EBUCore implementation hints and Property Name Definition / Semantics EBUcore examples EBU Core in mets:dmdSec[dataObject] The title of an item contained in a dataObject may differ, either slightly or wholly, from the title of the Version and/or title Work/Variant to which it is linked hierarchically. In particular, title/dc:title where an incomplete physical product of the Version has been acquired and been catalogued as an item The broad media type of the item contained in a dataObject (e.g., film, video, audio, optical, digital file). Recording this high-level <format><medium typeLabel="digital" physical description information will enable simple searching for only film, video, format/medium/@typeLabel /></format> digital, etc. elements rather than searching by all possible formats and carriers. The physical carrier storing the digital file.For digital files, it is most important for users to immediately identify the file <description description[@typeLabel=“specificCarrierType“]/ specific carrier type container or wrapper (MXF, MOV, DPX, etc.) Institutions should typeLabel=“specificCarrierType“><dc:descript dc:description develop standard lists of terms to indicate the specific carrier ion>DCDM</dc:description></description> type or refer to authoritative existing lists. Description of the preservation or access status of the description[@typeLabel=“accessStatus“]/ preservation/access status dataObject, for example Master, Viewing, etc. Select term from a dc:description controlled list. Additional information specific to the item contained in the description[@typeLabel=“comment“]/ supplementary information dataObject dc:description Enter the numerical measurement indicating the size of the file size format/fileSize[@unit="GB"] digital asset’s file(s), in KB, MB, GB, or TB. (Total size of Item) Seite 1 von 7 EBUCore implementation hints and Property Name Definition / Semantics EBUcore examples <isPartOf><relationIdentifier formatLabel="URI"><dc:identifier>https://hdl is data object of isPartOf/relationIdentifier/dc:identifier .handle.net/10.12344</dc:identifier></relatio nIdentifier></isPartOf> <identifier formatLabel=URI><dc:identifier>https://hdl.h identifier identifier/dc:identifier andle.net/10.12345</dc:identifier></identifie r> <language typeLabel=“dialogue“><dc:language>de</dc:l anguage></language> language version Language version of the video. language[@typeLabel=“...“]/dc:language <language typeLabel=“SDHSubtitles“><dc:language>fr</ dc:language></language> May also be moved to mets:techMD in order to assign different languages per file <metadataProvider><organisationDetails organisationId="dnb.info/gnd/16037760-2"> The name of the archive or other organisation supplying the <organisationName>Stiftung Deutsche source metadataProvider/organisationDetails record. Kinemathek (SDK)</organisationName> </organisationDetails></metadataProvider> <ebuCoreMain dateLastModified="2020-04- ebuCoreMain/@dateLastModified + 30+02:00" last modified Date and time of last update to metadata record. ebuCoreMain/@timeLastModified timeLastModified="13:51:12+02:00">...</ebu CoreMain> Seite 2 von 7 EBUCore implementation hints and Property Name Definition / Semantics EBUcore examples EBU Core in mets:amdSec/techMD[dataObject] (repeat techMD in order to assign different metadata to files) <normalPlayTime>PT1M40.1S</normalPlayTi me> Comment: normalPlayTime: duration according to ISO8601: PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, e.g. duration Duration of the overall content (from the first to the last frame) format/duration/normalPlayTime PT1M40.1S for duration of 1 minute 40.1 seconds Only apliccable if no number of frames indicated. Otherwise see Property „Number of frames“ <editUnitNumber editRate="25" factorNumerator="15679" factorDenominator="15375">156790</editU nitNumber> Comment: editRate = (total number of frames / duration in seconds) rounded to number of frames (or Total number of frames in this sequenze-package format/duration/editUnitNumber nearest integer. factorNumerator and samples for audio) factorDenominator: positive integers without common divisor such that duration * editRate * factorNumerator / factorDenominator = total number of frames. Format information about file containing the video or audio or <ebucore:containerEncoding container format format/containerFormat subtitle data and about formatLabel="MXF"/> Seite 3 von 7 EBUCore implementation hints and Property Name Definition / Semantics EBUcore examples format/audioFormat/audioEncoding/ Machine readable code and a human readable term for the used @typeLabel audio coding <ebucore:audioEncoding typeLabel="PCM"/> audio coding <ebucore:codec> <ebucore:codecIdentifier> <dc:identifier>0D01030102060100</dc:identi audio codec-identfier Codec-Identifier of the audio data. format/audioFormat/codec/codecIdentifier fier> </ebucore:codecIdentifier> </ebucore:codec> Bit rate of the audio data depending on the Audio Bit Rate Type: audio bitrate format/audioFormat/bitRate if fixed the fixed rate, if variable the average rate Bit rate of the audio data depending on the Audio Bit Rate Type: audio bitrate max format/audioFormat/bitRateMax if fixednot apliccable, if variable the maximum rate audio bitrate type Indicates if the bitrate of the audio data is fixed or variable format/audioFormat/bitRateMode format/audioFormat/audioTrackConfiguration/ audio channel layout Term indicating the channel layout @typeLabel audio channels Number of used audio channels format/audioFormat/channels audio sample rate Rate used for sampling the audio format/audioFormat/samplingRate audio bit depth Bit depth of audio data. format/audioFormat/sampleSize Indicate the presence or absence of sound in the dataObject, i.e. format/audioFormat/comment/ sound type “sound,” “silent,” “mute”, “combined” or “mixed” etc. Selection [@typeLabel=“soundType“] should be made from a controlled list of terms. Seite 4 von 7 EBUCore implementation hints and Property Name Definition / Semantics EBUcore examples overall bitrate The total bit rate of all media streams in this file. format/overallBitRate <ebucore:format> Machine readable code and a human readable term for the used format/videoFormat/VideoEncoding/ <ebucore:videoEncoding typeLabel="Apple video coding video coding @typeLabel ProRes (HQ)"/> <ebucore:codec> <ebucore:codecIdentifier> <dc:identifier>0D01030102106001- video codec identifier Codec-Identifier of the video data format/videoformat/codec/codecIdentifier 0401020201323102</dc:identifier> </ebucore:codecIdentifier> </ebucore:codec> width Width of the video frame in pixels format/videoFormat/width height Height of the video frame in pixels format/videoFormat/height format/videoFormat/aspectRatio/ signal aspect ratio [@typeLabel="signal"] video frame rate Used frame rate format/videoFormat/frameRate Combined term including the size of the frame, video signal format format/videoFormat/scanningFormat interlaced/progressive, framerate Bit rate of the video data depending on the Video Bit Rate Type: if format/videoFormat/bitRate/ video bitrate fixed the fixed rate, if variable the average rate [@unit="mbit/s"] Bit rate of the video data depending on the Video Bit Rate Type: if format/videoFormat/bitRateMax/ video bitrate max fixed not apliccable, if variable the maximum rate [@unit="mbit/s"] video bitrate type Indicates if the bitrate of the video data is fixed or variable format/videoFormat/bitRateMode Seite 5 von 7 EBUCore implementation hints and Property Name Definition / Semantics EBUcore examples Data compression is the process of encoding information using format/videoFormat/technicalAttributeString compression fewer bits than the original representation. It could be either [@typeLabel=“compression“] lossy, lossless or uncompressed The visual colouring of the video. Record the colour state of a Version, for example, Black and white (tinted), Colour, Colour + format/videoFormat/technicalAttributeString visual colour Black & White, etc. Selection should be made from a controlled [@typeLabel=“visualColour“] list of terms. Legal/Full Range – Legal range video is a technique used in broadcast to limit the information addressed by an encoder on format/videoFormat/technicalAttributeString data level/video range the luminance channel. If we think of our luminance channel [@typeLabel="colourRange"] having values from 0-100, legal range squeezes that video to an effective 7.5-92.5. format/videoFormat/technicalAttributeString color space [@typeLabel="colourSpace"] Name of the used video profile as defined by the maker of the format/videoFormat/technicalAttributeString color subsampling encoding standard. [@typeLabel="chromaSubsampling"] The projection characteristics of the dataObject include aspect format/videoFormat/technicalAttributeString aperture ratio and aperture [@typeLabel=“aperture“] Ratio of width and height of the displayed image. (Width and format/videoFormat/aspectRatio/ display aspect ratio height do not require to be in pixels.) [@typeLabel="display"] The broadcast standard for a video or DVD/BluRay: NTSC, PAL, format/videoFormat/technicalAttributeString broadcast standard - video SECAM. [@typeLabel=“broadcastStandard“] format/videoFormat/technicalAttributeString video bit depth Bit depth of video data. [@typeLabel="bitDepth"@unit="bit"] Seite 6 von 7 EBUCore implementation hints and Property Name Definition / Semantics EBUcore examples <aspectRatio Pixel Aspect Ratio (PAR) is a mathematical ratio that describes format/videoFormat/aspectRatio typeLabel=“pixelShape“><factorNumerator>1 pixel shape how the width of a pixel
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