l'. Ed Nicholtora., Affal~• Dlrecto..-• V _ted Ab·Hoe• r . aclit ter. OClky Moua . i w• Mr~ Sw a. per · 0£ Preeldeat 3t5S pm Mr. lliehard •raltll Ml". Oeirry C~pbell Mr. Palm r Hoyt (The above b · m th• l>e ve-1" Po.t) Qe era.I ff c C. ayde:r D I :a, 1955 Qeaetal obert C tier l(hOO am Hon. ra. 3;t2 Hoa. Jame• P . Mlle ell CL Sllermatl Ada.mt TH . T, v 10t52 a.m Hon. Ja11ut• · agetty 4tJJ prn Mr. .Al vi.a bt"etfeitman Mr. MaJ"•ball Nor1t1ta 6:50 pm :r. EW:a later ClL • 19$5, 10: 0 • TH VIC ••• • c rp• on. Hoa. tty Co cil 00. • 1 ecuri.ty C ell CABINET FRIDAY, OV ER 4, 1955 9:00 A. THE VICE P E.51DENT PRESIDING Hon. Herbe:rt Hoover, Jr., Under Secretary of State Hon. Oeorge Humphrey, Secretary of the reasury Hon. euben Roberteon, Deputy Secretary of Defense Hon. Herbert rownell, the Attorney Gener on. Arthur Summerfield, the Postmaster General Hon. Clarence Davie, Under ecretary of the Interior Hon. Ezra Taft enaon, ecret&ry of griculture on. Sinc1-ir Week•, Secretary of Commerce Hon. Arthur Lareon, nder Secretary of Labor on. Marion B. Folsom, Secretary of H ealth, Education and Welfare Hon. owland Hughes, Director, Bureau of the Budget Hon. Philip Young, Chairman, Civil Service Commission Hon. Arthur Burns, Chairman, Council Qf Economic Adviser on. Arthur Flemming, Dh·ector, Office of Defense obilization Hon. Sherman .Adams Hon. Wilton ereons on. Murray Snyder Colonel Andrew J. Goodpa•ter Hon. eyer eetnbaum Hon. Nelson Rockefeller Hon. Arthur Minnich Hon. Bryce Harlow Hon. Gabriel Hauge Hon. Maxwell Rabb Hon. Bradley Patterson The followin were absent: lion. John Fo ter Dulles, Se retary of S te Hon. Charles E. Uson, cretary of Defen_e Hon. Dou glas c y, Secretary of the Interior Hon. Jame• P. Mitchell, Secretary of Labo:r Hon. Harold E. ta sen, Special Assi stant to the Pt"e&ident A.mbaueador Henry Cabot Lodge TZ IMON A MY H . PlTAL Commaad.el' . ....ar L. ea b on. &me• ae .. ty Qeueral swell Tay or 9:27 am • 1955 8:00 pm • pcrformanc, •t•s- Stuaer•". the Preti.dent requeated TH lD I APPOINT E TS MONDAY• NOVEM E 7, 1955 9:01 am Hon. Marion • Fol1on, Secreta.ry of Health. Edu.ca.U.o• and elfa.~e 11:00 am Mr. John Hay hitney lOtSS am y •3J . • •• wblte a e naa . • ••. ""' eptla,l e y tb• • · t C •• C•nttral; 12:03 p 1%tll N TlON.AL S CU TY COUNCIL TH ... DAY, OV B · 10. 19SS lOt 0 A. TH VIC PllESID Hou. Hel'l>ert Hoover .Ir., Actt.a• ecreta~y of Sate Kon. Chal'le• • 11••• · ectetal'f of I>e,te.-e Ron. Arthur • Flemmial• .Director• Ofitce of J)efeDt Holle Geor1e M. :u.mpbrey. Sec:l"eta:vy of the 1' 1"~••Q.ST lion. Jiemett Browaell, Jr. , the AUoYney Ge .e:rial Moa. Dov.al•• Mt:l<ay, Secretary f the latet"iel' Ho-. .Petdnl ~un.dage" Deputy .Dl1tect r, al'e-.u of the udt•• Kon. Lewi• L. k•u.•. C:h&i.rmau, Atomtc •#IY Comml••!on Hon. Theodo~e C. tr ihert., .: t~eotor . • S, lo:fonnatS. · A ncy o-. Arth .r · un • . inn.. , C 1;il of .eonomi Ad.vleer Hon.. A•tllu ford, Chai•inaa, J · t QUete ot S~f( Hon. Alleo. • Dulle , irecto.io, C nt 11 elUge I ncy Hon. DiUon A . i: soa, p dal A •It~ to · e · 1'esideat Hon. else oc ef ler, 1lC al ••btaat to the · e•iden C:olo .el AGC!re ;J. Good t o\UJe taf{ creA.ry Lay, Jt. , creta11y. &ti · 1 curity Council at._ c tiv• . ecretary, National ecurity Council THE PAJ:SlDENT 'S APPOINTMENTS THU.RSDAY, NOVEMJS.Ea 10, 1955 FITZ.SIMONS ARMY MOSPlTAL 8:42 am Hon. Sherman Adams 3:18 pm Dr. !>aul Dudley White 4:06 pm Ml". Ak•el Nieben T P - D - • APPOlNTMENT . F.IUDAY, NOV 11 .• l9ii 120 The Pre•l eut a 2'1. • wer depal"t the th floor of the i.ts.tmon• Anny Hoapita-1 • . · t41 am Arrive a-t the Lo_·· ry All" rce h• • Th· Preaident w•t areet d ry tile followt g: Qe eral J T. pr.a e, C mmatuier Offit i-, Lowry Ab Forcie Bate Govern_r C. Johal• n f Colorado yo tU .· ·• chol• qf J)e ver, Cole~ado ( !ol"e clepartlna tb air -ol!t, the Pl"••l ent: apo briefly t the crowd t.••embled to 'bl him aoodbye). 9,93 T Preet eut a · ·ra. 1enhow J' wer alrbonie fo11 a.•htoaton. O. C. Th y ere •~eompa'Qi by: Oove~,- a Mrs. Sher •n A&t.m.8 Dr. *" _· cC. tty er Dr. _ aw Dudl· y t 1) • T omae W. tU al Hon. James Hage ty Col el B. .b rt L. chula Mr•. Aan - ~ it.nan Mr•. Mai'Y J'aae McCafft'ee Mi•• oee oo at. John M CIUef V. 5.. a. n ·pedal Aaent Dlck lohr Special A1en.t in Charge,. Jame·• J. Aowley S:S6 pm Arrived at ta.e MA~ Terminal in aaW.Daton., JJ. C. B·ere are er. w of more tbaa 5, 000 people ••• a••emblecl. The Preaident apoke to them bri fly before departing fo• the W.te Houae. 4:04 pm Departed AT Te:nnf.nal ear ute to e · te Route. •::Z2 pm The P~e•ldent and re. leenhow r aftived at the South Po-rtlco of the .. te Hou•e. - hey we.. e areeted by Chief Robert urray of the · aahtaatoa ~ lice E>ep-.:rtment, ud the White Hola:te 4ome•tlc •taff. THE PA!;Sl:DENT'S APPOINTM~S $ATU@AY, N()V5M&D. 12, 1955 lion. Sherman Adame Won. James Hag•rty The President spent a quiet day. He w•nt t.G his off!ce several time•~ but had n.o dsito'l't. p i I fft e &t e ' t• 0 ••• 9: eter o.a a T • .... l'd 10:4 T • wer • e Oe ty• • Penatylvani • 12:5 p • eaver l:U i:10 pm e r for a out te . h:ude•. NATIONAL SECVIUTY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1955, 2:30 P. M. THE VlCE PllE.$1DENT P ESIDING Hoa. Herbert Hoover, Jr., Actin1 Secretary of State Hon. Charle• E. Wit.on, Secretal"Y of Detease Hon. A:rthur • Flemming, Director, Offic.. e of De£enae Mobilisation Hon. H. Chapman llo•e, for the Secretary of the Tre&a\ltY Hon. Herbert Brownell, Jr., the Attorney Oeneral Hon. Percival Brunda,1e, Actin1 Director, Bureau of the Budget llon. Lewh L. StJ"aua•, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commh•ion Hon. Theodore C. Streibert, Director, U. S. InloTmatton Agency Hon. Arthur W. Radford, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Hon. Allen W. Dullee, Director of Central Intelligence Hon. Dillon Ander•on, Special A••htant to the Preaident B-ria. General Theodore W. Parker, for Mr. N•d•on &.ockefeller Hon. Jame• S. Lay, Jr., Executive SecretaJ'Y of National SecuJ"ity Council Hon. S. Everett Glea•on, Deputy ~ecutive Secretary of N. S. C. Colonel Andrew J. Qoodpa•ter, White Hou•e Staff Se:retary KE VIC • ce Hon. • r. OETTY U , PA. 9;JO a e Pr••l • t, •cc mpa ed by Lt. Col el Qeorp .Mc ally au DI". nyder, walke4 arouncl e a.roWMla of the farm. Hon. hetm• · A am• Jame• Ha1erty r. ert ont omery hm>a 3:00 p THE PRESIDENT 15 APPOINTMENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 195S GETTYSBU.llG, P.A. Hon. Sinclair Weeks 10:25 am Hon. Sherman Adams Hon. Jamefl Hagerty 10:35 am Hon. Rowland Hughes 11:52 am Postmaster L. E. Oyler of Gettysb · rg. P . 11:55 am Mr. R. J. Byrnes District Director, General Services Adrniniatl"ation Mr. Paul Mish Maintenance Superintendeat, General Services Aclminist?"ation 12:02 pm The Pre,ident departed the Gettysburg Office and motored to his Farm, a:rrtving at 12t 13 pm. 4iZO pm Hon. John Foster Dulle• Hon. Herbert lioover. Jr. (Conferred with the Preaident at the Farm until 5t38 pm). T • 1955 0£TTYS U&Ci, PA. 10:02 am The by Ho • Jam•• 1 rty, to~ed to e of~ice t . uil ng. 1011 a rive 10:14 am n. 1 :50 .. 11:4 a H n ol t 1•03 p • <' put • 1:10 riv r . 2:i7 p 11 n rm. 2.3 Z:.S r. r • J:JO pm aeter a • w. ace Jo •• 3:36 pm The above 1rou retu o furiber activity thl• date. 0 TY tm.O, PA. lOs .20 am St02 pm T NTM'·.. T . ..,,60....,Mc.a. 0 IO, 1955 ' ~-... _ Gk T YS t.JRQ, PA. 10:29 am a, :)2 Oeni .r LA <l'f' th r ar 4 rm. 2:39 m M r. • d it • • Alto J es epatrt.4 the a~m¥ 3: 15 m Dr. How •4 cc. r nd r. CleOZ' e All•n ep&rted the Far • T O. PA. 9:37 am -ard cC. hyd•r the arm an4 motor•d l'rlve at th «tee. TIM 1 lbJS am. 11:25 am 1125 pm l:32 pm &I'm and motol'• to Uo 1 Sec=urity (Cam t>avi , W.ryla d) Hon. Hon. Hon. c. NATIO AL SECURITY COUNCIL ONDAY, NOVE BER 21. 1955 2:30 P .
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