JEWISH $3.00 Frontier Ehud Barak's ,e4a!&ead CONTENTS JEWISH Vol. LXVI, No. 3 & 4 (635-6) M SUMMER 1999 Front er Israel 3 SINCE 1934 A SWEET AND SOUR VICTORY Susan Hattis Rolef A LABOR ZIONIST JOURNAL INAUGURAL ADDRESS : TOWARD 6 PEACE AND SOCIAL PROGRESS Ehud Barak Founders Hayim Greenberg Marie Syrkin JEWISH DUALISM 13 Chaim Nachman Editorial Board Bialik Henry Feingold, Chairman Saul B . Cohen History 18 I Hyman Faine THE KEHILAH IN WARSAW David Rosenthal Jonathan J. Goldberg Emanuel S . Goldsmith Jerry Goodman COPYRIGHTS : ANCIENT 20 Rabbi Mark W. Kiel AND MODERN Harold Ticktin Chava Lapin Judy Loebl Jeffry V. Mallow Books 23 Daniel Mann THE HOLOCAUST IN Mordecai Newman Samuel Norich AMERICAN LIFE Michael S . Perry By Peter Novick Henry L. Feingold Mark Raider Eduardo Rauch Ezra Spicehandler AN AFTERNOON WITH 25 Phyllis Sutker MEYER LEVIN Si Wakesberg David Twersky Mazal Tov 26 MISHA LOUVISH Nahum Guttman Editor In Memoriam 27 HYMAN R. FAINE Daniel Mann NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS Saadia Gelb If you plan to move, please notify us six weeks in advance . A LABOR ZIONIST 30 PEACE MISSION Stephane Acel JEWISH FRONTIER (ISSN-0021-6453) is published bi-monthly by Labor Zionist JEWISH FRONTIER Letters, Inc . Editorial and advertising offices at 275 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001 . Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY . POSTMASTER : Send address changes to Circulation, Jewish Frontier, 275 Seventh Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, 275 Seventh Avenue NY 10001 . Subscription rates for U .S. and possessions, $15 .00 per year for 6 issues, $25 .00 for 17th Floor two years for 12 issues . Add $2.50 for Canada . All other countries - $20 .00 per year ; New York, NY 10001 All foreign subscribers - remit in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S . bank. Back issues- payable in advance at $5 .00 each. Editorial / article contributions should be sent to the editorial office and be accom- Telephone: (212) 229-2280 panied by return postage . 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Distributed by Bernhard De Boer, Inc., 113 East Centre St ., Nutley, NJ 07110. 32 2 JEWISH FRONTIER ISRAEL Sweet and Sour Victory A Sweet an Sour Government By Susan Hattis Rolef or the Israel Labor Party, or rather with Netanyahu, would "return home" in the "One Israel" - the list comprising of Labor, second round, and that while the ultra-reli- David Levy's Gesher and the moderate reli- gious voters would dutifully come out in large gious party Meimad - the results of the May numbers to vote for Netanyahu, few Arabs 17 elections, were an extremely pleasant sur- would come out just to vote for Barak . prise in so far as the election of the Prime min- ister was concerened. Less so when it came to ow can one explain Barak's victory? It is, the Knesset elections . perhaps, too early to give a definitive Though as the date of the elections answerH to this question, but there is no doubt approached, opinion polls clearly showed that victory should be read, first and foremost, Labor leader Ehud Barak coming in ahead of as a defeat for Netanyahu . Though we shall outgoing Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu probably never know the numbers, it is known in a second round, not even the most starry- that there were quite a few right-wing voters eyed optimists believed that the victory would who voted for the Likud, for National Religious occur in the first round, that it would be so Party, for Yisrael Beitenu (Avigdor Lieber- massive and that Barak would actually man- man's party) and even for National Union (the age to muster a small Jewish majority in addi- list made up by Herut, Moledet and Tekuma, tion to his impressive general majority. While headed by Benny Begin) and voted for Ehud back in the 1996 elections Netanyahu beat Barak as Prime Minister, or put a blank ballot Shimon Peres by less than 30,000 votes, paper in the envelope for Prime Minister . Barak's majority over Netanyahu was close to From the little that has been said on the sub- 390,000 - 1,791,020 votes versus 1,402,474 to ject one may gather that these right-wingers be exact - or 11.7% of the valid votes . decided not to vote for Netanyahu because One reason why Barak's impressive victory they stopped believing him, started viewing came to most people as such a surprise, was him as a destructive element both in the State that after several bad experiences, in which and within the Likud, or because they hold the opinion polls predicted a clear Labor vic- Ehud Barak in high esteem - especially due tory, but the Likud emerged the victor (espe- to his brilliant military career . cially in the 1981 and 1996 elections), even those who saw the optimistic polls remained arak owed the massiveness of his victory wary. Another reason was that few people Bto the voters from the former Soviet Union. believed, until the very last moment, that the In contrast to the 1996 elections, this time a three additional candidates for Prime minister majority of new immigrants did not vote for - Itzik Mordechai, Benny Begin and Azmi Netanyahu . What appears to have influenced Bishara - would all step down one or two days the new immigrants, in addition to the distrib- before the elections, and thus enable a decision ution of Barak's biography, which emphasized in the first round. Conventional wisdom had it his military career (the biography was trans- that many former Likudniks, who were angry lated into Russian, and left a deep impression SUMMER 1999 3 despite the fact that there was also a forged is innocent" (Shas's spiritual leader, Rabbi version of the book in Russian on the market), Ovadia Yosef, said so openly), and a video pre- was the fact that Barak, unlike Netanyahu, pared by Der'i, in which the police and legal was able to respond to the demand of Yisrael establishment were accused of hypocracy and Be'aliya (Nathan Sharansky's party) that the prejudice against an ethnic backround . Ministry of Interior be taken out of the hands The failure of the Center Party may be of Shas and given to the Russians (The by now attributed to the fact that its only clear mes- famous, oft quoted election propaganda in sage was the need to bring down Netanyahu, Russian : "Pod Shas kontrol - Nash kon- while its call for basic change in the way trol. "). Netanyahu found himself with his Israeli politics are conducted, lost much of its hands tied, because unlike Yisrael Be'aliya, efectiveness as the party had difficulty putting Shas had come out openly in his support . its list together and drafting a platform. The fact that its four leaders (Mordechai, Amnon he less pleasant surprise was in the make Lipkin Shahak, Dan Meridor and Ronnie Milo) up of the 15th Knesset . Though it was didn't appear to be working together in har- clearlyT foreseen that both Labor (or rather One mony, didn't help much either . In the final Israel) and the Likud would emerge greatly analysis placing Mordechai at the head of the weakened because of the split voting enabled list might have been a mistake, though no one by the system of the direct election of the knows whether another candidate (Lipkin Prime Minister, nobody predicted just how Shahak) might have done better . As it were, weak they would become. Whereas in the 1992 the Center Party is another "promise without elections Labor received 44 Knesset seats and fulfilment" story - a rather pathetic repeti- the Likud 32, and in 1996 Labor received 34 tion of the story of the Democratic Movement seats and Likud together with Gesher and for Change (DASH) back in 1977, only in fast Tsomet 32, in the 1999 elections Labor, motion. together with Gesher and Meimad, received The relative success of Shinui, which com- only 26 seats, and the Likud 19 . peted with Meretz and the Center party for In the current elections 15 lists managed to votes, can be fully attributed to the fact that pass the 1.5% qualifying threshold, compared Lapid's main message - leave out the haredim to 11 in 1996 and 10 in 1992 . The greatest sur- (ultra religious) - appeals to many. Large prise here were that Shas managed to increase parts of the secular population got rather dis- it representation from 10 seats to 17, that the gusted with the way the haredim increased new Center Party, headed by Itzik Mordechai their influence and appetite for public funding, and with numerous "stars", got only 6 (origi- and had become more daring in their virulent nally it was predicted that it might get as criticism of the Supreme Court in the three many as 15), and that the old/new Shinui years of Netanyahu's government . The sudden party, originally founded by Prof. Amnon emergence of Lapid as a political figure, and Rubinstein in 1976 and now headed by the big- his habit of not mincing words, certainly mouthed, anti-clerical journalist Tommy helped Shinui draw potential voters away Lapid, would also receive 6 . from the Center Party. Shas's success was largely at the expense of the Likud, and can apparently be attributed to ®n the surface, Barak's victory should have the fact that its political leader, Arie Der'i, was been translated easily into a simple and found guilty of taking bribes and interfering comfortable government .
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