F. E., SUTHERLAND, POWER HAIRIER, APPLICATION FILED JUNE 23, 1908, 95 3,768. Patiented Apr. 5, 190. 6 SHEETS-SHEET 1. (Willtri In 3. af - : - 2ara t 2%----e. elttozve 4. F. E. SUTHER AND. POWER HAMMER, APPLICATION FILED JUNE 23, 1908. attented Apr. 5 s 190, 6 SEEETS-SIEE 2, as B. gpaha co, Photo-ThagRAPHERS, WASH:histor, D.C F. , E, SUTHER LAND, POWER HAMMER, APPLICATION FILED JUNE 23, 1908, 6 SHEETS-SEEET 3. sur W - - -2 t is: SES 92) tycosea 24 25 27 2 st -- a A.Rze?. a 2 ezza ce 22:22-reer9. A 2. 42%2 5-2-2-2-2C -éa2-17 2a2a --- Asia. &lttotviad anorew s. arshak co. Photo-LittlegraphERS WASinGior. O. F, E, SUTHERLAND, POWER HAMMER, APPLICATION FILED JUNE 23, l903. Patiented Apr. 5, 1910, 6 SHEETS-SEEE 4. 2673 - oeeee-2-c. news granam co. Photo-LTHOSRAPERS WASHINGTON. D. c. F, E, SUTHERLAND, POWER HAMMER, APPLICATION FILED JUNE 23, 1908, 953,768. Patented Apr. 5, 1910, 6 SHEETS-SHEET 5. S SN A //es es g 'ais | afgangll 7 36 2. “ e s - - g: sagas m m -- 23 T &ltiovvi of F. E. SUTHERLAND. POWER HAMMER, APPLICATION FILED JUNE 23, 1908, 953,768, Patented Apr. 5, 1910. 6 SHEETS-SEE 6 Wis 3 SZAZSesaac Dresis. GRAHA (30. Piots. Hocrapers, wasiyston, 9. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. FRED E. SUTEERLAND, OF LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, ASSIGNOR, BY DIRECT AND IVIESNE ASSIGNINIENTS, TO THE RADTAT, POWER HAMMER, COMPANY, OF LOS ANGELES, CALIFOR, NIA, A. CORPORATION OF CALIFORNIA. (WER-HA1VER. 953,368. Specification of Letters Patent, EPatented Apr. 5, 1910. Application filed June 23, 1908. Serial No. 440,003. To all uphom it may concern: tion-- on the line 10-10 of Fig. 3. Fig. 11 Beit known that I, FRED E. SuTHERLAND, is a perspective detail of one of the disk. 55 a citizen of the United States, residing at engaging levers. Fig. 12 is a face view of Los Angeles, in the county of Los Angeles the vise. Fig. 13 is a vertical section of the 5 and State of California, have invented cer- column, slide, and arm. Fig. 14 is a cross tain new and useful Improvements in Power- section on line 14–14 of Fig. 13. Fig. 15 Hammel's, of which the following is a speci- is a cross section on line 15- 15 of Fig. 13. 60 fication. Fig. 16 is a cross section on line 16–16 of This invention relates to certain new and Fig. 13. Fig. 17 is a cross section on line 10 useful improvements in powei' hammers, the 17-17 of Fig. 13. Fig. 18 is a perspective object of the present invention being to pro- view of the tapering gib. Fig. 19 is a sec vide a powei' hannel that may be instantly tional detail showing a die securing means. 65 applied to one of Several different anvils or Like numerals of reference indicate like the like arranged within the Scope of the parts throughout the Several views. 15 movable hamlinerno device.?avi This- genericair ideairacy RefeiringS. - now to the drawings 1 desigs is capable of embodiment in a variety of nates the base portion open at one side, as forms and in the Present instance I have shown at 2 in Fig. 3, said base being shown 70 chosen to show its embodiment in a radii as practically hollow and serving as a cas machine that is, where the hamme airlil is ling for the operating parts disposed at the 20 mounted for radial movement to bring it lover portion or base of the device, as will into operative 'elation. With the anvils, etc. be best understood from reference to Fig. 3. air further at inp'ovements in the de- From the base 1 rises the column or vertical 75 tails of construction whereby improved re- ulember 3 in the inner face of which is 25 sultsOther are objectsattained. and advantages of the ill- informed Fig. 1,a indove which tail isguideway guided the4, asslide seen 5, bestthe Vention, Will hereinafter appear and the upper end of which terminates in the hori Iloyel features thereof Will be particularly zóital portion 6 forming the crane, said 80 pointed out in the appended claims. in Olizontal portion having an opening there The invention is clearly illustrated in the through for a purpose soon to be described. 30 accompanying drawings which, With the nu- Around this base, in this instance shown as meals of reference marked thereon, foim a disposed Substantially in a circle described part of this specification and in which- about the vertical shift soon to be described 85 Figure 1 is a plan View of a power haun- as a center, aire the various anvils, swage lmer embodying iny improveinents. Fig. 2 block etc. in connection with which the han 85 is an elevation the 'eof. Fig. 3 is a view at mer is designed for use. These anvils etc. right angles to Fig. 2 with the lower por- may be supported in any suitable manner, tion thereof only in Section, the Section being either upon independent bases separably Se- 90 taken as on the line 3-3 of Fig. 2 looking cured in position, or upon bases which may in the direction of the arrow in the latter be seculed to the base 1 in any suitable man 40 figure. Fig. 4 is a vertical section on the her as for instance by bolts, as seen in Fig. line 4-4 of Fig. 3 looking in the direction 2, wherein are shown the base S Supporting of the arrow. Fig. 5 is a vertical Section. On the swage block 9 mounted upon trunnions 95 the line 5-5 of Fig. 3 looking in the direc- 10 journaled in Suitable bearings 11 on the tion of the arrow. Fig. 6 is a vertical Sec- bracket or upright 12 on the base S. This 45 tion on the line (3–6 of Fig. 3 looking in the Swage block is circular in form and having direction of the arrow. Fig. 7 is a perspec- upon its Outer circumference grooves, de tive view of the mechanism for controlling pressions or the like 13, as shown clearly in 100 the raising and lowering of the slide. Fig. | Fig. 2, of any special or required design S is an enlarged view partly in elevation and adapted for Swaging round, Square, hex 50 partly in section, with portions broken away, agonal, or other shapes, it may be instantly on the line S-S of Fig. 3 looking in the 'evolved upon its trunnions so that any one direction of the arrow. Fig. 9 is a section of Said grooves or depressions may be 105 on the line 9-9 of Fig. 8. Fig. 10 is a sec- brought beneath the center of the hammer as - - 3.xxiv. 953,768 occasion may require. As shown, the top by bolts 34, as seen best in Fig. 1, the other surface of the swage block is lower or of less end of the projecting bar bearing against height than the regular anvil dies, so as to i the innovable jaw in opposition to the arm 25, admit of the use of a hand top swaging tool. thus serving as a guide for the movable jaw --- so that the operator may hold the work in in its novelinents as well as holding said iaw 70 one hand, with the top tool in the other, and to its place. The innel face of the standard : Jianging the same so that it shall be struck is notched, as seen at 34 in Fig. 2, and by the die in the hammer head. adapted to engage similar notches 35 on the 14 is the main anvil block, in this instalnce face of an adjustable shelf 36 which is se shown as secured to the base casting 1 by cured in place by a bolt 37 running through suitable bolts 15 with lead or any other suit the standard to a groove on the back side able material 16 therebetween, as seen in Fig. thereof, as seen in Figs. 2 and 12. This shelf 3. to absorb the shock. This anvil is of o is designed to support the Work at a piece diary type and proportions and adapted to termined distance from the top of the vise l'eceive dies, it of plain design or of any jaw, and is particularly useful where sev SO 5. special configuration for any particular pur eral pieces of the same length al'e to be op pose. erated upon. It is readily adjusted to the Fig. 1 shows the relative arrangement of required height and then firmly secured in the swage block, the main anvil block and the such adjusted position by means of the vise now to be described, and their position bolt and the intei'engaging notches on the relatively to the SWinging arm of the hammel'. depending portion of the shelf and the al showing the manner in which the latter may jacent face of the standard, all as will be be used in connection with any desired one clearly understood from Figs, 2 and 12. It of the above named devices, it being under is to be undel'stood of course that the hann 2 5 stood of course that in use the hammer is lmer arm is adapted to be swung al'Olind so 90 swung into position over the swage block, as to bring the hammer over this vise the the main anvil block, or the vise as occasion same as it is swung to brillg the han) her may require.
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