European pulse E l e c t r o n i c m o n t h l y m a g a z i n e f o r E u r o p e a n i n t e g r a t i o n - N o . 4 1 , F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 9 AANNAALLYYSSEESS The blockade of Montenegro's application in the Council of EU spells trouble for \ukanovi}'s cabinet IINNTTEERRVVIIEEWW Prof. dr Tanja Mi{~evi} DDOOCCUUMMEENNTTSS How the government prepares for EC questionnaire FFOOCCUUSS OOFF TTHHIISS IISSSSUUEE How close is Montenegro to the white Schengen list F o r e w o r d / C a l e n d a r F e b r u a r y , 2 0 0 9 Netherlands ratified the SAA (29 January) - The Dutch Parliament has ratified the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between Montenegro and EU. The Netherlands is the thirteenth EU member to have ratified Montenegro's SAA. Poland gives a green light to SAA (6 February) - Poland ratified the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between Montenegro and EU. Scanning the Roadmap (9 February) - European Commission experts visited Podgorica and examined the situation with regard to the implementation of requirements of the Roadmap for visa liberalisation regarding personal documents. On 22 February another group of experts should visit Podgorica with the task of PPRROOXXIIMMIITTYY studying the final two blocks of the Roadmap - public security and basic rights. roximity is a relative notion. The same Twinning project unveiled (12 February) - A Twinning project on legal harmon- Pthing may be close for some, distant for isation of Montenegro's administration and institutions with EU standards was others. For the taste of most citizens of EU the presented in Podgorica. The project, worth 1.1 million euros, is financed by EU. Western Balkans drew a tat too close, while In the course of 21 months some 50 experts from Slovenia will be transferring on this side we should realise how far we are their knowledge to the employees of the Secretariat for European Integrations, still from European values. Secretariat for Legislation, Parliament and ministries. The leader of the project on Recently the Czech Foreign Affairs behalf of the Slovenian government, Andrej Engelman said that twinning is a "uni- Minister Karel Schwarzenberg said the fied system" beginning with in the ministry with an employee drafting a law and Council of Ministers of EU was "nearing con- sensus" on the issue of asking the European ending in the parliament. "This whole system ought to work in the same tune, Commission to create a Questionnaire for according to the same laws". Montenegro. "Nearing consensus" means that at least Emphasis on administrative capacities (18 February) - The temporary EC one EU member state doesn't support Committee and representatives of Montenegro met in the context of the Montenegro's application. Serbia's road to Enhanced Permanent Dialogue on transportation, energy, environment and EU has been obstructed for years by a sin- gle member state - the Netherlands, which regional policy. The official announcement stated that the meeting was focused is why Belgrade is always close, but never on legal harmonisation and development of administrative capacities in these close enough to catching up with areas. Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania. Expectations that our application will An obstacle to application (19 February) - Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and land on the table of the Council of Ministers already in March or a little later should thus Spain vetoed the scheduling of discussion on Montenegro's membership applica- be met with moderate optimism. tion on the agenda of the Council of Ministers. Most other member states believe It is a fact that during January and this is a "technical, not political" issue, and that the Council ought to simply order February four EU member states refused the Commission to create a Questionnaire for Montenegro, like it was the case Montenegro's bid. The key reason was prob- with all other countries before. However, Germany is opposing the move, insist- ably that the authorities in Germany, ing that Montenegro did not make enough progress in the key reform areas and Netherlands, Belgium and Spain are fearing the public reaction to any sign of further EU fearing that another move of Podgorica towards integration could sprout a wave enlargement and pursuing their own inter- of applications from the Western Balkans. Netherlands and Belgium believe that ests, unrelated and unknown to us. Montenegro did not do enough in fighting corruption, and The Hague does not On the other hand, they can always want risk being accused for double standards because of its unswerving stance boast loudly that in fact they are opposing towards Serbia's integration process. any further advances by Montenegro since its authorities are not working hard enough on eradicating crime and corruption. There's still hope (23 February) - EU is What is worrying in the whole applica- close to a consensus to give EC a man- tion story is the prospect of Montenegro date to evaluate Montenegro's readiness being rooted to the spot (close to or far away to become a candidate, said Karel from EU) for entire 12 months should the Schwarzenberg, foreign affairs minister of Council of Minister refuse to ask the Commission to submit the Questionnaire in the Czech Republic after the meeting of the next two months. the Council of Ministers in Brussels. Then comes June with the elections for Schwarzenberg, whose country will be the European Parliament, reconstituting the presiding over the EU until June said he Commission, summer holidays... did not rule out the option that the The Questionnaire could arrive only in Council of Ministers would adopt positive the end of the year, although we submitted the application on 15 December last year. decision already at the next meeting, on And that's far. V.@. 16 March. Karel Schwarzenberg E u r o p e a n p u l s e N o 4 1 2 A t t i t u d e F e b r u a r y , 2 0 0 9 A V I E W F R O M E U Epo(u!mppl!upp!gbs!bifbe //////// however, the accession process of the Like some former communist member Western Balkan countries is likely to countries, Turkey lacks a tradition of drag until 2020 and even beyond. freedom, democracy, political compro- etween 1995 That should suit everybody. Both the mise and the rule of law. Its record of Band 2007 the EU and the Balkan countries will need human rights is anything but convinc- EU has almost a lot of time to fully prepare. ing. The military continue to have big- doubled its The EU will have to digest the ger political role than in any EU coun- membership, Lisbon Treaty, which is a "sine qua try, despite many efforts to rein them from 15 to 27 non" for any additional membership. in. Last not least, Turkish troops con- members, And its success is by no means tinue to illegally occupy northern by Eberhard Rhein assured: what are all the new functions Cyprus, which the EU considers its ter- really supposed to be, like the ritory, though EU legislation does not accepting more new member states "President of the European Council"? apply there. than ever before within a very short Will he have political authority or be Similar considerations apply to time span. no more than a Secretary General with Ukraine and the three Caucasus coun- Unfortunately, this rapid expan- a more pompous name? Will the "High tries, whose relations with the EU are sion has not been preceded by the Representative" be strong enough to much weaker than Turkey's. necessary strengthening of its institu- shape an EU foreign policy that With all this in mind, the EU tional functioning, in particular its deserves this name, against opposition would be well advised to refrain from decision making capacity. Since 2004, from big member states? Will the enlarging beyond the countries of the the EU has found it even more diffi- cult and time-consuming to arrive at The way things stand right now, the accession process of the the necessary compromises between Western Balkan countries is likely to drag until 2020 and beyond. increasingly diverging interests of That should suit everybody. Both the EU and the Balkan countries member states. The addition of 12 will need a lot of time to fully prepare new has only superficially strengthened the EU. Every new member state, small Council make it a habit of voting on Western Balkans and reaching east- or big, enhances EU diversity, which is all Commission proposals? Will the ward beyond the Bulgarian and an enrichment but also a burden. Commission be more effective in Rumanian Black Sea beaches. Enlargement therefore has a price, "leading" the EU, with its membership History shows again and again which we have tended to ignore in the due to reach 34 after the completion how armies and empires have per- post - 1989 euphoria of European re- of the Balkan enlargement? ished due to over-expansion and unification. So far it has hardly led to Since 2005, the EU is also nego- weakening links between the Centre the hoped for strengthening of the EU. tiating on Turkish accession. It does so and the Periphery. The EU should Still, the EU continues enlarging as without much zeal, as the uneven draw the appropriate lessons. Its pres- if it had not learned much from the progress of the Turkish and Croatian ent size enables it to play a much big- experience of the last two waves.
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