
■' ■■ A;, PAGE TWENTl >»> WEDNESDAY.'SEPTEMBER 7, 1969 iffiattrlTPBffr I fm lb A vence Didiy Nat Preaa Ron Hie Weather for tlw WMfe Bated ronMoot a t D.E8. WaattMa BoMM «iDM4tii.isar . rU r mad wvm taalgU. l.aw dt 13,125 X t« as. Fridor OMMttlt wony, w ant Hemlwr o< ttaa Aadlt «6yh a fn r Mattered ehowera Uk»- Bonon of Obwnlattoa Ijr. Hifk la Ste. M aneheaUr^A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXIX. NO. 289 iCTWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1960 (OlaMlOed AdvertlBlnc on Page 18) PRICJ^ FIVB CENTS Blasts VN, Belgium Second Group from the pages of the Plans Look at nation^s leading fashion Security Check ricane magazines... and our very .Washington, Sept. 8 (4^--- A second congressional com­ mittee is Goins to look into own second floor sportswear tJie defection of two U.S. code clerks; , Leopoldville. The C ongo.f^ion* “ "“ rntag the U.N. will A special 5-man subcon^nittee departrnent!... be Ukeh shortly.. of the House Armed Services Com­ Sept. 8 <i<P)-7-Preinier Patrice 11 16 announcement was issued mittee was formed, yesterday to X Lumumba went before an in the wake of the national assem­ check on how the Pentagon and angry Senate today to defend bly’s action yesterday voiding at­ Central Intelilgence Agency SWEATERS FOR '60 tempts by the conservative presi­ <CIA) ’’rsofult, screen, re-screen Trainmen Ask his, government and two dent and the left-leaning premier Full Force hours later they were cheek­ and clear their personnel.” to fire each other from their Jobs. ..The House Committee on un-. $10 Million in BY JOAN MARIE! inG his accusations aGainst Hie press office communique de­ American Activities already had Belgium and the United Na­ scribed the assembly’s action ,ajT set a hearing for Sept. 16. The Due to Hit tions. aiixuinulment of Kasavubu’s tJus- ' group w®nts to find out how the' Rail Pool Suit Lumumba followed Foreign Min­ tsr brder. two turncoats, Bemon F. Mitchell for high school ..classes^ ister Juatin Bomboko, who accua- It ttlM indicateded ih a l the pre- and William H. Martin, pVt jobs in mierlier inteniintends to pj his policies New York, Sept. 8 (/P)—A Tomorrow «d the Lumumba regime of “creat­ despite mounting indignation over the first place with the super­ ing a Btate of anarchy” in The his. acceptahCe of Soviet .aid in the secret National Security Agency $10 million damage suit was Congo. BOmboko aaid it was to troublecf^on^. (NSA). The two men charged riled in federal district court Miami, Fla., Sept. 8 (flP)— college canipus... and eave the country from disaater Tuesday at a Moscow news con­ that he countereigned Preaident H%e government confirms that today by the Brotherhood of Hurricane warninG flaGs ■went army and the police have not ference that the United States was' Railroad Trainmen aGainst up today on the Jiorth coast of Joseph Kaaavubn’a decree di,a- obeyed the order of the chief of threatening world peace. every ^woman who knows iniasing lAimumba. state to lay down their arms,” said The Justice Department, in a the Long Island Railroad, the Cuba and in -the Florida Keys Lumumba haa counter^Jjy fir­ Association of American Rail­ as rising winds signaled the ing Kasavubu and neiBier has the communique. "On the con­ formal statement late yesterday, piud any attention >o the other’s trary, the army ahd poltee remain described as erroneous repqrts roads and 32 association approach of the Great tro|dcal that there's more to a orders. loyal to the 'republic. ’ITie latter that the ^ FBI furnished unfavor­ members, alleGinG a -conspir­ storm Donna. Bomboko plteded for "l^ aaty ’^ has tbs situation in hand.” able information on the pair to the acy-to finance a lenGthy work It appeared that the denaely populated lower east coast of the In the tm^HUited coimtry and dra­ (UeatlBDeid oa Page Ten) (Continued on Page Teh) stoppage on a sinGle railroad. A. short sleeve slip* 100% orlon pull­ m a t i c a l c^ e d for the re-eatab- The suit accuses the railroads of Florida mainland .would escape . on, 3.W swcia^r than knitting! liajurient of order "to keep our in- pooling money secretly to form Ute with nothing worse than a gale- over designed tmational prestige.” Imperial Insurance Cornpany. Ltd., force blow. But a hurricane watch long sleeve slip* with a splash of Lumumba appeared to be head­ Nassau. Bahamas, as a “tiick and wa.s nwntained as a pMcautlon- ing toward a showdown- with the Terms for Ike, Nikita Talk ary measure. on. 4.99 THtSE AREn JUST A PART _ ' U l.^l de'vlce to ahield the conspiracy.” stripes. • 34 to United Nations. It, appeared al- The suit, filed by. Arnold B. Interests along the north coast cardigan, S.99 40.7.99 moat certain he Intends to renew Elkind, attorne.v the Brother­ ’ Cuba were urged to take Im- 34 to 40 in _jpn~ B. harlequin s h a g I o n his demands for withdrawal of U. hood, charges t,hit. the insurance ediate precautiona- agaiiut hur­ slim Shetland N. forces from this countiy. ricane force Winds, tempestuous, array of aulumn pullover I 100*/e or- OF THE COLLECTION Lumumba and his followera are U.S. Urges Russia company advised the Long Island skirt of' 100% Railroad that if it would accept a rain.-i^and abnormally high tides colors, p I a i d, lon acrylic). 34 , to miffed by the U.N.’s neutrality work stoppage instead of grant­ which wHl flood lowland areas.' wool, 10 to 18. policy, newly lllu strat^ b y Secre­ In the 'Florida Keys, between slim skirt, 10.99 40, gray or slate, FOR C. hooded pullover of tary General Dag/W ammerar- ing union dernands. the road would ivy and gold, skjold’s call in New Tork for- se­ receive $50,000 dally;. Key Largo and. Key West, winds sizes 10 to 18. 10.99. 100% orlon, 34 to Free RB4 7 Fliers ihie Long Island was shut down 'Vv were expected to’^-lnilld up to gale 7.99 to 10.99. curity council action to halt the for 26 days—from July 9. to Aug. 40, gray, brick or flow of outaide/md to the warring This aerial view shows the circular motion of the storm clouds on the edge of the eye of hurri­ force by midnlght'and to reach factions. 5. hurricane velocity to|norrow cane Donna. The solid bank of clouds is the edge of the eye with the srattcred clouds In the center. morning. \ ivy, 17.99 Mammar^jold’s call presum­ Moscow, .Sept. 8 (JP)—U.S. Ambassador Llewellyn Thomp­ The complaint says the railroad This picture was made by Miami News photographer Toby Ma.saey yesterday while flying at 12,000 flannel, high rise ably was directed against the son talked with Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev todays about and the Brotherhood had ■virtually feet in a hurricane research plane. The plane's sving lip is at righl . (AP'Pholofax ). Gale to hurricane foaee weappiia, transports and techni­ agreed in November 1959, on grant­ high tides and ■very rough waist slacks, propor* two U.S. fliers held prisoner by the Soviet Union sfnce their ing the road’s trainmen a 5-day c i a n flowing from the Soviet bloc RB47 was shot down more than two months ago. The Soviet were forecast for the central and tioned sizes for per­ tw the Congolese army, which he week. This was a major issue In southwestern Bahama Islands. iranta disarmed, though it might leader was preparing to depart by^.------ ------------- ----------------------- the strike. Penn. RR Hits, ! Hurricane Donna, with at least fect fit, S.99 to 10.99 also apply to Belgrian backing for ship for a Session of the U.N. As-1 The suit says that between Nov. dead in her wake, was located rebel Katanga province. sembly in New York. 23 and Deu 2. tbe Long Islanci at noon (EDT) near latitude 22.2 Lumumba’s press office charged "We discussed matters of inter­ State Netvs checked wim .QVfy Knight, a rep­ Rejects Union I norlli. longitude' 76.0 west, or about the United Nations with interfer­ est to both governments,” Thomp­ resentative of the insurance com­ 20 mile's west of Ragged Island in ing in ’The Congo’s political con­ son told reporters after his 90- pany. ! the -Bahamas and 355 miles south- flict—highlighted by the feud be- minute talk ■with Khrushchev, “in­ ’The complaint says . Knight ad­ On Final Offer ; east of Miami,. ;__ i___ ■ tween the Premier and Wesident cluding tlie detention of two RB47 R o undup vised the railroad it would be an . Winds of 150 miles an hour raged T Kasavubu—and said important de- filers.” adverse precedent in the railroad ; around the storm’s center eye. '\ Resident Eisenhower said in industry if the trainmen ' were Philadelphia. Sept. 8 i4^ -TJie Hurricane force winds roared out- Washington yesterday tSiat one granted the 5-day week. Pennsylvania -.Railroad today re\ \ preriequisite for any meeting he , ward 135 miles to the northeast and Fire Injures 2 According to the suit, Knight jected a "rock hottom” offer from \ 1 90 miles to the southwest. Gala Kennedy Calls might have with the' Soviet pre­ said that if the road would accept the Transport workers uhion to O f winds covered an area 250 miles to mier would be release of the two a work stoppage instead, it would end a strike which, has shutdown -the northeast and 140 'miles to the airmen, held prisoner since their In New Haven receive $50,900 daily from a pool, the nation's largestNi-allroad since southwest.
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