I - NOV 2 61976 R.I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC. 13 0 SESSIONS ST. PRO VI DENCE , RI 02906 In- Warning To Syria Israel Displays Armor TEL AVIV: As a warning to town, and on an army border Syria n troops and Palestinian patrol. guerrillas not to approach the fron­ The diplomatic activity con­ tier, Israeli soldiers displayed tanks tinued in Jerusalem today as Prime and armored troops on its side of Minister Yitzhak Rabin received the· Lebanese border. Ambassador Malcolm Toon Of the VOLUME LIX, NUMBER 37 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1976 20¢ PER COPY The action followed reports from United States. Beirut, Lebanon, that Syrian troops Earlier in the day the Israeli of the Arab League's peacekeeping Cabinet was convened in special force were considering moving session to receive a briefing on closer to the Israeli border as part developments in Lebanon since of their drive to end the Lebanese Sunday's regular weekly meeting. civil war. (Prime Minister Rabin stressed in Israel allowed correspondents to a speech at a meeting of conser­ send out dispatches reporting that vative Jews that Israel would not Israeli forces along the border had tolerate the presence of Syrian been reinforced by armored ar­ troops or Arab terrorists in tillery and infantry units, to un­ southern Lebanon, J:he Associated derscore this new warning. Normal­ Press reported. "What steps to take ly this type of report is censored by and when is Israel's business," he the military. added, "and we will decide accor­ Prior to this, Israel had us-cd the ding to our needs." Afterward U nitcd States as an intermediary to some officials raised questions remind the Syrians of its long stan­ privately about whether Israel ding warning that their forces in could hold the Syrians responsible Lebanon must nul move south of for preventing terrorist attacks the so-called red line. - from southern Lebanon when they Rl•er Senes a I.Jae were prevented from policing the The line has never been officially area. These officials said the designated but it is understood to Government might consider a be the· Litani River, which is 20 reinterpretation of its policy to miles from the Israeli border on the allow limited Syrian forces into the Mediterranean coast but which area. before reaching the sea nows within An authoritative source said, two miles of the border. however, that this proposal had not The Syrians were also told that been raised at the Cabinet meeting. the Israelis regarded them as the The ministers reportedly supported authority in Lebanon and therefore lhe premise that the Syrians, with responsible for curbing Palestinian more than two divisions 1 n A PHYSICAL INVOLVEMENT: On stage ( as a stand-in during rehearsal when a member of the cast is absent) or guerrillas and preventing military Lebanon, had enough leverage off stage ( giving cues or guidance). Jan ""Mill;." Melzer gets physically involved in the productions she helps to actions such as the rocketing attack against the Palestinians to control stage al Cranston High School West. As teacher or drama ceach, she can identify with her students; in tum, they last weekend on Nahariya, a seaside (Continued on page 9) identify with her. Jan Melzer Directs 'The Wizard Of Oz' By BARBARA WRONSKI professional acting. It is much more The Cranston HiglrSchool West satisfying to me. You get to see the drama club, under the energetic kids grow, and that's what it's all di,rection of Jan Melzer of about." However, Miss Melzer Warwick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. reluctantly confesses to being a 1- William Melzer of Providence, will ham, and plays the guitar and sings 1. present a children's offering, "The for pleasure. I Wizard of Oz" by Elizabeth F. The drama club at Cranston 1, Goodspeed, December 3-5 in the West has entered and won top per­ school auditorium at 7:30 p.m., formance at the State Drama ll with a Saturday, December 4, Festival, which is judged by matinee at 2 p.m. Starring in the ti- professional drama teachers from - tie role of "Dorothy" will be Bever- around the state. Among other ly Rathbun. _ laurels, the school can boast of Miss Melzer, who has taught graduates who- p-Jayed in the English at Cranston West for three original· cast of "Hair" and-in the years, has served as the school's road show version of "Jesus Christ, drama coach for the same i!Jiration. Superstar." Joyce Jillson is also a It's a natural for her, she tells us, graduate of Cranston West. because she finds herself perfor­ "They really work well together," ming daily in ·the classroom. "All Miss Melzer told us, "They become teachers are frustrated actors and like a family. They are not actresses," she said, adding that necessarily what you might call the she 'always received encouragement cream - straight-A students with BACK ROW, left to right, Dr. Henry lzeman, Dr. Alden Blackman, Dr. William S. Klutz (chairman of the Utilization at home since her parents · are no emotional conflicts ~ but they Rev;.w Committee of RIPSRO), and Edward J. Lynch (executive director of RIPSRO) . culturally-oriented people. are a wholesome group." FRONT ROW, left to right, Dr. Alton M. Paull, J-..,e R. Sapolsky and f?r. Henry Utchman. A graduate of Hope High School, Under Miss Melzer's direction, she had her first acting experience the group has performed •:Fiddler · there, but she stresses, "I prefer the on the Roof' ("With an all-Italian Miriam Is Forming Health Care Review Systems teaching aspect much more than (Continued on page "9) To -Study ·Medicare, Medicaid Implementation Holiday Bazaar Planned The Rhode Island Professional the necessity of hoapital admiuiona, RIPSRO, said that The Miriam Standards Review Organization, the appropriateness of hospital Hospital is to be commended for its By Ladies' Association Inc. (RIPSRO) has delegated to stay, the quality of care rendered diligence and cooperative spirit in · . - . · The Miriam Hospital the respon- and the effectiveness of diacharge · preparation of the Health Care Mrs. Julius Krasner, chairman of goods; Mrs. Harry Greenspan, sibility of implemeriting a Health planning. - · Review System during the RIPSRO the ·annual bazaar and handicraft trina; Mrs. Samuel Brown and Mrs. Care Review System for . patienJs RIPSRO was organized by the evaluation period prior to the sale of the-Ladies Association of the Louis Cohen, flea market; Mrs. whose · care is reimbursed by Rhode Island Medical Society in delegation. The Miriam Hospital Jewish Home For The Aged of Harold Kelman, jewelry; Mrs-. Medicare or Medicaid. The effec­ 19'13 and has been approved by the representatives involved in im­ Rhode Island, announced that the Herbert Brown, afghans; Mrs. Mar- tive date of.the delegated authority !lureau of Quality Assurance of the plementation of PSRO delegation event · will be held on Sunday, vin Silverman, raffle; Mrs. Elliot • was November 17. The Miriam Department of HEW to implement include Dr. Alden Blackman, chair­ December 5, at the Jewish Com• Rcvkin, small knit goods; Mrs. Hospital is the third hospital t_i> the provisions of Public Law 92- man utilization ·review committee; munity Center, from 10 a.m. to -6 Barney Goldbetg and Mrs. Gcorac · receive in-house review authority 603. Congress passed amendments Dr. Henry Litchman, medical staff p.m. The event, which is open to the Ludrflan, boutique; Mn. Arthur - from the state's PSRO. to the Social Security Act in 1972 president; Dr. Henry lzcman, public, will feature something for Rosen, men's table; Anna Handler, A memorandum of unclerstan• which rcq1,iircd that PSRO's be es­ member of the RIPSRO committee everyone. A confincntal lunch will yard good1; Mn. Leo Oreent,l:rg, ding was· signed 'between RIPSRO tablished throughout the country. for The Miriam Hospital; physician be served. watches; JJ1Ck Feit, woodwor,king; • and The Miriam Hospital on The PSRO/hospital relationship members of the utilization review Assiating on the committee arc: Sharon Rice, home day care; an~ ·November 17, to permit rcv_icw of is based upon review and analysis of committee and the medical care Mrs. Albert Alter, ex-officio; Mn. Irene Souza, home projectl. Mn. the patterns ' of patient care rcim­ · medical service by the physicians at evaluation committee; Jerome R. Jack Rosenberg, advisor; Mn. Max Leach and Mrs. Semon Wein- burscd under Medicare and the hospital stal'r lcycl. The PSRO Sapolsky, president of The Miriam Sydney Grunberg, publicity; Mrs. traub arc assistant trcuurcrs. Medicaid. With the delegation of oversees tile 'hospital program to Hospital; Benjamin Gross, assistant Mervin Bclu1ky and Claire Ern1tof, Mrs. Meyer Harrison and Mn. in-house review responsibility by assure that the hospital performs director; and Barbara Gingras, treasurers; Mn. Joslin Berry, imal,). Irving· Abrams ate in charge of-the RIPSRO, The Miri11m Hospital has effectively. · senior utilization review coor- raffle; Mrs. Sidney Backman\ baked. continental lunch. cstabli1hed mecha~i1ma to _Bllurc . Dr. Alton M. Paull, president of dinator. · , .. .·-----~- 2-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1976 minister of the historic King's Sc~yel To Speak At Holocant MNt Chapel since 1967. Prior to. that he -. , ~- The Rev. Carl-Scovel of King's and a bacbdor of sacral theology served at the First Parish Church in Chapel, Boston, will be the guest -from the Harvard Divinity School Sudbury, Massachusetts. CEMETERY PLOTS speaker at the second all-day in 1957. For further information on the conference for New England Among his past dcoominational conference, contact either Tammy at Lincoln Park Cemetery educators on teaching the activities arc secn:lffY, Study Com­ Shelkan Knoff of the Jewish Com­ Warwick, R.I. Holocaust. Sponsored by the mission on World Religions; editor.
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