY GOV. CROSS Martland, county medical ex- sents Sodeten Germans aminer, established the cause as radium poisoning, Mrs. Laudate courageously Wants To Dicker With sought to fight off ravages of TO MEET STATE CRISIS the disease that doomed so many of the women who moist- Great Britain For Peace. ened radium paint brushes with their Ups. Expect Break Soon Invites Professionals And London, May 18—(AP) — *rhe preience of Czechoalovakla'a Nazi Laymen In Various Fields Leader Konrad Henlein In London In Waterbary Probe; gave Great Britain an opportunity JAPS THREATEN Of ReEef To May 24 Meet- today to try again to zettle the dif- ficult Sudeten German problem. The mlld-appearing, bespectacled Evidence Is Studied ing At The Capitol; Says Sudeten leader arrived suddenly and SUCHOW; DRIVE myateriously by a(r last night and Changes Must Be Made preaumably awaited a talk with 1 3 .- ( ^ ) _ T h e - a s might be contained In the re- Britlah officiala, who together with Waterbury Grand Jury eliminated ON TOJDNGHAI port, Special Prosecutor Hugh M. the French government are seeking virtually all doubt from the minds to mediate the squabble between the Alcorn could then decide whether In Existing Laws To Meet of observers today that It was co- there was sufficient ground to war- Nazi Henlein and the Czechoslovak ordinating evidence amassed dur- government. Nippon Planes Drop Tons Of rant a request for bench warrants. Ing the past ten weeks, possibly In Bridgeport, the Merritt Park- The Present Situatioi. The British plan ia to urge Hen- with the intention of reporting Its lein to modify his demands Uutt the way Grand Jury, after which the Explosives On Central findings In the near future to the government grant extensive favors Superior Court. Jury here was largely patterned, to his minority group. Under Anglo- handed up formal indictments. Hartford, May 13.— (A P)— French pressure President Eduard Rather than resuming Its ques- Those Indictments are now under Governor Cross today tMk Benes and Premier Milan Hodza China Front; Foreigners tioning of witnesses the secret body, legal fire, G. Leroy Kenip, among on reporting for the final session of steps directed at meeting B now are busy working on legislation others, charging they were return- state crisis in the field of pub- intended to meet the demands at Told To Leave War Zone. the week, settled down to another ed by a Jury which was Invalldly least in part. BOMBINGS MARK long conference. lic Welfare. SENATORS URGE A CURB chosen and which violated the Henlein went Into seclusion as The parley apparently was a con- secrecy of Its proceedings by per- The governor announced • soon as he arrived in London. He tinuation of one begun late yester- Shanghai, May 18.—(A P)_Japa- muting the state’s attorney and a meeting of professionals and gave no Inkling of the purpose of day. stenographer to be present during bis visit, but reliable sources said nese warplanes loosed many tons of WAR MANEUVERS laymen in the various fields of ON BIG RELIEF MEASURE The absence of witnesses from the Interrogation of witnesses. he would reihain here over the week- expIoBlvea today bn the Central the C3ourt House, strengthened the Kemp, who served as stats agent relief and social welfare for end to discuss with “ friends” the May 24 in the old Senate cham- Sudeten German problem. China front In anj' effort to speed Impression that the Jurors Investi- in most of the land purchases, was Meanwhile, the government was the advance of a' dozen Japanese !yrd And His Colleagues Planes Are Working In The gating Waterbury municipal affairs on of nine persons Indicted In ber at the Capitol at 2 :30 p. m. busy with the problem of bolstering columns boring steadily toward the DR. KOO REJECTS were whipping Into shape the evi- Bridgeport. The governor’s action wag Britain's defenses. vital Lunghal .allway from the dence adduced from nearly 150 per- Frank Santalucla, head of a firm impelled oy developments in Vote of Confidence north and south. Study Plans To Earmark South Today And Also Far sons. which rented equipment to the city, DesplU the fact that the House Hardest hit by the bombard BRITAIN’S OFFER Convinced that some sort of a was tbe only witness to report to the state welfare and financial of Commons gave the air ministry ments was Suhalen, 45 miles south Ont Over The Adantic. break was imminent, observers the Jury area during the motnlng. picture. a 299 to 131 vote of confidence last of Suchow on the Tlentsln-Pukow Fnnds—Passed By House speculated on Just when It would oc- He was excused Immediately, leaving He hopes that a definite pol- ^ night, a triple alliance of Conserva- railway, where the Japanese made cur. The favorite guess was that It the Jurors free to continue their icy, arising out of public opin- tives, Liberals and Laborites sought three smashing raids. By A Vole Of 329 To 70. would come some time next week. conference, one of a series held In Investigation of the air rearmament Farther to the west Japanese Chinese Diplomat Wants New York. May 13—(AP)—Hlgh- It was generally assumed that recent days. ion expressed at the forum on program to guarantee that nothing should the jury find that criminal May 24, may be sufficient to warplanes leveled the Chinese de elated after having flown more than Yesterday's Sessloa would be left undone to protect the fenses at Yungcheng, enabling Japa 500 miles to sea to Intercept a prosecutions should be Instituted, it Tbe secret body summoned elx form the basis of a definite nation. Washington, May IS.—(AP) — Arms DeEvered Through nese troops to capture the city and make-believe "enemy" raiding ship. would recommend such action in a wltnessee to the Jury area In the policy, which now is reported The dual moves of the government placing them In a position to ad Anti-Administration Senators de- report to the court rather than county courthouse yesterday, one of to settle the Csecboslovak problem GHQ aviation personnel, under lacking because of certain ad- vanes on Tangshan, Lunghal rail- manded restrictions today on Presi- Hongkong Or Indo-Chma. command of Major General Frank banding up formal Indictments. them presumably for such Informa- and atrengthen Britaln'a defenaea wray station 80 miles to the north. That course was auggestsd as the ministrative difficulties and a a t In writh Prime Minister Neville dent Roosevelt’s control over the M. Andrews, today nuide fvady for tion os he rolgitt “kava concerning On the north, the deepest-pene- $3,000,000,000 relief and public preferable one to the Jury by Judge the construction of city sewers. confusion and duplication aris-^' Chamberlain’s statement May 6. ftirther war games with distinguish Ernest A. InglU when he charged It "We have to make ouraefves ao works fund voted by the House In Geneva. Mr.y 13.—(AP)—The for- ed guests as observers. The last witness was excused at ing out of existing statutes. (Coutlnued on Page Four) a noisy night session. March 8. 4:16 p. m„ but the Jurors continued Mayors, Selectmen, Community atroog that it will not be worth the eign ministers of Great Britain and For thdr tartical maneuvers to- Up To Prosecutor while for anyone to attempt to at- Senator Byrd (D-Va), frequent Fr.ince, who.so "rrallstlc" diploma- day the Army fliers had as guests, Chest officials, Public Welfare De- tack us." he said. "The other half critic of administration measures, members of the House Military Af- On the basis of such Information (Continued on Page Fonr) partment officials, social worker*, of our peace policy la to try to find conferred with some of his col- cy triumphed over the fallen Em- fairs committer, after viewing the members of the old emergency re- lief commission, members of the out- what are the likely causes of BRADLEY PROPOSES leagues on the possibility "earmark- peror of Ethiopia, met a test today air war games at MItchel Field, the war and remove them.” ing" the bulky bill to limit the with another realist—Dr. Repre.aentatives will tour the 18 air- poor law commission and othar* V. K. who have practical or theoretical "Likely Causes" uses to which the rrioney could be Wellington Koo of China. ports being used ss bases for the put. knowledge of the welfare problems, TTie Sudeten German dispute Is 4-POINT PROGRAM The wily Chinese diplomat was maneuvers. TO HOLD WORLD COUNCIL local and state, are being InvlM to rated by the government as one of But Senator Adams (D-Oolol, sold by British sources to have re- Today's maneuvers dealt largely the meeting by the governor in a the foremost of these "likely chairman of an appropriations sub- jected offers of arms and munitions with high explosive bombing In the causes.” letter sent out today.
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