20 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thurs.. June 24. 1982 Bogner's gets 'Boat people' [Arguments pro,[ THIS YEAR, CAPTURE THE SUMMER FOREVER^/ to the meat making good con Project . page 24 . page 3 page 6 ( FUJICOLOR 12-e x p . PRINT FILM PLUS CALOOR PRO-35 Partly sunny, Manchester, Conn. d e v e l o p in g warm Saturday Friday, June 25, 1982 a n d p r in t in g * -k- See page 2 ilanrteHtfr MrralJi Single copy 25(t CALPOR And KODAK , tSv 3-Way Savings On The Latest f Kddamatic Instant Cameras i Earlier Beirut bombing stepped up tf?Tl I k . ' 1 . Catdor low price PLUS a FREE demonstration SAVE OVER $40 ! , m ¥ M 0 v i n $ $ 5 photo for you to keep. winters 2 2 « CakkMT Instant Rebate with purchase and MINOLTA ‘XQ-A’ 35mm liiNOITA 35mm SLR Lebanese leader completion of information card. Camera with f/2.0 Lens Oaii^m with f/2*o expected 3 • $10 in coupons from Kodak good toward future Features aperture priority automation with Features mtra-bright 4Kiut»m<^e f^ u s in tf purchase of Kodamatic film at Caldor, PLUS LED shutter speed display In viewfinder. ; Has film-safe load system and easy-to-re...eaey-to-read Volcano causing special Caidor Clip ’n Save Bonus Coupons.* shd t ..talNwhd , battery check, includes electronic self-tlmers : tapcassories. •A*;: with l e d Indicator. Ideal for beginners camera;; resigns his post -Ski ',!'. ' y>k weather changes 5 KODAMATIC ‘CHAMP’ nian peoples,” leftist leader Walid his Palestinian allies to admU CaWorRes-Prloe ...... 24.70 By United Press International * 1 1 1 1 1 $A¥E0VERJ4S! / SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - The Jumblatt was quoted by the defeat, said at a news conference CMdorSalaPrice .............. 21.40 MiNOLTA‘AF2M’ sulfuric cloud thrown up by Waves of Israeli warplanes bom­ Christian-run Voice of Lebanon today, ‘‘I would like the PLO to go Caidorinstani Rebate......... 5.00* Hi*Mattc Autofoeu* Mexico’s Chicon volcano is blocking barded Beirut today and fierce radio as saying. terrorist against Arab leaders, and 35mm Camom A Casa M I N W w S S l ^ t up to 10 percent of Earth’s sunlight fighting raged in the mountains east The air strikes against guerrilla against Israel " YOUR 38mm and will probably cause an early of the Lebanese capital between and civilian areas of Beirut were In Tel Aviv, the Israeli military FINAL COST 16.40 with winter in the Northern Hemisphere Israeli and Syrian forces. Lebanon’s soine of the heaviest since the start command said 16 Israeli soldiers Aim and shoot automation for prime minister offered his resigna­ of the Israeli invasion June 6, which Built-In 1-lrame-per-sac. O ur • •: this year and next, NASA scientists died in the claslies and 47 were great color prints on new, fast tion, saying he could no longer work has turned into the longest war since wounded, bringing th total con­ motorbed nim advance; .21947^.. ^ I f i f reported today. Kodak film! Great for vacation, motorteed rewind. Even effectively under the pressure of the Jewish state was founded. firmed dead to 234 with more than camp or your camping trips. The cloud from the April 4 erup­ photographs in the.da>k with - tion now forms a thick band around Israel’s “blackmail.” ‘ The dead are in scores and many 1,250 injured in the nearly 3-week-old mfr»redautofocuasyatemt sec.'Manual o m rld a .iu ^ , , the middle of the Earth and is par­ ‘‘What is happening is an inter­ more are wounded. The intensity of war, the Jewish state's longest since cmsiiiro p?K7XOyr«pnyv ' tially blanking out the sun from national conspiracy against the air strikes is preventing rescue independence. KODAMATIC‘960’ •MINOLTA ‘AFa* Hl-Matlc Autofoous 35mm Camara ' ^ . and it's compwri, toofS^ - Texas to the equator, said Dr. Brian Lebanon. I cannot work under this work,” said a military source In Tunis, the divided .\rab League CaMof Reg. Plica .............. 59.97 w ith f/2.8 Lens & Case.OurReg. 13947 ......... * 1 1 4 ' ,,, ,4 Toon of the National Aeronautics massive military escalation, this watching the bombardment of west summoned the heads of state of 21 and Space Administration. blackmail,” Prime Minister Chefic and south Beirut, where 6,000 Moslem nations for an emergency CakiorSale P rice .............. 49.96 (Photo Reg. Prices may vary by Caldor Instant Rebate ....... 10.00* (*See clerk lor datells.) He said the cloud has cut off 5 to 10 Wazzan told reporters after leaving Palestinian guerrillas were under summit next week to discuss a com­ percent of sunlight .caching Earth the presidential palace in the siege. mon response to the Israeli invasion Israeli-occupied town of Baabda YOUR O Q Q I S and this is expected to cool the sur­ After attacking West Beirut, the FINALCOST-. W 9 e 9 w face of the Northern Hemisphere by outside Beirut. Israeli vyarplanes streaked to the PleiiMi- liirn lo Jiai-i- 10 With unique new auto-elect flashi an average of 1 degree Fahrenheit, Lebanese government sources mountains east of the capital to hit Has compact folding design for be said. said President Elias Sarkis had not entrenched Syrian positions, easy travel or storage. Uses new “Some areas will probably decided yet whether to accept Waz- reporters in the area said. fast film. Also has 3-yr. warranty. experience temperatures cooler zan’s letter of resignation. On the ground. Israeli tanks and than normal, with early frost this “The situation looks bleak," one troops fought Syrian soldiers and Inside Today Arab diplomat said, noting that it Palestinian guerrillas in a string of •KODAMATIC InsUuit Colar Film fall and next fall,’’ Toon told UPI in an interview. “It is potentially would hard to find a replacement for^ villages around Bhamdoun, 16 miles (2-Pafc),ourRaa.isje..... 14.97 significant for farmers living in the prime minister, who by law east of Beirut. 24 pages. 2 sections areas with short growing seasons in must be a member of Lebanon‘s Israel severed the 8-page auto section the United States, Canada and ..^unqi Moslem community. Beirut-Damascus highway that runs EuitqJe,” ''"nie question is whether Sarkis through Bhamdoun Thursday, Toon said the April eruption of can find a replacement under these isolating the Syrian soldiers in the Advice ........... STOCK>UP ON KODAK COLOR FILM ! 'V Chicon was “clearly the biggest at­ circumstances,” the diplomat said, west from the main Syrian force in Area towns . mospheric eyent to happen in the referring to the ‘‘political mess” the eastern Bekaa valley. Business......... Herald photo by Pinto •KODAK C110-24 Exp. - - SLiK Compact Lightweight r,;. ; Automatic Northern Hemisphere since 1912.’’ % caused by the Israeli invasion. Syria said it had pulled two bat­ Classified . Cotor Print Film....... ...... 2.26 The 1912 eruption of Mt. Katemai A few hours earlier, the leader of talions out of the western mountain C om ics....... and Versatile Tri|^ ' rt in Alaska was blamed for making Lebanon’s leftist alliance quit the town of Aley, which was virtually Editorial ....... •KODAK C13S-24 Exp. ^ Our O O y i t " the summer of 1913 “the coldest Take an active role Council of National Salvation set up cut off by Israeli ground advances Entertainment Color Print Film.......... 2.42 Reg. 39.94................ dC tfefP ; summer on record iii Western by Sarkis in an attempt to arrange a from three sides. L ottery........... Provides rigidity and support; complete . ' U.S. Rep. Toby Moffett addressed the graduates of RHAM High political settlement preventing an Syria also said it shot down two Peopletalk ... Europe.” School Thursday evening and told the 151 class members to •KODAK C135-36 Exp. ‘ - - . with leg braces for added stability. It‘s Ideal ‘f'-f- ' » John DeLuisi, a specialist in at­ all-out Israeli assaqit on Beirut. Israeli warplanes over the Bekaa S ports............. Color Print Film.............2 .9 4 for hiking, camping or vacation travel. -1 « Involve themselves In the workings of our society. This, the U.S. “The council has turned into a but the report was not confirmed by Television . Model i mospheric physics with the National •KODAK K135-36 Exp. - . - Oceonagraphic and Atmospheric senatorial candidate said, would help preserve our democracy. company of morticians whose task Israel. Story, more photos, on page 8. is to bury the Lebanese and Palesti­ Jumblatt, who on Thursday asked CotorSHdoFilm 4.16 •SLIK Univeraal Muiti-Faaturad ^ t'iSfiimiea J'r',.- - Administration in Boulder, Colo., •KODAK 2-Pak (20 ehou) ^ » Kt with Qulck-Relaasa said the Chicon cloud now forms a PR-10 Inetent Color Film . 1 4 . 8 7 »U102,OwReg.S9.94 . 49.70 thick solid belt circling the Earth in f; ( ^ 4 an east to west direction from the Decision a civil liberties landmark equator to the 30th parallel, which cuts through Texas, Louisiana and Florida. Patches of cloud have been detected farther north. “At first it was in blobs that were TURN TO CALDOR FOR AN EASY-LIVIN’ SUMMER / spreading out, but now it seems to Court cracks down on book bans be remaining in a steady belt around / '■?. ; y>rj'' the Earth,” DeLuisi said in a By Robert Sangeorge groups that urged the Justices to ideas contained in those books and The dissenters were Chief Justice court, the justices said a federal dis­ telephone interview. United Press International severely restrict the authority of seek by their removal to prescribe Warren Burger and Justices' Lewis trict judge must determine whether SAVE OVER $ 4 2 1 Both scientists said the cloud is school officials to arbitrarily ban what shall be orthodox in politics, Powell, William Rehnquist and San­ the book-banning evidence raises a moving higher into the atmosphere WASHINGTON (UPI) - The books they find obJectionable.
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