iim!Hl U19I1 Snbacription Price $L00 Per Yosr 6th Y«ar, No. 2SS DUNCAN, B. C., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1911. J.fl.Wllitt«lie&C$. Meeting Of Municipal Council Duncan, V. I. Cowidian Mercbants, Ltd. Real Estate, Insunuice A meeting of the Mnnieipal Board of the fire boee. Land, Insurance and Fi­ and u held on Friday last in the Coan- The finance committee reported SKfCSSQH to rnttretersMar) W. r. layies. Financial Agents eil Chamber, meinben being favorably on aoeonnta amounting to nancial Agents. $1400, which were paered for pay ­ •«T1» Stora tint wt« *«»• y<« B»t.” preaent. After ooirespondonoe had boon ment. ■ortgages aid lirataciis. Estimates for repairs to the fol­ dealt with, the fotlowing petitions ■emtcis Vidatia Stocklnkm were heard or disposed of: lowing roads were accepted: 35 acres, 3 aom deared, 6 room A petition from Mr. W. H. FuUoi> Chadwick Road, $370, A. Holman. frame dwelling, water laid to honse. ton for cleaning out Bonsai's creek. Gibbons ’ Road, $370, T. J. Pant Bam and chicken houses. Price Comsf$idat$ L$id$i m SUMMEI SUPPLIES A grant of fifty doUan was voted This was irtegnlarly signed and was $3,000. Hew Tofk Stock Ezckaiges. retnmed to the petitianar. to the Agricnltnral Soointy to be ex ­ for the Preserving Season A petition from Cob Baker et al pended in prisec this year. re road at Crofton, and a deputation It was resolved that the footpath 10 aoree, S milet from Dmieaii, 7 for“sale SEA FRONTAGE consisting of CoL Baker, Major from the station at Chemainat to Mr. acres cnltiTated, halanoe elhand ex ­ Heple Bey, Cowiebea Bey and Barnes and Mr. A. F. Langley in Palmer’s gate be timbered, the ex- cept stops, 6 room frame dwelling, IlIcClary ’s Osborne Bey support of this petition. An ae> penee for labor not to exceed $35, of Imro, stables, chiohen houms and rangement was made with petitiooers which sum $35 be taken from the other ootboildnge. Larg) well stock­ LAKE AND RIVER FRONTAGE whereby tbo road inspector'a crew Chemainat streets appropriation and ed garden. Creek runs through the EoameOed Sted Qnemicbeii, Somenoe end Cowtehea would do the necessary work to con­ the balance paid by the CounciL property. Price $5,000. nect with Adelaide Street. The par- It was resolved that* the Govern ­ Cowiohen end Koksileh Rtveii. bes benefited would bear the cost ment Agent be asked if it is the in­ Ware DUNCAN A pebtioD from E J. Palmer et al tention of the Government to do any UO ecres irith good hooee, large 4 boQM anJ Isat on Kenneth ctroet bam, eboodeace ol eater. 30 aeree Periect in form, color and 6nish. An etamtnation of each Md re a road in Chemainus dqtriet, and work on the trunk road north'of in crop. Pnoe $10,500. Thie price deputation consisting of Hemre. Duncan, and if so, when the work is Price $3,000. every piece shows that care and supervision have been exercised inclodes farm implementa. in the making. No flaws are allowed to pass in any of the opera- Donald, Banon, Caton and CoUyer to be commenced. The King’s Daughters will be asked G acroi on Koksileh rivor with 90 tioas, so that wearing qualities are assured heyood any shadow waited on the oonncil in reference to MONEY TO LOAN chaiiu river front in pasture. ' Priee this which was laid over. to remove their fenoe near the Hoa- of a doubt. ^ inoriKaffe 1“ $135 per aero. Hr. WiUiam Herd also waited on pitaL where it obatructa the proposed epwanls etranent raM*. the council in rpferenoe to the ex-1 road. FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED FRUIT JARS tensian of Nororom Road; this was It was resolved that the Fire Chief Near Dancan or Kekdlab, in ex ­ change for hoaso in Victoria for rix UASON & CROWN , laid over for further ooneideraKon. be asked how many fire pracbcee HAPF>Y MOUUOW FARM weeks from middle of Joly. Pints, per dozen 8SC Mr. J. Ratledgo waited on the have been held this season, and if H. W. Bman. Prop. $1.00 oounoa re nso of fire hoao for street none, does ho oonaidor it edvisable , V Quarts, “ FnrScUm 1.25 watering cart; it wao decided that under the ciroumstanoos to oontinne >< Gals. Begistored Jerseys and VAULT the neceaaaiy length of hose should paying a caretaker ’e soUiy. Deposit Boxes nndcr cn-domer ’s own Clamber SpanieU. 7W ECONOMY SuLF-SEAUNG be proonied rather than nee a length! The meeting then adjourned. key from $2.50 a year. Pints, per dozen *'.»5 Qnarts, " 1.50 Gals. •• 2.00 TENNIS FOR HAYWARD CUP COWICHAN SCHOOL€I/)SING In the matches for the Hayward | The Cowichan PnbUc School hold NET HATS WHITEWEAR rapa, damps, Rubbtrs, Telly Glasses and Tops chaUenge cup, with which goes the ita closing, exercises on Juno 30tli. jhampionship of Cowichan district in The rolls of honour were awarded the tne men’s ungles, the reeults were as following pupils: 1, Davida Mary C. A splendid array of the very latest designs follows: B. Constable, profideney; Charlotte at the most reasonable prices. Christmas beat Wood, 6-1, 6-4. Mary Butler, regularity and punctn- Barkley beat Taylor, 6-3, 6-1. ality; Amy Verna Meams, deport- A most cordial invitation is extended to aU. fflORTGAGES FOR SALE Stepney beat Smithe, 6-3. 6-2. mhfik A-keen voting contest by Bujidoek beat Bannister, 6-0, 6-2. pupils for best conducted boy and Lomas beat Donoan, 6-3, 1-6, 6-1. girl in school, won by Amy Vema Freeman beat Hilton by default. • Meams, 1st; Christopher Meams, E. Corfiold beat Fry, 6-2, 6-1. 2nd; Mary Forrest, 3rd. These prizes The Bon Ton Millinery Parlors Byall beat Morten ly default. were presented by Dr. Price. Mrs. Huntingdon beat N. Corfield by H. Moss, Mrs. G. Phippu and Him Poncai, B. C Miss L L Barca. Profiktress We have on hand a number of first class default. Young conducted the spelling com­ . first mortgages on choice Residential Prop- Alexander boat Powol, 6-4, 6-3. petition, reading and arithmodc. e^es in the cities of Victoria and Vancou ­ Bundook boat Lomas, 6-2, 2-6,6-4. Frizes were won by following pupils. ver in sums ranging from $1,000 to $4,000, Freeman boat E Corfield, 6-3, 6-0. Spelling matches for senior, inter­ at rates varying from 7 to 8 ner cent, inter­ Huntingdon beat Alexander, 6-1, mediate and junior classes; Mary Forrest, Mary Bader, Gordon Meams. est, payable quarterly, that we can let in­ Barkley beat Christmas,'e-O, 6-0. Bmsh drawing, Annie Meams, Leslie LE BON MARCHE. vestors have. Bundock beat Stepney, 6-1, 6-3. Hagan, Jack Willia. Freehand draw- ] Byall boat Freeman, 6-2. 6-5. ing,Jean Halliday: Writing, Jessie July Bargains Forrest. Quick addition, 1 Catherine Barkley beat Bundock, 6-3," 5-6, Mnzlin Blonzoa, embroidered fronts, ' $1.95 A 1.50 now 1.35 A 1.20 6-3. Bntier, 2 Ed. Forrest. The fonrj II II « ** $1.25 de 1.00 now .95 k .75 Byall boat Huntingdon, 6-5, 6-3. prizes presented by Mrs. Hoes were Lmen Shirt WauU $2.26 k 2.00 now 1.75 k 1.60 Barkley plays Byall' on Saturday awarded the following pupils: Bessie » M » with braided front $3.50 now 2.20 Stewirt, 2nd prize for writing, Agnes Safety Deposit Vaults next the 15th inst, at 11 a. m. and Colored WaUta $1.50 * 1.35 now 1.20 k .95 the winner of this match plays F. Halliday for diligence; Gertrade' .< II $1.00 ouw .60 k .50 Emery for reading. Jack Micfaell for j Safety Deposit Boxes for tent from $4.00 Kingston, the holder of the cap at Children’s Kuibreidercd UaU $2.00 k .90 now 1.65 k .50 2.30 p. m. ral improvement; Florence HnnJ. « SUk HaU $ .90 now .60 per ennum. for singing. Promotion list: Entrance DUNCAN CITY BAND clan—1 Jean Halliday, 3 Jack Legge^ Willif^ 3 Jestde Forrest, 4 Mary For­ Itmitoof A meeting of the members of the rest. IV. Reader—1 Ed. Forest, 2 Goods. MISS LOMAS. Prop’s. Doncan City Band was held in Dun­ Henry Mearns, 3 Robert Forrest, 4 can on Uonday July 3rd last, when Benie Stewart ItL Reader — *1 PEMBERTON & SON it transpired that the affairs of tbo Gertrude Emery, 2 Agnes Halliday, band were progrewmg favourably. 3 Frances ConsUblc. II. Reader—1 Pemberton Block. Victoria, B. C. Mr. Eastwood, of Victoria, who Mary Butler. Phonic Primer — 1 THE IMPERIAL=_ hitherto bad acted as bandmaster, Gordon Meams; 3 Willie Butler; 3 has on account of press of work in Evelyn Weeks, 4 Dorothy Weeks, 5 Victoria been oblig^ to reluctantly Gentlemen ’s Furnishing Store May Donoy, 6 Frances Doooy. Mra. relinquish this work, and the mem­ June Darbyahirc, teacher. bers at thin meeting decided to em­ Odd Feilm ’Block, Duncan, B.C. ploy in his place, Mr. Marchant. NOW’S THE TIME FOR Mr. Marchant, who now resides in CHINAMAN KILLED Hints for Campers Duncan has recently arrived from On Saturday evening last while 8„ oz. duck or drill tents and flys in all sizes. England, and has had oonsiderablo Mr. Pemberton ’s team was hauling Land and water hats 50C b experience with bands in that coun­ hay, proceeding down Mr. Powell ’s Light underwear, per suit • - $1.00 and up B -$t.ooand$1.25 try, having actod as bandmaster to hill, one of the horses got his leg English flannelette ahirts - HEN’S AND BOYS Men’s and boys ’ bathiog costuoes U the Ascot band and instructor to over the pole, and the team became Soc“P A White sweaters - $2.00 and $2.jo unmanageable.
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