Propqsed Hazlet Zone Changes Protested SEE STORY, PAGE 3 The Weather FINAL Mostly sunny today and sun- THEDAILY VWfflQTWD ny tomorrow. EDITION 32 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home X«»\vspnp<»r VOL. 95 NO. 232 RKD BANK. N.J. WEDNESDAY. MAY .'{(). 1973 TEN CENTS HllillilllllllllllllllllilllW|lllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIII i III iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiini ii mini iiiiiiiimiiMiiiiiiiiii ii iiiHiiiimiiiiiimiiiiMiHi iiiiiummii i iitimi in in iniiiii i nun niiiiiitii i miu niniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mum iiiimi iiillillllllllir Eagleton: Cynicism to Blame for Watergate SHREWSBURY - Sen. Sen. Eagleton said the tion as to whether the Presi- ered, President Ninon had a Thomas V. Eagleton, D-Mo., American public has been dent could be compelled to lead of 21 percentage points. tossed aside a prepared "turned inward" since the testify before the Senate com- Plurality Cut speech last night on the evils death of President Kennedy. mittee investigating the "If.we knew then what we df arrogant governmental ad- "Today," he said, "Water- break-in at the National know now," Sen. Eaglelnn ministration and instead laid gate captures our attention Democratic headquarters. said, "I'm sure the margin the blame for the Watergate and it is important and while "I think," he said, "that would have been cut, but I scandal on the cynicism of the il should be pursued, we must whatever the President might don't think it would have been American people. not forget that we are still have to say will depend largely enough to defeat Nixon." 1 The Watergate affair, he dealing with some fundamen- on what information is yet to Sen. Eagleton, who is run- said, is a culmination of the tal problems facing this coun- come from certain key wit- ning for reelection to the Sen- cynical attitude people in this try." nesses." ate, said he would never again nation have developed since Business at Hand Sen. Eagleton. who wasseek a national post. •the assassination of President Sen. Eagleton, featured briefly Sen. George "Absolutely not." he said •lohn K. Kennedy in Dallas, speaker at a $111(1 - a - plate McGovern's running mate last .when asked if he would ever Tex. In 1963. Democratic fund-raising din- summer until records of treat- run for President or vice pres- "Democracy is a very frag- ner, said that this nation must ment for mental stress were ident, "1 have no national as- ile thing," Sen. Eagleton said, turn to the business of running made public, said he didn't pirations whatsoever." "and it depends upon our citi- this country. think full revelation of the He said he wouldn't seek na- zens' confidence in our gov- "We have been on dead cen- Watergate incident prior to tional office because to be ernment. ter for too long. We have been the Presidential election president a man must possess "However," he said, "dur- too cynical lor too long," he would have defeated Presi- "a lust, for power, and I don't - ing the past few years we said. dent. Nixon. have that lust." seem to have lost this con- At a press conference prior He noted that a month prior In his prepared text, Sen. fidence. We have been too cy- to the dinner. Sen. Eagleton to the election, when the Wa- Eagleton said the value of the nical for too long." said there was a serious ques- tergate break-in was uncov- See Eagleton, page 2 Secret Government NEVER AGAIN — Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton, D- State Committeeman Paul Kiernan, left, and Rep.. AAo., explains to a press conference at the Shad- James J. Howard, D-N.J. The conference was owbrook last night why he will 'never again" held prior to Sen. Eagleton's appearance before a seek national office. He said a man who seeks the fund raising dinner for the Monmouth Coun- Spy Team Revealed presidency needs a "lusffor power," which he ty Democratic organization. doesn't possess. Listening to his comments are Rigiitir Slott Pnofa WASHINGTON (AP) - A intercepted mail, tapped tele- Gen. Robert E. Cushman, intelligence plan, Deputy secret White House plan to phones, audited income-tax tormer deputy CIA director, Press Secretary Gerald War- spy on domestic radicals, re- returns and planted inform- said^he was "put upon" by ren would not go beyond a jected'-imce at the insistence ers. Watergate conspirator E. lengthy statement in which -of-fomwrfBl Director J. Ed- The top-secret text of the Howard Hunt when he agreed Nixon last week discussed (he gar Hoover, later was put into plan was locked in a safe-de- to give Hunt aid which was Watergate scandal. Name Stavola Company practice, say sources close to posit box by ousted White. used subsequently in the bur- In that statement, Nixon the Watergate investigation. House Counsel John W. Dean glary at the office of Daniel said he had withdrawn a plan Two sources, one of whom III and later turned over to a Ellsberg's psychiatrist. to spy on radicals in July 1970 said he had seen Ihe plan, de- federal judge. At the White House, Press after Hoover objected to it. scribed it as providing for an- There were additional Wa- Secretary Uonald L. Ziegler An Intelligence Evaluation A Sandman Contributor undercover team made up of tergate developments yes- said it would be "con- Committee was established representatives of various terday concerning the CIA's stitutionally inappropriate " Ihe following December "to TRENTON (AP) - Con- state and which is owned by The Bellante firm, now em- "campaign said the donation- federal agencies who has ac- link to the case and on the for the President to testify be- improve coordination among troversial contributions from Michael J. Stavola of Middle- ployed by the State Sports and from Hellante was received cess to "virtually all agencies subjeel of possible testimony fore the grand jury or Senate the intelligence commu- firms or individuals lipnng in town who has been convicted Exposition Authority to draw prior to the indictment. of government." by President Nixon on Water- Watergate investigators. nity and to prepare eval- criminal cases have been of bribery. plans for the state sports com- The Bellante .firm was ac- made to both candidates for They said the secret agents gale. Asked about the domestic- uations and estimates of do- Later yesterday. CahiU's plex, was charged yesterday cused of illegally deducting a mestic intelligence," Nixon the Republican nomination for campaign 'reelection com- in an indictment in connection $2,100 contribution to Cahill's said. governor, Gov. William T. mittee made its second cam- with a federal probe of Cah- 1%!) campaign as a business Cahill and Hep. Charles W. The sources said they paign finance disclosure and ill's llltiD campaign finances expense. The indictment Sandman. couldn't confirm whether or revealed a $2,51111 donation by Bellante was the largest charged that Ihe firm re- Skylab how long the group performed Yesterday Sandman made E. Lawrence Bellante. of contributor on Cahill's second ceived a $2,100 voucher for Crew Scans his initial campaign dis- Clarks Summit, Pa., president that function. But it soon be- list, which showed new contri- non-existent public relations ( came "a cover for a secret closure revealing a $10,0110 of the engineering and archi- butions of $8l),tiJf> for a total of work from Bofinger-Kaplan police operation," the sources' contribution from a firm that tectural firm of Bcllanle, JISWi.MO. Advertising Inc.. a Pennsylva- said. has been blacklisted by the Clauss, Miller and Nolan Inc. A spokesman for the Cahill nia firm which now handles "They were using the na- the state's large lottery ad- Earth's Resources tional-security plan that Hoo- vertising account. SPACE CENTER. Houston unresolved" by earth or un- shade wrinkled slightly and ver objected to," one source The campaign disclosure re- ' (AP) — Skylab's astronauts manned satellite observa- did not unfurl fully. said. "Thai was the blueprint. leased by Sandman included today plan man's first orbital tions. They hope the months Conrad said the astronauts They had copies of it and 2 Companies Indicted information about at SIO.OOO- observations of crops, weath- of study will dislcose secrets could operate effectively in apparently understood their donation from Trap Hock In- cr, mineral deposits and vol- of the sun's thermonuclear Ihe 80-degree temperature. actions were authorized. It dustries Inc., of Kingston, for canoes in a strip of earth energy and how it controls But flight surgeons said they was just like Watergate." 100 tickets to a recent $101) a ranging from Oregon to Bra- our solar system. might have to slightly curtail Convicted Watergate bur- Over Campaign Gifts plate Sandman dinner. Sta- zil. Ground controllers, mean- exercising for medical pur- glars James W. McCord Jr. vola owns more lhan wiper Whal they and subsequent while, said they had mis-poses on a bicycle device be- and Bernard L. Baker have NEWARK (AP) - Two apparently is mi longer in- lax Iraud scheme, the two cent of the company, a major Skylab crews learn of earth's calculated earlier when they cause of the strenuous work testified they believed the companies have been indicted business turns were named but not in- highway construction firm. resources could have a vital said that a makeshift sun involved. break-in at the Democratic on charges of illegally deduc- The second company. Bel- dieted Stavola was convicted of at- bearing on how the world shield erected by the astro- headquarters had been ap- ting on tax returns contribu- lante, Clauss, Miller and No- The indictments are the lat- tempting to bribe a state po- manages them in the decades nauts would cause temper- Because of Ihe heat, con- proved by top Nixon aides and tions allegedly made to Gov.
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