THE GREENIE SEWANEE vs TULANE Saturday, October 26, 1935 Tulane Stadium Price 25c Antoine's Restaurant SPORTING GOODS CO., INC. • • A is place excellence'' nloine' s the ''par ATHLETIC SUPPLIES for lite gourmet, because there is nlu·ays GOLF TENNIS sometltiug new for the rtjined senses. SPORT CLOTHING GUNS AMMUNITION lV!ten you go /u .-/11 toine ' s, it is to give . )'Our palate an undisturbed treat . FISHING TACKLE • Roy L. Alciatore, DISTR !13UTO RS P1oprietor A.]. REACH. WRIGHT & DITSON CO. 7 q St. Louis Street 1.38 Carondelet Street. M.\in 666o PROOF OF THE l-�RNA UI)'S GOOD ICE CREAM •• IS IN THE EATING Cuisine Delicieuse •• � Many Specialties, Foreign and Ice Cream Creole, vVith the Suprellle MADE BY NEW ORLEANS ICE CREAM CO. Flavor Distinctive of New Orleans . •• 811-813-t:\19 BIENVILLE ST. SOLD EVERYWHERE Near Bourbon ,-u 1---A N E. 6'fvJI\Nb.'� ical school dinner will also be held Friday night for all graduates. �be (l;reenie Vol. 5 OCTOBER 26, 1935 No.4 A stag will be offered at the New Orleans Athletic Club at 9 o'clock Friday evening. Official Souvenir Football Program of Tulane University, Published for Each Home Game Boxing, wrestling, stunts and many other forms of entertainment will feature this pro­ gram. CONTENTS Fraternities will continue Editorials . 3 with "open Sewanee Pictures . 4 house" on Saturday. The annual meeting of Sewanee Pictures . 5 the Alumni Association will be held Satur­ "All-Time" Sewanee Team 6 day morning at I 0:30 at the St. Charles The Gridiron Roundup .. 9 Hotel for the election of officers and other "Time Out" (jokes) .... 10 business. The Line-ups . I 2-13 "How it Began"-Feature 15 A reception will be held at the hotel im­ The Rosters . r6 mediately following the thirty minute busi- Alma Mater (Song) .... 17 ness sessron. Tulane Pictures r8 Tulane Pictures . 19 The game at 2 o'clock will be followed Tulane Pictures . 20 by fraternity dances, teas and other get­ "Under the Baker" . 21 togethers. Leading Scores and Scorers 22 The final event of the program will get under way at 9:30 o'clock Saturday night HOMECOMING with a student-alumni dance at the gym­ nasium with Dan Russo's orchestra furnishing Old grads of Tulane University will come the music. home next Friday and Saturday for the That forms the most elaborate Homecom­ Homecoming game and celebration. The ing Program ever offered. greatest trek of Tulane-Newcomb graduates in history is assured with many coming from all sections of the nation. SEWANEE The Colgate game assures the alumni of a great and colorful contest. It marks the We are happy to have our old friends first Southern appearance of the famed Red from the Tennessee Mountains with us to­ Raiders. day. The program will open Friday. The Fall There rs no finer institution anywhere Clinics of the Medical School will interest the alumni of that College. than little Sewanee-the University of the South, to be more academic. It is always a Open house will be held all day at the pleasure to have these fine gentlemen as various fraternity chapters. On Friday after­ guests and as opponents on the gridiron. noon, from 2 to 6 o'clock, alumni will reg­ ister at the St. Charles Hotel headquarters. The Purple of Sewanee and the Olive of, Class reunion dinners will be held Fri­ Tulane have long entwined in this rivalry: day evening by the classes of 1900, 1905, The sportsmanship of the game, after all,' 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925 and 1930. A med- is the biggest thing in the final analysis. 3 All- Time All-Star Team University of the South (Sewanee) (Sewanee, Tenn.) By George Trevor Frank Juhan '09....................... CENTER ............. George Watkins '06 Henry Phillips '05 ..................... GUARD................ Laurie Thompson '33 Ephraim Kirby-Smith '04 ......... GUARD................ Robert Dobbins '15 Jay Patton '30 .......................... TACKLE.............. Lex Stone '07 Roger Murray '22.......... ...........TACKLE .............. Frank Faulkinberry 'I0 Delmas Gooch '25 .................... END ......................Silas Williams '09 Jenks Gillem '13........ .......... .. .. .END...................... Rupert Colmore '04 Alvin Browne 'I O ...... ... ............ QUARTER .......... ]ohn Scarbrough '05 Aubrey Lanier 'II................... BACK ................... Frank Shipp '08 Henry Seibels '99.... ........ ......... BACK ................... William Coughlan '22 Ormond Simkins '99............ ... BACK................... Reuben Parker '13 The University of the South, better known to the ball in short, irresistible plunges 88 yards to a football enthusiasts as Sewanee, is perched on top touchdown. His running mate, Ephraim Kirby­ of Cumberland Mountain in the southern part of Smith, the fourth son of General Edmund Kirby­ Tennessee near the Alabama line. From the turn Smith to play on a Sewanee team, was almost as of the century until the early twenties its elevens proficient at lugging the pigskin. were among the most feared in the South. Like the Patton and Murray, though both weighed over feudal barons of old these wearers of the Purple 200 pounds, had speed and alertness unusual in came down from their rocky fastness to crush their tackles of their size. No All-Time Purple wing­ opponents under humiliating scores. man surpassed Jenks Gillem in getting down field Isolated in this mountain retreat from the dis­ under punts. Besides, his dropkicking ability stole tractions of city life, the boys of the old era did games from Louisiana State and Alabama. The little else but study and play football. In spite of other end, Delmas Gooch, used to slash through a small enrollment, Sewanee's gridiron record of enemy interference to tackle his man viciously. the past rates equally with almost any other in the Pint-sized 130-pound Alvin Browne, speedy and land. as elusive as an eel in a broken field, rates the For instance, take the performance of the 1899 quarterback post because of his astute diagnosis team on which those two hard-running backs of plays over Scarbrough, the Purple's marvelous Seibels and Simkins played so important a part. kicker. Critics declare Aubrey Lanier the equal of Believe it or not, this outfit won all 12 games on Walter Eckersall as a safety man. Lanier had a the schedule without allowing any of its opponents habit of catching punts while running at full speed, except Auburn to score a SINGLE POINT. And thus giving to his 190 pounds of bone and muscle against no soft opposition, either. The whitewashed a terrific momentum which was highly dangerous list included such elevens as Georgia, Georgia Tech, to the would-be tackler. They labeled Parker "the Tennessee, Texas, Tulane, Louisiana State, Missis­ one man track team." A 200-pound plunging full­ sippi and North Carolina. However, the football back, he could step off the gridiron onto the track glories of Sewanee are not past. and win the shot put, discus and broad jump plus a few other events. Frank Juhan, who was probably as fine a roving center as the game ever saw, is now Bishop of the Sewanee's greatest backfield ace, Ormond Sim­ Episcopal Diocese of Florida and a member of the kins, unfortunately died some years ago from th� Board of Regents of Sewanee. In his history of effects of a football injury from which he never re­ Southern Football. "Fuzzy" Woodruff pronounces covered after leaving college. A wonderful punt­ Henry Phillips "the greatest football player who er and a hard running ball carrier, he deserves ever sank cleated shoes into a chalk line south of much of the credit for Sewanee's wonder team of the Mason-Dixon line." Not only did he excel at 1899. guard, but in a Vanderbilt game he alone carried Copyrighted 1935 by W. W. Wells. 6 Riled by a Raccoon Rah-Rah? . light an Old Gold AT TRYING TIMES •••TRY A Smooth OLD GOLD AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS Best Wishes, FRENCH RESTAURANT Green Wave! LA LOUISIANE Established r88r • • WE ARE EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS La Louisiane is the most enjoyable place to dine in New Orleans. For food, of course, and IN NEW ORLEANS OF first, but also for the delightful environment and pleasing service. Goldsmith It matters not what your whim may be for food-you can pamper it at La Louisiane. Sports Equipment World famous French Chefs await your order or if it's an American dish you prefer, just as • famous American Chefs will prepare the dish you wish to have served . • GR.EATEST STOQE SOUTH 725 IBERVILLE STREET 7 For the Game or Party Scheinuk's Flowers Are Best Scheinuk's prices are At Scheinuk's you' 11 low for the best in flowers. find the most complete At Scheinuk's you'll assortment of flowers in find a complete assort­ the City.- You can al­ ment of Roses, Orchids, ways depend on Schei­ Gardenias, Chrysanthe­ nuk's for fresh Flowers mums, and other flowers and prompt service. for corsages or gifts. INC_ 2600 ST. CHARLES AVENUE. JAckson 2600 EIA.USMANN, New Orleans Corrugated Box Co. INCORPORATED INCORPORATED • • NEW ORLEANS' LEADING JEvVELERS • Telephone RAymond 42f)8 SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR COLLEGE AND FRATERNAL JEWELRY New Orleans, La. Authentic CollegeSty les by Robert Surrey Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Exclusive Hart Schaffner & Marx Stylist 8 THE GRIDIRON ROUNDUP The Score to Date: Picked Winners Losers Pet. 36 28 8 .776 Addis Ababa, Oct. 26.-Ethiopia and six Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 26.-Vanderbilt is points was today considered a good bet in the choice of your roving eggspert, Mr. De­ local circles. mon Dopester, to take-(m' gosh)-a third successive defeat. (Eds. Note: D. D., caught Hailie Selassie's strategy seems to be himself in the middle of that sentence just pointing for field goals with great stress be­ as he was about to call Vandy to win).
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