DRAFT Environmental Assessment for 2018 Hurricane Recapitalization of Station Fort Macon United States Coast Guard Sector Field Office Fort Macon Atlantic Beach, North Carolina A/E CONTRACT NUMBER: 70Z05018DAECOMT06 TASK ORDER NUMBER: 70Z08320FPAC07800 CG SFRL P/N: 13823167 U.S. COAST GUARD CIVIL ENGINEERING UNIT 1240 EAST NINTH STREET, RM 2179 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44199-2060 AECOM 1300 East Ninth Street, Suite 500 Cleveland, OH 44114 Tel: 216.622.2300 June 2020 This page intentionally left blank. US Coast Guard Station Fort Macon Atlantic Beach, NC Executive Summary 1 Executive Summary 2 ES. 1 Introduction 3 This Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy 4 Act of 1969 (NEPA; 42 United States Code [USC] §§ 4321 et seq.); the President’s Council on Environmental 5 Quality (CEQ) Regulations Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA (40 Code of Federal Regulations 6 [CFR] Parts 1500-1508); Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Management Directive 023-01, 7 Implementation of NEPA; and Coast Guard Commandant Instruction (COMDTINST) 5090.1, U.S. Coast 8 Guard Environmental Planning Policy. 9 This EA evaluates the environmental effects of the United States Coast Guard’s (USCG) proposal to 10 recapitalize hurricane-damaged facilities (Proposed Action) and its alternatives. The information and analysis 11 contained within this EA will determine whether implementation of the Proposed Action would have a 12 significant impact on the environment, requiring preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). If 13 no significant impacts would occur, a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) would be appropriate. 14 ES. 2 Scope of the Environmental Assessment 15 This EA evaluates the potential environmental effects of implementing the Proposed Action and reasonable 16 alternatives. In accordance with NEPA and CEQ regulations, this EA considers one alternative, the Preferred 17 Action Alternative, for implementing the Proposed Action. This alternative was developed based on planning 18 factors developed by the USCG to identify potential sites and actions that would meet the Proposed Action’s 19 purpose and need. All viable alternatives must satisfy the planning factors to the greatest extent practicable; 20 those that did not were eliminated from further consideration. The No Action Alternative is also evaluated, as 21 required by CEQ regulations and COMDTINST 5090.1. Full descriptions of the Preferred Action Alternative 22 and No Action Alternative are provided in Section 2.3. 23 Further, the USCG determined that the Technical Resource Areas requiring in-depth evaluation within this EA 24 are: Soils; Climate and Air Quality; Noise; Hazardous and Toxic Materials and Waste (HTMW); Water 25 Resources; Biological Resources; Floodplains and Coastal Zone Resources; and Cultural Resources. Existing 26 conditions for these Technical Resource Areas at and in the vicinity of Station Fort Macon are described in 27 Section 3.0. The Proposed Action’s potential impacts on them are discussed in Section 4.0. Technical 28 Resource Areas not expected to experience meaningful effects and, therefore, not evaluated in this EA include: 29 Land Use and Zoning; Socioeconomics (including Environmental Justice, Local Economy, Housing, 30 Community Service and Medical Facilities, Recreational Facilities, Emergency Response Services, and 31 Schools ); Utilities; Geography and Topography; and Transportation. The rationale for dismissing these 32 resources from evaluation in the EA is described in Section 3.2. 33 ES.3 Background 34 The United States Coast Guard (USCG) has prepared this EA to evaluate the potential environmental impacts 35 from constructing a new Multi-Mission Station Facility (hereafter referred to as the Multi-Mission Building 36 [MMB]); demolishing selected existing onshore facilities; and permanently homeporting an 87’ coastal patrol 37 boat (CPB) at Station Fort Macon. Collectively, these activities constitute the Proposed Action evaluated in 38 this EA. Construction of the MMB would replace multiple onshore buildings at Station Fort Macon that were Draft Environmental Assessment Page ES-i US Coast Guard Station Fort Macon Atlantic Beach, NC Executive Summary 39 damaged during Hurricane Florence in September 2018, including the Station Building. Personnel and 40 functions at Station Fort Macon would be relocated to the new MMB upon its completion, and the selected 41 onshore facilities would be demolished. The 87 CPB would be relocated from USCG Base Portsmouth 42 (Virginia) and permanently homeported at Station Fort Macon to remedy the current absence of patrol boats 43 in the Sector North Carolina area of responsibility (AOR). 44 ES.4 Purpose and Need 45 The purpose of the Proposed Action is to bring Station Fort Macon to Final Operating Capability (FOC) by 46 providing onshore and vessel assets that meet USCG, Sector North Carolina, and Station mission requirements 47 and capabilities. 48 The Proposed Action is needed to bring Station Fort Macon to FOC and address a shortfall in available 49 functional and operational onshore facility space, as well as insufficient vessel basing. Currently, station 50 personnel must operate out of facilities that are temporary or do not meet USCG-prescribed hurricane 51 resistance and resiliency requirements, and are much smaller than the space required by the USCG Shore 52 Facilities Standards Manual. Additionally, Station Fort Macon must rely on 87 CPBs temporarily assigned 53 from other USCG districts to maintain the required coverage for search and rescue operations and other 54 activities reliant on that type of vessel. Failure to meet USCG-prescribed facility and vessel requirements 55 would increase Station Fort Macon’s vulnerability to adverse weather events and similar types of natural 56 disasters, and further hinder the Station’s operational readiness and response. 57 ES.5 Description of the Proposed Action 58 The USCG’s Proposed Action consists of three primary components: 1) construct and operate a new, 30,780- 59 gross square foot (GSF) MMB; 2) demolish existing facilities at Station Fort Macon that do not meet USCG 60 resistance and resiliency requirements, and remove temporary office trailers at the station, following 61 completion of the proposed MMB; and 3) permanently homeport an 87-foot CPB at Station Fort Macon. The 62 Proposed Action would meet applicable USCG requirements for vessel homeporting and onshore facilities and 63 bring Station Fort Macon to FOC. 64 The three Proposed Action components are discussed below. 65 ES.5.1 Multi-Mission Station Building 66 The proposed MMB would be a three-story, steel-framed structure that would provide space for station 67 operations, office/administrative functions, command and communications center, medical/dental clinic, 68 general berthing, dining, fitness center and locker rooms, engine and small boat maintenance, weapons and 69 ammunition storage, and associated general storage. Approximately 1,972 GSF of space would be allocated in 70 the new MMB to support personnel and operations associated with the 87’ CPB that would be homeported at 71 Station Fort Macon as part of the Proposed Action. 72 Construction of the new MMB would include all necessary site work, including vegetation clearing, grading, 73 compacting, and installation of buried connections to existing utility systems. The new MMB would be built 74 on a reinforced concrete slab with deep foundation piles to adequately support the slab and building structure. 75 The building would have a footprint of less than 1 acre. The ground floor would be elevated above the 100- 76 year flood level to prevent or minimize potential impacts from flooding induced by storms or other adverse Draft Environmental Assessment Page ES-ii US Coast Guard Station Fort Macon Atlantic Beach, NC Executive Summary 77 weather events. Parking for the privately owned vehicles (POVs) of personnel assigned to the new MMB would 78 be provided in existing parking areas at Station Fort Macon. 79 ES.5.2 Facility Demolitions 80 Following the relocation of Station personnel to the new MMB, the Station Building, Prevention Building/ 81 Boathouse, Racquetball Building, and Medical/Dental Building would be demolished. The Proposed Action 82 would demolish 17,252 GSF of existing facilities at Station Fort Macon. The facility demolitions would adhere 83 to established demolition practices and procedures. Prior to demolition, existing hazardous substances in these 84 facilities, if present (e.g., asbestos-containing materials [ACM], lead-based paint [LBP], and polychlorinated 85 biphenyls [PCBs]) would be identified, segregated, removed by licensed contractors, and transported to 86 permitted facilities outside the station for disposal. The remaining building structure and components would 87 then be dismantled and disposed of at a permitted facility outside the Station in accordance with applicable 88 federal, state, and local regulatory requirements. Recyclable and/or salvageable components would be 89 segregated and removed to the extent possible during demolition of the facilities. It is anticipated that the 90 majority of debris generated from demolition of these facilities would be categorized as non-hazardous solid 91 waste. 92 Following the completion of each building demolition, the underlying site would be graded to achieve positive 93 drainage and mimic the contours of the surrounding area. The site would then be planted with native vegetation 94
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