The Beam Journal of the New Jersey Lighthouse Society, Inc. www.njlhs.org IN QUEST OF THE KEEPERS Rich & Elinor Veit The restoration of Absecon Lighthouse started house Service shortly after Absecon Lighthouse with a Historic Structure Report. This massive was established as an aide to navigation. John document listed six men who served as light- Nixon stayed on and became the third principal house keepers. However, it also said that there keeper at Absecon. Later Daniel Albertson and were always three keepers at the light station. It Frank Adams, who were brothers-in-law, served was this information, or rather a lack of complete at the same time as assistant keepers. Our re- information, that stirred our curiosity. It set us search found that 26 men and one woman served out on a quest to rebuild the history of the light- as keepers of the lighthouse. The lone woman house keepers to go along with the history of lighthouse keeper was the wife of Abraham Wolf, the lighthouse. principal keeper at that time. Our pursuit took us to quite a number of research At the Heritage Center we also found a treasure facilities. We started with the National Archives trove of photographs of Absecon lighthouse, in Washington, D.C. On microfilm we found the but pictures of only four keepers and none of assignments of the keepers and the dates they their family members. There seems to be an end- served at Absecon, where they came from if they less supply of photographs of the lighthouse, were previously in the Lighthouse Service and but very few of the keepers and their families. where they went when they were transferred. Some died while employed as keepers. Others Our next stop was the Atlantic City Library. There we used the Atlantic City Directories to back up were removed from their posts. All of this is docu- mented. At the National Archives in College Park, what we had researched earlier. We also found Maryland we found what may be the oldest pho- old newspapers on microfilm and located the tograph of Absecon Lighthouse. It was taken obituaries of the some of the keepers and their family members. Also, at the library there is a file before the lighthouse was painted. of newspaper clippings about the lighthouse, its At the New Jersey State Archives we used both keepers and happenings at the lighthouse over the Federal Census records and the New Jersey the years. The library also has some photographs Census records. These records provided infor- of the lighthouse, but none of the keepers or mation not only on the keepers, but on their fam- their families. ily members as well. Judging by the ages of the Rewarding as this research is, our greatest plea- children in the census records, we were able to determine if they were born at the lighthouse. sure comes when descendants of the keepers The State Archives also has the birth certificates, contact us. A number of them have visited the lighthouse. A few have sent e-mails. Sometimes marriage records and death registrations for people living in New Jersey. These records, they are seeking information. Sometimes they though often incomplete, are very helpful. We give us information that we do not have. Several years ago the granddaughter and great grand- learned that at least 11 children were born at the lighthouse. Seven keepers or their wives and one daughter of Frank Adams stopped at the light- premature baby died there. One keeper was mar- house seeking information. We were happy to share what documents ried during his time of service and at least three children of keepers were married while living at we had with them. They the lighthouse. in return gave us infor- mation and a photo- The earliest keepers were local men. In the Atlan- graph of Frank Adam’s tic Heritage Center (our local historical society) daughter, Lois, stand- we located family genealogies and learned that ing in front of the the first three keepers were related. Daniel Scull, keeper’s house. the first principal keeper, was married to Leah Ann Somers. Her brother James Somers was an Lois Adams, daughter of Frank Adams in assistant keeper and the other assistant keeper, front of the keeper’s John Nixon, was married to Caroline Somers, sis- house - 1915 ter to James and Leah Ann. James left the Light- Continued on Page 2 Number 74 The Beam December 2008 Wow…another year has flown right by!!! LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT From Soon we will be changing the calendar from 2008 Well the month of October was another busy month for Lighthouse to 2009, and with that comes many changes in the events. NJLHS. And I believe that change is good, Editor’’’ s change is refreshing...change is exciting! On Saturday October 11, the Barnegat Lighthouse celebrated 150 years and NJLHS was invited to assist and participate in the celebra- One change (near and dear to my heart) is that I Desk... tion. Several of NJLHS members volunteered to assist in the celebra- will be handing the reigns of Editor of The Beam Mary Beth tion. Besides Bill Volpe and Brett Franks giving two of the key lec- over to Mike Boucher. Mike’s done an outstand- Doherty tures, we had Bob Gleason and Cindy Mitzen in the tower, Mary ing job the past few years as Beam Designer— Catherine Kennedy, Linda Gleason, Sheila Hines, Debbie Megonigal his dedication, ideas, and creativity were evi- and Marty Hudspeth covering our Outreach exhibit and handing dent in every issue. I know the newsletter will be in good hands. out membership and Challenge brochures. NJLHS was very visible I’ve had a wonderful experience as Editor and look forward to serv- at this event. It was an honor to be associated with them all. ing NJLHS in other capacities. The following weekend of course was the Challenge, and the num- Have a wonderful, healthy holiday season…and see you in 2009! bers are featrued later in the newsletter. Another reason to be proud of this organization and its volunteers. What a way to finish my tenure as a member of the Board, Programs Chair and President! I am The Beam, the official journal of the New Jersey Lighthouse Society, Inc., very proud to be a part of it. is published quarterly, March, June, September and December. Membership dues are $20.00 single and $25.00 family, and are for the calendar year. Back To all the members of the NJLHS, I want to thank you for 15 years of issues are available free for members joining mid-year. All materials are wonderful people and beautiful lighthouses. Good luck to the new copyrighted and cannot be borrowed or reproduced without permission of Board of Directors and may I wish all of you, members and Board a the New Jersey Lighthouse Society. The NJLHS - New Jersey Lighthouse very Happy Holiday Season and New Year. Society, Inc., is a non-profit educational corporation (501c3). OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS Yvonne M. Thies, President President Yvonne Miller Thies (609) 654-2585 1st Vice President Mary Beth Doherty (973) 966-5573 In Quest of the Keeper 2nd Vice President Brett Franks (856) 256-0881 Continued from Page 1 Recording Secty. Bob Gleason (732) 238-7066 Corresponding Secty. Jayne Swope (856) 468-2561 Recently the great-grandson of Knud Treasurer Debbie Megonigal (609) 268-0779 Hanson, the last principal keeper at Absecon, Board Member Tom Laverty (732) 872-2966 was doing family research at his home in Cali- Board Member Doreen Berson (732) 202-7420 fornia. He sent his stepmother, who lives in Board Member Cindy Mitzen (908) 281-6879 Florida, a copy of some family pictures and Board Member Jim Cope (609) 587-6266 asked what she knew about his family. She Board Member Marion Hudspeth (609) 877-1393 found the New Jersey Lighthouse Society’s COMMITTEES website and forwarded the photographs to The Society. The Society sent them to us. Archivist Elinor Veit (609) 652-1876 The photograph of Hanson at the top of the Challenge Co-Chair Doreen Berson (732) 202-7420 lighthouse is dated 1925.We continue to be Challenge Co-Chair Laura Portée (908) 222-0107 in contact with the Hanson family. Comm. Outreach Chair Anthony Albence (302) 983-3200 Knud Hanson on the Educational Outreach Bill Volpe (732) 846-2196 watch gallery of Absecon Lighthouse - We sometimes compare our research efforts Historian Jack Slavin (856) 251-0174 1925 to putting together a giant jigsaw puzzle. Hospitality Chair Martha Brown (609) 877-0134 However, not all of the pieces are in the same Membership Chair Mary Beth Doherty (973) 966-5573 box. The answers we are seeking are spread throughout the country. Preservation Chair Brett Franks (856) 256-0881 Program Chair Vacant We may never complete this puzzle, but we are getting closer. Publicity Chair Betty Smith (856) 546-7810 Sandy Hook Coord. Al Smith (856) 546-7810 LIGHTSHIP STORY The Beam Editor Mary Beth Doherty (973) 966-5573 Mike Boucher’s story on lightships in the last Beam has attracted The Beam Designer Mike Boucher (845) 787-4807 Ways & Means Marion Hudspeth (609) 877-1393 attention outside of the NJLHS. First the U. S. Lighthouse Society Webmaster Howard Wright (908) 725-9782 asked permission to put the story and photos on their web page in the lightship section. Their website is http://www.uslhs.org/. Sec- NJLHS Web Site: http://www.njlhs.org ondly, the Chesapeake Chapter of the U. S. Lighthouse Society, at NJLHS Email address: [email protected] the suggestion of Ron Mulligan, has donated the book: United States The BEAM Email address: [email protected] Lighthouse Service Tenders 1840-1939, written by Douglas Peterson, NJLHS Announcements: (856) 546-0514 USCG (Ret) to the New Jersey Lighthouse Society.
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