The Macintosh iLife ’04 Preface to the iLife ’04 Edition What’s New in the Book also contains new tips as well as details on new iLife ’04 fea- Preface to the iLife ’04 Edition tures. And, of course, the GarageBand segment—where I make Besides adding a new section on GarageBand, I’ve revised my televised debut as a very amateur musician—is brand new. iLife goes on. In January 2004, Apple every page of this book for iLife ’04. I’ve spent much of the delivered the iLife ’04, a new version of its last couple of years teaching iLife and digital media—at user Something else is new about this DVD: it’s a hybrid. If your Mac personal digital media studio. iLife ’04 groups, at the University of Hawaii, at Macworld Expos, and at has a DVD drive, you can access a bounty of add-ons for iLife brought new versions of iPhoto, iMovie, the iDay digital media seminars that my company produces. ’04—music loops for GarageBand, new design themes for and iDVD, plus something completely I’ve learned a lot about how people use these programs. I’ve iDVD, scripts that automate iTunes, and much more. different: GarageBand, a personal revamped many sections accordingly, fl eshing out steps and recording studio and much more. What’s New in iLife ’04? adding new tutorials and tips. Enthusiasts Wanted It was time to get to work, and the Here’s a quick recap of the enhancements that Apple added I’ve also added new coverage of topics that I’ve covered in the The new hybrid DVD is just one more way that I’ve tried to book you’re reading is the result. to iLife ’04. If you’re new to iLife and are unfamiliar with its monthly “Digital Hub” column that I write for Macworld maga- make The Macintosh iLife ’04 thethe bestbest iiLifeLife learninglearning resourceresource The Macintosh iLife ’04 isis thethe thirdthird jargon, don’t worry—you’ll fi nd everything you need to know zine. And I’ve incorporated updated versions of some of the tips available. Producing this book and DVD is a big job, but it’s also edition of a book and DVD that were in the pages that follow. and articles that have appeared on this book’s companion Web a labor of love. I’ve been involved with music, photography, and movie-making since I was a kid, and I consider myself lucky to originally called The Macintosh Digital Hub. iTunes. The latest version of Apple’s digital music jukebox is site, www.macilife.com. be able to play with and teach these media. The original edition debuted in 2002— the gateway to a groundbreaking online music store, where before Apple brought iTunes, iPhoto, you can listen to 30-second previews of nearly a million What’s New on the DVD I’m an unabashed enthusiast—not only for the Mac, but also iMovie, and iDVD under the iLife umbrella. songs, buy tunes for 99 cents apiece, and even share your for the power and beauty of music, photography, and moving When that happened, in January 2003, the When you revise a book, you can insert new text and remove musical tastes with others. pictures. I tried to convey this enthusiasm in these pages and second edition, renamed The Macintosh old stuff where necessary. Video is different. There’s no way to on the DVD. It thrills me to see people discover the ear appeal iLife, appeared. iPhoto. Version 4 of iLife’s digital shutterbug is much faster shoot 14 seconds of new video and insert it in something that of a well-crafted music playlist, the ease and immediacy of than its predecessors. (There was no iPhoto 3, by the way.) you shot a year earlier. You can’t match the look of the set or Years pass and book titles change, but digital photography, and the gratifi cation of turning raw video iPhoto 4 also provides some new organizational aids that the lighting, nor can you hide the fact that I’m wearing fewer one thing has remained the same: my into a polished presentation. make it easier to paw through a fully stocked photo shoebox, strands of hair and a few more pounds than in 2002. belief that the printed page and the video as well as some lovely new slide show effects. screen make a powerful combination for The DVD in this book is completely new. Some of the introduc- I love this stuff, and this book and DVD are for everyone else who does. Have a nice iLife. learning. That’s why this is the only com- iMovie. iMovie 4 is also faster, and it provides new editing tory content in each segment is the same, but every segment puter book on the market that has a com- features that make it easier to time edits with precision— panion instructional DVD. a subject to which I devote the iMovie segment of the DVD. If you’re among the thousands of Mac iDVD. iDVD 4 has some great new slide show features, users who have bought previous editions allows for visual transitions between menus, and adds other An Important Note for Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) Users of this book and DVD, thank you and advanced authoring features. And a new set of menu themes welcome back. If this is your fi rst time gives you more design options than ever. You can play back the video looking “interference” when the and we worked with Apple to more reliable, and packed with here, welcome to a very different kind of portion of The Macintosh iLife DVD is showing what’s happen- make sure it was fi xed in great features. And remember computer book—a book that uses color and GarageBand. Amateur and professional musicians alike are ’04 DVDDVD usingusing a set-topset-top ing on my Mac’s screen. Mac OS X 10.3 Panther. And that, regardless of which oper- an innovative design to teach programs slack-jawed at the power of this music-making program. DVD player or a Mac (or PC) indeed, it is—Panther plays ating system you use, this DVD that are colorful and innovative, and a I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent with GarageBand. These visual glitches are caused equipped with a DVD drive. back this book’s DVD beautifully. will look its very best if you book that works together with its DVD My wife probably can. by a problem in Jaguar’s DVD watch it on a TV set. to allow you to experience digital media If you watch the DVD using Mac playback software. We at If you’re still using Jaguar, instead of just reading about it. OS X 10.2 (also called Jaguar), Avondale Media were among the consider upgrading to Panther. Welcome to The Macintosh iLife ’04. you may notice some jittery- fi rst to discover this problem, It’s a much better cat—faster, x xi The Macintosh iLife ’04 Read Me First Read Me First: Using the Book and DVD Why combine a book and a DVD? How the Book Works HowHow thethe DVDDVD WorksWorks Special Features of Because each has its own strengths. The printed word conveys depth and detail, but This book devotes a separate section to each of the iLife ’04 TheThe MMacintoshacintosh iLifeiLife ’04’04 DVDDVD playsplays oonn anyany standardstandard DDVDVD the DVD many people learn best by watching over programs:programs: iTunesiTunes andand iPodiPod forfor listeninglistening toto music;music; iPhotoiPhoto forfor player,player, asas wellwell asas onon MacsMacs (and(and PCs)PCs) equippedequipped withwith DVDDVD The DVD contains some special features; someone’ssomeone’s shoulder.shoulder. VideoVideo letslets youyou seesee forfor photography;photography; iMovieiMovie forfor videovideo editing;editing; iDVDiDVD forfor creatingcreating DVD-DVD- drives.drives. BecauseBecause ofof thethe naturenature ofof video,video, picturepicture qualityquality isis a bitbit here’s how to use them. yourself, and video on a DVD lets you VideoVideo ddiscs,iscs, aandnd GGarageBandarageBand fforor makingmaking music.music. EachEach sectionsection isis betterbetter iiff youyou pplaylay tthehe DDVDVD oonn a TTVV ssetet iinsteadnstead ofof onon youryour watch in any order you want. a seriesseries ooff ttwo-pagewo-page sspreads,preads, aandnd eacheach sspreadpread iiss a sself-elf- computer.computer. Still,Still, youyou maymay fi nndd iitt ffunun ttoo hhaveave tthehe DDVDVD pplayinglaying iinn Jump to topic. The Jump to Topic menu option containedcontained referencereference tthathat coverscovers oneone topic.topic. a smallsmall windowwindow onon youryour computercomputer monitormonitor asas youyou learnlearn aboutabout PrintPrint andand videovideo complementcomplement eacheach other,other, lets you quickly access any of the DVD’s chap- an iLife program. and that’s why you will fi nd references to ters. To view a specifi c GarageBand topic, for example, choose Jump to Topic, then choose the DVD throughout this book. It’s also To return to the Main To watch a segment, choose its why you will fi nd references to the book the GarageBand menu option. Another menu MostMost sspreadspreads bbeginegin withwith Most spreads refer you to Menu, press your DVD menu item. When that segment appears listing each of the GarageBand chapters. throughout the DVD. an introduction that sets relevant chapters on the DVD remote’s Title key (which ends, playback continues on to Where should you begin? You decide. If the stage with an over- to help you locate video that instead may be called the next segment. Use your DVD What’s new? If you’re an iLife veteran, you you’re new to the iLife, you might want to view of the topic.
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