35_752738 bindex.qxp 11/2/05 7:36 PM Page 319 Index groups, 121 • Numerics • system requirements, 37 1984 (Orwell), 303 technical support, 113 3D accelerator video cards, 16, 66–71 Web site, 266 3DO (first publisher of MMGs), 17 anonymity, 147–148 anonymous-invite guilds, 172, 174–175 appeals, 107–109, 304 • A • appearance of characters, 79 archetypes A key (EverQuest), 288 characters, 80–83 AC (Armor Class), 304 guilds, 171–172 Achaea, 49–50 Area Of Effect (AOE), 133, 304 achiever guilds, 172–174 ArenaNet’s Guild Wars, 36 active roleplaying, 223 Armor Class (AC), 304 activities Armor Factor (AF), 304 endgames, 192–194 Armyn ab Treanid guild (Dark Age of first-week activities of characters, 97 Camelot), 162–169 add, 304 Asheron’s Call addiction description of, 31 studies about, 280 fan site, 269 warning signs, 278–280 groups, 121 advancement of characters player achievements, 301 endgame, 190 Shard of the Herald, 228 levels, 24–26 system requirements, 31 mentoring, 24–25 technical support, 113 models for, 24 VN Board, 291 quests, 98 Web site, 266 sidekicking, 24 Asian MMGs, 42–43 skills, 25–26 asking for help, 92, 289 advertising methods for online merchants, /assist command, 134, 287, 304 211–212 ATI, manufacturer of video cards, 67 AF (Armor Factor), 304 COPYRIGHTEDAuction MATERIAL House (AH), 304 AFK (Away from Keyboard), 304 Author’s blog (Broken Toys), 294 aftermarket sales and service, 219 Auto Assault, 54–55 Age of Conan, 54 avatars, 12 agg/aggro, 304 avoiding trouble, 114–115 AH (Auction House), 304 Away from Keyboard (AFK), 304 Allakhazam’s Magic Realm Web site, 293 alliances of guilds, 183 alts, 125, 304 • B • ammunition, 238 Anarchy Online BAF (Bring a Friend), 305 description of, 37 bags, 103 fan site, 269 balancing gameplay with your life, 277–280 35_752738 bindex.qxp 11/2/05 7:36 PM Page 320 320 Massively Multiplayer Games For Dummies Baldur’s Gate, 24 Bring a Friend (BAF), 305 banker, 181 broadband Internet access, 63–64 banking, 204 Broken Toys blog, 294 banks, 199, 202 BRT (Be Right There), 306 Baron Geddon monster (World of Bruce, Walter R. III (Wireless Home Warcraft), 235 Networking For Dummies), 61 Bartle, Richard (Designing Virtual buff bot, 305 Worlds), 7 buffing, 133 Battlefield 2, 49 buffs battleground, 305 defined, 306 battlegroups, 122 distributing, 135 The Bazaar (EverQuest), 208 raids, 238 BBL (Be Back Later), 305 reagents, 238 Be Right Back (BRB), 305 bugs, 18 Be Right There (BRT), 306 building, 204 begging, 152–153 Bunk (Asheron’s Call player), 301 behavior of players business, 194 begging, 152–153 camping, 152 etiquette, 147–150 • C • griefers, 153–155 Caer Sidi dungeon (Dark Age of guild drama, 182–184 Camelot), 233 killstealing, 150–151 camp, 306 raids, 289 campground, 152 romantic triangles, 182 camping, 152 being an idiot, 227 canceling characters, 283 being evil, 227 carebear, 306 billing disputes, 74 carriers, 103 bind, 305 cascade effect (in guild membership), 185 Bind on Equip (BoE), 200, 305 cash management, 210 Bind on Pickup (BoP), 200, 305 caster, 306 bio, 305 CC (crowd control) bio break (biological break), 305 defined, 132, 306 Blizzard Entertainment’s World of mez (mesmerize), 312 Warcraft, 34–36 root, 315 blogs snare, 316 Broken Toys, 294 characters Terra Nova, 292–293 advancement, 24–26, 98, 190 board trolls, 274–275, 317 alts, 125, 304 BoE (Bind on Equip), 200, 305 appearance, 79 bolt, 305 archetypes, 80–83 bonedancers (Dark Age of Camelot), 87–88 avatar, 304 BoP (Bind on Pickup), 200, 305 bot, 305 boss mobs (World of Warcraft), 234 buff bot, 305 bot, 305 buffs, 238, 306 BRB (Be Right Back), 305 canceling, 283 breadcrumb quest, 96 class/archetype message boards, 270–272 Briere, Danny (Wireless Home Networking classes, 3, 81, 306 For Dummies), 61 creating, 79–81 35_752738 bindex.qxp 11/2/05 7:36 PM Page 321 Index 321 debuff, 307 children, 148 defined, 12 China down time, 125 Asian MMGs, 42–43 evil characters, 227 mandate from government on hours of expectations, 288 gameplay, 277 female, 148 City of Heroes first day online, 19 description of, 40–41 first month online, 20 fan sites, 269 first week online, 19, 97 groups, 122 gender, 79, 148 sidekicking, 24 griefers, 153–154 system requirements, 40 griefing alts, 195 technical support, 113 grouping, 119–123 Web site, 266 information resources, 101 Where should I go next? queries, 97 levels, 3, 311 classes main, 20, 304, 311 defined, 3, 24, 81, 306 male, 148 raids, 233–234 min-maxing, 312 client base (online merchants), 219–220 mules, 204 Clover, Steve, creator of EverQuest, 17 naming, 88–90 commands nerfed, 281 /assist, 134, 287, 304 newbie yard, 90–91 /friend, 150 NPC (Nonplayer Character), 98, 198, 313 /g (group), 120–121 OOC (Out of Character), 222, 226, 313 /ignore, 153, 212 PC (Player Character), 314 /invite, 149 perspectives, 13–14 /played, 2 physical statistics, 80–81 /random 100, 135 PLing (powerleveling), 191, 314 Where should I go next?, 97 pre-owned characters, 192 /who, 212 race, 79 committees (guilds), 181 reputation of, 194–196 competition, 15 rerolling, 100 computers, 16, 59–60 roles in groups, 132–133 con (consider), 307 RPing (roleplaying), 224–227, 316 conflict resolution in guilds, 184 soloing, 123–126 connecting to the Internet, 17, 60–64 spec (specialization), 316 console games, 47–49 templates, 312, 316–317 consoles, 59–60 toon, 317 consumable items, 199 views of the game, 14 contacting customer service, 105–108 chats Cornered Rat Software’s World War II groups, 120 Online (WW2OL), 53–54 guilds, 160 The Corporation Web site, 292 headsets, 71 corpse camping, 307 help, 96 corpse run, 307 microphones, 71 costs, 17–18, 73–74 software, 72, 236 crafters USB headset, 71 bankers, 204 cheating, 249–250 builders, 204 cheese/cheesy, 306 facilitators, 204 35_752738 bindex.qxp 11/2/05 7:36 PM Page 322 322 Massively Multiplayer Games For Dummies crafters (continued) Dark Age of Camelot finding, 104 AF (Armor Factor), 304 socializers, 204 Armyn ab Treanid guild, 162–169 whittlers, 203 BAF (Bring a Friend), 305 crafting, 203–205, 307 battleground, 305 creating bolt, 305 characters, 79–81 bonedancers, 87–88 guilds, 181 Caer Sidi dungeon, 233 credit card payment of monthly fees, 73 carriers, 103 creep, 307 Darkspire dungeon, 232 crit (critical), 307 description of, 32 cross-game guilds, 172, 175–176 Dungeon Tasks, 124 crowd control (CC) EoY (Egg of Youth), 303 defined, 132, 306 expansion packs, 18–19 mez (mesmerize), 312 fan sites, 269 root, 315 FTW (For the Win), 308 snare, 316 groups, 122, 126–127 Crowd Control Productions’ EVE Online, guild standard, 160 38–39 guilds, 159–169, 177 Cryptic Studios’ City of Heroes, 40–41 killstealing, 151 CSRs (Customer Service Representatives), LFG window, 126–127 18, 102–103, 307 online merchants, 215 currency systems, 198 Platinum Edition, 19 customer service player achievements, 296, 299–300 appeals, 107–109, 304 player vs. player (PvP) gameplay, avoiding trouble, 114–115 22, 251–262 contacting, 105–108 QQ, 315 CSRs (Customer Service quests, 91–92 Representatives), 18, 102–103, 307 RP servers (roleplay servers), 222 farming, 155 RvR (Realm vs. Realm), 316 GMs (Game Masters), 18, 102–103, 309 screen display, 14 harassment complaints, 106–107 servers, 78 limitations of, 110 service occupations, 219 online merchants, 209–210 sidekicking, 24 RP servers (roleplay servers), 222 skills, 26 RPing (roleplaying), 230 soloing, 124 writing a request for help, 109–110 system requirements, 32 cut scenes (Final Fantasy XI), 99 technical support, 113 cyberspace, 11 visual indicators for quests, 98 VN Board, 291 Web site, 266 • D • Where should I go next? queries, 97 d00d, 307 Darkspire dungeon (Dark Age of d00dspeak, 311 Camelot), 232 Damage over Time (DoT), 308 DD (Direct Damage), 307 Damage Per Second (DPS), 132, 308 DE, 307 damage shields, 133 debuff, 307 35_752738 bindex.qxp 11/2/05 7:36 PM Page 323 Index 323 decay system for items, 199 emoticon, 308 design theory, 190 employees, 216 Designing Virtual Worlds (Bartle), 7 endgames Developing Online Games: An Insider’s activities, 192–194 Guide (Mulligan and Patrovsky), 7 business, 194 development team, 18 defined, 189–190 dewd, 307 online merchants, 194 dewdspeak, 311 PLing (powerleveling), 191 dialup Internet access, 63–64 pre-owned characters, 192 ding, 308 raiding, 193 Direct Damage (DD), 307 storytelling, 194 dirt nap, 308 warfare, 193 discussion groups, 291 EoY (Egg of Youth), 303 Disney Online’s Toontown Online, 46–47 epic quests, 99 distributing epic raids, 162 buffs, 135 equipment loot, 134–135, 235–236 groups, 136 DKP (Dragon Kill Points), 174, 308 raids, 236–238 doctors (Star Wars Galaxies), 84–85 escapism, 16 documentation, 4–5, 92–93 etiquette DoT (Damage over Time), 308 anonymity, 147–148 down time, 125 begging, 152–153 DPS (Damage Per Second), 132, 308 camping, 152 Dragon Kill Points (DKP), 174, 308 children, 148 DragonRealms, 51 female characters, 148 dragons general guidelines, 149–150 Onyxia (World of Warcraft), 231, 238–244 griefers, 153–155 slaying, 233 killstealing (KSing), 150 drama royalty, 154 male characters, 148 drop, 308 passwords, 148 drop rate, 308 running files, 148 Dungeon Tasks (Dark Age of Camelot), 124 safety rules, 148–149 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Online, 55 scams, 149 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS (original game), EVE Online 13, 24 description of, 38–39 duo, 120 experimental nature of, 3 DXDiag, 111–113 fan site, 269 system requirements, 38–39 Web site, 266 • E • EverQuest earning money, 199 A key, 288 eBay, 192 Allakhazam Web site, 293 eGenesis’ A Tale in the Desert, 50 The Bazaar, 208 Egg of Youth (EoY), 303 camping, 152 Electronic Arts carriers, 103 The Sims Online, 45–46 corpse run, 307 Ultima Online, 28–29 description of, 29–30 e-mail addresses for technical support, fan sites, 269 113–114 FBSS (Flowing Black Silk Sash), 303 35_752738 bindex.qxp 11/2/05 7:36 PM Page 324 324 Massively Multiplayer Games For Dummies EverQuest (continued) failure, 287 groups, 121–122 family guilds, 172, 176 H key, 288 fan sites, 267–270 killstealing, 151 fantasy MMGs, 28–36 Lanys T’Yvl, 229 farmers, 155 med (meditate), 312 farming, 308 No Drop items, 200 FBSS (Flowing Black Silk Sash), 303 online merchants, 198, 208 fees, 17–18, 73–74 Platinum edition, 19 female characters, 148 player achievements, 295 FFA (Free for All), 308 PvP (player vs.
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