VictoryVictory WeeklyWeekly Vol. I, Issue 6 telling the Camp Victory story April 12, 2005 New re-up options for deployed reservists Sgt. Jennifer Eidson they want to re-enlist, there is an option for that he serves as a National Guard Soldier. 22nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment another $6,000," Owen said about the National Before the new re-enlistment program, Guard program. "The old standard was you Soldiers in his position were not allowed to Deployed Soldiers in the National Guard could only re-enlist 90 days out for a bonus, or receive a bonus. and Army Reserve now have access to re- six months out if you were non-bonus eligi- "Usually technicians in AGR are not eligi- enlistment bonuses that were previously avail- ble." ble for bonuses. This is one time when we are, able only to active-component troops. Owen said he believes the program is giv- so I took advantage of that opportunity," As part of the Army-wide Selective ing Soldiers in theater who are thinking about Walczak said. Re-enlistment Bonus Program, highly-trained getting out another reason to stay in the Army. "I do it full-time, so I would have re-enlist- Soldiers in the Guard and Reserve can now "Some people who are sitting on the fence ed even if there wasn’t a bonus," Walczak said. receive cash bonuses of up to $15,000, tax free, ... are now re-enlisting for the money," Owen "I have to hold my National Guard status to if they re-enlist while serving in Iraq, Kuwait or said. hold my full-time job at the armory, so I would Afghanistan in the year before they are due to For active guard and reserve Soldiers who have re-enlisted anyway, but it was nice to get leave the service. work full time, this new program provides the bonus." The program mirrors the Selective them with an incentive that the old one did not, The program is a great opportunity for the Re-enlistment Bonus-Deployed Program avail- he said. Soldiers, who would not normally qualify for a able to Soldiers in the active component. "If you are deployed and you are a tech- bonus while in the United States, to receive a Sgt. 1st Class David H. Owen, reten- nician or a state AGR Soldier, which means tax-free bonus on their current deployment, tion noncommissioned officer, 42nd Infantry you are full-time for the state, you can re-enlist said Sgt. 1st Class Jorge Garcia, career coun- Division, Task Force Danger, Iraq, said there for the bonus now," Owen said. selor for Task Force Dragon, Camp Victory. are different levels of bonuses available later to Sgt. Michael Walczak, a personnel service Garcia said not every Soldier will quali- individual Soldiers’ needs. sergeant, said he re-enlisted Feb. 19 for a lump fy for the $15,000 bonus. The Soldiers will be "We have two options. The first option we sum bonus of $15,000. Walczak is a New York classified based on their pay grade and time in have is $15,000 for a six-year enlistment. The Army National Guard Soldier who also works service. second option is a three-year enlistment for full time as a technician for the division’s $7,500, and at the end of that re-enlistment, if armory. One job prerequisite as a technician is See RESERVISTS, Page 3 Soldier loses foot in Iraq, returns for 2nd OIF deployment Pfc. Matthew Clifton "I was immediately evacuated to I guess it was really a blessing in dis- MNC-I PAO a combat support hospital outside of guise," Rozelle said. Baghdad," Rozelle said. "From "My family and friends knew An Army captain who lost his there I was flown to Qatar, then to I would not give up, and that’s when lower right ankle and foot while Germany where I received a couple I charged head-on into my recov- deployed during the initial stages of of operations before being taken to ery," Rozelle said. Operation Iraqi Freedom has Walter Reed Army Medical Facility "Like anyone who is injured in a returned to Iraq for a second tour. in Washington D.C., where I stayed war, an amputee has to come back Capt. David M. Rozelle, com- for about three weeks. and prove to the Army medical sys- mander, Headquarters and "The first reaction from my fam- tem they are fit to fight," Rozelle Headquarters Troop, 3rd Armored ily and friends upon hearing about said. "You have to be able to pass an Cavalry Regiment, Fort Carson, my injury was shock and horror," Army Physical Fitness Test, and Colo., is the first amputee to return Rozelle said. "They said to me, basically you are re-entering the to a combat zone. ‘This is something Dave can handle. service." "When I deployed for the first Let’s give him some time and see Officer evaluation reports, letters time, I was the K Troop commander what he does.’" of recommendation from a soldier’s photo by Pfc. Matthew Clifton/ MNC-I PAO Capt.. David M. Rozelle is the author for 3rd ACR, and my area of opera- There was, however, a silver lin- chain of command and job perform- of Back in Action: An American tion was around Hit, Iraq," Rozelle ing, Rozelle said. After three weeks ance are accounted for, Rozelle said. Soldier’s Story of Courage, Faith and said. "While conducting an opera- at Walter Reed, he was rushed home Potential to continue, lead and serve Fortitude. Rozelle returned to Iraq tion, I ran over an anti-tank mine to be present for the birth of his son, in a Military Occupational Specialty after losing his lower right foot dur- ing the first phase of Operation Iraqi with my Humvee. The mine Forrest. are evaluated, along with the obvi- Freedom. Rozelle is the first destroyed both my Humvee and my "If this accident wouldn’t have ous medical considerations when amputee to return to a combat zone. right lower leg, causing the amputa- happened, I would not have seen my being qualified as "fit for duty." tion of my foot and ankle. son until he was nine months old, so Rozelle received word through See AMPUTEE, Page 2 Page 2 Victory Weekly April 12, 2005 AMPUTEE Preventive Points: his chain of command that if he could recover is required to return to theater back with me to Tips from Multi-National Corps - from his injury, another position waited for him Walter Reed. Iraq’s Force Health Protection with the 3rd ACR, he said. His first goal was to "The Armed Services are going to get used to be declared fit for duty when the regiment seeing guys with mechanical parts because there returned to take command again. are many others who want to continue to serve Signs and Symptoms of Nine months after the injury, he was found fit after suffering a serious injury." Heat Casualties for duty. His main focus at the amputee center will be "I had many different job opportunities with- to help the Army in making decisions on pro- It’s the time of the year when one has to become concerned with the effects in the Army that would have taken me away and grams that will allow Soldiers to continue service of the sun. As you begin to plan your given me a lighter duty for a period of time, but I after injury, Rozelle said. day, start thinking about ways to protect turned them all down," Rozelle said. "I wanted to "We will also help Soldiers make the tran- yourselves from heat injuries by being come back to Iraq and serve with my regiment." sition into civilian life if their injury is too serious able to identify some of the signs and Just like his Soldiers, Rozelle’s friends and to return to service. There are a lot of Soldiers symptoms. family thought he was crazy since he had the counting on me to give them the right advice," opportunity to leave, he said. "I could have Rozelle said. Sunburn: After being in the sun for awhile, your skin may feel hot, turn retired as a captain and had a pretty good retire- "I want Soldiers in a similar situation as mine red and blister. If this is the case, drink ment, but when I took the Oath of Office, I knew to know the only way to recover from a major plenty of water and apply a cold com- I was going to spend my life in the military." injury or surgery is to take the physical therapy press and moisturizing lotion to the "The troops I commanded in the beginning of very seriously and never give up," Rozelle said. affected area. Do not break the blisters. the war are very proud of me," Rozelle said. "Meet your goals. The therapy is continuous and "They come to check on me all of the time to will be something you do every day to stay fit for Heat cramps: After several hours in the sun, you may experience painful make sure I am doing okay. It is a good feeling to your prosthetic device." muscle cramps or spasms in your legs hear your troops say how much they miss you He doesn't’ t see these injuries any differently and arms. This can be controlled by after two years." than someone who might have a bad knee or back replacing salt loss, massaging the affect- "I have an enormous amount of respect for the and has to go through rehabilitation, Rozelle said.
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