US 200600.48990A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0048990 A1 Civitell0 (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 9, 2006 (54) FAT TIRE ASSEMBLY (57) ABSTRACT (76) Inventor: Paul Julio Civitello, Waterbury, CT The purpose of my invention the Fat-Tire Kit is to allow a Shaft-drive motorcycle to have a 300 mm tire mounted on (US) the motorcycle rear wheel. A 250 mm or 280 mm tire could Correspondence Address: also be installed if desired. The rear motorcycle wheel with Paul Julio Civitello the 250 mm, 280 mm or 300 mm tire mounted will remain 35 Harpersferry Rd. in the center of the motorcycle with no off-set, because of Waterbury, CT 06705 (US) my Special Swing-arm with the transmission case incorpo rated into it. My Fat-Tire invention will allow the simple Appl. No.: 10/935,932 installation of a Fat-Tire. The ability to remain in the center (21) of the motorcycle will allow the rider to have the same (22) Filed: Sep. 7, 2004 control of the motorcycle as a factory Stock rear wheel and tire which is in the center of the motorcycle. The Fat-Tire Publication Classification invention is a unique System that allows you to have the capability of having a larger tire mounted on the rear of the (51) Int. Cl. motorcycle that is cosmetically appealing and has Superior B62M 7700 (2006.01) traction while the wheel and tire stay in the center of the (52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 180/226 motorcycle where it belongs. Patent Application Publication Mar. 9, 2006 Sheet 1 of 11 US 2006/0048990 A1 Patent Application Publication Mar. 9, 2006 Sheet 2 of 11 US 2006/0048990 A1 FIG.RB a Frisis S...S. V as s - - - - - - - - - - - - cess (.47 227 sp as SLT 56 ep Patent Application Publication Mar. 9, 2006 Sheet 3 of 11 US 2006/0048990 A1 Patent Application Publication US 2006/0048990 A1 FIG,H) "[]"RING–#144 |375 REQUIRED Patent Application Publication Mar. 9, 2006 Sheet 5 of 11 US 2006/0048990 A1 DRILL&TAPATASS”Y 5/16–18BLITTIINHEAD21/54THRU,600DIA, |.512- THREADÇZ>3.06721/2–12 TDDEPTHSHOWN 6HULES ||5||©)Ø2,505|.1/16DEEP */ ÇZ?2,584FARSIDE Patent Application Publication Mar. 9, 2006 Sheet 6 of 11 US 2006/0048990 A1 FIGF g 3. Patent Application Publication Mar. 9, 2006 Sheet 7 of 11 US 2006/0048990 A1 3,070 FIGIG gz52,595 Rl 535 RSO TYP, 4 PL' S R. 38 TYP, 4 PL' S 2 1/2-12 THREAD 2B STEPED OR NOT STEPED Q52 1/2-12 THREAD 2B THRL Q52. 595 88 HIGH FAR SIDE gz2,50 1/8 DEEP R. 50 TYP, 4 PL' S R. 344. TYP. 4 PL' S R. 38 TYP. 4 PL' S Patent Application Publication Mar. 9, 2006 Sheet 8 of 11 US 2006/0048990 A1 1,575 1.063 .938 4381,5781, 5.^16S.H.C.3PL’S DRILL&CºBDIREFLIR R5/15TYP, - |.000|.000 R5/15TYP, –[7.000-.000 .425-422|8. uro3HUILES 5/15-18TAP3/4DEEP Patent Application Publication Mar. 9, 2006 Sheet 9 of 11 US 2006/0048990 A1 FIGI 21.000 Patent Application Publication Mar. 9, 2006 Sheet 10 of 11 US 2006/0048990 A1 SlesseeEE | | EIC EQ I SEEESER - ALE Patent Application Publication Mar. 9, 2006 Sheet 11 of 11 US 2006/0048990 A1 US 2006/0048990 A1 Mar. 9, 2006 FAT TIRE ASSEMBLY that is made of 41/30 chrome molly, and manufactured on a lathe, the drawing shows the front Swing-arm Supporting 0001 Rear Frame Swing-arm assembly with transmission croSS member. Said component has the transmission Support incorporated into it. The Fat Tire Assembly is for a shaft housing and right hand flange is tig welded to front Swing drive motorcycle rear wheel installation with up to a 300 mm arm Supporting croSS member Said component pivots off the tire mounted on the wheel. The wheel with the 300 mm tire main center frame of the motorcycle, Said component also mounted remains in the center of the motorcycle with no Supports the rotary transmission door and case Said compo offset. nent attaches by tapered thrust bearings to the main motor 0002 The reason for my invention of the Fat-Tire Assem cycle frame, and also Supports the right Side axel arm. bly is that there is a tremendous demand for the use of a 0014) Drawing FIG. 1B is the right hand flange: that is wider tire and wheel. made of 41/30 chrome molly and manufactured on a lathe. CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED Said component is welded to the front Swing-Arm Support APPLICATION CroSS member to Support the axel arm right Side 0003) “Not Applicable” 0015) Drawing FIG. 1C is Transmission Door Housing: that is made of 41/30 chrome molly is manufactured on a STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY lathe and milling machine. Its main function is to Support the SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENT rotary transmission. 0004 “Not Applicable” 0016 Drawing FIG.2B is the Transmission Door: that is made of 20/24 billet aluminum and manufactured on a REFERENCE TO SEQUENCE LISTING, A milling machine. Said component has roller bearings for TABLE, OR A COMPUTER PROGRAM LISTING Support. The transmission rotary means Said component COMPACT DISC APPENDIX attaches to the front Swing-arm Supporting croSS member by means of 6%. Allen head cap Screws. Said component has an 0005) “Not Applicable” O ring grove machined into it. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0017 Drawing FIG.3C is the Transmission Case: that is made of 20/24 billet aluminum and manufactured on a 0006. This invention relates to a motorcycle frame rear milling machine Said component attaches to transmission shaft drive Swing-arm section, with a transmission incorpo door by means of 155/16 Allen head cap screws. Said rated into it. Specifically to accommodate any wider size component has rear mount machined into it to Support motorcycle tire available to date. adjustable axel arm end. Said component has an oil sight 0007. The Main and most important advantage of my Fat glass machined into rear Side of the case, and has a drain Tire Kit is that it keeps the wheel in the center of the plug located on the bottom. Said component also has a motorcycle with no offset and also Strengthens the Swing venting fitting in top left corner. arm, unlike traditional methods available to date which are 0018) Drawing FIG. 4D is an Oil Seal Housing: that is to move the wheel and tire away from the drive shaft giving made of 20/24billet aluminum and manufactured on a lathe. it clearance putting the wheel off center, which is not a good Said component Seals the rotary transmission means. Said practice. component has 2 Sealing components. The 2 quarter inch 0008. Without my invention it would be impossible to holes located on rear face are for easy removal. incorporate into a traditional shaft drive Swing-arm, a 250, 0019) Drawing FIG.5E is an Adjustable Axel Arm End: 280. Or 300 millimeter motorcycle rear wheel and tire that that is made of 20/24 billet aluminum and manufactured on would be able to remain in the center of the motorcycle. a lathe and milling machine. Said component connects to 0009. This unique system allows you to have the capa rear transmission case and Said component also Supports the bility of having a larger tire that is cosmetically appealing adjustable axel arm. The adjustable axel arm end attaches to and has Superior traction while the wheel and tire Stay in the the transmission case by 65/16 Allen head cap Screws. center of the motorcycle where it belongs. 0020 Drawing FIG. 6F is an Adjustable Axel Arm: that is made of 20/24 billet aluminum and manufactured on a BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTENTION lathe. Said component is one of the components that Support 0010 A).To provide any shaft drive motorcycle the abil the rear axel. ity to accommodate a motorcycle rear wheel and tire up to 0021) Drawing FIG. 7G is an Adjustable Axel Arm a size 300 mm, positioned in the center of the motorcycle. Flange: that is made of 20/24 billet aluminum and manu 0011 B). my offset transmission that is incorporated into factured on a lathe and milling machine. Said component the Swing arm keeps the rear wheel in perfect alignment in Supports the final drive unit. the center of the motorcycle. 0022 Drawing FIG. 8H is a Cross Support: that is made 0012 C). the design of the Swing-arm gives the rear of 20/24 billet aluminum and manufactured on a milling motorcycle frame rear Shaft Section, Superior Strength and machine. Said component attaches to the transmission case stability. horizontally to right Side of axel arm. Said component attaches by means of 65/16 Allen head cap Screws. Said BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS component gives added Support to the total assembly. 0013 Drawings of my invention are attached. Drawing 0023 Drawing FIG. 9 is a Right Axel Arm: that is made FIG. 1A. is the front Swing-arm Supporting croSS member: of 20/24 billet aluminum and manufactured on a milling US 2006/0048990 A1 Mar. 9, 2006 machine. A Said component attaches to the front Swing arm on top of Housing, marking it with a pencil (Small line) use Support croSS member by means of 45/16 Allen head cap a piece of welding wire fixed to anything on the motorcycle. Screws, and also has a rear shock mount machined right into Bend the free end over the line you drew on tape.
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