Foxworthy Named to Senate Post THE\ . No. 6 Card \ ^ .. Final Required for Examinations Book Purchase Start Jan. 21 7eV OLI ullerto eatlifornia, Frida, January 1, 19 Ce Vol. XLIV Fullerton, California, Friday, January 14, 1966 No. 17 Shelley Manne and His Men Robert Foxworthy Bring Modern Jazz to FJC Chosen President The contemporary, modern jazz Manne, a well-known drummer, BY JUDY CZUCHTA had a Faculty Senate. Our Senate of Shelly Manne and his Men was started his career in Hollywood will grow because it is new." Mr. spotlighted in the College Hour and gained renown for Shelly's English teacher Robert E. Fox- Foxworthy continued by at Louis E. Plummer Auditorium Manne-hole, which is currently a worthy has been elected as the saying, "Basil C. Hedrick, and I are work- yesterday. favorite bistro for jazz enthusiasts. first president of FJC's Faculty He worked his way up to become Senate. Phil L. Snyder, social sci- ing together on this matter ... our one of the top names in jazz in ences, was elected vice president main objective $s student-teacher Southern California. and Leroy J. Cordrey, counseling, welfare." Dr. Hedrick, language depart- Noted for their own interpre- as secretary. ment, is president of the Faculty tations and adaptations/of modern The newly elected president con- Club on campus and was instru- jazz and show tunes, Manne and ducted his first meeting last month mental in helping to establish the his Men are known by many as and the new organization's agenda new Faculty Senate. jazz connoisseurs. was discussed. "We have not yet Manne himself has many credits established areas of jurisdiction," STATE LAW to his ability. He has won many said Mr. Foxworthy, "as no junior Late last year the California of the more important jazz polls college in California has previously State Board of Education man- such as the Downbeat poll, the dated the formation of Academic Metronome pole, and the Playboy Senates for junior colleges in .a jazz poll. Alonzo Baker unanimous vote. However, said Mr. He also participated in making Foxworthy, "our FJC c a m p u s an album of "My Fair Lady" with group is not affiliated with any Andre Previn. Speaks Soon state or local organization." This He is one of the most sought history making decision, without after percussionists in the busi- On Poverty precedent in the junior college ness, and often sits in on record- movement in the state of Cali- Thursday, Jan. 20 will find Dr. ing sessions with top artists. fornia, was adopted as an emer- Alonzo Baker in Louis E. Plummer After the College Hour appear- gency regulation to take place im- SENATE PROGRESS-Robert Foxworthy (left), newly elected Auditorium speaking on "H o w ance Manne and His Men were mediately. In effect, this resolu- president of the Faculty Senate goes over plans with Dr. Basil War on Pover- scheduled to return to the city Successful Is Our tion guarantees that each junior Hedrick, former acting chairman of the group. for a studio engagement at 2 p.m. ty?" college has direct access to the SHELLY MANNE-One of the Manne has apppeared at FJC Dr. Baker, Professor Emeritus local school board. nation's top percussion drummers previously. Among these were per- of Political Science and Interna- FACULTY PURPOSE appeared with his group at the formances in 1961 and again in. tional Relations at the University The forming of the Faculty Sen- College Hour yesterday. 1963. Registration To End of the Pacific, Stockton, and now ate is a stride forward in the Professor of Political Science at teacher's desire for an effective La Sierra College, Riverside is a voice in policy making decisions. January 26-Snyder frequent speaker in the southland, The purpose of the Faculty Sen- lecturing before several organiza- ate is to present its views and "Scope' Programs Registration for the second sem- Tuesday, Jan. 11, at 7 p.m. and FJC tions more than fifty times. recommendations to the college ester classes at Fullerton Junior Tuesday, Jan. 18, at 7 p.m. in Dr. Baker is at home in a pres- administration and to the Board College is now in progress and Room 521 on the college campus. entation of national issues and of Trustees in the formation of To Be Shown Jan. 17-21 will continue through Wednesday, New students who have filed problems, having been active in district policies on academic and Jan. 26, according to Ralph R. a written application, have taken American affairs for more than A series of five television pro- works and why it is called offset professional matters. Snyder, Dean of Addmissions. English and college achievement forty years. He has been recog- The 'Senate consists of approxi- by Fullerton Jun- lithography. grams prepared Students who did not attend tests, and have had their nized by Presidents Hoover and Wednesday's will feature instru- high mately thirty individuals, and rep- ior College will be shown on FJC during the first semester Truman by appointment to im- ctors Myron H. Appel, L. Douglas but school transcripts sent to the col- resents about three hundred mem- Channel 7, KABC, at 7 a.m. start- wish to register for second sem- lege will receive portant commissions, by E a r 1 ber teachers Mather, and Dallas Hazelton tak- by mail an app- here at FJC. Each of ester work must submit a written ointment to meet Warren when he was Govenor of the twelve ing Jan. 17, according to Richard ing a prospective employer in the with their coun- college education divi- application for admission on a selors some time during the California and by being listed for sions elect representatives to the W. Thompson. director of p r o- community through the automo- coun- form available at the Admissions seling a n d registration many years in Who's Who In Faculty Senate. For each fifteen grams. tive program at FJC. period and Records Office on members, after the first eight, an The morning program scheduled On Thursday, instructor Will- the college from January 10 through January campus. Each additional representative is chosen for Monday will feature John H. iam J. Claffey and his students applicant m u s t 26. All counseling and registration provide the college with from the division. Five represent- Schultz, social science instructor, will discuss the problem "How to a com- should be completed by Wednes- plete official atives-at-large are then elected discussing "Liberals, Conserva- Tame a Monster," or the story of high school tran- day, January 26, Snyder said, but script, Snyder pointed out. by a plurality. Both the Senate tives, and U.S. 'Foreign Policy." business data processing. late registration for full-time pro- All new students must members and the representatives- Schultz will discuss the Sino-Sov- The final program of the week, take an grams will be accepted on Wed- English achievement test and a at-large serve a two-year term. iet threat, criticism of the U.S. scheduled for Friday morning, nesday, February 2. college ability test prior to receiv- foreign policy from both liberals will feature cosmetology instruct- Fullerton Junior College offers ing appointments and conservatives, and issues re- ors demonstrating that beauty is for counseling, regular college courses at the These tests, which take approx- lating to Sino-Soviet expansion in an art. Instructors and students freshman and sophomore level for Four Films In imately three and one-half hours to newly developed, uncommitted will be seen in actual classroom those who wish to transfer to four- to complete, will be given in the year college and formerly colonial neutralist areas. work from beginning hair styling universities and Dramatic Series William T. Boyce Library at 321 vocational courses which develop The Tuesday morning program to tints and bleaches, electric fac- In conjunction with the Eng'ish East Chapman Avenue on Sat job skills. Students may enroll in will feature instructor Maxwell ials, permanent waves, and ad- Department the English Advisory urday, Jan. 8, at 8 a.m.; Saturday, a full-time program or a part-time Hyman with students Walt Ander- vanced hair styling. Council of FJC is sponsoring a Jan. 15, at 8 a.m.; Friday, Jan. 21, program. son, Robert Coleman, Brian Cur- The t h i r t y-minute television classic film series, "The Motion at 7 p.m.; Thursday, Jan. 27, at 1 Regular class work for the sec- rey, Pat Moretta, Gary Walker, programs are part of the series en- Picture as an Art Form." p.m.; and Monday, Jan. 31, at 7 ond semester starts on Wednesday and Suzi Weishaar in a program titled "SCOPE" which shows jun- The third in the series of four p.m. Tests are also scheduled for -Feb. 2, 7 a.m., according to Synder. entitled "Lithography-The Illu- ior colleges in action. Thompson, films depicting four dramatic ALONZO BAKER sion." The program will show how who is radio and television instru- types, will be shown Feb. 11 in photographs are converted into ctor at FJC, has produced the pro America. the Louis E. Plummer Auditorium. halftone reproductions for print- grams working with Eldon L. Roe- Commission Discusses Dance, Dr. Baker's speaking style is Titled "Beauty and the Beast," or ing by the process cameramen dick, Dean of Instruction for Ex- vivid and colorful. He is a fast- "La Belle et La Bete," it is writ- and will explain how lithography tended Day and Summer Session. paced speaker who intersperses ten, directed and adapted by Jean Vacation Hours for Library facts and logic with humor.
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