"2732 Petroleum No. 468 1973. No. 468 {NC] PETROLEUM Inflammable Liquids ORDER, DATED THE 19TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1973, MADE BY THE SECRETA,RY OF STATE UNDER SECTION 19 OF THE PETROLEUM (CONSOLiDATION) ACT (NORTHERN 1;RELAND) 1929. " In exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 19 of the Petwleum (Consolidation) Act (Nor.thern Ireland) 1929(a) and sectien 1(1) of the Northern Ireland (Temporary Provisions) Act 1972(b) and of all other powers ena:bling me in ;that behalf I hereby make the follewing Order:- Application of the Act of 1929 to certain substances 1.-(1) Sections 6, 13(2) and (3), 14, 15, 16 and 18 of the Petroleum (Conselidation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929 shall apply to s:uch of the fellowing substances, solutiens and mixtures as give eff an inflammable vapour at a ;temperature below 23 degrees Centigrade (73 degrees Fahrenheit), that is to say:- (a) the substances specified in the first column in Part I of the Schedule tOl this Order, being substances which are known also by the name or names (if any) mentioned in the second column; (b) any solutien or mixture (not being a mixture of petroleum as defined in the Schedule to. the Petroleum (Mixtures) Order (Northern Ireland) 1930(c) which contains any. of the said substances; and (c) any solutien specified in Part II ef the Schedule to this Order. (2) Fer the purposes ef this Ar.ticle a substance, solution or mixture shall be regarded as giving off an inflammable vapour at a temperature belew 23 degrees Centigrade (73' degrees Fahrenheit) if it does se when tested as if it were petroleum spirit in the manner set forth in Part II of the Secend Schedule ;to the Petroleum (Consolidation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929. Order of 1949 not to app,ly to certain substances 2. In the Petreleum (Inflammable Liquids and Other Dangerous Sub­ stances) Order (Northern Ireland) 1949(d)- (1) in Article 1, the words "Parts I and II of" and the words from "and to. any mixture" to the end shall be emi.tted; and (2) in the Schedule, Part I shall be omitted. Citation 3. This Order may be cited as the Petroleum (;Inflammable Liquids) Order (Northern Ireland) 1973. Dated this 19th day of November 1973. W. S. 1. Whitelaw, One of Her Majesty's Principal" Secretaries of State. (a) 20 Geo. 5 c. 13 (N.!.). (c) S.R. & O. (N.!.) 1930, No. 21. (b) 1972. c. 22. (d) S.R. & O. (N.!.) 1949, No. 80. No.> 468 Petroleum 2733 SCHEDULE PART I Name of substance . Alternative name or names Acetaldehyde . Ethanal Acetaldehyde oxime Acetaldoxime Acetone Dimethyl ketone · { Propanone Acraldehyde Acrylaldehyde Acrolein Allyl aldehyde ·i Propenal Acrylonitrile Propeneriitrile · { Vinyl cyanide Allyl acetate Allyl alcohol Prop-2-3n-l-ol · { 2-Propen-l-01 Allylamine 2-Propenylamine Allyl bromide 3-Bromopropene Allyl chloride 3-Chloropropene Allyl ethyl ether 3-Ethoxypropene Allyl formate 2-Propenyl methanoate Benzenethiol Thiophenol Benzotrifluoride Trifluoromethylbenzene Bicycioheptadiene . Boron trifluoride diethyl etherate 2-Bromobutan(!} secButyl bromide I-Bromo-2, 3-Epoxypropane Epibromohydrin 2-Bromoethyl ethyl ether I-Bromo-3-methylbutane isoAmyl bromide 1-Bromo-2-methylpropane isoButyl bromide 2 -Bromo -2-methy lprop ane tertButyl bromide 2-Btomopentane' > secAmyl bromide 1-Brdmopropane Propyl bromide 2-Bromopropane IsoPropyl bromide 3-Bromopropyne Propargyl bromide Butanedione Diacetyl · { n-Butane thiol Butane-l-thiol · Butyl mercaptan secButanol Butan-2-o1 · { secButyl alcohol Ethyl methyl ketone Butanone · { Methyl ethyl ketone But-3-en-2-one 3-Butene-2-one · { Methyl vinyl' ketone isoButyl acetate secButyl acetat~ 2-Butanol acetate Butylamine 1 " Aminobutane isoButyIamine l-Amino-2-methylpropane secButylamine 2-Aminobutane tertButy lamirie J 2-Amino-2-methylpropane · l 2-Amino isobutane Butyl ethyl ether hEthoxybutane Butyl formate Butyl methanoate isoButyl formate Butyl methyl ether 1-Methoxybutane Butyl nitrite . iso Butyl propionate Butyf vinyl ether 2734 Petroleum No. 468 Name of substance Alternative n(lme Qr names lsoButyl vinyl ether 2-Butine "But-2-yne { Crotonylene " Dimethyl acetylene Butyraldehyde Butanal . isoButyraldehyde 2-Methylpropanal Butyr6nitrile Propyl cyanide :Butyryl chloride Butanoyl chloride isoButyryl chloride isoButanoyl chloride l-Chlorobutane Butyl chloride 2-Chlorobutane secButyl Chloride l-Chloro-3-methylbutane isoAmy I chloride 2-Chloro -2-methy lbutane tertAmyl chloride Chloromethyl ethyl ether Chlorodimethyl ether Chloromethyl methyl ether · { Chloromethoxy methane l-Chloro -2-methy lpropane isoButyl chloride 2-Chloro-2-methylpropane tertButyl chloride 3-Chloro-2-methylprop-l-ene l-Chloropentane Amyl chloride l-Chloropropane Propyl chloride 2-Chldropropane isO'Propyl chloride 2-Butenal Crontonaldehyde -Methyl acrolein · Propyl aldehyde Propylene aldehyde Cyc10heptatriene I Cyc10hexene Tetrahydrobenzine Cyc10hexylamine Aminocyc1ohexane Cyc10 -octatetraene Diacetone, technical Diacetone alcohol · { 4-Hydroxy-2-4-methylpentane 4-Hydroxy -4-methylpentan-2-one Diallylamine Di-2-propenylamine Diallyl ether Diisobutene Diisobutylene Diisobuty'J;amine 1,1-Dichloroethane Ethylidene chloride 1,2 -Dichloroethane Ethylene dichloride 1,1-Dichloroethylene Vinylidene chloride 1,2-Dichloroethylene Acetylene dichloride Propylene chloride 1,2-Dichloropropane · { Propylene dichloride 1,2-ni (dimethylamino) ethane Tetramethyl ethylene diamine Acetal 1,1-Diethoxyethane · Diethyl acetal { Ethylidene diethyl ether Diethyl formal Diethoxymethane · Ethylal methylene diethyl ether { Formaldehyde diethyl acetal 3,3-Diethoxypropene Acrolein acetal Diethylamine Diethyloxide Diethyl ether • { EthoxyethaI}e Ethyl ether Diethyl sulphide 2,3-Dihydropyran Dimethyl acetal 1,1-Dimethoxyethane · { Ethylidene dimethyl ether No. 468 Petroleum 2735 Name of substance Alternative name or names Methylal Dimethoxymethape ". · { Methylene <li1l1ethyl ether 2-Dimethylaminoacetroriitrile 2-Dimethylaminoethyl cyanide 1,3 -Dimethylbutylamine 2-Amino-4-methylpentane Dimethyl, carbonate • Methyl carbonate Dimethyldichlorosilane Dimethyldiethoxysilane Dimethyl disulphide NN-Dimethylhydrazine 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine NN'~Dimethylhydtazine 1,2-Dimethylhydrazihe Methanthiomethane Dimethyl sulphide · { Methyl sulphide. l,4-Diethylene dioxide 1,4-Dioxan · { Dioxan Dioxyethylene ether Dioxolane Dipropylarnine Dipropyl ether 2-isoPropoxypropane Diisopropyl ether · { isoPropyl ether Divinyl ether Vinyl ether Ethane thiol Ethyl mercaptan Ethanol . Ethyl alcohol Ethyl acetate Ethyl acrylate . Ethyl propenoate 2-Ethylbutyraldehyde Diethyl acetaldehyde isoButyric ether Ethyl isobutyrate · { Ethyl Z-methylpropanoate Ethyl chloroformate Ethyl chlorocarbonate Ethyl crotonate Ethy ldichlorosila,ne Ethy leneimlne Aziridene. · { Dimethyleneimine Ethyl fo>rmate EtJ;1yl methanoate Etl)yl nitrite l-Ethylpiperidine N -Ethylpiperidine Ethyl propionate Ethyltrichlorosilane . Ethyl vinyl ether Flurobenzene 2-Ftuorotoluene 0-Fluorotoluene 3-Fluorotoluene m-Fluorotoluene Firran Fuseloil 2-Iodobutane . secButyl iodide l-Iodo-2-methylpr()pane isoButyl .iodide 2-Iodol-2~methylpropahe .tertButy I iodide 1-ld,d()propane Propyl iodide 2-Iodopropane isoPropyl "iodide Iron carbonyl Iron pentacarbonyl Isoprene monomer 2~ Methyl-l,3-butadiene a-Methacrolein Methacraldehyde · { 2-MetI1ylpropenal Methanol i· Methyl alcohol M:ethyl acetate Metj:J.yl acetone Methyl acrylate 2736 Petroleum No. 46$ Name of substance Alternative name 01' nqmes Methylated spirit 3-Methylbutane-l-thiol Amyl mercapatan · { Pentanethiol tertAmyl alcohol 2-Methylbutan-2-o1 Ethyl dimethyl carbinol · { 2-Methyl-2-butanol 3 -Methylbutan-l-01 isoAmy I alcohol 3-Methylbutan -2-one 3 -Methyl-2-butanone { Methyl isopropyl k;eto~e Methyl tertbutyf ether Methyl butyrate Methyl chloroformate Methyl chlorocarbonate Methyldichlorosilane Methylhydrogendichlorosilane N -MethyIformamide Form-methylamide Methyl formate Methylhydrazine Methyl methacrylate, monomer 2-Methylpentan-2-o1 isoButyl methyl ketone 4-Methylpentan-2-one Hexone Methyl isobutyl ketone · 1 4-Methyl-2.-pentanone I-Methylpiperidine N-Methyl piperidine tertButanol ter.tButyl alcohol 2-.MethyIpropan-2-o1 2-Methyl-2-propanol · 1 Trimethyl carbinol Methyl propionate Methyiltrichlorol>ilane 2-Methylvaleraldehyde a -M ethy lvaleraldehyde Methyl isovalerate Nickel carbonyl Nickel tetracarbonyl Paraldehyde secAmyl alcohol Pentan-2-o1 Methyl propyl carbinol · {2-Pentanol Ethyl acetone Pentan-2-one Methyl propyl ketone 2-Pentanone Diethyl ketone Ethyl propionyl Pentan-3-one Metacetone Propione isoPentyl acetate isoAmyl acetate 1-Aminopentane Pentylamine .{ n-Amylamine isoPenty lamine isoAmy lamine Pentyl nitrite n~Amyl nitrite isoPentyl nitrite isoAmyl nitrite I-Phenylpropane-l-<1ione Piperidine . Propane-I-thiol Propyl mercaptan Propane-2-thiol isoPropyl mercaptan I-Propanol ~ Propan-l-ol · { Propyl alcohol Dimethyl carbinol 2-Propanol Propan-2-o1 isoPropanol isoPropyl alcohol ·1 secPropyl alcohol No, 46.8 Petroleum 2737 Name of substance. Alternative name or names isoPropenyl acetate Propionaldehyde Propionitrile Ethyl Gyanide Propyl acetate , isoPropyl acetate Propylamine isoPropylamine isoPropyl butyrate isoPropyl isobutyrate isoPropyl chloroformate Propyleneimine ., { 1,2Epoxy.propane Propylene oxide Methyloxiran Propene oxide Propyl formate i~oPropyl formate Propyl nitrate isoPropyl n.itrate isoPropyl propionate pyridine Py.J.1rolidine Tetrahydrofuran , },,2,3,6 ~Tetrahydro.pyridine Tetrahydtothiophen Tetra.methylene sulphide Tetrapropyl orthotitanate Thioacetic acid Thiophen .Triethy lamine Ethylborate . 'triethyl borate { Triethoxyboron
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